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i can't find CD key for flight simulator X plz tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Good day all, my computer crashed and I had to get a new one and it has Windows 11. I managed to get FSX back up and running with no issues with my Addon's scener, aircraft and AI traffic etc. However, the Majestic Q300 is not working. I have contacted th...
i am having problem installing microsoft flight simulator x on Windows 10 home edition i get this error message: 1628: failed to comple installation HOw do i fix that?...
My fsx steam edition don´t work well. Get frozen and turn off. what can i do?...
Hey thereI recently added Dreamliner 787 mega pack aircrafts.I can choose from each 56 repaints an initiate flight.But I have a problem!Even when I set airline traffic and general aviation to max level, none of the new added planes are established and sho...
Hey guys I am going to be attending a Helicopter Training School in March and I have already ordered a set of MRVC Helicopter Controls $862.68 later but check them out plus a Pilot seat with adjustable everything $517.03. I wanted to know if anyone knows ...
Hi! I'm desperately trying to prevent FSX load up a default flight, when starting. But I've not been successful yet, so how do one prevent loading any kind of flight? I just want the damn main menu, and frankly, it pisses me off that it's made defau...
Hi, the newbiest of newbies here, asking the newbiest of newbie questions :) Is it possible to choose an aircraft, departure and destination airports, and then hit a key to have FSX run the entire flight automatically, so I can just enjoy the ride and th...
Hi, I´ve installed the fsx successfull. But if I want to start the game, this error!!!: FSX cannot run without a valid scenery.cfg. Plz reinstall fsx. reinstall doesnt work, same error!!! what can i do?...
I am more curious than anything. I don't have a high-end system nor room for additional gigabyte AI stuff so I am using the default AI traffic in FSX: SE. I have read that the AI traffic is produced using the aircraft in the current inventory. One ...
works fine on concole but with PC I crashes and says ( Your last session ended unexpectedly)...
I have been searching practically everywhere for somewhere to download FSX.exe. I downloaded fsx with selecting an install location and now i can't find the file anywhere and so would probably find it easier to download FSX.exe from somewhere. Normally i ...
Hi, I am new to the sim world and just got a hard disk original copy for MFSX. As expected all the navaids and frequencies are to those where active back in the day. Is there any safe way to update the whole Nav database and frequencies so that every...
Can anyone who knows about FSX a lot to help me overcome a problem where the land(mainly by the coast and all sea underneath or around the aircraft doesn't show up!) I see light blue covering the sea/land???? Has anyone had this problem with textures befo...
Can anyone send me the fsx.exe file, or give me a link to a website where I can download it? In a moment of madness I patched it with a program that I downloaded and now it gives an error message whenever I try to start it. I would re-install fsx, but my ...
hello.i bought Microsoft flight simulator X second hand and i installed everything. But when i try to activate the product key, it doesn't work. could you help me please. ????...
I have been having trouble downloading weather on FSX for quite some time. I found this forum about folks giving input on files to download for fixes. I went to the FSXWX site and installed the FSXWX client as well as the mapping.bin and cloud texture in ...
Bonjour, Je viens d'installer "paris intra muros" tout c'est bien passé, le probléme est que je n'ai pas le titre dans la liste de ma bibliothèque, est ce normal ? merci....
Got this message. The MSXML4 SP 2 component is not installed. Please reinstall flight simulator. The file id installed. Can I still use it ot do I need to purchase and install latest version?...
Hi, Im having trouble with my flight plan. This is the FSX flight plan that you can select before flight. When the plane is set for depature the Blue line route is only half the plan from take off and the other half during landing. Its not the entire...
Hello fellow fsx fans. I have problems with my fsx 1. I got a new laptop so I had to copy fsx into an external hdd to the new laptop. 2. FSX i copied does not display any aircraft and its just blank blue. Including the default aircraft. 3. Exiting fsx,...
Hi!! I need an activation code. Dont mind if its used! PLS!! :cry:...
I have a problem with the plane loading and the front wheel starts to turn the plane without any control. I have to reset the center rudder button keypad 5 but after I turn the plane around it starts to turn again. I checked the control panel and reset th...
I've noticed that certain default aircraft models like the Dash 8, Grumman Goose, and Maule Orion are present in the simobjects/airplanes directory of Microsoft Flight Simulator X but aren't available for flight in the standard version. These aircraft are...
I have recently purchased a black widow SL-6640 flight stick, and had some issues with the game coming up with an error when the stick was plugged in! I reinstalled the game and tried to re activate the game online but the game just came up with an error ...
