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Hi all, For the past couple of weeks I've been working on an Around the World Tour, flying south over the South Pole, then continuing north over the North Pole. I call it "the hard way" because flying over the poles involves some very long distances w...
Hi, I've been installing some additional airplanes I've downloaded of the internet and was wondering how I can make the atc person say the name of the airline of the plane I'm flying in when talking to atc. For example: I've got a United airplane...
If you use the NUMPAD to control the alierons and elavator, DO NOT FORGET to hit NUMPAD 5 to center the control surfaces. Otherwise it all stays how you put it. Like if you tap NUM 2 to raise the nose, the elavators will NOT center themselves out, ONLY NU...
Hi guys i am new but not new for the fs2004 i got a realy good site which there u can download things for fs2004 the site is its easy to sign in i recomend this site !!! 😀 😀 😀...
hi i just got a new laptop and tryed to put flight simulator 2004 when i put the 3rd disc in it says there is an error on the disc or your hard drive may be full so i tryed 2002 and the it told me the same thing i have a avent 6001 with 1024 menery and a ...
Hi guys ! Well my favorite planes are; A340, B747, B727. Its from Commorcial planes. But from millitary are; F-14, F-16 and F-18. I got even small planes like Money Bravo. guys share with me with your favorit planes ! C ya !!! 😂...
Flew the C-130 from Nigeria to Zambia. Landing on an unimproved, unlighted field just before nightfall and in a thunderstorm. Knowing there was no way to refuel, I carried a bunch of fuel. Could I really have landed with that much weight on an unimpro...
A movie called " Flight Plan" has just come out here in SA. I was just wondering wether any of you have seen it and would recommend seeing it or not....
hello All, can someone redirect me to a posting or a site wher i can learn ILS landing on a 777-300. Thanks Happy fliying !...
Well heres what I fly: Aeroworx Super King Air 200 Flight 1 Cessna Skyhawk Once the it is out Captain Sim C-130 Now I need some feedback from you owner of the PMDG 747. I have their 737NG and what do you think about the 747?...
I recently aquired Wilco Fleet CRJ 2004 (a present) I installed it and played about with it yesterday. Installation was staightforward, except, a second install is needed for the various liveries. I tried an experimental flight from Cairo to Bahrain ...
WAZUP FELLAZ Can anyone tell me what FL to choose before i make a flight plan? Thank You!...
Took off for "fun" (just looked over the manual quickly) in the middle of a storm. Fired off some IR flares to test the effect.. it's ok, although not great. Anyway, some screenies here:
Well the title speaks for itself. Well I'll be getting it on Sunday or Monday. What do you think of this amazing airplane?...
Hi Does anybody know where I can download an update for A340 professional? Thx...
anyone know a working crack for FSPassengers? mine work only 10 minutes and then i have to reinstall to have it working again tx...
I understand that a plane flies because of the shape of it's wing: The air on the upper section of the wing flows faster and the air pressure is lower, whereas on the lower section it flows slower and air pressure is higher. That would make a plane fly BE...
Ok, I just downloaded an XB-70 Valkyrie and now I cant get it to install. I pasted it to the aircraft folder, and I pasted all the other folders in it to the corresponding name (Gauges to gauges, effects to effects, etc.) but when I get to fs its not ther...
😞 Ive downloaded quite a few aircraft from this site and sunclaro, and now whenever i play the game and fly "any" aircraft, after about 1/2 an hour into my flight the game just shuts down on me 😞 Can anyone tell or help me as to why t...
I was wondering, How come there's no restricted airspace in FS2004?...
Hi. I downloaded the c130 onto fs04 and now am having trouble opening the cargo door or ramp if anyone knows how to help me or which button to push :hack: please let me know! thanks....
Can anyone please give me a link or instructions, regarding making the AI traffic get off the runway a little quicker. I'm having to go-around almost every flight, and the traffic density is normally as it should be in real life. Thank you in advance...
how do you turn during push back on flight simulator 2004 ? 😀...
Hello Everyone - (Virtual Scenario Only) I am going to be moving my Beechcraft Starship tonight. The plane is at OPF (Opa-Locka Airport Miami,FL) to KCHS (Charlston,SC). I have family there. It's about a 700 mile trip. It should not take very long with...
I find my performance in landing in srtong wind or crosswind pretty unsteady. according to the landing lesson, you can do wing low or crabbing, but in reality (I mean the reality in the sim, if I can call it reality 🙂 ), the wind more than often b...
Hi Have you at anytime gone through tomthetank's Project wing view - If so can you lead me a step by step guide as i don't have a clue what to do. I was wondering if you could hel...
My airline would be: Family Airlines I would use: an A319, a Boeing 787 Dreamliner, a Boeing 727, a Concorde, and a Cessna Citation X....
