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I did a search but couldn't see anything, I have just bought a new PC, my old one couldn't run FSX, I used to have an ai aircraft viewer for FS2004 'Traffic View Board' is there a similar progam for FSX please?...
Okay, So I've tried to play FSX recently and I have to tell you, it works pretty good but the catch is that I have to have it windowed and restored down (but I have the ends of the window right to the end of the screen so it's basically like playing a ful...
Different key commands to adjust the view. Shift+Enter: Move up Shift+Backspace: Move down Ctrl+Enter: Move Back Ctrl+Backspace: Move forward Ctrl+Shift+Enter: Move right Ctrl+Shift+Backspace: Move left - Zoom out + Zoom in Backspace: Default...
The AI part of my FSX install seems to have disappeared for some reason. The original traffic file, scenery\world\scenery, is no longer there. All of my add-on traffic files are OK. Any advice on how to restore it other than a complete re-install of FSX w...
I have FSX Deluxe with SP1 on Windows XP/2002 Professional 5.01.2600 (Service Pack 2). When downloads have "Missions" folders (or subfolders with categories), I know what to do. Also, when they they have scenery and texture folde...
I'm playing fsx a lot now and I REALLY enjoy it. But there's still one problem (other than the BSOD i've been getting quite frequently but I think I know how to figure that problem out myself) that I have. This happens quite a lot and varies on WHEN i...
Hi, I kept the data folder in MyDocuments, but when I re-installed, all my mission progression was reset, and I have to complete the missions all over again. Where is this information stored, so I can back up the file next time?...
Can someone please tell me how to get afterburners into my fighters? I have been trying all kinds of things but i don't know if i'm doing it right Thanks....
Heya, i recently downloaded the Captain Sim C-130 for FSX. I have run the installation software over and over and over again, but I have no idea where to extract the install to!!! i tried simobjects/airplanes and the FSX root folder, but BAM no results!!...
Hey people, I bought FSX and guess what.... It ran like crap. So guess what I did: I returned it to the store and sticked to my good old FS2002. 😂 😀 😀 😂...
i dont know how to get fsx to work with my two screens i have a nividia dual video card if that helps :evil: :evil:...
Hi all I seem to be having difficulty getting my flight plan (I create one ok in FSBuild2.3 (EGLF to LCRA Farnborough to Akrotiri)) - but I cannot seem to 'load' this into the FMC - 'Not In Database' is displayed. Its driving me nuts - I really wann...
I have the Deluxe version & Acceleration on a Vista 32bit. Can someone tell me the proper way to install this..... I'm having problems with the tool menu not showing on the menu bar, I installed Deluxe first then Acceleration then the SDK stuff from disk ...
When I set up a flight plan and choose either High/Low Alt airways, when it comes to looking at my GPS, it has an ETA to the next waypoint, is there any way to set it so it shows the ETA for the total journey (to the destination airport)?...
Last weekend I took my first flight in a DG1000S sailplane. It was fantastic! However, I quickly learned my simulator settings are nowhere near as sensitive as the real thing. I've never flown a prop plane, but having sampled flying a real sailplane, I ca...
Hello! I downloaded FA-37 Talon and I think it's a great aircraft, capable of reaching mach 4.0. I saw a little problem however, and it's the aircraft's stall speed. The aircraft doesn't stall untill it reaches 10-30knots!! This kind of unreallistic fo...
Hi, I installed Service Pack 2 last night (its the first time playing FSX for about 5 months) and it worked perfectly, however today I had to do a system restore on my PC for other reasons, which meant FSX SP2 was not installed. So I go to install it agai...
Well, I FINALLY found a freeware YF-22A Raptor, made by IRIS. But it had one glitch I would never expect from IRIS... Offset Afterburner effects. So, I'll be flying along, and I'd throttle all the way up, and after a few seconds my afterburners appear. Bu...
Hello Does anyone know how to either remove the border of the ATC window or reduce the font size please? I know we can reduce thr size of the box by dragging the corners but this only serves to limit the number of messages being displayed. I find the box...
Hey guys..i got my FSX working again and i was wondering if there are any good AI traffic to get like virgin blue and qantas and stuff..?? Thanks...
I recently installed FSX on my computer with the acceleration pack. It has been running fine everytime. Today, when I clicked on the desktop icon to start up, it would not load. The FSX startup picture comes up like normal, but thats all it does. It...
Hi Everyone, On behalf of the FS Water Configurator team: After nearly a year of development and testing the day is finally here! FSWC is now available from our website for download. Ashton, Pa...
Where does fsx look for flight plans? I create a flight plan and save it but I cannot load it in fsx because it looks in a different place or so it seem. I just need to know where fsx wants it to be then I can save it there. 😀...
