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What's the chances of getting a Hot Air balloon in MSFS2020? With the new improved graphics I feel it would be a great way to fly. Obvs the ball on would have to look better than the fsx one. ...
Hi, Up to now, I have been using SimBrief for flight planning. I have just discovered Sky Vector, which seems a little better. (at first glance). I understand that it's used by real (true life, not simulator) pilots. Are any other users out there I ne...
Hi All I don't know why or how this works, but I have done it a dozen or more times and it does. If you load MSFS 2020 normally, and then close it 'back to your desktop' without running anything, reload it straight away and I found a significant rise in...
I'm in the North East and it just snowed last night, but the trees and vegetation in FS2020 are still lush and green, it doesn't look like winter at all. Anything wrong? BTW it's set to real weather....
Hi All, Is there any way to get ATC flight instructions to match your Flight Plan? Altitude, Heading Etc. I know about requesting altitude increase/ decrease and 'follow your own navigation' Etc, but if following IFR rules under ATC the instructions se...
Hi, I have only just started using the SimBrief flight plan generator, after using the built-in one. A couple of questions before I start using it for my sim flights. 1) Do I have to copy the SimBrief flight plan into the built-in flight plan generator...
For those interested I found this site by accident Once loaded, look at the left sidebar and click on AD2 Aerodromes. This will bring up a list of UK airports Just click on the Airport required. This will bring up a list of information about that ai...
Is there a way to set real-time as the default? Every time I load the sim or change aircraft I have to go into the weather drop-down and select real time....
Simple request because I'm a Mac user and so don't know much about computers. MSFS will arrange a flight plan for me between any two airports. I don't know how to get the flight plan into the Boeing 787 FMC so I can auto-navigate to an ILS approach and l...
Mr. Stephens thanks a lot for the exhaustive instruction. Unfortunately, I couldn’t go beyond the first step because in my MSFS the command CTRL+ALT+X activates the AI pilot. It surely is a default assignment, since I’ve never changed it (I didn’t e...
There are plenty of US airport and arrival information but world airport info is next to none, been googling for 2 days, didn't find any. Any suggestion?...
I have been having trouble getting the _CVT folders to import using the Legacy file converter and FSX files downloaded from Fly Away. The plane seems to be there and you can take off, but does not render or appear visible in the third person or cockpit vi...
Does MSFS 2020 have the P-3 Orion for an addon? Where can I find military aircraft to addon my simulator?...
I am an old guy who knows just enough about computers to do basic stuff. I have used the old MS flight sims in the past. I used to fly real planes but have had no PIC time in over 30 years. The required spec charts mean nothing to me so they are no help. ...
I am new to Fly Away, and MFS 2020 as well and really hope someone here can help me... I downloaded the zip and then watched every video I could find on installing Add-On aircraft. All said to find the aircraft folder in the zip and move it to the Comuni...
Hi, when I visit the Texas Gulf Potash Ponds they are not in color. Sorry to be dense but can not figure out how to add to the scenery. If you can help, thanks. George...
Has anyone here purchased and flown the PMDG DC-6? I have a serious craving for this aircraft but wanted some experienced opinions before I purchase it...I have never paid as much for any simulator add-on and sure would appreciate any advice given! Thanks...
I am desperate...Apparently, my exe.xml file has been corrupted and I can no longer run the simulator...It returns me to the desktop immediately after the "Game Of The Year" splash screen...I had just purchased the Bravo Throttle Quadrant and tried to ins...
This lovely aircraft was flyable until about Nov. 2021 - before some major MSFS update. Since then, this addon along with several other freeware scenery and airports show up in my Installed/Update/etc. list along with another 400+ but none of these 6 will...
They show up in the Community folder but not in the game. Used to be able but cannot any longer. Any help will be greatly appreciated....
When will the airplane DC-3 be finished for MSFS 2020?...
This add on will not show up in my MSFS game. I have followed the instructions explicity and still no joy. What is wrong?...
Is anyone else having problems with the autopilot working on ALL airliners with the exception of the A320 NEO...once I get to near cruising altitude I try to connect and the aircraft will not follow it's assigned flight plan....
Hello. I am using MSFS on Xbox and Steam Deck. It runs wonderfully on both formats except for one issue on Steam Deck, when I want to point the plane(s) downward or upwards using the left joystick with the Xbox controller emulator on Steam Deck, it zooms ...
Thank you. Well Good afternoon: I would like to know how to download the intermediate version of MSFS step by step. Well, I must have entered a pirate page and I was lucky that the bank returned my money, but not before demonstrating that I had followed...
