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Hey i found a Yaht Club around Juliana in FSX Aep and i wanna know if their is any program that i can add a runway next to the house around it and call it my private Yaht club 😀. I know i might have to do some paints but if their is any program t...
Hi All, I'm new here. What a great site! I too have had the logbook disaster that seems to have hit a few people. This forum helped me out big time! A quick question for any of you kind folk who might know... I recently installed a Saitek X52 Pr...
After Sp2 install (see attached system details) I selected my ONLY add-on FSX - Cessna L-19D (O-1D) model 305C, Bird Dog, Military version on wheels L1...
wheres the link to get the aircarriers2. thanks 😳...
where can i get a good working a10 warthog...
I thought it was here that someone posted how to make a gaming profile with XP---- where to go to find out all system processes that were safe to shut off to make a gaming profile so I dont have a bunch of bg processes running to increase performance on m...
where is the aircraft carrier located in free flight tab....
Friends I just recently got a new LCD monitor 19" wide screen. After changing the resolution according to the screen I see a great drop in framerate in FSX, drop about 5-7. Has this resolution has an effect on framerate? I am using Vista 32bit E6420 Duo C...
Hello, I am trying to achieve (without sucsess) the following: When I load FSX to have the engines off by default and the parking brake set as default (everytime I change or go to a new airport the aircraft travels forward without the brakes set)? ...
how do u install the aicarriers2 program into a pc...or jus in what file do u put it in... 😳...
I know a lot if people would like to see Vista 64 disappear with respect to FSX and performance, but I am getting between 55-70- FPS with the following hardware and FSX settings. Granted I have one heck of a system, but it just goes to show you what DX 10...
What is the file name where all of my FSX flight accomplishments (badges, completed missions etc.) are stored? I want to be able to transfer these accomplishments from my old computer to my new one....
12:30 PM at Norfolk NS on FRIDAY. That is how you get the carrier thats when it docks irl and acceleration is very real, it has working ball/cat/cables....
is there anyway to fly the slingload mission in a easy cheat way....
well first off id like to say that they were there and i didnt erase i hope ! i now because earlier in the day i had flown 2 747's. ok now when i go to c:\Program Files \Microsoft games \FSX\sim objects/ airlplanes\b747 the whole directory is there and...
Hi All, Just to let u know that the sp2 is out for both products. I've downloaded them and they work great. Cheers, BB...
Fiiends after installing the expansion pack, FSX acceleration, the jetway is not funtioning. Has anyone noticed this?...
hey whenever i press shift e 2 the main exit closes or opens and thrust lever shows or disapeers how do i open the badgadge place pls help...
ScruffyDuck has just released a new Airport Design Editor. Airport Design Editor (ADE) is a graphical design tool to create and enhance airports for Microsoft Flight Simulator X. It takes it's inspiration from the excellent AFCAD2 developed for FS9 by...
Well, when I had XP it worked fine, then I upgraded to Vista and now I get a black screen whenever I want to fly. Even the area that shows the aircraft you've selected (360 view) is black. Yes I tried updating my Drivers. Yes my hardware is more than e...
Is it possible to choose gates at your arrival airport? It seems you just have to go to the gate to the one that FSX chooses for you, often all the way on the other side of the airport or somewhere you dont want it....
Approach into Blackpool ( sometimes they turn over my garden and sometime they come on a long straight appraoch like the ryanair) Jet2 737-300 G-CELC "Jo Whiley" (From my Garden)
Does anybody know how to direct a particular screen to an individual monitor. The simulator (an OV-1 Mohawk cockpit) has three LCDs. A large screen with a Fresnel lens for the outside view, a smaller screen set into the instrument panel for the instrument...
When trying to use the ADF in FSX on the 172, I can't get the ADF to switch on... When the mouse is dragged over the button the little hand pointer does not come on and I can't seem to switch on the ADF, what am I doing wrong? :oops:...
A couple of weeks ago I purchased RealAir's Bellanca Scout package. As a result, I've been visiting little air strips and lakes all over the north-western U.S. and other places like Alaska, etc. Most of these locations are great for scenery, but they are ...
hey ive just installed Photoshop cs3 and i want to modify aircraft but photoshop does not recognize .dds files what do i do cheers...
