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I am just curious because i have all of those aircraft/scenery/addons and i wanted to know what you guys think....
Hello, How do I get the expansion pack - PSS A320 Professional -to work in FS2004. It is designed for FS2002 but I would like it in 2004. Thanks, Michael...
Hi Everyone - How often are the FS2004 Screenshots updated. I sent some beautiful screenshots of a flight from SEA to SAN in an Alaska Air MD83. One passing over Mt. Rainer. I used Ultimate Traffic and MegaScenery Pacific Northwest. I have sent several...
Hi their, when i downloaded the no crack CD FS9 off here it said that it failed to start as i didnt have the MFC70.Dll, does anyone know what this means or where i can download it....
Hi folks, Does anyone know if there is a file to dowload, that contains a complete list of all the airports contained in FS 2004? I have looked on the download section on this site, with no result. I didn't have any joy on Flt Sim Com either. I recal...
Does anyone know how these graphics are possible? - They're UNREAL!...
I usually land manually, but I tried landing using the autopilot apr button. What I did was I flew the Beachcraft Baron and placed the frequency of the runway in the Nav 1 radio stack and set the course of the runway in the Horizontal Situation Indica...
At some point FS9.1 began complaining tha tFSSound.dll might not be compatible and offered the choice of loading or not. Loading it causes no problem. I've seen this discussed on other forums, where the consesnsus is that it isn't a real problem, but no...
I am running at about 70% graphic capability on FS2004, but it should not normally be running at 40 frames per second considering my specs: 2.2 Ghz AMD Athlon Processor 1 Gig DDR SDRAM Ati Radeon 9800PRO AGP 256MB of video memory I also have only us...
New to flight sim, new to this site, its hog heaven, have some troubles trying to load planes into my FS, but I can work it out I guess. I was very interested in military planes/jets, was wondering if an Aircraft carrier could be put into my FS2004. What...
I know I can press E and 1/2 to select engine control, can select both engines with E+1+2. but actually its not working, my ch yoke can only ontrol left engine. I checked assignment, E IS assigned to engine (select). Any idea why is not working?...
I keep on having trouble when i try and download an aircraft on to my flight simulation disk as it wont let me add aircraft on to the says the disk is full but also says i can copy files on to it.however it dosent let me delete files off the c.d ne...
Anyone know how to get the Active radar to show cloud getting nothing, just a black radar screen, and yes it is on. I can't get anything to show up...i do have the airprts posted on the active radar, but no cloud formations or storm fro...
and in a turbo porp there's a switch Inverter, dunno what that does either 😎...
And I can view hidden files/folders...I searched and searched...can't find it ANYWHERE 😞...
what is "request flight following" ive seen it in the atc window when im flying...
Saw the add for the product and took a look at it. If anyone has tried both, does FS Addon Manager have enough more than the freeware FltSimManager to justify spending $39?...
I finally completed the requisite flight hours over at UVA to take the 747 checkride! Wow, i've got over 400 hours, and now I finally get to stretch the wings on my PMDG Queen! (It only takes 105 category V hours, not 400 hours, but I took my sweet time ...
When I do "create a flight", how do I make it so I'm about 15 miles out, at 3,000 feet or so, to a certain airport? I'd like to practice my landings on different airplanes at different airports. But all I've seen is the "select runway for departure" sec...
Mike Stone's A380 normally handles well. However, when I set it up for use with FS Passengers, it rotated on its own at 104 kts, scraped its tail on the runway and climbed at an angle of 50 degrees until it stalled. :rofl: Even trimming its nose down...
Im fairly new to fs2004 and have got a question regarding the larger planes, i.e. 737, 747 etc... I can take off and do all the checks after many weeks of reading tutorials and land (Fairly) safely although it is getting better and slowly learning abou...
Hello - Can someone tell me how to remove the ID info above the planes including mine. "Thanks" AstroSteve...
I'm getting flight time in a Cessna 172. I fly the plane on autopilot. When I take off the plane rolls to the left. Also when I am on the approach it rolls to the left but I don't know how to fix it. I have a Ch Products Flight Sim Yoke which has elec...
I note that all the downloads I have come with no flying data and wonder if it is availble from a source I have yet to find. I manage to get Short "Scylla", DH "Beaver" up and down but I haven't tried to land a "Tucano"....
I've decided to start learning more about navigation and read up on VOR and IFR. After taking the flight lessons in FS2004 and reading some of the forums I have been able to figure a lot of the navigation out. However, when I use IFR navigation I ...
