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Does anyone know where I can get an AFCAD for every-single Japanese airport, or at least the ones where there are airlines serving. Thanks Cheeks...
Does anyone know where I can get freeware 707 or 727 for FSX? Thanks...
hey i'm new to the site and im trying to get my downloads from the website onto FSX can anyone help me out??...
I wonder if any other simmers have downloaded this software from the CD that came with the magazine this month. I noted the remark that the Help file has yet to be produced but the reviewer opined that "the menus are fairly obvious, so it doesn't take ...
Hello all!! I seem to be having a bit of a dilemma i Dl'ed a RAAf f-18 superhornet Here!!that was suposed to be compatible with FSX but for somereason when i load the plane to fly the cockpit does a funny thing where i cant see any of the out side except ...
Anyone know where to get the Haneda and Kansai scenery for FSX?. I only have the one for FS04-combat FS only. THEY WONT LET ME INSTALL IT!! HELP!!...
Hi I have just bought voice buddy 3 and i cant get it working at all. I have read the online instructions but there not very good. Could someone who has used voice buddy please give me some instructions on how to get it working with FSX. Thanks...
I just left a great site for FSX tweaks and noticed they have just added a whole bunch of repaints for the default FSX aircraft... Plus some great downloads and tweaks for your system Just thought I would pass this alon...
For some reason, most of the aircraft I've downloaded are a shiny silver! And all AI aircraft you can't fly are a shiny silver! This does'nt happen in FS2004! Somebody help! 😳...
I don't know if anybody else is using FS Real Time or not, but I just downloaded the newest version 1.87.6 and thought I would try it again. If anybody can help, I would appreciate it. I tried to contact Joshua Robertson at his Contact link but it didn'...
OK, so maybe I'm the biggest sucker of them all (if you feel the need to laugh at me go ahead--quietly in your head, thank you). I was enticed by the eye candy and the great descriptions and reviews of Aerosoft's Hughes H1-B "Special" addon. It was an ...
hi i downloaded a new plane called klm 747-400 and i put it in my simobjects/airplanes folder in a folder that i created called klm 747. but now when i go into fsx it says 'there are multiple objects with the same title name. they must have unique t...
Hello guys, I have installed fs global 08 to my fsx, but still can't understand how does it work. Is there any commercial aircraft in that add-on. I hope it's not only about scenery. Franky...
If anybody out there loves to fly the older planes, this beauty is the one. Pretty much as real as it gets. 95 percent of all of the gauges work. You get awesome detail from breaks that squeak to co captain talking to you!!! This is PAYWARE but total...
I'm having a problem when I copy and paste the new aircraft cfg into the aircraft cfg files. It will paste alright but when I go to save the file I keep getting the message "Cannot Create the file. Make sure the path and file name are correct". therefore...
well i went and downloaded fd5 from abacus. and man am i disapointed. for payware this addon sucks. the graphics are horriable. when on the flight deck of a carrier your wheels are below the deck. yikes. over all i would say not to buy anything from abacu...
Hi Guys, Does anyone know where could I find a tibet scenery/airport add-on for FSX? I'd love to land at Bangda airport, which is the highest in the world. Also the Lhasa airport seems to be missing. All I could search is the addon for these airports fo...
I have been looking on the web for a plane called the Gee Bee. I have turned up results in almost every flight sim download section except Fsx. If anyone could tell me where to find one i would appreciate it. Also if anyone could tell me of any other simi...
Does the version of SSTSIM Concorde for FS2004 work in the Flight Simulator X?? 😕 Im asking this because i just have FSX and i dont want to buy the SSTSIM Concorde and then discover that it doesnt work in the FSX Im looking for a good Concor...
Hi fellow simmers. I'd like to know how to follow the flight plan at the flick of a NAV/GPS switch in PMDG 747s...but the thing is - only the default FSX 747s have them! How do I do this with a PMDG 747 guys? I've searched the FMC manuals etc. but can't ...
While watching the news the other day about the many fires in the US and the effort to control them, a light bulb went on over my head and immediately headed to Google to find some firefighting missions for FSX. Imagine my disappointment when all I fou...
I'm going to change my log in name to "Pain in the Bum". :oops: Sorry, Ive messed about with my setting's and now Ive got flying Trees, Ive set my settings all back to default but still got the flying trees, Is it time I hang up my Goggles, Ge...
i just recently installed the aicarrier2 and it lets u place and control a/c in freeflight but i was wondering if there was a way to edit the speed of the carriers. Any help would be greatly apprecaited...
Hey, just quick, I need a Supermarine Spitfire to complete my collection of Allied Forces planes. Anyone have a link? Even a Spitfire racer will do......
