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Anyone here ordered FSX Deluxe over the original? I decieded to spend the extra pennies! Has anyone had any experience of the deluxe version?...
here are the minimum system requirements for fsx: WINDOWS XP, SP2 OR VISTA PC WITH 1GHZ EQUIVALENT OR HIGHER PROCESSOR 256MB OF RAM FOR XP, SP2 OR 512MB FOR VISTA 14GB HARD DISK SPACE 32X OR FASTER CD ROM DRIVE (or for crash, DVD rom drive 🙂 ...
If anyone has a remedy to this problem please post it! Just bought a top end computer - HP Pavilion dual 2.0 Ghz processors and GeForce Go 7600 for graphics. I first had a problem with FS even loading but then I loaded it with "default" settings and it d...
I know I said I would'nt download the demo untill it's final release, but thats just aswell, as I can't get it to load anyway 🙄 . Thought I'd download and take a look at it, and compare everyone's comments, but it wont load 🙄 . It gets ...
i just played the demo of the new flight simulator X and i have to say it is bloody amazing!! the graphics were amazing and the flying controls better then ever this will be the next stage in the averege mans dream of flying in a plane does anybody...
Why is there a time limit for the demo!!!!!??????? :evil:...
Will FSX have a Flight manual like 2002 did so we can continue our learning or will it be just for advanced pilots????...
And thats all I have to say about that...I REALLY hope this is nothing like what the final product is going to be, because if it is, I'll stick to my payware'd up FS2004....
I downloaded the FSX early this morning and the graphics was great but I don't like how the pilot is, although I put the weather to severe thunderstorm and the turbulance and flying through the clouds was pretty great and realistic....
Do yall think that the frequencies going to be the same as FS9??? Reason why I asked is because I've wrote down my approach frequencies for all my airport I've been to and would be a B1tch to re write them again....
1.) FS1: Released 1982 2.) FS2: Released 1984 3.) FS3: Released 1988 4.) FS4: Released 1989 5.) FS5: Released 1993 / FS5.1: Released 1995 6.) FS95: Released 1996 7.) FS98: Released 1997 8.) FS00: Released 1999 9.) FS02: Released 2001 10.) FS04: R...
Has anyone else turned all the slidders up to max,I have :cry: Well ive been planning a new PC for some time,this seals it.If I want FSX,I need a new PC(but we knew that didnt we?)...
hello does anyone thinkl or know if the ATC in the CRJ mission is the ATC that will be in fsx. ❓ Because if it is that wold be great 😀...
Has anyone cracked the time limit for FSX? and why did microsoft put a time limit if we only have a limited set of land to fly over at?...
The cockpit is all black! I can't see through it in FSX demo! When i scroll and come back to it for some second I see through the cockpit but then it tirn to black and all the cockpit turns darker....
Ive been playing about with the demo,trying this and that 1 FSX aircraft are not compatable with FS9 :cry: 2 FS9 aircraft are compatable with FSX(sort of) 👏 The 1st Airbus in FSX
Doe anybody know of a freeware that allow me t take pictures of FSX??...
I seem to be having good luck with the demo! anyways a question for somone out there, how do i use the water plane, there doesnt seem to be any where to take off with it??...
Hey, I'm totally new to flight simulator and I can takeoff with the bombardier airplane and everything but I don't know how to move the 2 airplanes in the topic title. I start the engine and stuff (or so I think), and it looks like I'm moving the throttle...
This should address a few complaints:
Take a look for yourselves. Different but mildly funny too 😂...
What is with only one plane inside the SS we have seen so far that has any paint on it, 737 and it has WTA paint but no other plane in the pic has paint? any thoughts?...
Is there or is there going to be a Beta of FSX, because I was reading the "readme" which came with the demo and it read: The Flight Simulator X demo version is not compatible with the Flight Simulator X beta versions. If there is, where can one find it?...
19 minutes. :radar:... This one takes 19 min!!!...
It is going to take 22hours as 33 min to download 😞 :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x:x :x :x :x :x :x:x :x :x :x :x :x:x :x :x :x :x...
is it true that soon a flight sim x demo will be available not a movie an actual playablre version here is a link to where I got the info keep in mind i did not read the whole thing
hi i just found this movie i dont know if it has been posted already take a look: Graham...
How big do u think the demo file will be and how many of you will download it? Oh and wont they have to release the system specs for FSX when the demo comes out?...
Ok, I was planning on getting a Dell with a 3.2 ghz dual core processor w/ 3GB of Ram but I would have to get a 256MB PCI Express x16 ATI Radeon X600 SE HyperMemory card. Do you think this will do the trick when FSX comes out so I can spend my money on a ...
I hope they thought about this, it gives a lot realism to the FS...
Here is my chechlist so far...please tell me if i need to add more Upgrade to 2GB RAM Get A Direct X 10 supporting video card, with 256 or more memory POSSIBLY upgrade processor to a dual core with 3.0 GHz or more...
why is there not a demo for fsx so you can see if you want to buy it when it comes out? it just would be nice, am i right?...
How come the graphics card they are selling today including mine cant be updated to directX10, thats what people say? Because I had a 64 MB graphics card one time and when I bought it I cant remember if there was directx6 or 7 but it was able to handle d...¤t=FSX1.flv And, by the way, in an effort to clear up any doubt--nothing you have seen is using DX10. Put another way, everything you have seen is using DX9! (And the machines at E3 are th... Here is some more info on FSX hope you enjoy it. 😀 😀 😀...
Flight Simulator X Fact Sheet May 2006 Title: Flight Simulator X Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios Developer: ACES Studio Format: DVD for the Microsoft® Windows® XP and Windows Vista™ operating systems ESRB Rating: “E” for Everyone ...
(dead link removed)...
IT WILL BE THERE!!!! 😀 😀 😀...
Hi, do you guys think that FSX will be able to run a widescreen 2007WFP with a 256MB PCI Express x16 (DVI/VGA/TV-out) ATI Radeon X600 SE HyperMemory. Thanks! 😀 😀...
incase you haven't seen:
Hi! I'm getting a new computer from Dell and I was just wondering if you guys think this one would make the cut for FSX. Thanks for your help! 😀 -Pentium® D Processor 930 with Dual Core Technology (3GHz, 800FSB) -256MB nVidia Geforce 730...
I just found out that FSX deluxe edition will include much better textures and way more stuff and problably better graphics!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😳 😳 😳...
Does anybody have any inside information that microsoft dosnt want to share with us about FSX ❓ If so could you tell us ❓ 🙂 🙂...
Hey all, i haven't heard anything about ground animations, like the infamous follow me car, real tugs, moving gates, and other vehicles. Does anyone have any info about it? Also what about real airlines? Like are there gonna be United and Alaska Airlines ...
Halo 2 ❓ has TTT lost the plot :nope: The game forums are awash with the news that Halo2 will only be playable on PCs with Vista Whats it got to do with FSX ? :umm...: Nothing yet,this is me thinking out loud 🙄 We know that FSX will...
here is a good first look at Vista. (It's a first for me!) Just click on 'Start Slide Show',1206,l=172302&pg=0&s=25534&a=172305,00.asp And if you want more........ then.......
New site to check out Looks real nice! Going to be a dedicated forum site for Flight Sim X and currently forums for fs2004, previous releases and all add-ons....
Has anyone seen any Airport or Runway pics yet? I've seen some amazing scenery screenshots, but not a single airport yet.... Maybe they're still working on those details??? Eric...