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Help I'm very glum . I removed my copy of FSX from my computer and now can't get it back onto the hard drive. 😞 Rafman925...
How do I keep FSX from crashing after 5 minutes into the program, RAM is 12 gigs, video card is brank new. I have tried using vista as a OS, WIN 7, etc. I have heard that there was a program to help in this situation. Can anyone suggest or help? T...
Hello everybody, I was thinking/wondering if anyone would be interested in doing a cross country escort flight. What I had in mind was an airliner would take off and then one or two fighters would escort them to their destination. Just something to...
I accidentlly deleted the file and would like to know where to obtian the file again. I'm running it on FSX....
Hey guys can anyone HELP me my Cam Sim 787 download that pitches down on rotation and crashes is there a fix. This happens every time I try to take off. Cheers...
My FSX won't run. Every time I click on the icon, a window pops-up and tells me Flight Simulator is already running. I also have FS9 and 2002 - they aren't running but I still get the message. Any takers?...
are there any airports in fsx that include arresting wires on the runways?...
Basic System Specs: Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit So this has been bugging me for the past 6 hours. Every single time I try to install FSX Gold Edition, right at the end of the instillation when the status says its "Publishing product", it gives me a err...
I have not been able to find Glide Slope information on any aircraft. I'm now using Microsoft Flight Simulator X, Gold Edition. From what I have read it should be in GPS displays but have been unable to locate any hint of it. I've searched the instruct...
I'm new to this forum and new to downloading . I bought FSX when it first came out and I couldn't make it work properly after installing it 3 times. It sat in my desk until Last year when I decided to give it a try again. It works (not well) and I'm pr...
i have installed FSX on my pc but it hasnt been activated. And i can't actually open FSX because it hasnt been activated. Does anyone know how to activate flight simulator x outside of the program....
Hey guys! I just got FSX on my new computer, and when the joystick is at 0 tilt (basic mode). It still tillts down, how can I fix this problem? It's not the joystick thats broken, its the program. Becuse it works fine in another simulator, and I unplugge...
FSX Windows 8 will not install. fix. go to the right side of your screen and go to your search menu. type "cmd". go to your apps. right click on your on the command prompt. run as administrator. at your main windows drive the command prompt should say "c:...
Does flight simulator vers X purchased about mid 2000s allow you to play the game on say 3 monitors with a separate view on each monitor. If so what software does it require?...
Hi all, Wonder if anyone can help me change the control panel of the Cessna 177RG, downloaded from this same Web-Site, for a G1000 as the Mooney has. Thanks in advance for any help, Mavellan...
Hello everyone, My name is Jon Stanley I am a 21 y/o Firefighter / Security Officer from Canada. I have just purchased FSX and am looking forward to training my flight skills. Just a little about me. I have served 1 year in Afghanistan as a Fire...
Hi All, Just wondering if anyone can help me out with a scenery transparency problem. Basically on some flights I can arrive at my destination and certain parts of the scenery is see through. For example at LGAV the terminal building is not there, ...
I have been running into an annoying problem. It seems when I approach runway 09R at KPHL using a flight plan from KABE to KPHL with the PMDG MD-11, all of a sudden the airport annunciator comes on and continues to give me all the runway's that are open ...
Hello 🙂 can anyone help me with landing. I have seen in fight simulator X that while landing we can create an imaginary loops for the aircraft which helps us to glide down and can match the aircraft with runway, can anyone help me how to turn on ...
Hello. I want to add missions to a mod I have downloaded, but I don't know how! Can anyone help me? That would be great! thanks, Parker -Why Need ROBLOX When you Have Camel-...
Hi every one I downloaded Honda Jet. it is a great aircraft, the only problem is that there is shadow or reflections on the virtual cockpit . If you notice, you will see a thick band of shadow or reflections that covers the windshield of the cockpit fr...
Hi i have Ultimate traffic 2 and sometimes the atc can't handle the traffic. I think it would be super cool if we could be the atc controlling. It would seem easy to be ground or tower. Being approach would obviously be more difficult as would clearence d...
I recently purchased the FSX-ready SR-71 from AlphaSim and the level of detail and flight dynamics is incredible. In fact, almost too good. It comes with an extensive flight manual that they recommend mentally consuming before flying. The wording is taken...
where can i found that plane a330-300 freeware vesion???...
I have been a msflight user since day one until now, I have FSX running in Windows 7 64 bit Asus latest M/B quad core processor 16gb ram with AMD Radeon HD 7800 video card my problem has recently decided to occur I can fly all day doing circuits at Frida...
during clear sunny conditions I keep getting these vertical spirals in the sky....what's causing this???? thanks...
