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Hi folks...does active camera 2.1 work in fsx? Or is there a world exploring tool like it for fsx? Thanks...
I have purchase the CD-rom harrier jump jet for fsx for my son for xmas and when I've come to install it, it will not do so because it cannot register the game at Please help, what should I do? He is devestated! Annemarie...
I don't have any Wing tip strobe lights for my Captain Sim 737's Maby its that way, I don't have any VC control of thoes switches! I know how to CFG the light files, ( I belong to Shockwave) but I have not seen any 737 files out there. I see the ...
Morning I have trying to save aircraft cfg files that I have changed after instaling a new paint but I keep getting a error message saying the file path is not correct. I have been adding the correct numbers but still unable to save. Can someone ...
I have downloaded & installed Tom A330 in accordance to all the instruction & steps given. However, only the wings appeared when I select this aircraft. The main fuselage and wheels were missing. Can anyone advise me how to fix this problem? From BP Le...
Anyone know where I can get good free-ware airport lighting for FSX? Thanx!...
Does anyone know if Vutural Reality Simulations released "Tac-Pac" for the F-18 Superbug yet? The website says Pre-order, with a US release in mid summer....well its winter now???...
So i got the delux edition of FSX, and I wanted to try the mission builder. I followed the instructions for setting up the sdx, and I double checked my dll.xml file to make sure that nothing was disabled. But when I start FSX it starts up like normal. ...
How does one add new "airline callsigns" into the FSX program? It has all the stock ones, of course, but I want to add certain airlines (like United, etc). Is there an FSX program like FS2004 VOicepack? Eric...
I have managed to get two Qantas planes into my FSX system and they appear on the menu screen, but when I choose one, the plane is invisible. When I go to fly it, the plane is still invisible but the shadow appears on the tarmac. What have I missed settin...
as soon as i download world of ai plains into my FSX all of my default planes are gone. that sucks because i wanted it to add more planes not take away from it. can some one help me solve this problem before i delete WORLD OF AI from my system. thanks...
I have a problem with wilco add-on, i installed a couple of them and they all have the same problem, when i select the airplane from add on it asks me to Run or Don't run some .gau files, if i say no, cockpit and all panels are blur and if i accept they a...
I have reviewed the manual for how to start engines but it seems a bit complicated. If anyone has used one that helped them get started, I would appreciate it if they would share it with me. I'm using FSX with the new PDMG 737NGX addon which is a great...
Hey guys I got this site. I get there concept of loading the planes not a proble. but in my flight sim x gold addition there is no airplane folder, no sim objects folder, all my folders are showing anyone help me out? thanks...
I am looking for some help with my scenery library. I have totally screwed it up. I have UTX-USA, GEX, and REX2 installed, with the default scenery from FSX. I did try to install some freeware scenery, but i couldn't get it to work. So i went to delet...
is there anyway you can get bob to track your airplane?...
So I've seen discussions and some videos on night vision addons for fsx. Well, no matter how many times I google it or click on URL's I can'ts find what I'm looking for. The last one I installed looked like I was looking through a tiny hole and made every...
Weird. All of my contrails/vapor trails are black. Even the dirt I kick up and the tire smoke is black, as well as any fuel I dump in flight. What the heck's wrong and how do I fix this? It might be from an addon....
Hello everyone, Does anyone have UTX running on windows7 64 bit? I had bought my copy (download) of UTX back in 9-2009 and worked fine on windowsxp 32 bit. and windows7 32 bit. But the other day i had gone to windows7 64 bit. So i downloaded UTX fro...
I am new to 'Fly Away' and wish to install an Airbus A380 in Emirates livery. I have managed to install the 'demo' version, but that puts black blocks round the aircraft. I tried a non-demo version, but it says the installer won't work (corrupted??) and I...
I just cant land on fsx. It is a problem. I can take off very well but to land is a problem. i'm always missing the runway. help me......
I follow exactly the instructions Fly Away is giving, but when I select the scenery from the Addon Scenery folder and I click OK, the scenery path is laoded into the "Look in" bar, but the "directory" bar becomes empty and the screen is not closing. There...
I have tryed to install the FDSFX panel on my PC with Windows 7. Every time I try to take the FDSFX Panel Config Text files to the panel, I give the a name, it won't save the document. IF it saves, i open Flight simulator, then the panel is gone. Can an...
