Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
how do you get airborne with gliders?...
Hi, I've just installed 747-200 ready for pushback and loaded up FS and I get the message that my FSUIPC is incompatible and I should have build 9.00.30612. Why has this happened. Before installing I had a compatible version!! and another little questi...
Hi all, I have recently been working on a video with my Muale, in Carins, Queensland Australia. I am using the wonderful VOZ scenery done by Koorby which is available here: Enjoy and all comments are welcome! The link - it expires in three days!...
Hi, is there some ways to load a text file or a image file into the kneeboard so I can read it? I read somewhere that there is a tweak you can use to turn it into a web browser. maybe it will work too for a local file instead of some page on the net? Wha...
I think it will be useful ➡
I have just bought FSbuild and can't for the life in me work out how to export the flight plans into my PMDG flight plan folder. All i get is an error which says err- unable to crate flight plan folder. The FSbuild support is extremely poor to say t...
How do i record a video in FS9. I see people on here sometimes show their landing etc. I was wondering how to do this as i cant find any program to do it. thanks 😀...
i just got back from a fun flight in a F-22. heres my report: Flight KY173 End of flight report Date May 08 2006 Flight ID: KY173 Pilot: John Doe (RIP) Company: World Travel Aircraft: F-22 Flight Date: May 08 2006 Depart...
I was wondering where I can get FS Passengers for FS2004. If anybody knows can you provide a link?...
Hello! I am using the "boeingpanel_146203", but how do I activate the HUD? Thanks in advance! nikolais 😀...
i was just wondering....on fs 2004 can you fly a passengers flight with a fighter aircraft of any kind (eg, have passengers on board) if you can can you tell me which planes you can do this with, i have a number of fighters but i am away from my computer ...
I'm getting quite a few PM's on how to get the walk and follow demo or payware version to stop spining. For those who don't have this program you can get the trial version here: P.S I'm am not work...
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: i finely got the full game and i was happy!!!...but as i had my first flight and i linedup on the rwy and i was on takeoff,then the fsp saying not autherwized plz buy the full game. and that ...
im using fspassengers at ksfo airport. I always seem to make the tail hit the ground when flying concorde! flaps are set at 5 degrees and at 140 knots i pull back gently until 10 degrees and it does not climb unless the tail hits the ground! how do you ta...
Hi everyone Now, we all were new to Flight Simulator one time or other. Now most of us can admit to when we first got into flying we always wanted to fly the "heavy metal" first. Everyone has the impression that "there the fastest" "you see them more t...
Hey, what do these frequencys do Unicom FSS Also, if flying VOR, would you tune a frequency at a airport to fly to it, or would you have to use the VOR station nearest them, then just fly by ear toward them?...
im currently doing a transatlantic flight in a concorde, ifr to kjfk airport. ive read numerous times that people say they leave it to fly but im wondering how as every couple of seconds the atc are calling me to turn so how do i leave it without cancelli...
Is it possible to save the FS Passenger status along with the flight? Or do I have to fly the whole flight in one sitting? I've saved flights in the past but it always cancels the FSP scenario when I exit... 😕...
Hi, How do I use my mic to speak to ATC using VATSIM. I can't remember 😂 Thanks 😉...
ok i just purchased microsoft flight simulator 2004 and everytime I choose select a flight and scroll down to a selected flight for example...Modern: Cargo Pilot (Hard) and select Tokyo to Hong Kong my system crashes, without even trying to load the map. ...
I keep getting this message upon starting up FS... SCENERY.CFG file error. Local scenery directory not found (scenery\AB_airbus\SCENERY) in scenery AREA.042 not found Any ideas how I can stop this message coming up?? Thanks 😉...
Hey 😀 Can I speed up my flight, to ex. 4x, 8x, and 16x? And if, how? Thanks a lot in advance! nikolais 😀...
hi i search 2 other regions keys for simcharts v3.0 i have buy i 3 region simcharts i have a regions key in exchange...
Hey 😀 What is, after your opinion, the best Boeing 737 panel, and wing views? Thanks a lot in advance! nikolais 🙂...
I can find the destination airport weather, but what about the enroute weather for a crosscountry, especially VFR?...
ja, i want to make some top 5 freeware lists for my site, so if you guys couldpost your nominees i can take a look and judge them. i just feel this is something lacking and many people would them beneficial. catorgories then: - best passenger plane...
