Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
Strange thing happen on the way to fly... When I go to fly, any aircraft or airport, I get the plan I picked but it starts with me airborne flying over some island? I don't know what happen, maybe I downloaded something that changed the default fligh...
Hi, is there any way to watch a replay for your flight other than Flight Analysis? I would like to watch my landing from the tower in a replay, I remember older versions used to do this?...
I am selling both my CH Products Flight Yoke and Pedals. I am also throwing in a copy of Flight Simulator X Deluxe Edition. The ebay link is at the bottom. If interested let me know, thanks much guys....
hi guys just found this website and looks great. need some help thou! the last few times I have flown an ILS appraoch into an airport and got over the runway, before touchdown I have turned the autopilot masterswitch off, turned off the autothrottle...
I am not sure if it is really as great as they claim. Not sure if i want to buy it just yet. i already have flight sim 2004 should i change. DOES ANY ONE HAVE ANY ADVICE...
does anyone know the contolls for the airport such as jet gateways, refuelling trucks, taxi cars ect?...
hey sometimes when you got 747 or 777 its not possible to park neat the jet ways you have special parking for heavy my quetion is if there is some key that brings you the stairs to the airplain if there is no jetway ?...
does anyone think FSX will have the 787 dreamliner? that would be great! will it replace the 737? EDIT! Your link does not point to an aircraft, if you aren't a spammer post it again. :radar:...
just got the game. how do u toggle auto pilot???...
hi guys...hope you can help! just did KLAX to KLAS in a B747-400. Everything went great, i got cleared to land onto 25L at KLAS which is at an altitude of 2181ft. I hit the approach button about 12-13nm out at 3,800ft which was what atc assigned me...
I'm having a problem using the N1, when I set it and set approach on it turns to the right and descends at a dangerious v/s and crashes. Can somebody please tell me what I should have on and off for N1 approach. Please don't link me to joleggs guide, ...
I have just finished a repaint using Abacus FSRepaint and have given it a new airline name (Pegasus Airlines). I have set the "properties" for the new airline and have added them to the CGF file in FS2004, however ATC does not recognise the new airline n...
Hey all, I have a PC that is four years old...basically time for a new one. I love X so much that I am building a new PC to specifically meet the needs for it. I am concerned that once I get the PC, it will be lacking in some areas. I want to be able t...
On my flite sim X I have been flying the air creation trike out of my local airfield. This is Branch County Memorial Airport at Coldwater, Michigan. (koeb). When I have tried to land I could not get he trike to come down. Shut off the engine and did ess t...
Hi guys, It's been a while since my last post so hello to everyone again. So uh yeah I have a severe and I mean severe problem with controlling trim. I do not know what the hell is going on. I get to my assigned altitude and heading etc, and I notice ...
I must be doing something wrong, I have no visual jetways at any of my airports. I have the special effects on high, my scenery on high, but all i see are box looking airports. I also cant seem to arrive at an airport with fuel truck. Thansk for your hel...
Is it possible to change or add an airline to the default list? I have tried adding to the airline.cfg but the voice doesn't recognize the new name and only gives the flight no. Any ideas wouod be appreciated. Bear...
Perhaps this is somehow related to the Indicated Airspeed issue brought up in another thread. I was flying a CRJ-700 from TJSJ to KMIA in fair weather, calandar month January, mid-AM departure. I'm climbng from 20,000 feet to 30,00 on autopilot, speed ...
I have a WDJB 80G hdd 7200RPM. If I went to a SATA would it be that much faster? I really don't know much about SATA. Thanks in advance....
hi pilots, i have noticed the scenery patch in vista is not working as it did in xp, i am still getting black rectangles etc... this was over paris france... have i encountered a bug that vista is waiting to recieve a fix from microflop ?...
I've just ordered this new system and all i want to know is will this run FSX really good Processor (CPU) INTELĀ® Core 2 Extreme X6800 (2 X 2.93GHz) 1066MHz FSB/4MB Cache Memory (RAM) 4096 MB CORSAIR XMS2 800MHz Motherboard ASUSĀ® P5W DH...
Hi there, it is just a question to know if the controls in fsx are nice wit ha joystick or are still hard to move.. cause i tried to use the keybord to control a plane for fun while i wait for my stick to arrive and it's quite hard to control, press l...
Hey, Im flying level d 767.Its AWESOME!!! except......... I like to fly the approach by hand and let the autopilot control thrust and descent rate(i select manually) As soon as i enable autopilot to control vert speed it doesnt allow me to line ...
I was browsing through a couple of strings here, and found that someone says that FSX won't take advantage of a Core 2 Duo Processing System. Is this really true? FSX must be the most messy transition EVER....