321 airbus in version x seems to have only nose gear brake. can not turn on auto braking for landing.using mouse as stated in the instructions. microsoft game support says this was left out some way. and has not made a patch to fix the problem....
Hello Fellow Simmers, We all have read "many" threads about some issues with Acceleration - ie: stutters / shimmers / VC Lighting / etc..................while others have had NO problems......................We know "some" are having no issues with DX10 ...
😀 I posted a message here requesting help on flying the optional mission to the Medical Camp. Someone kindly posted the suggestion to go to where various methods are...
hello guys, I was wondering if a SLI system was helping or supposed to help fsx.. I got 2 evga 8800 gts 640mb in sli and I have seen no result in fsx.. My pc seems to tell me the SLI is up and running but no relfection in fsx.. can someone tell m...
I have this weird problem with FSX. No matter what view, I have this strip of graphic error across my screen. It follows the plane where ever it goes and if you look in the right direction, there it is! I had to take a screenshot to explain what I'm talki...
Hi, i just downloaded the SP1 pack and i know im a bit slow but anyway it fixed all my problems except it has made a new one. I can't open my doors anymore????? They open util nearly all the way and then shut real quick, can anyone help???...
So my question is. I see videos of fsx and when they are landing the computer says minimums and then the feet from the ground as you are landing. Mine doesn't do this. Is this relative to the aircraft or a setting in fsx?...
Friends, I just got this FSX acc and installed & activated. Why is this whenever I start the game it requires for activation?...
Hi fellow FSX users. I have found an interesting location in FSX for anyone who wishes to test out ground vehicles. Culdrose airport is a Military base, located in Cornwall, UK - ICAO: EGDR Latitude: 50°05'10"N Longitude: 5°15'21"W (or approx 20 mile...
Is there a quick way of finding the runaway landing freq instead of using the Map option and locating it from there? Will my GPS tell me? If so, how do you do it? Jetman...
Whenever I am flying ILS and I setup the Nav1 freq and tower is having me cross the final, sometimes my aircraft turns the opposite direction away from the airport. My question is how do I know that I am on the back course or the primary course so my...
Hello fellow simmers, CAN'T find the thread on how we attach .jpgs to our new posts.........I KNOW I have seen it here, but just can't find it..................... Please point me to the right thread or Sticky. Thanks in advance, cthiggin...
Hey well i just installed windows vista 64bit and wenever i try to install flight simulatorx it sait internal error 2350 can someone help me how to fix it...
heres the worst with all settings turn down and avergeing 100fps 😳 and here are som...
Hi Im trying to find the FSX.cfg file to edit it (Want to add some senery to the game) , but iv searched in the Flight sim folder and i cant find it , is it located in another place? Matt....
Are you getting a message telling you an error occurred while attempting to activate FSX or that there is an incomplete installation? Have you tried to repair FSX and the repair fails on each attempt? Is it impossible to uninstall the remnants of the prog...
Hi folks I just want to share with you those that maybe having issues. # First of I have XP Pro SP1 and fully patched along with all Firmware/Driver updates for my rig. # Next I also run a mean rig meaning it's clean of all crap and well maintained....
Does anyone know if there is a source that defines all of the file extensions used in FSX and how they interelate with each other? I would like to understand exactly which files are required for add on scenery for example. I've noticed that some of the do...
Hi guys , just finnished my latest frag movie , comments serggestions all welcome ... aircraft is fs2004 converted to fsx...
Hello fellow simmers, YES, I know it's early inception of Acceleration.............. Mine loaded without a hitch last week............. NOW that I've had time to sim with Acceleration, I'm having some issues that need working on.... I have found on ...
Hi Everyone 😀 I am having problems when Reverse Thrusters are engaged, my frame rate becomes a slide show at around 1 fps 😞 As soon as I disengage the thrusters the frame rate jumps back to normal. I have had this problem on the o...
G'day, hope someone can help me please? My FSX has been working brilliantly ever since initial installation. I installed the update months ago and it has worked perfectly. Last week I got a couple of strange messages on opening the programme, about the...