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here I hope you find it useful...
Can anyone please explain in detail how to setup the FMC in Wilco or any other capable airplane in FSX. I have been reading about it but did't get any good website that explained in detail. If you can either explain or just post some links where I can l...
I found that the clouds to be VERY detailed and accurate however I take a big hit in fps when in detailed clouds are selected. I played around with the other settings and trying to find the best combination. For the price, it's totally worth it. Jetm...
My Friends, I'm curious - Does it matter whether MY Firewall is ON or OFF while hosting Multi-Player sessions or while participating in one? I'm not sure I want to turn it off but, if it's preventing people from joining my session, or if I'll gain someth...
i dont no where to post but i have hade a membership here for three years and i still don no how to instal the files!...
This is probably something I'm doing wrong but most of the time, when I go to land, when I touch the run way, I sink into it. Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? 1. Take off AP (if I'm using it) 2. Line up 3. Increasingly put flaps 4. Landi...
Everytime I download FSX there is no desktop icon. How can I use FSX without the Icon. Where is it located?...
I need a bit of help on this mission. I can find the pilot easily but when it comes to landing, it goes a bit pear-shaped. Sometimes when landing (either to pickup the pilot or to land at the end), the back wheel and tail goes into the ground and/or the a...
I am preparing to replace my computer. I would like to find out what a FSX dream computer would have. It has to run at least three monitors and full FSX settings. So far I have decided to use 4GB Ram, dual 8800GTX cards and a quad core processor. N...
I have a Logitech extreme 3d pro joystick. when i go to change the camera, and make the SLIGHTEST movement, my plane turns completely to whatever direction the movement was made. it's calibrated perfectly in the center. i tried to change the sensitivit...
Anyone know of any free game recorders? like record my flights? thx, or how can i load my flights if i record them and save them? then post them on youtube maybe? Thanks....
hello was wondering why at night time i dont see the cabin lights on the plane is very dark only thing i see is strobe lights on and wing lights on....
Well i got this new gfx card and i have like rivets/choppy on my plane tail, wings, etc. Any1 know why? :'(... will that increase my performance (less lag, able to turn settins up higher) compared to ...
Thanks!! :oops:...
Does anybody no how i can change my screenname....
FSX w/SP1 -- I just had a rather harrowing experience while departing LCK for ATL: Acft – B737, altitude: climbing thru FL195 for FL220, Hdg: 235, IAS about 200Kts and increasing, autopilot engaged. I got a stall warning and pushed the throttles to full...
I'm thinking of getting an alienware computer but need advice on how it will perform. Would anyone know what type of fps I could expect with this: Processor: Intel® Core™ 2 Duo E4400 2.00GHz 2MB Cache 800MHz FSB Operating System: Genuine Windows® ...
Hi I accidentally made an account. how do i unsubscribe? Ty...
😕 if tried to make the baggage doors of an airliner open for a long time pls tell me how to get the baggage viecles and the baggage doors open key comands???...
Your computer has run out of available memory please turn down settings i get this right about when i'm landing anybody know why. thanks...
Will increasing my computer-memory from 2 to 4gb make much difference in FSX-performance? System-specs: Intel Dual Core 6400 2,13 Ghz Geforce 8800 GTS 640 Mb 2 GB DDR2-SDRAM HD 320 Gb 7200 Rpm Vista FSX with SP-1...
In the help file of fs2004 and fsx it says that you can record your flight on video. IN the menus I cannot find an option on how to do this. Can anybody tell me how to do this? I would like to capture some take-offs and landings on video, to see what they...
aircraft sorry it cut me off. Anyways I know that this is not the CS 707 because im pretty sure it doesn't have those engine so if anyone can please post a link to where I can get it thanks. ➡
How realistic is FSX weather ? can you get into trouble flying into a storm ?...
Hi, Just a tip to pass on a tip for a challenging flight. London City Airport is good for a tough landing. It's a great view as you come in on approach, but does test settings as there's a lot of scenery. But the landing is very tight. You can't go too ...
