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Hi, I downloaded this free version, installed the package as described, but when I loaded the plane into FSX all I can see is a white plane with no paintwork. Also, there is no way of connecting the GPS to the Auto Pilot in the plane. Can anyone explain ...
I am having a problem with EZoc Camera. The user manual and all the videos on YouTube were of no help regarding where to locate the keys that needed to be disabled before starting the EZCA Configuration. They all told me to go to Views in the Event catego...
a few of the planes i have downloaded are opening without having textures like A380-800 DFW. not sure how to get a texture on it. it did come with a textures folder and i tried copying that into the textures folder and then just the contents of it to th...
I just downloaded FSX onto my computer; the regular one, and I downloaded FSX 1&2. I've purchased and downloaded several aircraft . They look normal in the menu window; however, when I choose a plane to fly, it comes out in a total white texture. I have o...
Hi everyone, After downloading and installing a new aircraft, I am not able to see the ASI and other important gauges. Any ideas on what i can do to fix the issues? Thank you, Shay...
I downloaded the default 737 800 for fsx and did everything the readme said to do and nothing is showing up in my fsx im running windows 7 64 bit I even tried another repaint and nothing so can anyone help me....
I have downloaded FSX Aberdeen airport scenary and all seems to be working correctly except that when taking off from the runway there are green strips of grass going across the runway at right angles.Anyone have any idea how to overcome this? Thanks e...
FSX S2 download fails, computer repair meant Win7 64 bit installed, reinstall from start, lost lots of aircraft etc , gradualy loading again ( THanks !) but servive pack 2 fails twice. each time it loasdsas fsx_sp2_ENU.msi i managed to get sp1 las...
Often when I add an aircraft to FSX the gauges are either entirely missing, the gauges are there but they have nothing in them, or the whole panel field is black. Can anyone help please? The DX10 box has been unchecked and that generally solved the white...
Hi Team I have recently downloaded the Dassault Rafale ( and I have found that I am not able to get any engine sound when flying in Spot View. The sound in VC and 2D view is fine. Following the Read Me instructions, ...
Hi, I downloaded and installed, three times, that nice addon by Marco ... Being used to DH104 Dove the panel is, for me, like going home. But no start panel and no pedestal => no flight. As anyone an idea, I've been looking over the files and ...
Hallo again everyone. I just received the Wilco Airbus series v.1 and v.2. After chosing one of these new addon-Airbus aircrafts, FSX immediately shuts down. Nothing more happens. It just quits. I'm using Vista, and I have My Traffic X installed. W...
Hi everyone for some reason my Ultimate Traffic 2 has stopped loading into my FSX. Normally when i load up my FSX the Ultimate Traffic 2 is automatically installed and plays a little tune but has suddenly stopped and now not loading in at all have tried t...
I am familiar with flying the Boeing 737/400 on MS Flight Sim 2004. So I upgraded to the PMDG Boeing 737/800/900 package. I am currently undergoing the very steep learning curve with FMC, but I am anxious to get familiar with the cockpit using IFR as I do...
Please help me get my FSX back from being trapped in the Lukla Mission. I installed mission, flew and enjoyed it. No special uninstall instructions so I deleted Lukla folders. Now, when I fly 'Free Flight', I can choose airplane, airport etc and that will...
Aerosoft Mega Airport Frankfurt missing taxiway signs! Any help?...
I have some AI planes that I really don't know where they came from, I have MyTraffic 6 but its not installed, all my traffic settings are off and there are random planes (not default they are airlines like Lufthansa etc...) but this is only in airports t...
Cessna 441 Conquest for FSX - New download - reloaded no help. Everything else works except the GPS, CAN NOT TURN IT ON. PLS HELP...
I want to fly with another planes in offline mode, is there a mod that creates a plane that keeps following you wherever you go?...
Can someone please tell me which directory each folder goes into? I have no clue!! Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!! :cry:...
Okay so I own the PMDG 777LR for P3D v3, but when I try to install it doesn't install because I get this stupid msg saying: "Installation cannot continue. Your registry does not show a valid Prepar3D(tm) installation location" I had the same problem wit...
After downloading and installing add-ons I lost my mouse indicator does anyone have any suggestions?...
Hello Everyone! As you may not be aware, I am a MAJOR fan of Namco Bandai's Ace Combat Series. Recently, I found and downloaded Dino Cattaneo's Excellent F-14D Tomcat for use with I also happened to find a repaint for it as the Razgr...
Ok so there is this thing on EZDOK called global disable/enable and when it is enabled ezdok works but you cant move with the SPACE+mouse and then I searched a bit and found out that you need to use the middle mouse button since EZDOK overwrites P3D view ...
Hi there, In my previous message I mentioned that I am having problems installing FSX without getting an error message. This usually happens then I added the acceleration pack to it. What can I do? I cleaned everything out and started from scratch and...
On a couple of Addon Aircraft I have tried to install, I don't see the entire aircraft displayed, only parts of the aircraft (say te pilots, interior and engines or propeller. The rest of te aircraft is missing in the game display. All the required ...
