Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
Will it be permissible to include the Reality XP GTN750 gauge with the aircraft, please? If it is has any pilot done this and has a panel cfg to share, please?...
Hello, I am thinking about buying Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Is it possible to fly without a rudder in this game? I already have a joystick Thanks...
Morning, I have the original PC DVD copy of FSX Delux Edition, It was installed on Windows 10 and worked fine, My PC crashed because of load-shedding and after receiving it back from the workshop windows 11 was installed and the game is gone and will not ...
Anyone know where I can get the Acceloration extension for FSX perferably as a free download? I jus have the standard FSX Gold edition CD game. Used to have the Acceloration version way back but the disk stopped working before I was able to instal it to a...
I would appreciate knowing how to elevate and lower the captain's seat in FSX, please....
How can I get past install error....
Impossible to reinstal FSXÂ (from original CD) sur mon portable windows 10 (always the same message : "veuillez ouvrir une session avec les privileges du gestionnaire" . Before it worked veru well ! Thank you for the response...
Is there a radar for the Cessna 441 a bendix I think a weather radar Where do I fdownload it TK...
I've looked around for an MH-60 in the USCG livery for FSX, but I can't find any free, user-flyable addons (I have found AI traffic and payware versions). Has anyone successfully made or found user-flyable versions of this helicopter, and if so, where can...
Running FSX + Accel. on Windows 10, three monitors. All was well until I did a complete re-install of FSX etc, then instead of a 16:9 display, suddenly the two auxiliary displays changed to more like 4:3 with black bands down each side and the image reso...
Hello, I have FSX Deluxe Edition and Acceleration installed on my PC (not Steam) and haven't used it in quite some time. Just tried clicking on the FSX.EXE file and I get about 1 second of a little spinning blue circle and then nothing. NOTHING. As if I n...
I have a full cockpit, but in order to get the Switch, Multi,and Radio panels to work at all I needed to run a third party package called Spad. I'm running win10...went up to win11 that I discovered is plagued with driver issues and went back to 10... ...
Dearest Ian. I'm sure you know FSX perfectly and I have to ask you how to make an object (exemple "house") "night" in FSX. My procedure: 1) I build a house in 3D with the Sketch-Up program (house. SKP) 2) I export the house in 3D with the “Colladaâ€...
Thanks to Radarman for my last problem really helped a does anyone out there know where I could find an article or video on how to understand all the lines and dots, etc., on the 737 800 for the primary flight display and the multi-function disp...
Hello to all..... Since yesterday I have been facing a problem. I carry out IFR flights, declare, and monitor. At the end of the flight when I go to the "PILOT REGISTRATION" section I realize that FSX has not recorded the last flight in the "flight log...
"visual model cannot be displayed" Im getting this every time I try to install an Aircraft from Fly Away. Then when I load a flight FSX crashes Anybody else having this problem??...
Good morning, the p3dv4 Zenith 701 is supposed to work on FSX, I entered it, and it works but the problem is invisible. Can we solve this problem? Thank you for all your answers....
No matter where I attempt to start FSX the icon or game doesn't start Get: ERROR ID = 25 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â (Null) If I try to use the .exe on the FSX tree under my C:\ I get ERROR CODE 8-c0000006 I've tried everything I know and have been a...
Hi, What's the easiest way to build a FSX CESSNA 172 R SKYHAWK FLIGHT SIMULATOR WITH A FIXED INCOME? I'm looking to build one but I'm on a fixed income. I do have a ch yoke and pedals but I don't have the started key and the avionics for it. Can you pleas...
How to run FSX on my PC Gamer OMEN, because it will not run on Windows 10 family edition ?...
hi can anyone tell me how to get my Xbox 360 controller to work on my Microsoft flight simulator x? the 360 controller is installed on my laptop but cannot find it in the controller settings in the actual game. I have the 360 controller wired up via ...
I have a Saitek X52 Flight System for my Microsoft Flight Simulator X. I had it installed on a computer and then received another one. I now would like to use the new computer as my primary game computer. But, I'm having problems. Whenever I use the joyst...
Can I Download the complete MS FSX game from this site?...
Hi, lately when I use FSX why don't I have any sound I mean any voices I get sometimes the ATC window instruction but no sound. Also sometimes when I press the interactive number I get no response. Hope someone can help me. Jeff....
Every time I try to install FSX it goes to the end of installing then it pops up Errors 1722 and 1603, I have tried to reset the Windows installer but to no good. can anybody help me, please?...
Found recently some interesting planes to fly in FSX: Fokker F27. However, this kneeboard does not have the information on speeds, max. cruise, stall, rotate, flap, landing, etc. Would there be an option for me to install that information, that I got f...
