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HIII guys, Can any of you puppy's tell a fella were they can get a sonic boom for there F-16. I so much really would like to hear that, it would be soooo delightful when i break the sound barriar to get a real treat for once in my life!? T...
I loaded the SDK update and followed the instructions to set the object placement tool disable to false but when I start FSX I don't see the tools menu. I also tried the alt/enter thing as instructed but that doesen't do anything either. Would really ...
I purchased a MegaScenery CD for FS 2004, installed it, and used their 2004->FSX converter FS2004FSXlibraryUpdate to make the scenery compatible with FSX. During the conversion, it said I must download and install a an updated FSX Terrain.dll file and...
i cant find one that works or any dc-10s give me some help and keep in mind about makeing a subaru wrx sti 2005 i hav pics of it in anothe form...
😕 I was at the edit voice pack sight and they said that microsoft hasnot come up with the proper updates yet for development tools for them to finish there edit voice pack for FSX, so it all depends on when the development tools are ready, and ca...
Being a compleate newbie to the FMGC I was wondering how (once I have inported the flightplan from FSX) I can make the plane follow it! I have it displayed in green on the EFIS but (and I assume I am right when I say you right clcik on the heading sele...
Anyone know where I might find one? I've checked out Avsim and here, tbh I don't know where else to go lol!...
Anyone know 🙂 Are afterburners are visible in fsx?? I get an increase of speed but no visible burn on any of the aircraft I've downloaded.....
This is gonna be difficult since I forgot what the default aircrafts were.....Sorry for this long list (i tried to shorten the length), but here I go: AIRCRAFTS Airbus:A380-100 A380-800Antonov:AN124 AN225 BAE Systems: T-45C Goshawk 146-300F Bede...
Hey!, do anybody know of any Boeing 737-300 with virtual cockpit for Flight simulator X ? Best regards, Helge Meyer. 😀...
Via this Forum, I've received much valuable info from "Tailhook" as to how to install Missions, Scenery and Aircraft. Why doesn't post such Help info on its main page?? To a newcommer, the installation process is anything but intui...
Sorry, but I'm a new subscriber. I just downloaded and unzipped a mission folder that contains two folders, Missions and Rewards, and two files, a .gif image of the plane and a FILE_ID (DIZ file). How do I get these into FSX. I don't see a way to impor...
I downloaded a few missions but they seem to have dissappeared, I also had problems with the activation thing and installed the crack has this got anything to do with my problem you think? 😕...
FSX British Airways Airbus A380 Demo Version I was going to give it a fly, but stalled....
well the problem is I dont know how to get them to work for any aircraft. I know that there are some forum topics on this but its in computer language and dont understand it. So in clear plane old english how do I get the textures to work?...
how do you replace a texture you put on a aircraft and want to change it and its on the same type of plane...
Does anyone know of a similar program like Fraps? Ever since I installed Vista it doesn’t work well anymore.....cant get any sound to it no matter what I do....I really miss that program....
i cant find the b747 default aircraft.cfg do you know where it is or what its called...
ok ive moved the files to a temperary place desktop and have loaded them onto win zip but from there win zip wont let me view them properly for installation any help?...
i work for the real air jamaica can anyone tell me where i can download it as any plane...
why is that???...
anyone know where i can get either ?...
I move the folder and then its does'nt show up. Panel and effects went in fine but not the plane. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks...
Hello, I am in need of a good piper seneca. It can be any one or more of the five model versions on senecas. Also, I would like freeware first, than you can go to payware. ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗...
I was wondering if anyone knew of a website, or a post that could lead to a website, that offered any AI aircraft at all. 😀...
are there FSX dedicated server files that i can d/l?? i posted this in another thread but figured i would ask here too....
Anyone using this simulator? I try to takeoff but get a constant 'Stabilizer' warning and can't figure out why. Anyone have the proper 'Start-up'procedure for this thing? I really like the looks of this add-on however the documentation is very vague. ...
could anyone tell me where i could find one ?...
does anyone know???...
does anybody know of a maule M7 with the skis download for the normal fsx?...
I'm just seeing if anyone knows if a texture for a FS 2002 will work on a similar plane found in FSX....
Hi, I'm italian and i love playing FSX. I need to add on any ultralight...can sameone tell me where can i find it? THANK AND...sorry for my bed english......
Hey, do anyone know where to find a Boeing 737-300 with Virtual Cockpit VC ? i dont care if it is payware but freeware is nice. anyone know?? 😀 Best Regards. Helge Meyer. 😉...
I've installed the add-on Hornet F-18 and found some problems. a. Didn't found any specific gauge folder, so I copied the four CAB files from the panel folder in to the FSX's gauge folder. b. It seems that all the gauges are in the 2-D panel, however n...
anybody know where i can download one ?...
My FSX runs alright, but flying into a busy large airport - especially at night - is becoming a little frustrating. The screen kind of stutters a little and freezes for a second or two. I have a feeling this may be a video card issue. Can anyone suggest a...
Hi all I know there a ace B737 for FS2004 but what about FSX what the best out there payware or shareware?...
ok three questions.... 1. If I download World of AI, will the default planes dissappear? ... 2. What planes can I fly once I download it? and.....3. Is it worth downloading it?...
Has anyone tried this download from Avsim? I don't know what the problem is, but it doesn't show on the change aircraft page. Is there a step I am missing? Is there somewhere else I can find one of the tri-motor jets that will work on FSX?...
Does anyone know of a panel that works on FSX for a jet that 3 enginese like a DC-10 or MD-11?...
How do you install add on smoke? iv tryed and tryed agina and i lisen to what ever the readme says to do but i just dont see it working,HELP!...
Hi all i was trying to find a Malaga/FARO/NICE sceanry airport, however i can only find a few for FS2004, is it possible to transfer them across to FSX? Lukemax...
i know everything there is to know about airwolf, because of one thing, i'm her pilot....
i have fsx, not the deluxe. consequently, i have no grumman goose. but i sure would like to have one. i have looked all over the place and have been unsuccsessful in locating one. anyone know of a decent freware goose i could put into fsx, to use for ...
in fsx, ive heard after downloading, there is a way it can be placed anywere in the game, is this true ?...
I saw an Air Canada repaint on AVSIM last night, but it is only for a wilco/feelthere Airbus 321. Assuming that means that it will not work for the default 321 on FSX, where do I find the wilco/feelthere airbuses? I've checked their website, and all it sh...
is there any fsx versions of north sea oil rigs yet?.....cheers...
I am 13 and this my first time really into fs and I have just got fsx. I have never downloaded anything before and I have downloaded some aircrft that work but there is no sound. I put the downloaded aircraft sound file into the fsx sound file but nothing...
hello everyone. does anyone have flying club x or know if it is any good because i am thinking about buying it. what i am looking for is how accurate the panel is and the graphics or anything else that might help me on my decision. thanks. 😀 ...