Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
Are there any ways of completing the missions with the slingload and Winch? I have as of yet to complete those missions, I cannot work the winch and fly the helo at the same time. Flying the helo is absolutely no problem, I even downloaded the 'pyro ...
SVAS - in a hole YXFV - supposed to be a helipad,but isnt DGTK - strange terrain. Picture of dgtk Bigger version:
Can any help, I have flight simulator X standard edition for now, I have watched videos of people starting out with a plane not running and tied down, they do a walk around just as you would in a real situation, how do I get to the point to be able to do ...
Do anyone know how to configure X-55 controller, dual throttles to work with dual engine aircraft on FSX...
Hi, I installed a 787-9 Scoot Airways addon, the creator was TDS and I downloaded it from Simviation. Originally it needed the Qualitywings 787-9 virtual cockpit but the one I downloaded has the stock 737-800 virtual cockpit which is fine for me. I als...
Ok this recently started happening to me about 1 hour into each flight. Everything will go perfect for about one hour into my flight, and then FSX freezes and then the box pops up telling me (A fatal error occurred, FSX is restarting) This drives ...
This is video of Cessna T-41 Mescalero HAF Team at Tatoi Airfield (LGTT)
any utility to fix this? I remember a few years back I had dark night on my previous Win Vista machine.... Cant remember how I did it. Now in my night flight I can see everything in the sky and on the ground, it doesnt look like planet earth anymore...
2nd try with this post, I only recently realized the last one did not work. It's been ages since I posted anything here, or even logged into the site, but never the less I'm still flying strong. I've just been doing it for real though. But it's always n...
Anyone know of a way to edit the name of each plane under picture in FX. I don't want to pay for a shareware pgm only for it not to works in Windows 10 next month....
Hello, new to forums. Is there a way to get passenger doors on downloaded aircraft to open. I get a caption that reads Main Exit Open but nothing happens. The doors are still closed. Would this be a aircraft. cfg issue? Thanks, XEAL....
I accidentally deleted the b747 that came with the game and I want to get it back. Is there any way I can do that without completely uninstalling and then reinstalling the game? Thanks...
Greetings! Is there any chance that someone at Fly Away might clean up all the duplicate taxiway signs and those sitting in the middle of taxiways, etc., and issue a patch for an otherwise nice-looking rendition of this airport. It seems to be a probl...
I know this might seem like a dumb question but I am new at this. Is there any way to make the instruments default to you home field (ILS<VOR<ADF< etc.) when you close FSX Accelater???...
Hey guys. These pics were done using FS recorder. What I did was record a take off and steady flight up 1500 ft then fly straight out for about a hour. I did this about 8 times over 3 days replaying as traffic and recording all over again for each flight....
When I upgraded my computer to a newer one with windows 7 I can no longer have scenery on one larger monitor and instrument panel of plane I am flying on a smaller monitor below the larger one. Does anyone know if it can be done with windows 7...
well i want to know em what would be good parts for my pc that i need to get so i can run fsx very good or good like what graphics card would i need and what ram i need and what cpu i need and what ssd can i use plz help me ...
Hii guys i copied all crack files on fsx directory but when i start fsx i recieve an error that say there are some corrupted files in fsx directory please reinstall fsx can you help me please :cry: :cry: :cry: ...
I have a question that I hope can be answered here-- I noted that some developers launching FSX add-on aircraft software are specifically recommending the FSX Acceleration or Gold versions of the sim as a requirement. I am running FSX basic. The pric...
do you know how to operate CSK3 lift. it is a download in mission, I place everything in place so i do not see anything...
At the setup window, it does not show the version like FSX or prepar3D to select and setup. Can anyone help and solve this problem for me please!!...
My problem with ils is glide slope will not activate on my garmin g1000. The LOC will auto engage as prompted. Any ideas on the solution. Wondering if there is something set up wrong....
So just recently after installing the most recent Mad Catz programming software whenever I play Flight Simulator X at times it just randomly right clicks or changes view without any of my input every 2-5 mins or so. I currently have no mods or addons inst...
How to bring up a full instrument panel view in FSX,Some how I just cant get this view to the front.Ihave tried all sorts of ways but cant get it in view. Ther is no mention of it in FSX sim key strokes instructions...
Well into the installation process while still on Disk #1 I get the following error message: Error 1335. The cabinet file '' required for this installation is corrupt and cannot be used. This could indicate a network error, an error reading ...
I have just installed VFR Photo X and I feel like Noah - on both the Map and on the GPS, I have no landmass - all runways seem to be floating on the surface of the sea. Is this correctable?...
Any way to make FSX change the default aircraft, airport, time zone and virtual cockpit zoom? Every time I launch FSX I have to select aircraft, change airport, change time, when a flight is launched I have to change the cockpit zoom to 0.5 (best zoom to...