Changing from Airbus to 747-400 and setting up radio stack, GPS, etc on the second and third screens, the ability to undock and drag & drop has disappeared, and I get a split circle flashing where the cursor should be. Tried reloading FSX and FSX Accel, n...
This is CRAZY! I have a Dell Inspiron with i7 4770S CPU, 16G RAM, GT1030 Video Card. Windows 10. It runs FSX with all sliders MAX'D out and gets 50 FPS. I have another "gaming" PC with Ryzen 7 3700X CPU, 32G RAM, GTX 1050Ti Video Card, and Windows 11. B...
Hi Guys Only me again. Is it possible to speed up the flying time? I want to fly London to New York but don't have the time to sit a PC for 6-8 hours real time flying. So how do i speed it up a bit so it only takes a couple of hours or so. ...
Friends, when I download any file from Avsim, the speed becomes very slow even down to 3.0kb. This is really frustrating and as we know almost every file has to download from this site. I am using the broadband connection in Vista 32bit SP1. Can anyone he...
I've searched all my usual haunts but can't find a crack for FSX. Does anyone know if one is available yet?...
Has anyone else had this, and suddenly started feeding only from the starboard tank, not the center or port? Opening crossfeed or using pumps doesn't seem to make a difference, using auto refueling replenished the starboard tank and added the same amount ...
Having problems slowing aircraft down in two of the expert modes, the Monsoon Approach and the Dutch Harbor Approach. They start out at about 11,000 feet and when you get down to landing altitude, the aircraft is still flying way too fast. Shutting down t...
I'm running Windows 7 and FSX standard DVD and I tried alt and right click but none of them work....
I'm fairly new to FSX and read a year or so ago on some Sim Forum that it's not recommended to use two different brands of flight controls ...??? My son mentioned to me he saw a set of CH Pro Rudder Pedals on sale here in Canada for about $125 with free ...
When I first got FSX, I started plowing through the missions from the start, as you do, and when I got to the first mission involving the floatplane I found that during flight it always wants to turn right, and as there's no autopilot in it, I couldn't ge...
Hey, how's it going? I need to be able to center the rudder on FSX but the assignment doesn't work! it says that the key has been assigned but it does not do anything. Is there any way to make that work? any help is appreciated. cheers....
I'm using the CH products pro pedals and the CH products flight sim yoke. When I try to fly the plane off of the runway it says the brakes are still applied. It's not the parking brake.... it just says the brakes are applied and the airplane won't roll do...
What are the take-off and landing speeds for the CRJ-700?...
Just some help here. I finally started flying big jet planes (as I'm getting my pilot's license, always flew the Cessna) and wanted to refuel. landed at Tampa Int. and went to the gate in my 737. pressed ctrl J and got the jetway to go to me (thanks to ...
how do u open/connect to the gate/jet way?...
Hi, I'm hoping for some direction here. I loaded the game(deluxe) on my pc and got to the activation screen. I entered the key# and hit enter. I could see 2 icons and the words" making connection" and then I got the message "a technical problem occurr...
When I select a plane and the airport, my altitude is already at 400 sometimes. How can I reset this to 0?...
Okay, I've seen numerous posts on changing FSX.CFG (specifically to adjust the number of autogen trees versus buildings) but search as I might, I can't find the CFG file... I've got two installations (yes, next is a call to 'Daddy' for permission to insta...
I thought when I got FSX MS would have fixed the overspeed problem. Why doesn't the overspeed warning go off when you climb above 10K ft? The speed limit is 250 KTS or less below 10,000, but when you fly the jets above 10K the warning comes on at about 3...
Hello, everyone. I was just wondering if there is a difference between KIAS and Knots. I see normal planes fly at, let's just say, 450 knots but in FSX I can only go to around 340 KIAS. And, where are the knots displayed in the 737? thanks and any help is...
I am sick of it that I go too fast or too slow and stalling and I hate that sound is there a way to turn it off?...
For those who don’t know how to do an ILS landing in the Default Boeing 747-400, this should help you. First, open the map by clicking MAP in the world menu, or by clicking the star-shaped button on the 2D main panel. Click on your destination, th...
I am trying to reinstall my Saitek/ Logitech radio panel, switch panel, and multi-panel. I am using Windows 7 Professional 64-bit with FSX - Acceleration. I successfully downloaded the software for the panel test and the panels all all working fine. Howev...
The Hiller OH-23 panel VSI gauge does not show the gauge background. It only show the needle. I have switched the gauge and needle with another gauge from another aircraft, and I still get the same results. Only shows needle with no gauge background. The ...