I can create a flight plan and enter it into the FMC (PMDG 737 900) but i seem to have a problem with the decent. The flight all goes to plan, cruising at an altitude of 35000ft but i have a real problem meeting the speed and decent contstraints which...
Hello all, I recently changed my graphics card for a Geforce4 TI4600. Since then when I open the map screen, FS hangs for about 60 seconds then crashes to desktop. Could this be a driver issue? The map worked fine with my last card which was a ATI read...
Can anyone recommend a good source for airport approach plates. Preferably for free and European? Are the Jeppesen plates on CD-ROM or DVD worth paying for, if I can't get them for free? Any tips gratefully received. Thanks...
Hey everyone, Can everyone please tell me if they have MRAI installed or have an website where I can get it? Reason I am asking is because I've found and downloaded AirTran AI Traffic, and found other airlines but the rest I needed MRAI and the person ...
Hi all, Ive been holding out on doing a video for a while now as im using a laptop at the minute so its not the best performance but I thought what the hell and have done one anyway. It is the wing view of the beautiful a340 from CLS. The route was...
is there any way to return the rudder and aileron trims to their original position?...
I have a spanish fs2004 because I live in Spain but I would like to follow the lessons in english. Does anybody know how and if I can change the language or if I can download the files somewhere....
Sorry folks, but here is another newbie question: I just downloaded the Delta Lockheed 1011 for FS2004. It runs, but the panel settings must be wrong as the panel that appears is for a 2 engine jet (the Boeing 737?). How do I get the L-1011 panel to (a...
hi all i posted a query about getting sound onto fs9 yesterday and someone gave me a link. unfortunately this link didnt help me but i also realised i am not getting much sound out of the game, when taking off i can hardly hear the engines, there is no...
hi all can someone tell me a good and safe place to purchase fspassengers. am i right in saying its a download purchase so it can be put straight onto the game? much appreciated for your help! 😂...
Oh no!!! after having this problem... I've reinstalled the package, but its made things worse!! When on the loading screen just before my flight, a message documenting a fatal...
Hey 😀 Can someone please tell me if I can download a plane where the wings views are loaded on to, because I canĀ“t figure out how to install them myself 😂 Thanks in advance! nikolai 😉...
Hi, Any ideas? Thanks...
Hey guys, Is there any sort of 'random weather' option in FS. What I would like for example is to take of from Manchester in rain and as I fly to my destination for the weather to change periodically. Thanks 😉...
The latest cockpit shot of PMDG's yet to be released MD-11... ➡ So, what do you think?? 😀 😀...
😀 Started out Dec. 16, 2004 and finnished today Apr. 28, 2006. Explored all the continents,but stayed out of China & Russia. Maybe next time! Left Paine Fld. in a 777 and landed at Boeing fld. today in a 727 Fed Ex. plane. Gee what to do next ?...
I have a problem with the A/T in my PMDG 737ng I have my flight set up in the FMC but when i flick the A/T switch i get a warning light that says A/T P/RST Really stuck with this..... anyone got any ideas??...
Hi everyone I am fairly new to flight simulator, and I'm thinking of getting a better joystick than I have now, which isn't designed for flight simulator This is the one that I have now
Hi guys. I hope you can help me with the following problem. When I go to install flight simulator 2004 I recieve an error message when the installation reaches 15% and is trying to copy the rotor startup file for the robinson r22. It tells me that I...
Can somebody please tell me how you make your engine go on fire? 😕...
Hey 😀 I saw so many people landing at a little island in Greece called Mykonos, and I wondered if the is a speciel way to get the plane on the Mykonos runway heading. Like turning x degrees when taking off from Athens, or something? Than...
i would like to fly some gliders but im not sure what to do to get in the air and stay in the air etc. Can anyone give me any help?...
Hi, I'm having a few issues getting cabin views in 737 Pilot in Command. I have F1 View installed and can roam around the virtual cockpit but for some reason there is no cabin?? What am I missing?? Thanks in advance 😉...
I've set up a new FSPassengers company with a fixed 5% failure setting. I'm right now flying my 58th flight in a Piper Cherokee Six. Somewhere around the 15th flight I did, I had a failure where my landing gear wouldn't retract (much better than the rever...