Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
Is there a way to download software to one computer (my laptop) and then transfer it to another (my main tower) for installation? My flight sim computer never goes on line. It's not set up to. Can I download additional aircraft to my laptop and then tr...
Dear Sirs I have downeloded the above plane but there's no way to make it work. I have done everyting asked but the airplane does't work in my Flight Simulater (FSX). The plane doesn't even apears in the list and images once open the FSX-Accelaration. I...
please send the microsoft flight simulator 2020 activation key to my email adresse
Does anyone know of any fiddles to refuel en route? Can't land at an airport in a Sunderland and doing the 1938 England - Australia route....
Im currently downloading a 2.2 gb file at 50kb/s when the download speed says it is 2mb/s...
I have just installed MSFS X and service pack one on a new windows 11 HP Omen computer. On loading some add on aircraft downloaded from fly away, some of the aircraft (not all) have parts missing and some areas transparent. Any suggestions to fix this ...
Hi all, I just downloaded the Washington state scenery add-on for FSX. I've looked at quite a few install tips, but none seem to work. One particular problem I see (besides it not working) is there is no texture file at all. The scenery files are all .bg...
I downloded the A340 -600 ,unfortunately it did not come with gauges ,just the emty Pannel! how do i get the gauges into my a340 ??? Thank you for the Help...
I have been trying to download the "FreemeshX USA LOD 12 of 50.92gb. I have tried 3 times without success. The download seems to work 100% to the end, but after some deliberation, it comes up as failed.. Have you any suggestions as to why this is happen...
Can someone please help me with the install of the fsx roads addon. I have tried pasting it in Fsx main folder like it says and it's not working. Please help ...
Hi all, I have tried four times now to download this package and everytime it finishes with "download error". All othe packages work fine but not this one. Any ideas please? Cheers, Stuart...
Can't find the ILS indicators for this aircraft, suggestions anyone? Loaded runway/vectors etc OK on the tiny GPS which shows the approach line, but can't see when to initiate the approach system....
I have dowloaded WOAI and installed the packages, but am not seeing any AI on my FSX. What can I be doing wrong?...
Will the Colorado Photoreal scenery for FSX work with ORBX vectors or do I need UTX?...
Can someone do a Beechcraft C18S texture of my father's Beech 18? Will give photos upon response. You can text me at: 352-575-7256, E-mail is will give specific details of aircraft then....
Looked at the text and PDFs in the download, not much help there for the MFD. I'm experimenting with it to figure out how it works. FSX standard keyboard, Autopilot section is helpful. Looking for any guidance or tutorials on the topic....
My free trial expired and requested an unlock code number. If unlock number was sent, it may have got deleted accidently. Through e-mails and letter, which came back with my check, undelivered. I would very much like an answer from some one. I think...
hello all, i like flying the toms 727 very much but the lack of nav and strobes lights is very disturbing, ive seen in a previous post that someone downloaded the and fixed there problem but that did not work for me, any one has any ideas on h...
Have downloaded and installed Paris Intra- muros v1.2 correctly in scenery library. However Paris remains default FSX scenery. When installing I was not able to select FSX Steam edition, this option was inactive so had to select FSX. Is this the problem?...
Anyone kow what happend to the WOAI webseite? It has not been working for a while now. is it off permanently? Getting an error 500 like the website does not exist. Had not used it for months an now nothing. Please answer as soon as possible. Thank ...
I have ORBX Vector and Global pack and want to download and install Colorado Photoreal scenery. The instructions seem overly simple. Right now, ORBX has the highest priority in my scenery libary. How/where do I add the photoreal scenery? ...
I accidentally deleted my Airbus A321's from the Airplane file in FSX whilst cleaning up and now cannot find a download that gives me the default files back. When I search for default aircraft it comes up in the description of new only textures downloads...
Apologies if this has been asked before but I can't find a search mode for the forums. Anyway, installed the c-130 and I can't set the altitude for AP. Shows the + and - but doesn't do anything. What am I missing?...
USA Mesh says to place scenery library location at the highest priority, whereas Global mesh says above default but below FTX, landclass, airports, etc. Is this the correct placement for both products?...
I have Spain scenery UHD v2 installed in X Plane 11. The folders are in the correct order in the scenery_packs.ini file but the scenery does not show in X Plane. I have tried changing the file order to the top of the list, so while not the correct positi...