Great download, but the HUD display doesn't work in virtual cockpit mode. Any ideas on how to make it work?...
:cry: anyone having problems with FlightSim X Acceleration pack? - I have installed FlightSimx plus service pack 1 - everything was working fine - since installing acceleration pack I am having problems - cannot save a flight - system freezes - have to ...
well they finally actually told us that they are giving us a new scenery. No this isnt my video:
Hi!!! I need some help, if anyone knows! I tried to apply the old crack for pmdg 747 of fs2004 that it was explained how to avoid black screens in avionics, but in fs2004. i knew that this action wasn't right, but i did it just in case. when ...
hi does anyone know where i can download a thomsonfly 737. i have searched on this website but cant find one. is there another website with it on. thanks...
what if someone could edit storm properties to create a storm, but not just any storm, a megastorm with windspeeds of over 300 miles per hour and random wind directions or something! that would be a challenge!...
Hiya Gents. I have just downloaded a Mission called ( AMATITLAN HERE I COME ) and it states I need a Glider But I can-not find it. Can some one point me in the right Direction please. Download FSX Airborne C4 Hand Glider (air_c4 zip ) by David Rowb...
Anyone know the difference between these two. I have them both installed but not sure which one (with default settings) is more optimum. Anyone else have any insight to share? - Kareem...
hi can someone please tell me what are the best addons for: -europe terrain -traffic addon -better air traffic control thanks...
Hi I just wanted to ask if anyone knows why~ ~~ ok when i take off i have to pull back almost all the way on my joystik to keep it leval. Any advice also how can i get the cockpit to work. Other than that its great...
HI all, has anyone got Just flight Cargo for FSX. I have it and it seems as though its almost impossible to earn enough quickly. Has anyone got any hints or tips that me be of help please....
Does anybody have a list of AI airlines that are in 'My Traffic X'? I can't seem to find this info anywhere. I am specifically looking (for AI airlines): Air Southwest (that operate out of Bristol), BMI, KLM Cityhopper and Air France ATR42's. Any he...
Does anyone know if there is a plane download for the Q400? Paul...
I have read all post that I can find about saving and I understand every step but I keep getting the error msg that I cant save the airplane.cfg file I modify for a new texture. I am running FSX on Vista and I have admin rights. Any ideas would be welcome...
All the downloaded aircraft I have (besides payware) have been screwing up due to a similar glitch lately. If I try to use a downloaded plane, ala 767, the screen will show the plane for about half a second and then it will go white. However, the game is...
Hi all! I got FSX 2 months ago and just found out about SDK recently.I installed it correctly(SDK and FSX). It's supposed to appear in the main FSX menu in the game(correct me if im wrong).But it's not there. Checked the fsx.cfg, SDK in default location,d...
Hello. I have downloaded FSCopilot 1.6. I have FSX Service Pack 2. I first install it, and it seems fine. But when i start FSX it loads for 10 seconds, then closes down...And then I uninstall FSCopilot and it works... Anyone know why i cant get it workin...
I have this add-on up and running on my pc but note that there are a couple of small problems with the bridges over the River Tamar at Plymouth - without the add-on they are clearly visible but with the add-on they are replaced by some turbulent water, an...
Hi, I tried to install the SDK from the FSX deluxe disc one. It installed and i went into dll.xml and changed disabled to false. I went into FSX and "Tools" Was not there. I have tried soo many things. Please can someone help??? I really need that OPT fo...
yesterday i added 2 AI traffic things (computer traffic) and now theres no traffic (AI) so im pissed....i uninstalled fsx than reinstalled it still doesnt work...what do i do??...
A freeware bush pilot mission will be out from Abacus in a few days called "Bigfoot hunter Alaska" The mission is one part of the mission collection series and will give you on the ground (First person/3rd person shooter) capability while hunting and tran...
Hello, I am looking for the "BEST" quality addon PANEL/HUD-AFTERBURNER EFFECT - WING TIP VAPOR add on for the f-16 by "Kirk Olsson" When I load Kirk's f-16 in fs9 there is no HUD or 2D panel , when I try other view's Ie: hud - hud bright etc: the c...
also looks as though they are getting into CFS, but nothing there yet...
I have downloaded some aircraft with ground service but can't get the ground service to do anything like unload cargo ect...
Hello guys, new here but I have been reading a lot in the last few weeks. Finaly decided to become a member ! I am currenlty trying to optimize my set up, (will upgrade my CPU shorlty) but I would also like to improve the "eye-candy" and install UT...
Hi can you tell me what button the afterburner button is. its been bugging me for months :unsure:...