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I installed MSFS 2022 via the original box, my HD crashed and when I attempt to reinstall it won't accept the already used serial/code. How to recover access?...
Somehow I've lost the definition of craggy mountain slopes I used to have. Now they appear only as 'poorly defined mounds' I'm no expert on the Options page in MSFS so, if anyone can help me fix this problem I'd certainly appreciate it....
I have the sim running okay and downloaded the Alaska Bush Trip challenge. All seemed fine till I went to run it and it gets to the point showing the legs of the trip on screen and I click to load it and it gets to about I'd say 75% and then MSFS shuts do...
Good Day, I would like to know the procedure in sight of placing an order for FS2020 English US. Version physical disk version. THANKING YOU IN ADVANCE... Best Regards, A.WEISHAUPT...
I have a copy of Pilot2ATC and enjoy using it with x plane 11. Just wonder if I can use P2A on the new FS2020 or is that option built into the software? Filing a Flight plan, talking with ATC and other things....
At CYND Gatineau airport, the rotating beacon is placed right in the middle of the rwy 09/27 at the taxiway intersection. How do we proceed to get this anomaly corrected?...
Level at 10,000 ft I get a pop-up window "Airspeed above 74.0 kts.", with a decription of how to reduce airspeed in the climb. There are other windows as well, which are meaningless and annoying....
Guess I'm hoping like everyone else that freeware aircraft, scenery, and liveries will be available and able to be installed on the new flight simulator. Would really like to see my 747-8 and A320 in some other airline liveries than just the Airbus and...
Is there a Lancaster Bomber version available for MSFS 2020? I am a volunteer at the Historical Aircraft Museum in Windsor. We have a Lancaster being restored and I would like to show the plane in action on our tours....
Does anyone know if MSFS 2020 will have an instruction manual we can download?...
Will I need a setup code for the disk MSFS version available at Amazon in the UK? I would be able to order it. I think my wireless speed is too slow for the download. And it would, be possible for me to have it shipped for not unreasonable postage. But I...
Hi everybody How can I change the aircraft identification from AS-XGS1 for an other ident.? Best regards, Reggie...
My specs: Intel Core i7-7700k CPU (4 Core) 4.20GHz 16GB Ram GTX 1060 Not specs but i have around 1.2TB memory spare. ...
Have attempted to download to fs2020 and will not work. Have made sure that as instructed it goes to the community folder and could not get any joy. I did have success with Orbx London landmarks going to the community folder, so can not see why Fly Away S...
FS 2020 is a beautiful program visually. I am a lifetime aviator and just want to mess around and enjoy the scenery and do a little buzzing in other words - free flight. WTF! In FSX you got to choose but this program will prang your A/C out of your co...
Will FS2020 have a sim time acceleration rate feature like the FSX? EX: the X2 X4 X8 ext? I have not found that info anywhere. ...
What will be the best or next best tabletop computer for FS 2020? Eventually, I may run 4 monitors and want to have smooth running scenery maxed out in ultra....
Hi Guys, I wonder if anyone can assist. I used to create aircraft for FSX under the name Simshed and have been thinking about getting back into the game for MSFS 2020. I appreciate that the entire process will have changed so what I'm looking for is a bre...
I finally worked out how to get away from the preset views and use the touchpad to look around the cockpit (as this most closely resembles sitting in one) by using FREE LOOK only when I select this the cursor disappears so not only can I not operate the a...
How can I get the camera to look around the plane (views) like in FSX where you have the inside, outside, tower, and ground views?? thank you....
Can anyone tell me where to get airport "Charts"?...
I cannot find what to select on my T-flight hostas-x controller for the brakes to work....
I have bought and tried to install the program but it does not install. It takes over 18 hours to download from the internet and then after it downloads 130g of data it shows that it has to update and then after ten hours it is still updating and the gree...
I downloaded and installed and extracted it to the root directory as instructed, C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MicrosoftFlightSimulator\microsoft-aircreation582sl, and I can not see it in my useable Aircraft list. I ...
No matter what I do my aircraft all move in reverse whenever I release the parking brake. I've tried three different aircraft at three different airports, I've turned off FS2020 and restarted from scratch . . still have the same problem... Any suggestion...
With all versions of MSFS, I used ADF to fly NDB to NDB. It was easy to use the radio stack and tuned the appropriate frequency. I am not able to do that with 2020. I can't find how to use ADF and tuned frequency with the G1000. I would like also how to h...
