Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
I've been looking all over for an updated version of the generic Garmin gps unit that comes with planes that don't have them built in the MFD but so far I've come up empty. Anyone know of any Garmin G1000 Addons? I've been hoping someone updated it w...
Hi, i was wondering, are the Multiplayer servers by GameSpy are still up?...
I made the mistake of installing FSX without SP-1 and SP-2. My aircraft played for a while and then everything stopped. It then stated I needed SP-1 and SP-2. I downloaded them, but have been trying for several months to figure out how to put them into th...
I have a pretty good pc that can run alot of games. I had lots of freeware installed which caused lag. I uninstalled them and it and there was no lag. But in multyplayer where people use freeware. Every time I move my camera around the cockpit, I get craz...
Hi all! I've searched quite a bit all over the net for this specific information, but didn't found a precise answer. I have FSX-SE, with quite a number of additional aircraft, majorlly freewares but also a number of payware from Steam, and I started to ge...
Recently downloaded Douglas C-47R Skytrain V3.12 Beta version and also .14 but for some reason i face this issue. Is there any way to fix this issue. Regards, Manu Bhas
Is there any new tools that allow me to start my plane from aircraft carrier that I give specific locations?...
Hello, if some has flown PMDG 737 NGX by making route and setting up FMC manually for route, If possible, I want to come on chat to understand departure steps like 1. Requesting Taxi Clearance to the runway which I have inserted on FMC2. Requesting Take ...
Hello, This is Jas, while flying On PMDG 737 NGX on fsx, how I can obtain contact with atc for taxi, departure and take off clearance? Let's say I am going from KLAX to KPHX. Hope to see some advice. Thanks Jas...
When the lights are on, outside the aircraft and the tires have the same problem when landing .the smoke and the lights are square instead of being blinking.This problem occurs since one or two weeks and i did not make any change in the aircraft. Thank...
I've been going crazy for a few days to understand the purpose and use of the two GNS 430 mounted on the Seneca V Carenado. To fly with GPS, one is enough; I tried to fly with the traditional Vor system in Vor, thinking that I could set a route on GPS1 an...
Hey....... My FSX acceleration needs a product activation key and I don't have since I downloaded it online..... What should I enter as the product key?? ...
Any tweek available/known for getting the progressive taxi back to "visible". After installing unknown scenery updates teh progressive taxi feature shows ever-so-briefly then is covered up. Any suggestion to get this layer visible when selected would be v...
Why are some of my runways appearing to be sat on a ledge/shelf as I approach them ?...
Hi all Could someone please help me as i am having some isues with flghtsim X when i load the game and play then change views this happens the plane and building vanish. Its like they are ghosts. Any help would be realy greatful ...
How can I disable GPWS call outs on some of my aircraft?...
Been using MS-FS since it's inception. Curious if anyone knows a way, that I have been unable to find, to enlarge the openning screen (Home - Free Flight - Mission - et cetra). It only fits roughly half the screen and can be very difficault for these o...
HI! I have a question. I want more realistic cargo trucks and please put stairtrucks in microsoft flight simulator steam edition. thanky...
Hello Again, I've just tried to download MilViz F-100D to FSX using Windows 10. During the download the dialog box "DLL.XML not found. A manual search and update is recommended." I nevertheless proceeded with the download. Certain items in the cock...
Hi! Im from estonia! I want to ask something, are the stairtrucks in fsx? when fsx dont have stairtrucks, could you please put stairtrucks and terminal buses in fsx? and please put airbus a380 and beluga airbus too. Tomi Malv...
Hi guys! I have a problem to install my FSX so first of all I already had the FSX on my PC I had some problems and then I uninstalled the game and when I trying to install I put the first CD and then the second around 97% the game stops and ask to put the...
no virutal cockpit and 2 d cockpit is mostly blank, just beige outline and no guages etc... I extracted the folder to my simobjects\airplanes folder in the steam, steamapps, common, fsx folder. ... any idea why panel may be completely blank, and was there...
Hello again. Can you recommend an add-on for FSX that provides static aircraft at airport gates? Some of the airport and terminal add-ons are really great, except that they are empty. Who has ever been to a major airport that's deserted? ...
I am looking for real life updates for the GPS in FSX. I have tried several sites, but their updates are not current. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!...
Hello again, I'm in the process of trying to import an add-on aircraft into the Kiosk mode of FSX. All has gone well except for adding a picture to the Kiosk home screen. I have taken a screen shot, reduced it to the proper dimensions and saved it as...