Hi all, lately I´ve been learning to fly the Posky B737 (previously I´ve flown the A320, A319 and A321), and I´m starting to get a bit desperate about touching down. Whenever I try to flare the aircraft, the plane just seems to go up, and so it´s impo...
Greetings. A short rant here. I was flying in my single engine Trinidad from Merida, Mexico to Belize, a nice 80 minute flight. As I'm approaching the Philip Goldson airport in Belize city I notice in the distance trees growing out of the number 7 runway....
I was wondering if there were any better PDF displays available for the Airbus A320 in FSX. The original default one is not at all detailed when you compare it to a real PDF. It doesn't have LAND mode to display or ROLL OUT. Furthermore, the speed and alt...
Over the past week or so I have noticed that my sky on FSX has gone completely white. I shrugged it off because eI could 'fix it eventually' and for the meantime I could have it on lots of cloud. Only, when I installed "Alfs airfields volume 2" (Rochester...
I think it was just called CLOUDS...
When I use the keyboard on my lap top the left and right arrows to steer the aircraft which im used to but it wont let me steer the aircraft now unless I use the rudder which is annoying as im not used to it. I've been playing flight simulator for years n...
j'aimerais que quelqu'un me donne une clé d’activation surs FSX Gold Edition car on me la prêter et la clé a été utilisé trop de fois donc j'ai appeler mais le numéro c pas bon donc svp donnez moi une clé d’activation :cry: :cry: :cry:...
I mistakenly selected full screen from the top menu bar. Since then the whole menu bar is missing !!!! I have tried everything to reinstate it even a complete reboot..........result nothing. Radar Man, I bet you dread me and my problems appearing h...
I recently downloaded the above but I cant find the user manual. Radar Man, can you help please ?...
Some flights are very long so I utilise the map view, then click on the aircraft to move it much further on. Placing it as close to track as possible. BUT I notice the magenta track is now white, not alive? Have tried flying directly over next way-poi...
Hello again! Yesterday I asked about what I had to improve with my PC so i could run FSX smoothly with Aerosoft's Oslo 2.0, PMDG 737 NGX and Aerosoft's My Traffic.. You said that I had to upgrade my video card to a video card with 2GB, so now my quest...
Hello again.... I asked you about what graphic card that i should buy to run FSX smootly 2 days ago.. I was going to buy Aerosoft's PMDG 737 NGX and My TRaffic, but I haven't done it yet... Because now, an another problem has happened... When I play FSX, ...
Hey I just bought this game and i dont have a joystick and dont want to use my keyboard so desided to use an xbox pad i have noticed there is alot of controls in the game. what is the main controls u need in the game and what button do you asign them t...
I'm going to start a Flight Simulator video series, and I'm concerned because when I record a video, it always plays back as a .avi video. How do I convert the video from .avi to .mp4? 🙄...
Hi, Please, could anyone help me to find the transfer effectiveness ratio of flight simulator? Thank you in advance. Best Regards, Andrea...
I am very interested in hearing other people's experiences with this mission. I have done all the expert missions with fixed wing aircraft except for the red bull one, and I am ready to deem this as the hardest mission in FSX. Makes all the other missions...
Hello. I recently received a brand new Saitek Switch Panel. I have downloaded the latest version of the driver, and it works just fine on the test page. Lights and all. The problem is, when I start FSX, it simply doesn't detect that it is there. I loo...
bonsoir je vous explique mon probleme l autre jour j ai voulu faire un petit menage dans mon flight simulator et je pense avoir jeter quelque chose d important lorque je veut faire dla fumée avec mes avions elle est toujours noir et elle sort en c...
Hello all, I am new to this forum so if I do NOT follow etiquette please advise and I will adjust my query accordingly. A bit of background is in order: On 16 August 1987, along with my Aunt Ginger, boarded a Continental aircraft with service from D...
Hi there - I am returning to MS flight sim after nearly ten years away and just installed FSX. I have been playing a lot of DCS A10C and Mig21 where performance on my machine is excellent. I am currently severely disappointed at the performance of ...
I'm upgrading FSX to FSX Gold. Are there any precautions I need to be concerned about? Am I better off installing Gold over my existing installation? Can I retain my addons? I especially don't want to lose all my rewards/certificates and all my l...
Good morning, A few days ago, while using my flight sim x deluxe version, all textures appeared normal or enhanced, except for the water, which had no texture and appeared as old crate paper...flat with jagged edges. My FSX allows for a preview of Di...
Hey guys. Can the Rotatable Card on the ADF be assigned to a button in FSX? for example the rotatable card on either ADF or VOR on the standard C172? Or is there a hotkey for it? Thanks!...