Has anyone ever been round the world in fs09? I want to try and do it on vatsim in one go with a few stops, i was thinking UK to AUS then AUS to USA then USA to UK but i dont know, would that be classed as round the world? Please help me plan my trip guys...
Hey guys, can anyone tell me what is the EPR gauge for? What does it indicate anyway? THANX A LOT...
I think these are pretty good, though I've nothing to compare them to. I bought FS2004 not to boom and zoom but to learn something about real aviation, and the lessons so far are very satisfying. Not that there might not be ways of improving them. It caus...
Hey, Does anyone know how to download wing views for fs2004? Thanks, Stevet...
I just took a 727 from Nairobi, Kenya to Brazzaville, Congo. The last 900 miles were nothing but a series of thunderstorms. ActiveSky can really make things interesting. I manage to get to Brazzaville. I line up with the runway and am getting bounce...
Well I have a question for all of you. How many of you have bought the Eaglesoft Cirus SR-20 or heard anything about it. I was looking at their site and it looks amazing and I am looking for a small GA plane to fly. Well please tell me what you think abou...
Why would I get a perfect flight when I'm dumb enough to take off in a light plane in a thunderstorm? Flight OAC864 End of flight report Date October 16 2005 Flight ID: OAC864 Pilot: CrashGordon Company: OmegaAir Charter ...
I have a Radeon graphics card with 128MB of RAM. I use Ultimate Traffic and Ultimate Terrain, and the sim gets VERY choppy over busy airports like JFK. What card upgrade do you guys recommend for smooth frames at busy airports (least expensive that wi...
I flew to Nantucket Mass, but there was only runway 6 ILS backcourse landing. Everything was smooth until after it established the BC localizer, then I realized that there was no glide slope on my gauge. So I had no way to descend since the visibility was...
Hi guys, Im hoping you can help me out here, i was reading the BA fact book about their fleet and they said that their crusing speed was 927kph, now when im flying my cusing speed (which is very near the overspeed speed is only about 340 kph, im think...
A while back, I joined VATSIM, but never had the courage to do anything there. I thought I'd saved the email I got from them, but... :doh!: Now, I can't figure out how to log in and don't recall the necessary info to get a new password. Any ideas?...
All, Do you ever get frustrated at how some of your add-ons render really quickly (the exterior aircraft model), while others take a few seconds to display when you switch from a cockpit view to an outside view ? Well this is often down to whether t...
What is the difference between "Course" and "Heading" in the auto-pilot settings? I know when I set the "heading" it's just the direction I am pointing the plane in (and that's all I use when I'm doing autopilot)... but how is "course" any differen...
Hey, While I was on vacation last week, I had time to sit and chat with my uncle in South Carolina (that's in the US of A, for those of you who aren't). He's about 80 years old. I had been told that he was a pilot during World War II, but in talkin...
hey, i was flying from pdx to san IFR and about 9miles out from pdx the plane stalled and crashed all of a sudden. i had the ap on and auto throttle my speed 295kias. i was climbing up to 28,000ft and my vertical speed was 1800. i had no flaps. am i doing...
Well in April I was considering to buys the Flight 1 ATR-72. From the reviews, pictures, and videos I have see it looks awesome. now I really want a regional/commercial airplane to fly all the time. I own two other F1 products and they are great. I don't ...
Down loading planes I come up with one or two gagues missing. Checking back in the download I find the gagues which I put in the gague folder but the gagues in question are indeed missing. Is there a resource where I can possible pick up missing gagues....
I am having some problems with the pitch trim wheel. I was told that I can use it to help keep the plane flying level without having to pull the joystick back to keep the plane level. I have been able to do this but i usually have to use the pitch trim wh...
Hi all, I've been off-line for a while, as I was away from home on vacation. One item in the news I've been following, however, was the story of the Cessna Citation Seven that mysteriously turned up at an airport in Atlanta, Georgia (USA). That's a t...
Have heard some newer LCD's have Greatly improved as far as Gaming. Is this true, anyone using a LCD for FS9. I personally would like 19' LCD. Using a 17'' CRT now but if I have to I will go to a 19'' CRT. Thanks for any feedback !!!!...
Hey, I have a question. If you download the hopping packs which give you certain hops you have to complete, where do you download them to, (which files do i put them in). Any help would be appreciated...
Hi all, I don't found an answer on my question yet,but I have a question about Taxiing my plane. When I start Pushback,I cant turn my plane to the L or R.I can only drive backwards,so I must throttle up my engines for turning to L or R, this is very...
Here's another little thing I discovered about FS9. When I am flying and want to Cancel IFR, I am always told, "Frequency change approved." In other words, set Transponder to 1200 for VFR. I wanted to assign a key through FSUIPC (v. 350). I tried putt...