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I cannot find any way to uninstall FXS demo. There is no associated icon in programs or install/uninstall etc. Any one any ideas? Kaz...
Check out these screenshots, give's a good idea of the new online system. A server list to choose from, very cool...
How many of you guys tried to install aircraft(posky aircraft for instance) in FSX and got lucky????????...
I Have just got my FSX 😂 and after a system restore (as i had a load of s**t on my hard drive that was hard to get rid of) and a Defrag it seems to run well. A bit mad at mirco soft in the head for not doing anything with the ATC!!!!! 😞 ...
Right iv been playing around with my graffics ect. I have some fantastic water Effects now But the ground looks like fs2004 all the fields are all MEssed up. What Graffics Setting Setting do i need. Is it the texture Revolution Or the mesh i need to turn ...
Hi there can anyone help the buttons for say throttle and gps and atc dont work when i press them any ideas guys .. thanks sean...
I just found out that there is a regular FSX and an FSX Deluxe Edition, does anybody know what the difference is and I also found this link with 9 short video clips of FSX. enjoy 😀 😀...
Would someone please tell me where the FSX AIrcraft folder is To install fsX aircrafts cos i cannot find it...
HI ALL The demo version did not (as far as i could see) have the option to chnage the altitude whilst in spot mode - it seemed to be fixed at the same level as the plane. Does the actual version have this function (as in FS9) ? Thanks *** a...
I was not going to buy FSX straight away(why suck up to Microshaft 🙄 ) Anyway,driving home from work I find myself heading towards PCworld :umm...: Ill just pop in and read the box notes (yea right):rofl: Guess what ❓ They have not got i...
Anybody know how to turn it off? Haven't been able to yet....
hey guys, i just went to install the new demo and i get the error 'please uninstall the last demo' - not quite in those words but, yeah. anyway, i have uninstalled the old demo so i guess it's stuck in the registry or something - how to i get rid of...
Hi all - quick quiz.....I saw ages ago a post somewhere that stated that having a zoom setting of 75% from the main cockpit view is more realistic thanb the default setting..... Does anyone else do this? And if so, is the situation similar in FSX? ...
ok so for the ones of us tht are still playing the demo (until friday for me 😀 ) i just realied tht on the flight planner section in free flight you can keep zooming out and move the map around the whole world, showing you all of the airports in ...
Well, just got an Email from to tell me that my copy of FSX is currently in packing and will shortly be arriving 🙂 I thought that the release date was a couple of weeks away yet..... any ideas?...
Just wondering if the airport SESM is still in a crater. Has anyone flown there yet?...
Intel Pentium 4 CPU: 1500MHz 1.50 GHz, 384MB Ram NVIDIA Geforce2 MX 400 😂 I think an upgrade will be in order for me!...
Oh man looks like I need to imvest in a new graphics card. 😕.It takes for ever to load and the scenery and everything is terrible. Its just so expensive 😞 Anyways rant over. BTW The game looks like fun though. The G1000 in the 172 l...
Does anyone know of the DVD-ROM speed required? I have read that it is a minimum 32x I have had a bit of a search around and it seems that 16x DVD-ROM is the standard even on top spec. new m...
Official Microsoft FSX Site. Full of information about aircraft, airports,missions, screenshots. downloads and much more. Another. ...
Just got the Deluxe Version DVD-ROM FSX. I'd like to report on how it works however, it seems that my DVD ROM doesn't like it. I get the following: This disc contains a "UDF" file system and requires an operating system that supports the ISO-1334...
Forgive my spelling if it's wrong but I'm in a bit of a rush. Just went to Youtube to look up FSX and I found a commercial on it. Although I think it's different to the one you guys saw on Travel Planet. Anyway, hope you PC plays it and bear with it. ...
Is the deluxe version going to be released the same day as the standard version? GO FSX :groupwave:...
Many owners of PMDG products have been wondering what will happen when FSX is released. Updates? ... or completely new versions? The info below may also be valuable for those who don't own any of the PMDGs yet but have been considering to purchase the ...