I downloaded a Gulfstream g5.5 and when I installed it, I followed the instructions with the exception of installing a line in the effects folder. The first time I opened FSX to fly it, the exterior was pretty good...not great, but there was no instrument...
I am looking for software or information as to how I might place an object like a hanger on the grounds of my local airport KFWA. I know there is software that will allow this to be done in FSX under Windows 7. I am now using Windows 10 and FSX SE. There...
Okay to start off I have P3D v3 and I just bought ActiveSky, now I'm getting a couple of pop ups like 2. the first one is just when I load ASN I get this thing telling me to install ASConnect so I do that then I get the exact same error and I install it a...
Hi guys, I downloaded the FSX THY BARCELONA BOEING 777-300ER a while ago now and haven't used it much because whenever i try to fly in Virtual Cockpit mode, the view comes from behind the captains seat so i cant see where im going. My I.T knowledge isnt...
Hi guys, I downloaded the FSX THY BARCELONA BOEING 777-300ER a while ago now and haven't used it much because whenever i try to fly in Virtual Cockpit mode, the view comes from behind the captains seat so i cant see where im going. My I.T knowledge isnt...
I am having problems installing this scenery, has anyone got a walk through?...
Anyone have experience with UT2- Does the package come with all some virtual airline, of are they mixed paints based upon schedules? also, is it difficult to add or change texture repaints to the add on?...
Hi all. 1st post so be gentle... 😂 After loading several plane addons into my fsx folder im missing the cockpit visuals. This is not the case with all my downloads just a few of them. Ive extracted the required files into my sim objects/pla...
So anyways, I want to set up the FMC (BTW I have a PMDG 777-200lr) but I need the info such as payloads, fuel, headings etc... but I cant really understand the flight briefing plan that PFPX provides me with. Is their anyone that can send me a link to a v...
To make gliding a little more realistic in FSX I installed WinchX and CumulusX, and added a few gliders to fly with. Now only the DG-808S is working, while any other add-on aircraft will just result in a black screen that loads forever. They are installed...
Hello, I have a problem that I don't know why is happening. I downloaded a Airbus 320 Air Canada, I then installed in my FSX airplane folder, I started FSX the plane is there, beautiful, then I download an Airbus like a 319 another plane from a d...
Hi budies! I need to know what to do to have textures shown on FSX, for those freewares airplanes I download with BMPs texture files. Some say they fly with no difficulties, and have textures on the airplanes. Some other say I need to turn off DirectX...
I was wondering if there is a laguage pack to download because I have a German version and everything is sychronised :cry: I know German , but it sucks to be unable to learn for multiplayer. Please Help !!!...
hi i reinstalled my fsx till 0430 last night..i got the info on how to uninstall and install from pmdgs website, so im sure i did it correct..i installed fsx, then installed sp1, everything great sofar, but when i went to install sp2, i keep getting this ...
Hey all, I've set all my permissions to where they need to be for changing said files. Tried opening them with Adobe, and it tells me that it's either not a "supported file type" or that the file has been damaged. Tried again using MS Notepad, and when I ...
Hello again. Not sure if I am in the right forum but I am looking for a EMB 110 @ 1983 in Dolphin Airlines livery. If anyone has seen this aircraft somewhere would like to add to my FSX EMB 110 collection. While working for EASTERN at KPBI saw them every ...
I've download the Lockheed Martin F35-A..C and tried to install it, means I put the files in the privided folder. In the moment I choose the aircraft in the selection dialog, FSX tried to load it and after a short while it crash. I also bought the Phantom...
Hi! First I must say that I'm quite new to Flight Simulator X Steam Edition. I have just dowloaded the Embraer erj package with a lot of paintings and so on. In the description of the download it stood that all aircraft have a Virtual Cockpit. But wh...
I have a fsx only Toshiba with 800 gigs . Ive worked with this since its release in 2007 2008, over the years with different add ons fsps etc and the very best in payware ive run into a severe problem. Im receiving up to 20 messages a day from tacpac tha...
For years I have used Mach-1 Designs, KPIT for fs9... Works like a charm, looks perfect, all the gates are correct... except one minor detail.... it is only for FS9. Now that I have graduated to the world of FSX... I am in dire need of a DECENT KPIT ag...
Problem after installation of Project Airbus Qantas 380. The download and installation in the indicated FSX folder went w/o problem. The Fuselage and cockpit doesn't not show up in Virtual Cockpit Panel. The wings and engines show but not the fuselage i...
Any one know of any computer flight simulator that has the Challenger 350 add on? Such as microsoft flight sim, wingx etc. Thanks!...
I have FSX Gold Edition. Is there a way I can edit the Captioning for a mission that came with acceleration? Like Missing coworker, the voice speaks and reads the captions, I want to change what the voice says? Thanks Murr777...
Hope some one can help me find the missions I downloaded from here and be able to use them :cry:...