I purchased MSFS 2020 Standard from Microsoft Store in 2020. I registered on my Microsoft account on my new computer and it was confirmed, even though I own MSFS 2020. Then I clicked download which was done very quickly and then I could click Play, but no...
Dear. For about ten days I switched from FSX to MSFS2020. I am in 2 big difficulties: 1) I can't get the keys (controls, switches, buttons, etc) on the cockpit to work. When I hover over them with the mouse they light up blue (like neon) but they don'...
I have a legitimate copy of MSFS 2020 on 10 DVDs. I loaded the 10 DVDs onto my PC and then lost the screen that allows you to put in the activation code before I had a chance to enter the code from the boxed set. How do I get to the activation screen a...
I had to do a clean reinstall of my Windows 11 operating system and since I have been unable to reinstall my Microsoft flight simulator. What do I need to do to get it installed properly?...
Hi, I have a dedicated 500Gb disk for MFS2020, but it is getting full. How can I delete what I do not use/need to free up disk space? Why are we forced to download new scenery if we don't want it? Can you configure MFS2020 to continue saving on another di...
Hi. In early versions of MSFS2020, you could save your start configuration (aircraft, takeoff airport, etc, etc) and then recall it to start over. Even pause a flight and save the position to continue later. It seems that this option has been removed, or ...
What navigation program should I use on MSFS?...
The program applies full throttle 200' from the runway when landing, using Logitech Extreme 3D Pro HOTAS. The problem started when I had about 480 hours of flying time. I have mostly easy setting in options. AI-assisted landing is turned off. All I can d...
I'm unable to set my views in order to see through objects or simply inside the passenger cabin. What need to do? I'm a user of Track Ir and disable it on the upper button but nothing allows it to go through! I really appreciate your help!...
My desktop computer is set as follows: surround monitors (Nvidia Geforce GTX 1060 6GB):- Above 1 multiscreen 5760x1080x32 (3 monitors 24")- Below: 1 touch-screen 24"monitorQUESTION: How should I set up MSFS to show the external scenery ONLY (withou...
Is there a way of getting a tower view as in FSX? ...
I was able to install all the disks on my hard drive, I typed in the code that was on the card that came with the game and redeemed a new code. There's a box that says next on the page but it's ghosted so I'm stuck at this point. Now, I have to tell yo...
Is MSFS different from FS2004? I ask because FS2004 is what I run on Win 8.1 computer. I would like to use your downloads if there are any available for FS2004. Thanks -- Bryan G....
I'm hoping to determine what I need to run FS2020 stutter-free with at least a constant fps of 30 at any scenery location using ULTRA settings. Has anyone determined what hardware setup is required to run FS2020 in ULTRA?...
How do I start flying with Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS/FS2020) My keenest interest is WW1 flying, but just making a first flight is eluding me, having bought the Steam 2020 version....
Hello, I use the Saitek X52 Pro Joystick with FSX and MSFS 2020. During the flight, I no longer have any control, the plane becomes uncontrollable, I restart the game, everything is fine for a few minutes and then it starts again! Someone told me on ...
Is anything being done to speed up the sim startup time? Is there any way to decrease the sim loading time?...
I forgot to ask:- How to add airports you want to fly to i.e. from pt A to B in the given menu? Kairasp....
I would like to know how you can scan the inside of the cockpit using your joystick. The joystick I am using is by Logitech (Extreme Pro). How you can freeze MSFS2020? How to start A-310 engines? How to delete aircraft from the present list? Thank...
When I raise the landing gear, the landing gear lever moves to the up position, the sound of the gear retracting is there, but the gear stays down and both the gear up and gear down indicators (red and green) are lit. I'm using SPAD.neXt....
Sorry to bother, but can anibody tell how I can make my cockpits clearer? I can't read my instruments but by zooming onto them, but then I have no outside view. ...
One thing I really miss in MSFS that I had in P3D is the excellent vortices from the engines on rainy take-offs, water dripping off fuselages, spray from the tires, and such. It is nice to have the heat waves that P3D did not have. Are water effects in...
When I open up Microsoft flight simulator and try to file a flight plan the Earth just spins and Spins and Spins and will not stop. I've been told to take my yoke and move it and it will stop but then it starts spinning again. Is this a problem that i...
My flight Sim will not download real-time weather can this be fixed?...
I want to drag the MIP (main instrument panel) images from my large-screen TV down to the monitors behind my MIP. Those monitors are attached to a separate PC....