Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
I'm not sure what is going on but it seems that every time I spend some time toggling between camerviews, on about the fourth time, I get the hourglass and FSX crashes, restarts. I thought it had to do with the camerviews I configured on the Aircraft.CFG ...
I have FSX Acceleration (DX10 preview switched off) and am using the Just Flight Flying Club Piper Archer/Warrior. Everytime it rains I get a solid colour on the windscreen instead of the outside view. Screenshot available here:
is there a piper cherokee six for fsx?...
can anybody tell me where i can find a commander 115 for fsx that is not payware?...
Does anyone know where i can get a globe swift for fsx?...
Hello fellow simmers, I have the F-15 and F-14 from IRIS but the keep locking up my computer. Out of all the aircraft I have, these are the only 2 that cause this problem. I was woundering if there was any other top F-15 and F-14 models (with full realis...
I've added the above but I'm mystified about what improvement I should be seeing. Can anybody tell me how it improves FSX + Service Pack 1?...
I installed FSX Acceleration. It told me to uninstall SP2. Is this right? Does Acceleration have SP2 built in or do I need to reinstall? Thanks Any other things I should know about with Accel......
Does anybody know when Real Environment Extreme will be available? Jetman...
i just downloaded a turbo beaver from simviation, the emerald one. it seems to gave the same propblems that plague the ported over 208 amphib from fs9. however, i noticed a switch on the dash that says "chase mode" what is chase mode? what does it do? i...
has anyone come across any first choice airways textures for the default a321 anywhere? (for download) do u have any suggestions of where to look? i've tried avsim already. thanks :-)...
FSX - Rewards - Visit Series - Country - Various Overview - Collections of free-flight "FSX postcard rewards" for your Pilot Records. For those of you who already fly extensively, or those who don't yet, to further encourage you to do so. Rewar...
Could anybody advise whether you need FSX Deluxe in order to run PIC 737? I have PIC 737 cd for fs2004 but have just bought an upgrade to fsx/vista. None of the buttons work, the instruments, gauges and displays do not appear to be on. Does any...
last night i ported over the jenny from fs9 but i used a re-written cfg file i got from another forum. wow! what a difference! i really enjoy flying it this way. if any of you are interested let me know and i will post a link to the improved cfg....
hi m8's well im i've done the search and also have download from other sites, but im currently searching for this planes. Lockheed P-3P ORION Casa C-212-300 AVIOCAR Marcel-Dassault Falcon 50 Casa C-212-100 AVIOCAR Lockheed C-130 H / H-30 Hercules ...
Anyone know of any that is framerate friendly....
how do you install addon scenery?...
Every free aircraft I have downloaded from any site, functions perfectly, gauges and panels look fine, outside appearance is good, and view from "Cockpit" is fine. Whenever I switch to "Virtual Cockpit", for the aircraft which have that feature, I se...
today I had a problem with avsim, whenever I log in it says "cookie problem with browser". I have logged in several times into avsim and dowloaded things in the past. I didn't put any add-ons to my browser, firefox, and didn't change my settings. I also t...
i know that somewhere i saw a download for porting over the one from fs9 into fsx but now i cant find it. does anyone know where it is? i copied one straight from fs9 to fsx, but it jumps in the water and i am hoping the download one will fix that....
abacus V2 so far works ok, but... Looking at other repaints, I can still see the rivets and the lines from the different metal sheets to make the planes' exteriors. I love that look, its authentic. When I repaint, the color, reflection, etc looks go...
I have fx deluxe edition, every time i download a new liverly getting error message, check the path way. Can someone help me with windows Vista. A step by step instructions on how to download using Vista. Thanks, feeling stupid!!!!!!...
Just downloaded the B-47 stratojet from alphasim, loaded it into fsx, and comes out only showing the interior. I have posted an email to them, and waiting on a reply,but I just thought someone here might have an explanation. https://forum.flyawaysimul...
Hi guys, FSX newbie here (actually FlightSim newb in general)...I noticed all of a sudden my DG-808 that comes stock with FSX has an unresponsive left aeileron/flap. It's always in the fully-extended position and none of the controls (keys or joystick) wi...
I'm looking for a two seater Extra, anyone know one or the model number of the R/l two seaters, that'd be great thanks. 🙂...
Can anyone help? Is it possible to download a 737-300 on fsx with all the new features that are offered by fsx, such as virtual cockpit, right hand seat views and use of the fmc etc? I downloaded the air new zealand 737-'300' but it appears to have a ...
Just wondering where a guy could find these planes...are they available as freeware or only payware? Whichever, could someone let me know where to find them because those planes are cool! Wouldn't mind any 130's actually though, same with a nice mid-a...