Hello to all, I've been gone for a while but I'm glad to be back with FSX. I've ran into a small problem in registering my product. I first installed FSX on two other computers, with running the program not being sucessful on either. I now have ins...
whenever i go to install the game it will spin up in the drive, installshield will start and 2 seconds later it will close and give me an error message 1628: failed to complete installation. Any ideas on how to fix this? i have the latest version of insta...
Can anyone help before I put my foot through my computer? I originally installed FSX and activated successfully - however game did not run. Message said files were missing. Checked via windows explorer and the FSX folder only contained 6gb - no aircraft,...
I have a great system that is running the FSX Standard just fine! My ONLY problem is the 747-400 (any version to include addons) has the wierdest wings. Some panels are missing and the wing looks like it is split lenght wise to make one wing above anther...
Hi, I recently started playing FSX, mostly just flying between bigger cities for fun etc. My question is about the speed of the jets, for example the A321. It seems to me that the aircraft should be able to fly over 340 knots or so, which seems to be t...
I was getting the 1335 Error message... I have this DVD, CD-RW/DVD Drive SM-308, do not get a different DVD, just do this: Good news... I called Microsoft... After a 2 hour hold time, I talked to them... He first aked how old my dvd drive was, ...
New here but wondering if it's possible to convert an mdl file to a more common 3D format to edit in something like 3DS Max? Any help appreciated....
I was just looking at Windows Vista website when i found this image, look at the graphic's!!!!!!! Scroll down to the first image
I didn't realize the moon was so real looking in FSX Any this will be my last post for a while. I hope you enjoy....
Does anybody out there have the default FSX 747 aircraft.cfg that they can give me or know where I can download it? I messed up mine accidentally. I should have backed it up. Jetman 😞...
Does anyone have a list of detailed airports in Flight Simulator X Deluxe?...
want some big ass choppers is there any available?...
When i start flying anything, the view starts doing strange things at the top of my screen, it blurs In the begining it didnt do so strange, but now everytime it happens, can somebody help? ❓ ❓...
Sorry for the double post here... It's FSX that I own... I bought a 300gb hard drive, finally copied and pasted both disc's on the drive because it would not load from the DVD drive, started the install, got the 1335 Error, copied each u...
hey for some messed up reason the brake in FSX is stuck on. can anyone help?...
Well see, im Kind of new to the ATC, and i find it really nice. However, I do NOT know how to give the vectors to the pilot(s) for when they ask for it. I always say go visual approach. But what i want to know is, how can you find the vectors of that acti...
Does anybody know of any Supersonic aircraft for FSX? And any like... 747 aircraft or some kind of commercial airliner that has been edited to go really fast? DONT CHANGE TO AIRCRAFT SECTION PLEASE, THAT IS A GHOST SECTION NO1 GOES THERE...
it was working fine then loaded up the game and the gps dosent work, the window opens up when i press the button, but its as if it is switched off, no idea why this has happened...
how do i move my tail pedals of the air plaine to turn right or left with out touch the right or left keys i pushd the right enter key in the keyboard it works for only left or right i dont remember but how do i move both ways please its important to ...
I have browsed countless forums, downloaded billions of programs and I still dont have what I want. Can anyone tell me a FREE download for a repaint kit. One that actualy flies of fsx (I got one that had a bunch of pictures to edit... and that was it) or ...
Hello, I'm having problems finding the switch for autobrakes for the A321 in FSX. There are clearly lights for it when selecting the "Other Controls Windows Display/Hide" knob (third from right) (below the ldg gear) lights, but I can't seem to activ...
Hi guys 🙂 i recently installed fsx, but i'm having problem to add new aircraft, i add some aircraft but it comin black. i don't know what to do ... i read the file "read me" and i followed the instruction correctly. but i open my fsx and i find...
Hi all! I have a glass cockpit coming together (project magenta) and FSX providing the main display on the video projection unit. I have read and observed that the best frame rates are when FSX is in windowed mode! Now why this would be is counter ...
I have had FSX for about 2-3 months now, and FS9 before that for about a year. I have always been able to land as they arent really that difficult, however when ever I do the telluride mission on FSX Deluxe, I always crash. it is only a begginner diffucul...
Does FSX support dual core processors and use both cores whilst operating in Win XP? Sorry If Its been asked before. Cheers...
I have installed FSX and now I have both FSX and FS2004 in my computer but I use only FS2004 because I'm very disappointed with FSX. I have an AMD Athlon 2.12, 80Gig hard drive, 1Gig of Memory, and an ATI 512MB Video Card. I would think that should be en...