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IM starting a virtual airline for FSX im need a painter that will work for free or someone to tell me how to repaint aircrafts in fsx Contact me on
How to Get the Full Version of Fraps for FREE Just see this on youtube and this kid is a genius...I did it and its working fine. (I took the risk because i am at work and using Office PC 😂 😀 Its safe) This is the link below to...
Am having my neighbor build me a set up for FSX. This is what he is looking at. What do you think? Should I "beef up" any component(s)? Thanks. Peter...
Anyone on here know anything about saitek pro flight components? I have purchased a few items and they are giving me trouble. I have the yoke and throttle setup and just recently purchased the rudder pedals also. Before I got the rudder pedals I was ...
I have Shupe's Dash 7 and am using it in FSX Acceleration. Have everything working well including fixing the graphics on the propeller spin. What does bug me is that when I select the plane it reports that HGHB_ALTWARN_LIGHT, AOAIND, PJD Hydralic Pressu...
Good job, Iris Simulations.... I got a case of crow to eat now. I just took possession of the new F-15 Strike Eagle, the Mudhen Driver. All I can say now that there is two top tier combat aircraft for FSX.... the VRS Superbug and now the Iris Platinum Ser...
I have purchased the radio panel and the autopilot multi control panel. 2 things: On the radio panel, is there any way to make the other radios active, besides com 1 without having to use the mouse on the screen? On the autopilot panel, when i swit...
I never had this problem before i installed fsxsp2 now i get this any ideas how to fix or do i dont need fsxsp2? after i installed fsxsp2 it solved some of my other posts on here. i now can take off from the gate with fsxsp2 but if i take it off dosnt...
how do i change sim rate? the directions say push R but that doesnt work. thanks...
After I got my new laptop which is a Dell Inspiron 17R I installed FSX and the Acc. expansion pack. It worked just fine with no issues at all. But I stopped playing for awhile to get back into Jane's USAF on a different computer. Now that I came back to F...
I recently built a PC, just for gaming, and when I ran FSX SP2 I was extremely dissapointed at how some things in the game looked. I have a 24" asus VE248 LED monitor, an nVidia GT 560 TI graphicvs card, and a quad core processor to boot. Ample power for ...
😞 I'm not sure what im doing wrong. I have used the woai installer and started downloading traffic. I dont know if im loading the traffic into the game correctly. Can anyone show me the steps?...
My landing smoke is black is that right? I thought it was white. right? Also I see more of a black smoke behind my planes. Is there a basic reason why?...
I happen to do some music recording, and own a novation midi controller. A Midi sound board creates digital signals based on the positions of its controls that a computer can read, as opposed to manipulating analog signals like a traditional sound board....
Just downloaded the Cirrus SR20 file from Fly Away. All the files seem to be in the proper folder, but when I launch the plane in FSX, there are no interior graphics, just the outside scenery and the frame of the plane. Can anyone help? Please cc reply to...
Hi all from a newcomer ! For already a long while, I have been looking for the answer to this question : is the known problem about how activate the G1000 in the C172SP solved ? (as everyone knows, the G1000 exists on the genuine C172SP, but the knob ...
When I download airport design editor, i install everything. when i start it up, a little red box comes up and asks me which version i want to use, but i cannot press 'OK', only the x in the corner of the window. airport design editor then starts up, but ...
Hi everyone. I'm new with the whole simulation thing, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it. What I'd like to Know is how can I reset the steering wheel's possition after take off. I understand you can center it back to where it was after going left or ri...
can some1 plz give me the product key for Microsoft Simulator....not delux edition pl 😞 z...
For the life of me, I can't see the Northern Lights! I even tried flying all the way up from Greenland to Tiksi, Russia and still got nothing. Messing around with the Time and Season options didn't do it for me either. I thought it was implemented in FSX ...
Hey. When im playing FSX and i try to look around in the cockpit by pressing spacebar, it wont look around, it freezes straight ahead. Can anybody help me ????? 😳 😳 😳 😳 😳...
Can anyone advise re a conversion format for FS2004 scenery to FSX conversion? I have to hand 'Sydney Sea Bases, ( March 2004. I would like to convert to FSX for amphibious flying use. I've tried to contact Clive Marriott, who was involved in...
Hi, yeah .. I'm new here. I also really didn't see an Introduction for new members. Lets start here. Feel free to talk and introduce yourself here. I am approaching age 60 fast. I am married with 3 grown kids, with the last two finishing college. ...
Does anyone know (if possible) how to use the ILS on the acceleration F!-18 Hornet? Also, how do you navigate using VOR and ADF?...
I recently bought a copy of fsx deluxe, and have tried to install it on my pc many times, but with no avail. Every time I insert the disk into my dvd slot, I start to hear the disk turn, but then it stops, and my computer looks perfectly normal. However, ...