Just wondering if I could somehow connect my laptop to my PC to achieve the dual monitor effect. Anyone got any ideas? Kareem...
hi i know ive asked this before but i really need to know how to do it. 😀 is there a way to put two sound cards in my computer and connect headphones to the one soundcard and speakers to the other and get the atc to come through the headphone...
hey could anyone locate and send me the HALO file for fsx please, it is l found in the main texture folder i deleted mine accidentaly and emptied the recycle bin :oops: my email addy is thanks all...
Huh, I downloaded the B-17G 'Fuddy Duddy' and the F-16 Taiwan texture things, but when I run the simulation, it has sound and shows the smoke from startup and stunt smoke, but nothing else... Any ideas?...
What has happened to Flight Planner in FSX? When I ask it to find a route it initially shows a contoured green view but then replaces it piecemeal with a featureless blue. This makes it impossible to drag the line to where you want to place a waypoint. T...
hi i just wondered can you have it so that the aircraft noise will come out the speakers plugged in to the computer and the atc noise out of the headphones plugged in? so it makes it more realistic. thanks in advanced 😀...
A couple of months ago, a noticed the the chat, atc, and kneeboard wasn't showing up in fsx. I tried opening up task manager and exiting all the programs i didn't need running, and sometimes the chat box would show up. Now i think i finally found the prob...
What's the latest info?...
When I load a flight it can take anywhere form 30min to an hour to load it will take at smallest 15 min to load the aircraft menu I just uninstalled a load of things reinstalled fsx and it still takes a long time to load I also lowered the graphics with l...
Has anyone tried the Geforce 9800 Card or seen it operate? Is it worth the expense when using FSX?...
Anyone out there considering building a cockpit for your sim? Rather than sitting behind the desk, I've been kicking around the idea of building a generic cockpit where I can position the various controllers where I like and get a bit more realism with gu...
so that it can list the IFR flight plans scheduled for that hour, day, etc... I've already seen the sites that will show flight plans provided that you know BOTH departure and destination airports. but I don't know the destination airport and so I woul...
just had an idea... try and think of a suitably humorous caption for this picture !! no formal winners but just to get you all laughing ill post a new picture every few days or so...
I'm looking for the Iron Maiden 757 livery to fly around in FSX...I can't believe how cool this is!
I can't get my 2-D cockpit view to work! :x Any ideas on a fix? all my aircraft that came with FSX Standard have 2-D cockpits, just not acceleration aircraft!...
I have found the golden key to carriers in Free flight of FSX Acceleration! It requires SP1, and only has working catapults and arrestor cables if you have acceleration. The link: ! you bring up the menu b...
Havn't used "set random failures" since FSX unpatched, (remember setting flight control failure for every 15 minutes), that's exciting. This morning looked for it under REALISM, but didn't find any subtabs. Flipped over to learning center, but no menti...
Greetings- I downloaded the Alphasim SR-71A add-on for FSX and even though it says it comes with the cool afterburner effect, I can't get it to work. Anyone here know how to config the afterburners to work? Here's what my config is in the SR-71 airp...
I'm a big fan of the FSX missions. Most especially the helo tasks. Gives my flying experience a little more "purpose?" and a goal to achieve. Flying a rotorcraft can be a tough task, but a very enjoyable and rewarding part of this hobby. I've done a...
I would like to gather up as many L-188 Electra fans together to start requests for an L-188 Electra model with a virtual cockpit and passenger cabin. FS-KBT would be a awesome design team to send these requests to. FS KBT Team has done an exellent j...
hi i installed fsx on my dads computer and then i lent it to my friend to install on his computer. i have just tried to install it on my computer and it says 'acording to our records you have exceeded the number of times this product key can be used' ...
How do you take off from an aircraft carrier? Not how do you do it, but how do you get your airplane to START on the carrier instead of an airport. The only time I can do that is in the simulation when it starts you on the carrier to begin with. Is the...
Hi again, Just to let you know that 101 Servers has officially opened. We offer teamspeak, shoutcast, ventillo, domains, web hosting and advertising for all at very cheap prices so have a look and see what you think....
hi i just wanted to know, when your taking off what procedures do you have to take like do you have to put flaps down or anything or do you just accelerate and then pull up? thanks 😀...
Well hello once again and yes, I have another Problem that is pretty much annoying. For some reason Panel Lights don't work anymore in some Aircrafts (Like the 737, the Cessna, Beechcraft and some others, but do work in the Extra 300S). When I hit the ...
Hey it's may 2008 already almost 2 years since fsx came out any one has some news about the future flight simulator from microsoft this end of year ? im corious to know please thanks....
Weird occurances while flying the ol Goose off of off runway 09 at Key West Intl. yesterday. I had both engines fail shortly after take off just as I was raising the gear while in positive rate of climb. Airspeed seemed insuficient as the Goose simply nos...