What city is the opening screen on startup? MSFS 2020 Steam ...
Hi, I have managed to find out that MSFS 2020 is supported by 8 different languages. I really need to find out if all of the languages are available in every installation, or, if each installation is country/language specific. I am an Englishman living...
For a couple of weeks now I have had MSFS start and once it gets to the screen with the Arc de Triumph in Paris pops up a box saying it needs a mandatory update from the Microsoft Store and I have the choice of OK, nothing else, so OK and we go to the sto...
In MSFS 2020 I want to buy add-ons from Market Place in the sim. None of the items for sale will allow me to buy them. When I click on Purchase/Buy Now nothing happens. It's worked in the past but now it won't....
Used to be able to not only zoom in on the world map but also scroll sideways and up and down. . Now only zoom works. Any solution or advice will be greatly appreciated....
I installed MS Flight Simulator 2020 on my D:/ drive using the default install routines...I can't find it! The simulator runs fine but how do I locate the "Community" folder where I need to install some additional scenery? There seems not to be a Folder a...
How do I steer a MSFS2020 aircraft on the ground using a Logitech Pro joystick?...
Well, I have been playing around with MFS 2020 for over a week now and I have to say that it is shocking. Controls are way too sensitive instructions are dreadful and help is not available in short it is the biggest waste of £110.00 ever. I have altered ...
How do I set up the CH Eclipse yoke and CH Throttle Quadrant to control the aircraft?...
Hi, the recent mandatory update left me with the option to reinstall. Now addons in the community folder do not load in the sim. Seems the sim is looking elsewhere for these files. Used to use Watched Bases to find this location. WB is gone! I a...
How can I activate these pop-ups like the one for example that supposedly allows you to hide the yoke but as much as it lights up when selected it will not perform the activity it's supposed to. There must be an orientation selection that I haven't mad...
I am new to the Flying Community and intend to purchase MSFS 2020 shortly. I was told that there is some restriction that MS puts on you in the version purchased directly from Microsoft and that I should buy my copy from Steam online. Is there any tru...
Must I use the mouse to select buttons/settings on the instrument panel? I have USB hardware modules for FSX but don't think they will work with fs2020 yet....
Having purchased the full De Lux version of the new FS2020 and I have still the original 1982 versions plus 95, 98, 2000 leading up to this latest version,and to be honest it's given me lots of satisfaction using skill and judgement when flying whether do...
Here I sit in front of my computer as frustrated as Elizabeth Taylor's eighth husband on their wedding night...I have been trying to set up some exterior views to no avail...Here's what I have been trying to accomplish: Starting out simply, I want to prog...
Hi, I would like to know if, in the new MSFS 2020, it is possible to change the data that is recorded every time a flight session is opened. (e.g. I start a flight but interrupt the session before taking off, this will still be written to the log but I wo...
All my mountainous scenery has degraded since I installed the latest Oceana and Antarctic upgrade. Just the rock textures mostly as well as some ground definition. Still clear as usual but lacking previous details like sharp rock faces and well-defined cr...
MSFS. The question is the following: Is this a stand-alone similar to FSX? Or is it an XBOX thing? Not sure now that I want to purchase it. Thanks....
Can anyone help with the failure of MSFS2020 to load now that MS has given it to the Xbox "Gaming Service" I have tried everything. I do have the Nov,18 updates and it worked fine. Now, however, no matter how I attempt to load the program it goes to a...
My MSFS2020 (Steam edition) will not load without going through the last Mandatory update program, over and over.... which takes on an average of 8-12 hours to download and install this update. Is there a way to negate that requirement?...
I am interested in buying MSFS but would like to know about the radio and frequencies. When ATC contacts you to change frequency, must you manually dial in the frequency, or is it like FSX where you can just push "1" on the keyboard to change frequency??...
There are default keyboard settings for Cockpit Look Right (SHIFT+RIGHT) and Cockpit Look Left (SHIFT+LEFT). But these do not work in my setup. All other settings work fine. Can somebody help me please. Pramod...
Hello: I am using the Alpha Yoke with MS2020…I do not have rudder pedals (Yet!), so I have the “Auto Rudder” set to on…But, this seems to have no effect when trying to steer on the ground…Is there a way I can set my yoke to use the rudder contro...
Is there a way to "arm" the spoilers the way we could do it in FSX with ( SHIFT + / ) ? It was a handy way to have the spoilers deploy automatically on touch down. At the moment all I could find was the straight "deployment" using the "/" on the numeri...