Intel P67, SATA 6Gbps, USB 3.0 Intel Core i7 2600K -processor, 3.4GHz 8GB DDR3 1333MHz ram 1TB SATAII Hard drive NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti, 1GB GDDR5 GPU Antec Sonata III ATX case, equipped 500W power supply Price:969€ OR Intel P67, SATA 6Gb...
Cera Simaircraft has released their latest helicopter, the Bell 222. Here are a couple of screenshots, since I haven't really have time to shake this bird down yet:
Back before my PC went down in August my friend and I purchased the Pacific Island Simulation PNG: Bush Pilot scenery pack. It's LOADED with a ton of airports on Papa New Guinea including large hubs and small and almost impossible to spot/land strips. We ...
Hi all, I just installed FSX last week and I'm just doing the newbie missions. But, I seem to be having problems with releasing the brakes on some of the planes in the newbie missions. The period is supposed to release or disengage the brakes but it ...
I am a newbie to flight simulator x, and i am seeking somw pointers here. I am able to line the aircraft up with the runway using ILS, but the plane seems to refuse to go onto the glide slope. Why is that so?...
Hey guys, I have a problem with a camera views in Virtual cockpit. While on the ground and the engines on idle, VC camera views works fine. I can move (SPACEBAR + MOUSE) around and the cam view will stay where I want it to be. However, when I accel...
How do I turn on the red display at the top of the screen that shows lat/long, kias, altitude, wind velocity and direction, etc? I have forgotten how to toggle it when in locked spot mode! It is very useful when on approach and landing in locked spot mo...
Hello. My better computer is broken, and it is in repair, and because of that, i wanted play FSX Deluxe with my laptop. But when install is in that process where is maybe about half installed and there is Boeing 747 in sky picture, installation stops, it ...
I don't know i anyone else has this problem. When I change the assignments for the key/joystick, the changes will work for the flight I have in progress, however the next time I open FXS, the program will revert back to the key/joystick control settings I...
Hi guys and gals, So I'm geeting a bit long in the tooth with this computer business and gone are the days of 486's, pentiums and p2ntium 2's which were cutting edge in my day. |But gladly tech moves on. So, on the advice of a good friend and having...
I need a kneeboard addon for 737-800, But the speed has to be in knot for the uk. Is there any addons?...
has any one made a crack for the time limit in fsx starting to get annoying ❓...
From out of the blue, all of the lights in FSX, aircraft, runways, etc.; are surrounded by a small square. Don't knw what that's all about. To make matters worse, I took off in a DC-7 and hit the smoke button. The smoke appeared - but in the vertical pla...
hey there i have just set up fsx on my laptop and 2 things really first off i dont no how to set the plane so all the systems r off from the start its keeps starting the flight with the engines already running and secondly some on the instruments on the d...
When I start the FSX sim it can take ant where from 1 to 7 minutes to load. What is going on. I have an HP AMD X4 and have 8 gig of ram. Any ideas. Please help....
Hi everyone in fs world I wonder is there any Downloard scenery for the world airport? Like my Singapore airport or the rest of the world Thank you...
Been awhile since I have been on this forum, but have gotten good help in the past. Just wanted to know if anyone out there has the Saitek BIP and knows if you can assigned specific switches to specific lights. For example, I have two lights that tell m...
What in the hell is the Tower Controller does and what feature is that???...
Hi, I have been looking on the web for a fix to my screen flickering to no prevail. Could someone help me and tell me if there is a possible fix for this? I know it happens on the DX10 preview but it also does it when I run DX9. The runways texture flicke...
Has 1 been added to the add ons here on flyaway? This craft really excites me. I'm 31years old right meow. Hoping to own 1 by 60.. lol by then either humans won't be here anymore or we will have carcrafts going into space... What a dream that would be Eh?...
I have contacted Microsoft about 3 times before, due to this lost product key. now since i wiped my computers hard drive, i don't feel like calling them again. so i was wondering if any of you actual buyers of the game, like myself, can tell me the produc...
Hey, i am running FSX with a fairly high end video card, an overclocked nVIDIA Go 7900 GS, yet everytime i go into game, if i use high settings, ultra high, or low settings, the graphics look like complete crap. I can see everything fine, but the graphics...
Is everyone on summer vacation? Or did my PC crash cause everyone to stop posting? :c)...
I have downloaded a couple of add on planes for FSX. They show their paint colour in the preview but after selecting them, they do not have any livery while flying. What do i need to do to rectify this?...
I am missing it somewhere, but I cannot seem to figure out how to change the current location or current aircraft in the free flight screen. Where do I look to make the changes, if I can? I would like to add that what I want to change is the default loc...