Hi, After reinstalling windows and getting a new tft lcd I can not get the settings right in fsx to display the level of detail I had before which was quite high without no autogen but still looked good with airport traffic, ground vehicles etc and fps...
Hi, I am suddenly experiencing a lot of problems with FSX, and I have already completed a repair installation to no avail. I am going to completely remove and reinstall from scratch, but I want to be sure to backup all of my relevant files (flightlog,...
How can I switch from buttons to mouse when controlling the plane on the ground?...
Whenever I try to install any amount of repaint using the repaint manager it never loads the install button remains grey and unselectable please I want to install new livery I only have the level d livery please help thanks...
My new FSX Deluxe flickers a lot... Am running Windows XP, 1014 MB of RAM, Intel 82945G Express Chip Set 04/16/2007... An trying to run all settings on med high... Have installed both service pks from MS.... And suggestions???...
Hi, I am having trouble printing the navigation log in the flight plan for FSX. I can create the navlog in the flight plan, but when I click on the PRINT button it takes me to Microsoft Image Viewer and I get a message that says "no preview available"...
installed vista premium and cannot run flt x because my side by side configuraion is incorrect?...
768 nVidia 8800 GTX Intel® CoreTM 2 Duo 2.66 GHz 4 MB Ram 500 GB HD What do you guys think of this setup. And is anyone running FSX in Vista on full settings?...
Hey, i have a slight problem with flight sim X in which at certain points in missions there is a large black box in the game. What can i do to fix this problem??? Any help will be greatly appreciated. 😀 😀 😀 😀 ...
I don't know why my 744 without navightion lights(the button was "ON") taxi light too. it's very dangerous at night time ! my aircraft file's problem?? The aircraft lights file is : //Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=la...
I love to fly float planes. I am looking for water-based airport to fly to. I have a list of airports (from a prev thread). THe list is L-O-N-G. I don't think I have time to try them all. Which ports have you tried ? which port do you think is...
Will my PC run FSX ok? Specs are: Intel Core2Duo E6420 CPU 1gb 667mhz DDR2 RAM ASUS P5VD2-VM Motherboard Undecided on Graphics card. How bout an ASUS P5VD2-VM. Can always upgrade system RAM to 4 gb DDR2 THANKS...
Hi All I am new to FSX (Vista) which seems to work fine apart from the fact I cannot get any ATC sounds. The other sounds are there(engines etc) but no spoken words. What have I missed or am I being very silly??? rg...
i live in new jersey and i want to know if there is any photo scenery for it...
Is this ATI's counter for Nvidias 8800 series.
I have to turn on the Nav button, but the(green and the red) light still not come out. Someone can tell me why? Thanks!...
does anyone know any good AI aircraft for these airlines- Cathay Pacific Philippine Airlines Air Canada Air New Zealand Indian thanks...
Hey guys, I have a question. Does anyone know what the maximum requirements of FSX are computer wise? I have an AMD Athlon 64 4000+ Clawhammer, and I just built my computer last december. I have a gig of mem and a 6800GS nVidia video card, 256MB PCI-E ...
Hi all, now that service pack 1 is released the tweak list has changed does anyone know a web-site with the new tweaks list that can help me? for FSX SP 1, not normal FSX Thank you Joergen...
I can see Flight record in FSX only . I want to convert Flight video file to multimedia player file ( ex: avi,wmv,mp4) . In addition , I want to play Flight video file without FSX . Would you please show me ? Sincerely !...
I see there are lots of ground vehicles in the FSX folder. I have never seen them come out (except the fuel truck). How many ground vehicles have you seen ? is there anyways to call them out one by one ?...
my game loads very very very very slowly, and it lags in play, fs 2004 worked fine what is the problem?...
ok need help. Why when i try to fly at high altitude the plane looses its speed and then stalls dropping out of the sky. I cant get any commercial jet past 35000 ft, when i know they can go alot higher. anyone know what i might be doing wrong?...
hello everyone. ok, i would like to know how you know when to descend inflight if you are flying by vor or vfr. for me it is always hard to tell when to descend. also, i noticed on some airliners there is no gps, how do you know where you are. any help ap...