:evil: I have singed in years ago, i don't know the nickname anymore, and the password is also gone, but I still recieved emails form filtght sim team. HOW CAN I UNSUBSCRICE??????? I have make another account to put this text here. the only way...
Here is a wierd problem, at least its wierd to me. I have all the lights on at night and my planes are lit up like christmas trees but the taxi and landing lights dont shine out into the environment at all. it is completely dark. when i look at the plane ...
Hey everybody! I wonder if I could get some help regarding taxiing down the runway. Is there any way to stabilize the plane during taxi and eliminate the "wobble" from side to side? I don't have a joystick...I use the keyboard. Also, this occasion...
Hi all, hopefully somebody can help me. Is there a possibility to record a flight and export it to an avi file ? Or any other ideas how to record it ? I have the Filghtsim 2004 Thanks Roman...
Hi All, Ok this problem is slowly doing my head in! Im running-Windows XP pro on- 3.2 Athlon, Gigabyte 400 board, 512meg 3200 ddr ram, 256 meg ATI X800 xt card, 180gig drive. Loaded up flight sim last week and have been plagued with this problem, My ...
Why buildings windows and terrain flicker?. I have a Ati X800 XL and I have tried activating Vertical Sincronization and I think it solves the problem a little. I had a Nvidia 6800 and the problem was not so serious. 1600X1200 Antialiassing 4X...
Is there a way to switch between applications without pausing MS Flight Simulator 2004. A lot of my charts are electronic and it's really annoying that the game pauses when you swtich over to adobe or another app to an approach or map. Please let me kno...
what are flexing wings?...
I bought FS2004 recently, and I've been doing the flying lessons. The first two sections were fairly simple, I practiced them over and over again to make sure everything is smooth. Then I got to the Instrument Flight section and I am stumped. I am on the ...
Hi, I have just bought FS2004 and seem to having trouble with my force feedback sidewinder. I enter setting in the game to calibrate my joystick, go to properties and configure the sidewinder. The stick is centered and resists in all directions. No...
In my opinion, the best form of training there is, is touch and go. At first, I was reluctant, thinking since I was just going back and forth, it wasn't worth it. The past few days however, have been really busy for me, so I haven't been able to make lo...
Can anyone tell me if Force Feedback joysticks and FS2004 work together? Is the Force Feedback determined by the aircraft file or the FS2004 files. "Thank You" AstroSteve ❓...
What does it mean to fly vectors? I hear it being called when im flying online they say fly vectorious or words to that effect and im not sure what they mean. Is it the way points that im flying?!? Please can someone help me out here?...
How do, Had a very weird experience last night whilst flying my POSkY 747 out of Barcelona to LHR. I was just about to reach my nominated cruise altitude of FL30 when i got a master caustion light (yellow if i recall correctly) and a warning of sink ra...
Flying a Dash 7 from KLAX to KSEA, I screwed up on calculating the amount of fuel I needed. Eight minutes from KSEA, I ran out of gas, declared an emergency and started looking for a place to land. Not enough altitude to get to a nearby airport, so I fo...
Am an old (74) retired Air Force, and want to fly simulators. Can you tell me whar kind of stick to buy? Thanks, Bowlegs...
Can Anyone tell me if Force Feedback works with FS2004? How well, thinking of getting a controller with this is I get positive feedback. AstroSteve...
I use some cheap joystick but i want the microsoft one. which do u use?...
Just tookoff from Reno in an MD-83 heading towards Palm Springs and noticed that my heading idicator has failed it reads 153 all the time. What to do?...
Y'know, I might not be looking in the right place, but I could swear I saw a screenshot of a cessna cruising along the Lock Ness. I can't seem to locate it on my game. Can Someone please tell me where to find it? "CaptCrash"...
I am wondering about Mr. Bush back and forth to Texas and the amount of fuel used for the average DC to Dallas flight? How does that convert to the amount used by an average car or rescue boat? If anyone can answer this I would appreciate it? Answe...
Do you fly with autorudder (realism settings/flight controls)? 😀...
When you enter your route into the FMC (which im still struggling with a bit) do you still have to use ATC?...
hi on all of my aircraft for some reason my panel is black the shape of the panel is black i then press f1 to make my panel go down so that i have the screen as full can anyone help me i want to see my panel work and the gauges...
as you know, the exhaust air form the turbo prop engines is extremely hot, that makes the background shimmer and blur. I saw a couple of freewaare that only make jet exhaust shimmer, but any program for turbo prop?...