Hello Is it possible to download only the part of mesh I need to use : 5 bgl files for coverage of Madagascar S20E040, S20E050, S30E040, S30E050 and a_madagascar1. Thanks for help. Pierre Mogenet...
Does FS Global Special Edition work in Flight Simuator X...
Mega pack A380 frchando fsx durante voo. Pushback ... como desativar? Pederiam me ajudar a entender o que esta ocorrendo?...
Greetings. I downloaded some scenery to use in Steam: MSFS X. How do I load it to the Steam edition? Thank you....
I have been unsuccessful trying to get the FSX Gloster gladiator to work. I ordered it through PC Aviator /Icarusgold. Tried to comment on fly Away but can't seem to get an answer.It was listed in an article. Even Ian Stevens has not answered me.The zip f...
I have downloaded the Boeing Callouts for FSX and they work fine with one exception. The system will callout all altitudes with the exception of 400, 300 and 200 feet. I have looked at the files and the callout altitudes are there but for the life of me...
Mk 1AHave downloaded the excellent Mk 1A spitfire model but have a question about activating the cannons - in the read me instructions it says to activate the guns use the 'smoke' key (i) but then suggests changing the 'strobe' key (i) to button 01(trigge...
Hello, I've downloaded the replacement texture .479r file for the original Luftwaffe/Italian Air Force F-104G in order to provide a USAF version. However, when attempting to leave and save the modifications to such file, a dialog box comes up saying I ...
Hi im new here, just download FSX for steam couple months ago and find this website to download an add-ons. but i have a problem when instaling the airbus add-ons from "" ...
Why is it after the new version came out, all the FSX file sizes have increased? Most aircraft have gone from 19mb to GB size. WHY??? Do not have that type space availabe....
Hi, I've downloaded the HS748 add on and I have a problem with the virtual cockpit - I don't have the rear left, rear and rear right views it's just black. I would be very grateful for any help here. Thanks...
I’m having trouble getting the SR 71 program to work. I’m sure it’s something simple but I can’t find it. The files & folders are in the proper place but nothing shows up in the flight sim. I’m running windows 7 and flight Sim X gold editi...
Can we edit the speed of the aircraft through the aircraft.cfg file? I tried it but my plane went up, and started spinning out of control....
I successfully downloaded the F-15E packages contained in this free download and everything appears in their correct loactions. Unfortunately the package doesn't come with any support on the official Milviz forums. The package is great and comes with m...
Having trouble with the instalation of carriers Nimetz & Eisenhower version 2.0 by javier fernandez. need help...
i recently downloaded an addon plane, a 707. after getting everything in place and loading in the sim, the virtual cockpit was completely gone/wouldn't load. i read the readme, which told me that for people using fsx acceleration (me), i should play in 10...
Can anyone tell me why 'AI Ships' keeps disappearing in the drop down lists of 'Add-Ons' in my FS titlebar. I have downloaded and installed USS Nimitz and Eisenhower Carriers together with Lamont Clarks AI Carriers for FSX. It appears on my Add-Ons and ...
Hi, I download the Blue angels f-18 super hornet folder and I paste it into the main aircraft directory but the add-on still didn't work, it didn't showed up in FSX ...
Hi, I download the Blue angels f-18 super hornet folder and I paste it into the main aircraft directory but the add-on still didn't work, it didn't showed up in FSX ...
Okay, After years of downloading from your site by free download speeds, I paid for a year's membership. I have a 400Mbs wired LAN connection and Ookla Speedtest confirms my download speeds. Yet, my download speeds on Fly Away Simulations are still...
I have windows 10 and a good (HP)desktop. I have downloaded 11 aircraft , however the Aeronca c3 ,and the Ryan Navion show up with the pilot flying without an airplane around them! I followed all the instructions for placement of folders in the correct ...
I'd like to remove the copilot from the Citation since she blocks my view to the right, and I can't even get her to read a checklist :) Anybody know how to do this? Ed...
Hi, I am trying to download FreMesh X for FSX and it sarts ok but keeps failing? Any ideas why that could be? Is there any other way of obtaining the file like a torrent? Any advice would be really appreciated. Thanks Martyn...
Which Mesh should I install for florida_photoreal_xp11...
Error could not load image file for terrain Florida_130 terrain 28144_17808_NAIP16_sea_overlay.ter...