Take the download (pop-up) of Active X and then it'll analyze your PC to see if can run FSX or not. (Link to Game Advisor removed because it has been discontinued) Microsoft's Official system requirements: * Windows XP SP2 / Windows Vista ...
I signed up for a monthly account and dowmloaded an addon scenery pak in my MFX game which didn't work. I do not want my membership to continue, so how do I cancel my account? I opened my account but I saw nothing that said "cancel account"?...
In the mission "Executive Tour", once I get past the shuttle, using ";" to save the spot, and sometimes using Esc, crashes the XP computer. This mission came with FXS Acceleration, I think. Does anyone know of a newer version of this interesting mission? ...
Hello folks, Well, I have tried the site for quite a while now and would like to cancel. But, there is no instruction on how to do this. I mostly joined hoping that there would be more mission submissions and I am disappointed by the lack of missions...
Salve a tutti ho acquistato da poco l' Eurofighter typhoon su steam per MFSX perche' volevo provare ad usare gli armamenti ma dopo aver studiato dai video prima di comprarlo e dopo averlo preso ho visto che l' intera cockpit era diversa rispetto ai video ...
My YOKO+ yoke was working great then all of a sudden, I cannot program or calibrate the yoke. I am running FSX. Help ...
When I go into FSX Flight Planner, as soon as I choose my origin and destination and Find Route, when I try to save the Flight plan FSX locks up and I have to restart. This never happened when I was running Windows 7 but happens almost all the time now th...
I was trying to fly from Crown Point TTCP to Piarco TTPP (somewhere in Trinidad, Caribbean) a number of times to find out an accurate fuel consumption. I deliberately wanted to run out of fuel when taxiing out at the destination. The FSX flight plann...
This works Log on to the computer. Exit any programs that are running. Click Start, type regedit in the Start Search box, and then press ENTER. If you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type the password, or click...
I just wanted to know, I have the yoke and pedals for the complete Annorak experience, but when I land and press F2 for rever thrust it doesn't work and says the key is unassigned. So I go into the menu and try to select F2 for reverse thrust and in...
Is there any way after displaying the MAP that you can unlock ir or send it to another monitor so it stays open? FSX or FSX-SE?...
I'm not sure what is happening but I cannot get GPS, Radio panel, etc by clicking on the panel square button or using the view instruments gps. All I get is a flash of a box and that is it. This is happening in FSX and FSX-SE. I was not touching any setti...
Hello. I have MS FSX running on Windows 10 but every time I load a flight, it terminates after 30 minutes with the message that my trial has expired and I have to run the program again. This means that all my flights are limited to 30 Minutes. I hav...
How come the most active runway at JFK in New York, and many others, do not have VASI Lights in FSX?...
I have a problem with the textures of my planes. When I load my planes, the plane is all white but the cockpit is okay.... Hi guys, Sorry I've not been around much the past couple of years. But I'm still flying. Been "Flying" this project for a...
I have FSX and I'm using the 172 with the G1000. I am trying to do the GPS approach but there is no CDI when the approach begins and it doesn't align with the proper heading. Does anyone have any idea what the issue is? Thank you for your help!...
After touchdown, the auto brakes engage and apply the right amount of braking, but they don't disengage when I brake manually or apply thrust. Any suggestions? I am using the default 737-800 (FSX: SE)....
Hello, So I'm flying a Katana on FSX, and I have a switch for the electric fuel pump. I can't seem to find anywhere in the configurations for key bindings that allows me to use the keyboard to turn it on and off. I can do it by clicking the switch with...
Hi, Basically when I am taxiing and taking off the speed indicator works fine. When I'm in the air and engage the autopilot, it says I am traveling at 0. I have the heading, altitude, and speed indicators all on for autopilot. I engage the autopilot by...
Starting to get problems with the PC, decided to do a complete format and rebuild, then keep the PC just for FSX. All went well except FSX won't load, I suspect that Windows 10 has ben upgraded, I get the error code 1722 and ocasionally 1603. I have made ...
I know my set of FSX Gold disks are perfect, clean, and OK for Windows 10. They also install without any issue on other laptops I’ve tried, including half a dozen on the shelf at PC World, etc! Also, a/v (Panda and Malwarebytes) was disengaged during...
Is anyone using Windows XP 64-bit? Everything I've read says it's faster and better for gaming than Windows 7 64-bit....
Does anyone have the latest AIRAC cycle of navigraph. pls get me a link so I can download. Another help how to use vas FMC 2.0a9 on B738 from vidp to vabb. plz help....
Will it be permissible to include the Reality XP GTN750 gauge with the aircraft, please? If it is has any pilot done this and has a panel cfg to share, please?...