Anyone know of any addon that will REALLY enhance the clouds look. I already have X Graphics and Active Sky. They're good but I was looking for something mucho bettah for the clouds. Any ideas? -Kareem...
I don' t understand this software at all...To me its not easy in anyway..Maybe i m missing something...But I cant get it to work...I mean the software runs...its just to do the actual paint job is a mission...I have no clue...I click on he wand and then t...
i've been playin around doin flights from places that i wouldn't normally go to, and i found this little island off the coast of indonesia, which is supposed to be part of australia. the airport i take off from is cocos keeling intl (YPCC) and my destinat...
I have had the above downloaded to FSX for some time now, and it is an excellent add on. The problem I am having, is that I am not getting the call outs for V1, VR, Minimums, Retard etc etc I get the call out for 80kts, gear up/down, flaps up, 100f...
Hi all. I've had FSX since it was released but my PC wasn't up to spec. Anyway, its now sorted and I reinstalled it last week. I had loads of original scenery for FS9, the huge boxes of MegaScenery, most of the great GeoRender stuff like Emma Field, ...
Feel stupid, but added some missions today, now when i load fsx up it says "no missions available". The directory exists and is populated with all including new ones added. Any Help to get my missions back??...
I seem to have this problem with some add-ons. Even though the plane is flying 'level' at cruise speed, when you go to spot view it seems to be flying with a high angle of attack. Is there something I can change in the aircraft.cfg file to make this a lit...
Kai Tak fans is an awesome download of Hong Kong famous Kai Tak airport and surrounding area, including the checkerboard approach. The detail is phenomenal a truly must have for kai tak .....9Dragons....comes in 5 separate files....
New at this, which ones can you use to add different logos to my FSX. What do i look for on the downloads.? Any help would be great !!!!...
Hello everyone, I'm considering purchasing Abacus Flight Deck 5. Does anyone know how it compares with the carrier missions on the acceleration pack? I have noticed that on the Acceleration Missions you can not instant replay to view the landings from ...
Hi, Just bought a CH Throttle Quadrant and am having some issues, no doubt due to my lack of computer skills. I've installed the quadrant, but not the levers do not coordinate with the game? Instead of; Throttle/Throttle, Prop/Prop, Misture/Mixture, ... I was told it's only for fsx but here it says it for both fsx and fs2004 is this true? also does MY Traffic X slow down frame rates? will it make your game lag? right now my se...
I really would like to have a freeware version of Captian Sims' AC-130 gunship. I saw the video of it an I like to say that it's incredible!! Working weapon systems, for the Bofors cannon to the twin Gatling guns!!! Bad news is that you have to pay for th...
i just purchased flight deck 4 and am having problems. the carrier seems to be in the water, with the wake comming over the top? Anyone one else have this program and any ideas as to what is going on? I went to the site and downloaded an update to the ...
When flying one of the A300 planes in FSX and after having reached the CRZ ALT, at what point do I start the decent process? I've seen in the tutorial, how it shows that I'm supposed to watch the little arrow in the ND. But I thought the ATC was supposed ...
i am haveing trouble with the gauges in the cockpit of the PMDG 747-400x i load it up and after 30 sec the avionics go out :x :x and i need help please!!! :o...
Hi I've just bought UT2007 and installed it on a fresh install on FSX with service pack 2 I've compiled the flights and added the objects line to the cfg file Howver, all my UT aircraft are showing up as unpainted objects, i.e white shells with n...
After shopping around for a faster cub, it's becoming apparent that FSX default aircraft are tough competition for addon creators! Currently running FSX Sp2 and just started 7 day free trial of Abacus Platinum Aviat Husky, it looks good on my computer ...
Hello, I have downloaded Easyjet, BMIbaby and other airlines onto my FSX, as AI aircraft, the question I want to ask is that ATC does not use 'Easy' as the callsign or 'Thomson' for Thomsonfly aircraft but uses the flight number, yet for BMIbaby ATC do...
How do I get flightsim X to recognize my downloads? I have them installed and on my desktop I just need to know where and how to move them to... 😞 ...
I need to get a tutorial that discusses how to tweak or add custom cabin announcements to the Flight Deck Companion (FDC) addon. It's a cool addon but want to do a little tweaking on it. If no tutorial exists, then a regular manual for this addon would be...
I haven't been able to find a fully functional (or a realistic looking one for that fact) for the F-14. Can someone find me one or make me one please? Specs:
I loaded FSX Deluxe with SP1 then Acceleration Pack and I cannot find any carriers other than the one tutorial and when in that I cannot get one to come up on the map or GPS....