So I have seen a lot of questions about the compatibility of Fsx on Windows 8 and windows 8.1 especially. So I bought my laptop this new year and I can tell you that Fsx was the first thing that I installed, BOTH service packs were installed and my sy...
Good Morn. all, Seems I have done something ?? regarding settings in FSX. I used to have planes at the gates when I landed, and could set for heavy or light ATC traffic. I do have ATC to my plane and Gate instructions upon landing. I have cha...
My Marker lights are square boxes instead of lights 737-800 😳...
I have a m17xr3 I use for FSX, most of the time I am fine running FSX, but after installing new scenery, and a buildup of tons of a/c over the years FSX really drags my system down especially over heavily populated areas. My current spec is; 580m ca...
Can someone please tell me why I often get the following message when I try to review a video recording after a flight: X Run time Error Programme C:\Programme Files R6025 pure virtual function call OK Why do I get this (not every time, but most...
Greetings. How do I start a free flight in a single or double prop plane with the engine(s) off? I'd like to start the engine myself. I always start from a gate and taxi to my runway but the flight always starts with the engine(s) already running. I've be...
Out of the blue, the aircraft in my library aren't turned on when I choose one to fly. I checked my throttle and it's calibrated. I have a button on my throttle designated to turn on engines. It starts the engines but they don't stay engaged and eventuall...
Ihave a Original FsX Deluxe Edition , wich workt Perfact on Windows XP3.Nauw I got mi self A Nwu Computer wit Windows 7 after Instalig it wokt only SO LA<LA So Itryd To Validate with the Product KEY. After 101 Cals To The Microsoft help Desc Iwas Tol...
Please help me.. When I load up FSX, during flight mode, when I right click on the screen.. the options show but there are all invisible (No writings, only arrows). I actually took a screen shot of it as shown on the link. You can see that when I right cl...
Straight to the point. what's the best 737 addon on the market I can use and learn with? Payware preferably. Thanks...
Will FSX be compatable with windows 8?...
Hi I got FSX for Christmas and it was working fine. Then one day I go to start it up and I get the screen before it goes into the game and it like wont load. I press CTRl+ALT+Delate and it says that FSX is NOT RESPONDING Could anyone help me out with this...
Hi, Anybody had anything similar to this in free flight? It doesn't happen every flight - but is very annoying when it does to say the least. I have closed general background programmes down - but it still did it tonight. With FSX I am running AI Smo...
Hi I have joined the forum but cannot seem to log in. Anyhow I cannot get my new copy of FSX re-activated. This is especilly irritating as I gave a talk this morning on my time as a Tristar training captain on the aircraft and simulator and wanted to use...
Is there a way of skipping any part of the journey on free flight? i know its a simulator so its supposed to be real so at the moment im flying from my home aitport ( plymouth uk ) to closer airports, ive done Paris, and even south Spain which took over ...
Hi everyone. I have a problem about fsx acceleration. After the installing fsx acceleration, im getting this error: When i open the ctrl+alt del, dxdiag is working. And when i terminate it, fatal error occurs again. Somebody says the reason of the pr...
Worked OK in win8 for ages. Had to reinstall Win8 & now FSX will not install in it, please see attachments. Tried 2-3 times. I am dual booting with XP & it works OK in XP
I have been trying to land at KEDW on runway 22 using the PMDG MD-11 and an ILS frequency of 110.10, however, the PMDG MD-11 does not pick it up automatically. The PMDG-MD-11 does however pick up the VOR frequency of 116.40. However, the PMDG 747-400 do...
I have FSX Gold Edition. It has worked flawlessly since December and now, whenever I go into Free Flight, the aircraft loads up and in about 3 seconds it freezes saying A Fatal Error Occurred. I followed the instructions given to me by a person in the Avs...
I have been using fsx for quite some time but this is some unique problem I am facing. I currently have my computer in two partitions windows 7 and windows 8, earlier I only had windows 7 and use to play on that but recently had to format my system. After...
Being a fan of all the previous FS versions, it has taken me a long while to get round to using FSX. One problem is the external aircraft view which seems very limited. Before you could view your flyable aircraft easily and creat a view by choosing the di...
hi..i installed world of didnt work so i uninstalled i dont have any fsx airports, just the pads and runways, no terminals or buildings...i did the repair fsx from the disk....then i couldnt get fsx to even start..BUT i uninstalled sp2 and...
Hi, FSX will not install again giving this new error below. Can you help on this too please.
Out of the blue, all of my lights, from landing lights to streets and airplane lights, are surrounded by a boxed halo of light. Any way I can get rid of them?...