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hi i have been looking for a good tutorial on google and on youtube on how to use ILS to line me up with the runway and to use the glide slope but so far i have used about 3 or 4 tutorials and none of them have worked. could someone please recomend on...
Hi everyone. I recently accidently deleted my Bombardier CRJ-700 plane from the sim objects airplane file in fsx. I dont want to restore the game for just regaining one plane. Is there any way someone could post or upload a link to where I can download th...
Okay. I downloaded FlightSim Nation's Nimitz class carrier. I Used the auto installer, but when I go to the Select an aricraft page, the carrier doesnt appear. Is this just an update for an earlier craft? I've tried downloading it 3 times with no luck eac...
Hi everyone, I have been playing FSX the last month perfectly in ultra high all... Since i started add Addonscenery and airplanes, since then i expirience some problems: 1) After loading, my airplane is crashing, or (disable crashes) bouncing inside the...
I just started using FSX today. Last time I flight simmed, it was with FS 2004 or something like that. I noticed right away that when I was in cockpit view, the instrument panel took up nearly 80% of my screen and I couldn't see over the top. When I sw...
A couple of days ago, I lost the sound (voices) of ATC. Thought that it was my headset and tried another pair...still no voices. I uninstalled FSX and reinstalled, but still no voices. I have engine sounds on all aircraft that I have loaded. Can anyon...
Does anyone know of a plane that can easily break the sound barrier and has great effects to show that it happened? I have seen pics people posted of the ring of vapor coming off a F-18 and would love to have a plane that had these effects. Thanks Rolaids...
My system: 2.80 GhZ, 1.9 GB of RAM, Pentium D, Intel(R) i945G Graphics Card, over 262.98GB of free space. I don't know if my system is perfect to use FSX, but I get an average frame rate of 3.1 frames a sec!!! Should it be that bad? I have all my setti...
Hello I can also run this program as it is but when I click Install clicke: An unhandled exception occurred in the application. Klichen on "Next" to ignore the error and continue with the application. If you click "Finish" Click, quits the applicati...
Hi! Do you know how can I get the current winds from the glass cockpit G1000, while using the flight Simulator X? Is it a way to get my groundspeed, or do I have to always calculate it? Thank you in advance for your help!...
hello, i just got myself a new laptop which came loaded with win 7 home basic 64 bit.........can i play FSX deluxe at all?.My hardWare supports the requirements.......i have the game installed but it doesnt work...i run it in compatibility mode but eve ti...
Been trying all day to get a decent shot of a sonic boom, heres my best so far....
I resently downloaded GSX and am using the FSX CTL+J to set the jetways. I am using the default AC and would like to adjust the alignment to better connect/lineup with the AC. I have read a few how-to's, but I am hoping for a faster cut and paste way to...
i have a problem every time i tire to install traffic x i get this message Invalid Data found 0x0003039f please can some one help me sorry for my english i am bad at it...
I have been flying the bigger jets these days. I am curious to know if KIAS or TAS is the way to go? I have downloaded checklists for all the planes for FSX. The use KIAS in them but my real world source says KTS. Any help would be appreciated!...
which is the nearest airport to golden gate bridge in FSX ? pls give me the name and airport number...
Been gone a couple of years, must be a new server, although my account is still good. I'm migrating to a win7pro 64bit box how does ...
Hi guys,I'm a uni student in London and I'm gathering informations about flight sims software and hardware-wise....I'm currently involved in a uni project about upgrading a Frasca 242 which is a full flight sim with a FS software.I have never seen this do...
Brake light indication has always been ok (red light in left lower corner of screen) but now it has disappeared, brakes still work ok. Can't seem to find a solution,can anybody help ? 😞 Brakes not working at all !!...
hey, ever sincei installed fs (flight simulator) 2004.. it wont start up... then i installed the update... it would load a few things then crash... im using windows 7 32bit......... any suggestions????...
Hallo Simmers. My system consists of a i7 920 2.67MHz,a P6T6 WS Revolution Motherboard, SSD Hard disk 240 GB, a raid array 0 with 2x 500GB HDD, 2x ATI Graphic cards, Radeon HD series 5800 Crossfire, 6144 MB DDR3 RAM,Win7 Ultimate, a 26"Montor. I run th...
I'm having a problem with no sound. There is sound from everything but the people talking on the radio. Any help would be great. Thanks. Kevin....
As far as I know, anytime you are going to set your feet inside of a Class Bravo airspace you need an ATC Clearence. No matter if you are arrivng, departing or just passing through the airspace, you need that. In Flight Simulator you can ask the ATC a Cle...
Folks, In LESS than 2 hours REX Essential for FSX and Prepar3D will be released... FREE to all of our current customers. If you do not own REX, the will have it ready as well. Visit our forum and get verified so you may have access...