OK - I was thoroughly unimpressed with the first demo, and had more-or-less made up my mind to stick with dear old FS2004.....but decided (wisely) to download the latest demo, and there's me chugging away at it thinking "This is waayyyyyy better"
I have more than a dozen payware traffic weather and environment addons, are they gonna be wasted too?...
Will FSX Support Thrust Vectoring like the Harrier,SU-37,F-22 has on it's aircraft ❓ 😎...
Where disc space is a consideration (as it is for me) - will I be able to install FSX OVER FS2004 or will it require a separate folder leaving all the FS2004 material intact? MS doesn't give any advice on this. Anyone know one way or the other for sure ...
FSX has a release date and price now. :radar:...
Hey guys, I was flipping through my sep. issue of Popular science and I came upon a FSX add that had a ingame pic. of elephant/girafe/the jungle, and below it it had a quote "After that, let's see you rescue and injured climber on Mt. Kilimanjaro. Or ...
Hi guys its been probably 5-6 months since ive been here and i cant remember were these posts go so if its in wrong place a mod can move it? Anyway ive pre-ordered my copy of FSX and ive been saving to buy a new pc for it, but what im wondering is ...
I'm wondering, what is the difference between the FSX deluxe version, and the regular one? Will the deluxe version be available in stores? Also, if you pre-order FSX, how many days will you get it earlier than the stores start to sell it?...
Will you be able to zctually fly into space in flight sim x I don't mean to the moon or eros but can you at least achieve orbit in fs x thanks 😀...
Lets wait until FSX comes out before we add up the PROs and CONs for other people, but would you rather your "pimped" out FS9 with like GE PRO, ActiveSky. . . .etc or would you rather spend loads on buying computer hardware, just for a simulator?...
Hi all! I know such questions are very common the last months, but I would like your experience. SO, I have a P4 2.8Ghz 1Gb of Ram and the GF4 Ti4800SE grafics card (128mb) . So, I want to get ready for FSX. My first thought was a comlete pc upgrade, (ne...
I dont know if its even out yet, but does the full version of Flight Simulator X get better frame rates than the demo? I have a brand new top end computer and I am getting terrible frame rates on the demo....
my computer is PCI not PCI-E. is there any way to change my computer to PCI-E or AGP plz help........ can anyone recomend some good PCI graphics card compatible with fsx...
😞 Aircraft overstressed !!!!! *fly ends* ill be more careful next time*...
Hi there. Does any one know what ground vehicles their will be (if any) and if they will interact with your plane?...
Did anybody from here get the chance to download the beta? And if so, can you post some shots of it? 😀...
1.7Ghz Pentium M 1024MB RAM 128MB radeon 9600 pro turbo win xp home the big question... do you think it will work...
In fsx do u recon when u do pushback for a jet the pushback cart will come and drive up to the front wheel and actualy start to push you back or will it be just the old boring fs9 way...
I downloaded FSX Demo and being fully aware it is only a demo and will not operate as the full version will when released I spent the time segments looking at the various details and maybe ace studios might tweak hear and there. please dont suggest moving...
I dont know if this has happened to anyone else, (hope not) but right now, totally PI**ED OFF is an understatement. I had problems installing the FSX demo, but with help from members, I managed to install it, my firewall was causing the problem. L...
I did a beta on IE7 and really liked some of the enhancements. Unfortunately, I could no longer run FS9. Flash screen would come up and then...nothing... took me back to the desktop. Stay with me, I'm getting to the point. After much snarling and g...
Im in the process of download the FSXdemo I hope it at least works also i hope i dont take long well only a 20 min download for me so how did it go for you and what should i expect...
Hi everyone I recently purchased the PMDG 737 (I got both packages, so I have from the 737-600 all the way through to 737-900) I'm still in the process of learning the FMC, which is coming along great, but I dont know how to enter the ILS frequency ...
What happened to all the fuss about FS 2006? Or is this it? Or do I keep waiting ... ? Did they just change the name? FS X!? You gotta be kidding! The name itself tells me not to buy it! Oh, wait! Is it freeware? 😂 😂 ԅ...
Just downloaded the FSX Demo and I have to say I am dissapointed. Firstly with the " Robotic " ATC. One of the developments I expected Microsoft would make would be that of the ATC, but it remains the same. I'm sure that with the advance of technology, AT...