Installing either payware or freeware aircraft in FSX there are no textures. No VC textures or outside textures. Gauges in VC show up but that is it....
FSX running in windows 10 suddenly stopped responding to attack 3 joystick. It works OK from keyboard and joystick calibration is OK. I have rebooted pc and disconnected and reconnected joystick without success. What do I do now?...
Has anyone figured out how to program a keybord or Flight Control button/bottuns to plus or minues the heading hold selector ? I am flying the default Beechcraft King Air 350 Using FSX DVD Box version...... Thanks ! AND ya its on my home made cockpit buil...
Hello again. I have been using FSX Acceleration on a Windows 10 Home computer. I have purchased another Windows 10 Home machine intended to be a dedicated gaming machine for FSX. Is it possible to use original FSX/Acceleration on both machin...
Hello, When starting FSX I get 2 dialog boxes relating to missing or corrupt files. How they got this way, I have no idea. The dialog boxes read: SCENERY.CFG file error. Invalid Remote scenery path in scenery Area 110. Click OK to continue. S...
Is there a telephone number ofr support of Microsoft Flight Simulator X...
can you use de havilland in free flight...
Hello, There are several airports where the program puts trees right at the beginning of the runway thresehold!!! Very tall trees right before landing, really??? Trees??? Conifers in Cancun??? Some other airports don't have trees but they do have an...
I was having problems with aircraft being WHITE with no texture. I was told to uncheck the "Preview in DirectX10" window. The textures worked but the ATC window was all blurry and unreadable. They said on here to check video card. I updated my AMD video c...
Hi All- I'm enjoying FSX very much except for one consistently annoying problem. In mid-flight, FSX randomly minimizes (does not exit or crash). I can still see that it is running on the tool bar and the task manager. When I click on it to maximize,...
Hello, I'm maintaining Flt Sim computers for a museum. We've used the Kiosk mode of FS9 for years with great success. We would like to upgrade to FSX for the better graphics. Does FSX contain a Kiosk mode? If so where can I find it? If not, what wou...
Hello, I am looking for honest and frank assessments from anyone who has used, or who use the PilotEdge software. Thank you in advance. Kind Regards, Gordon...
Hello pilots, i've been flying in FSX for a while and today i wanted to add a skin of my favourite company, which is TAP from Portugal. I went to see a video to learn how i would do it, and it said that i needed to copy something to a filed called "aircra...
Hey guys/girls. Im trying to instll FSX but my DVD drive wont read the disc, the light just keeps flashing. Im not brilliant with computers, but i can normally work things out. Im not missing anything am I? Cheers in advance Bounce...
FSX was installed when I had Windows 7. I upgraded to Windows 10, and it still worked well. However I uninstalled it from my C: drive to reinstall it on a new, bigger, faster, SDD drive. After solving the IDRIVER. EXE issues, I get the opening installatio...
Night Vision...
Need help ! Before I started the Add on quest I had downloaded SP 2. Ran it went from my Windows 10 general download folder thru set up...... Thought all was good. Added airport scenery design. Made a couple of airports. Now I want to get on vATSIM.... Ca...
Can I assign a button on my yoke to transmit and receive from ATC...
Can somebody tell me which keys and how to use reverse thrust on FSX please? Ron...
Hello, I just found your forum and it seems the right place to get help. I played FSX before, on the same PC but with another controller. Since I re-installed the game, every plane, in any condition and any realism setting tilts to the left in flight. J...
Hi, a few months ago FSX started stuttering. It happened randomly overnight. One day it was fine, next day it wasn't. No updates or anything that could alter my computer of FSX were done around this time. The stuttering looks like the game is jumping aro...
The title says it all. How do I configure my Left/Right mouse yoke axis to control both Ailerons and Rudder at the same time? So that when i'm landing, I could control the Rudder more easily. I remember my FSX worked this way, but I don't remember how I d...
Has anyone completed the mission titled limited Options on flight simulator X?...I have landed on Hanimaadhoo successfully but have not been able to reach the airport at Male, I keep arriving about 15 miles too short.....tried all kinds of different desce...
Hi every one, i'v got two problems, one, my scenery area in FSX scenery library is empty, thou the enabled tick column is ticked. this is from priority 1 to 245. Problem two is "C: users;coert ;appdata;roaming The appdata and roaming is not there. Being f...
Hy. how can I activate a second copy of FSX..... please!...