Gents, Just a heads-up, as a pre-release glimpse, we have released the user manual for REX Essential for FSX and Prepar3D... and remember, it's FREE to all of you current REX customers. Link available here:
Hi, I have noticed that the wingtip voticies have disappeared from some (not all) of my FSX aircraft. I have various add-ons such as Level-D, PMDG NGX and Captain Sim 757 but none of these generate voticies whereas they used to. To check it further ...
Hey guys, I have two questions, any help would be VERY appreciated. 1. I can't run my settings under display settings very high without lagging. Everything set around medium or I get lag. I bought my computer with FSX in mind so I don't think things sh...
Hello all! I was wondering if there are any good VAs I could become a member of. I am new to this stuff and need some recommendations. Thanks for the help....
I have tried many times to record flights. When I go back and play the recording my computer locks up and FSX has to shutdown. Even after it restarts if I go back into the saved log of videos and play one, my computer goes wacko and FSX needs to shutdow...
Is this a good rig for fsx?...
I will be getting FSX "Gold" this Friday and was wondering if I should completely uninstall FSX "Deluxe" which is installed on my computer right now... I Have the Saitek Yoke and Trottle Quadrant and will be getting the Saitek Rudder Pedals and FSX "Gold...
I am going to take the beautiful Carenado BONANZA V35B for a spin. Can anyone suggest an attractive scenic route for the trip. Thanks....
I have downloaded The following aircraft from Sim-Shack: Piper Arrow..., Cirrus SR22-GTS... and the Honda Jet... These aircraft show up in my aircraft options in the FSX Free Flight section, but when I go to fly them there are no panel gauges, aircraft ... i bit the bullet and bought and downloaded Flight Simulator X from the Microsoft store. I downloaded all the files etc and then tried to activate the game but about halfway through the process a dialogue box comes up saying there is an unspecified...
I am curious as to what differences there is between FSX Deluxe vs FSX Gold... Are there more planes and features with the Gold Edition...??? I have the Deluxe Edition installed, but have a chance to get the Gold Edition for $20... Thanks for any info....
Hi All, I have just got around to moving FSX to my new number cruncher (Intel Quad 2.6GHZ, nVidia 9600GSO 768MB, 4GB Ram). So I installed from the DVD's, Service Packed up to SP2 and I now have a really wiered problem. 1) Holding ALT to bring down t...
Can anyone help me??? I want to add the two lower deck doors to my FSX Air Force One model.... I want to use the door and airstair setup from the P-3 Orion... I realize that this is not a perfect match to the real aircraft but they will be better than not...
I can not seem to get my microphone working in multiplayer FSX. I can hear everyone fine but can not send outgoing messages. Can anyone give me some help. Thanks...
My copy of FSX loads really slow. It takes a century (about 6 min.) to load. It loads especially auto-generated scenery slow. Unless i choose none auto-generated, It takes 2-4 min., and yes, i have tried to rename the default to defaultold. Almost no dif...
How do I Delete Posts. Dur...
I've been fooling around with the FSX settings and somehow the gauges panel appears as transparent. that is, I can see the whole panel and gauges but can also see the runway through them. The virtual cockpits are okay. I think I must have ticked the wr...
when i try to activate fsx i get an error saying i have activated it on to many systems, i currently only have ot on 1 other computer is there ANY way round this?...
hi I have already asked this question but I don't really know what the answer was. When you taxi in a 737 do you use the rudder or the yoke. I also heard about something called a hand crank on a commercial jet. Thanks...
Please Help. For some reason, all the terrain on my flight sim is black. I see buildings and cars, but the terrain is gone. Can anyone tell why this may have happened and how I can correct it? I reinstalled the "fix" dvd, but didn't help. thanks ...
Bonjour, j'ai perdu la clé d'activation de flight simulator X Gold édition Silvoupler, quelle qu'un peux m'écrire la clé d'activation de fsx et de accélération...
can anyone help me fix this issue. everytime i start levelD 767-300er fsx crashes as soon as the plane appeers at the gate you start at. i tried different planes, tried starting without rex weather, my other progs run fine like, ifly 738 and pmdg 747 here...
Can I install the Gold edition over the Deluxe edition or do I have to delete the Deluxe edition first?...
Given: 1. You cannot use VPS ... only VOR 2. Your check out instructor asks you to do this ... how do you tell when you intercept a new VOR and how does that help you find a specific airport ... like BONG (love the name of that one). I've read c...
On the occasions that I fly with the weather set to the default theme with the fast moving storms. I forgot its name but my point is that on takeoff and most of the whole way through the flight, I can fly VFR. But when I try to land, I have to file for IF...
Sometimes when flying in gusty winds the plane I might need to use a little trim to correct for wind. Which one would I use rudder or aileron trim? They both seem to have the same effect but which one would be used in real world flying?...