Hello Guys, Is it possible to fly with to pilots, I mean then like in real-life flying with a captain and a co-pilot? I find a lot of add-ons for flight simulator X but nothing like this. We both use ou're own computers for this. If it's needed I...
Alright. So I'm sure all of the people who went on lamenting about how shareware was so perversely wrong and that I should buy the thing will be glad to know that I did eventually buy it (which was by no part due to there whining). So after dealing with t...
Okay, so it's no secret that FSX no longer contains Meigs Field , but apparently it IS a secret (at least to me) where an addon scenery download is lurking. Anyone know of one's whereabouts? ❓ ...
It appears that the coalman has got into my FSX installation because all water wakes, dust from wheels and smoke trails now appear like blocky black coaldust. Does anyone have any idea why this should be? Only thing I can think of is that a Short Sunder...
Hello all just one question for anyone who can help me. I am looking fora the Gulfstream models G150 thru G650 are there any downloades for FSX? Thanks, Fred...
Well, I downloaded the free trial FSX abacus mustang. I thought the search for this plane was over until the error message appeared. It's having trouble loading the MDL file. I've tried all of the troubleshooting methods, and none have worked. Any help? I...
I've installed the cfg editor but it never loads up the files. I can copy off the cfg to word but can not paste anything into the cfg file... I had no problem modifying fx9. I added scenery files, manipulated ai traffic to real world and added new aircraf...
Hello everybody.. I need help please.. I download a Delta airlines Boeing 767 recently. And it works great but it does not have a virtual cockpit.. So I wondered if I could use the boeing 737 virtual cockpit it would work fine.. But how can I use the 7...
Here's the pitch this time: Not but a month ago, I downloaded an absolutely fantastic Citation X. Made by Alejandro Rojas Lucena. And this, unlike it's many predecessors, had no creepy co-pilot.Long story short, I no longer have the plane. It got messed u...
I really need help with this one. I got a Torrent download of the Flight1 Citation Mustang and installed it fine, except the G1000 panel is blank. I've tried all sorts of things to help. I'm running Windows7, but that isn't the problem because people repo...
Hi All Not to sure if this is the right place but since Air Hauler is a add-on i hope i have the right place... i have a couple of questions if anyone is able to answer them... 1st i cannot get the weather to work with AH even if i click the buttons wit...
Recently I downloaded a cheapo Gulfstream 550. It's fine, but there is no virtual cockpit panel. I would like to take the CRJ700 virtual cockpit and install it. Is this possible? If so, how do I do this?...
Download FSX Keyboard Commands. Flyaway Here Now! (I want to thank Greekman72 for his help) :radar:...
Hello, we have flight simulator gold with acceleration X installed. I've installed several military aircraft including the "FSX Prowler MiG 15 Prowler" and another MiG. Most work just fine and you can see the gauges/cockpit from the inside of the plane...
I was wondering if there is an FSX addon that lets you be the passenger and the computer is the pilot. I think it would be cool to be able to sit in the cabin with the passenger view and watch out the window like in real life. Pretty much you don't have t... 😂...
I recently saw and followed an advertisement here for QUALITY WINGS, and I would just like to warn any other would be byers away from this site. If you want to waste your money on a product that you will not get then by all means go ahead. I have sent e...
I cant seem to find the folder where you put all of ur add ons on there, the aircraft folder, i goto microsfot games; flight simulator x, and it dosent show up with any of the folders at all, so i cant upload any add ons in there, plz help me ppl....
got lancaster for fs2004 how do i get it to run in fsx any help appreciated...
I'd love to see a detailed Corsair for download....
Hi i have recently bought the 737 900ER for FSX from I am a little disappointed in that it has been 4 days now since i got my dvd. you still have to activate the product on-line which is done manually by ARIANE , you have to w...
I added fuddy duddy... The vert stab is transparent? Also has DC3 sounds and very outdated graphics.... Is anyone going to update this fine aircraft to FSX standards? A B-29 qould be fantastic too....
Don't know how but when i click on the FSX.exe shortcut it says it doesn't exist or is missing. Did a search and cant locate the file, i drive a truck and am on the road so i don't have the disks to just reinstall. Is there a way to get the FSX.exe downlo...
Hey guys hows it going? I've been looking for a download that will enable me to be able to drop paratroopers out of one of my planes on FSX. So far i haven't found anything at all! If you know any then your help would be VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!!! ԅ...
This plane for FSX? thanks...
Does anyone know where to download planes from Delta WITH virtual cockpits?...
how do i unzip my file!?!?!?...