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Is there a site or anywhere I can download FSX Cabin Sounds or Crew Sounds to make my flight more realistic? Help would be greatly appreciated....
How can I put Commercial Jetliner ad on on My Flight Simulator on my computer I am usuing Windows 7 - MicroSoft Flight Simulator X Gold Edition.I trying to put L10LL,757,767,MD11 Aircraft on My Flight Simulator with using zip Files I do not know how to us...
A question for "tomthetank". I am new to flight simulator x. I have read your imformation about downloading and installing airplanes and have followed them. My problem is, the downloaded plane shows up in c:\program files\microsoft games\microsoft flight...
When I attempted to addon an improved scenery for California and Colorado using the simulator library page to add a scenery function, it would not load anything or even recognize the new files. However, if I manually copied the new BGL files into the defa...
Does anyone know how to contact Joseph Stearns, creator of Addit Pro software for Flight Sim X??? I sent a payment to his website,, for an activation code. The payment was processed, but I've never received the code and nobody has responded ...
While sifting through the many models for my FSX, I saw this cool Delta repaint for SAAD's A350, I tried to go to their group on Facebook, but it's not there! Looked around on the web, but not there too! But as I continued I saw that it was a pirated mode...
just downloaded the A330-900 loaded into the game but wont respond to any of the joystick commands ? ...
when I run the installer this is what I get? The blue circle for a long time can you help? See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box. ************** Exception Text ****...
I downloaded POSKY 772-F UPS, extracted it to a file , copied and pasted it into Airplanes , shows up in Airplanes folder along with other planes but not showing up in FSX planes. What did I mess up ? Geo 😳...
Is there an add on for this airport? Existing airport in FSX is 8TX3 theold grass strip...
Hi Guy's, just downloaded the A380. Looks good, flies good, but in the cockpit, we only have two engines?? Bit strange for a four engine airplane?? Thanks Will....
The Fly Away download of the Formation program for FSX indicates that the program is also compatible with P3DV4. I have installed it in my P3DV4 folder. When I run the Formation setup I can load the available aircraft from the P3D Aircraft folder and sele...
❓ Does anyone know of a download site that has an FSX add-on (esp. scenery) for the San Diego area (to include La Jolla and Del Mar if possible)? Many thanks, Martin...
Occasionally when copying/moving files from unzipped folder to fsx folder I get the window which says that file already exists do you want to replace it? What should I do in this situation? ...
I have been trying to troubleshoot this for more than twelve hours. I have checked every last Steam forum or Internet forum I could find for assistance. I have FSX Steam Edition and I have followed every single installation step fo the letter. No matter h...
I,m sorry if I sound like a dummy, I'm an old senior that enjoys flying. I don't understand that replacing the x's with the next number means. Would someone pleas help me and explain exactly what i'm supposeed to do.This has kept me from installing a...
I unzipped the file but there are no instructions on how to install it. The file I downloaded was: will someone help me, please with informatio...
I have been trying to add an autothrottle to a turboprop aircraft and finally ran across the solution. I did not create it on my own but only found the solution at a glance from someone else's suggestion from somewhere. In order to have the autothrottle w...
Hi, I have recently installed the Boeing 727-100/200/ADV Mega Pack for FSX: Steam edition. The download page mentions that the Bucket Reverse Thrust is not included on all the variations but with 'a little tweaking' you can enable them. Unfortunately, th...
Hi all, I have used WOAI in the past on my old computer, running FS9, and the AI Traffic density was brilliant; at major airports (Heathrow, Kennedy, Los Angeles, Dallas Fort Worth, etc.) I was having to wait at runways to take off, etc.: the realism w...
G'day, Is it possible to download A/C from this site to Steam? If so could please help as I am a bit old? Thank you Regards Shane...
I've installed the addon su-24. On the ground, the aircraft goes always straight on, and the wheel and the flaps are turning correctly, but the aircraft doesn't react and goes straight on. Please help....
I need AIcarries2 download? ...
Does anyone know of a way to start a flight from water in the UK or Europe? It's REALLY hard getting the Sunderland airborne from a runway!...
Has anyone else had problems with this software? It just isn't working, it either runs slowly or crashes my PC. I've raised it with Carenado support, just wondered if it's just my PC!...
I had posted this to the wrong sim but since have found the lesson on ADDON SCENERY. it states 2 ways of doing it. I think I have tried each one but still seems to have too many not really work. Is one more fail safe thenthe other. I always get confused ...
Hello, Today I have release version 2.1.18 of the AI Aircraft Editor on AVSim, FlightSim and at The Owls Nest. Newly added is an FS9/FSX viewer component. You can display the currently selected model and texture in a separate window. My cordial than...
Photoreal scenery loads with acres of water area where land mass should exist?...
I am confused. I downloaded an add-on, a British Air CRJ700 texture. It was not a full add-on, only the texture and such that comes from the downloads like you find here. Now, this is my question. When I fly the British Air CRJ700, ATC uses Speed Bi...
Is there A radar for the Cessna 441 and how do I Download it TK...
I have the Nimitz/Eisenhour carrier package and AIcarriers2 installed. The only way I can board the carriers is to land on them with AIcarriers. How do I access the carriers to start a flight there like in all the great screenshots I've seen? They don't ...
I am having nothing but frustration with the RFN carrier gauge, and in spite of posting on every forum I can thoink of, I can't seem to find any help or even suggestions. If there is anyone out there that is using the gauge, PLEASE contact me either her...
I have Enterprise Final Cruises installed. It comes with an RFN gauge with Enterprise already tuned. When I access the tools window to try and move my plane to the ship it says: "The tuned zone is not active, this function cannot be used!" Can someone t...
After downloading the above zip file, unzipping, and placing in the file to the airplane file, it won’t show up in the aircraft select screen. I have delt with the jpeg thumbnail issues and several other suggestions from Fly Away forum searches to no av...
I have the latest version of the RFN carrier gauge instaled in my F-14 Tomcat. The problem I am having with it is that I have the carrier frequency entered and excepted but it won't switch from standbye to active. Any suggestions?...
I downloaded and installed the major U.S. airports scenery addons upgrade, (from about 2009?), and placed all the files in the correct folders, ("/Addon Scenery/scenery" and "/Addon scenery/texture/") with the *.bgl files and the *.bmp files going into th...
Hi, I have installed Microsoft FSX on my Windows 10 machine and it appears to be working fine. I have also added the PMDG Boeing 737-800NG etc. aircraft and all seems to be working. I would very much like to install a repaint for one of these aircraft tha... Tried both the auto-installer plus manually, and while I can see London City in the addon directory after trying to activate it, the airport remains unchanged. I get the following message when loading FSX "...Scenery.cfg fi...
Anybody in there know how I can retract the bombs and close the bomb doors on the Sunderland?...
How does the autopilot work in the new f-18.? Thanks for any info....
Hi, new person here, just looking to get the most accurate version of my little corner of the UK to buzz around. I'm downloading the free stuff first to see what it's like, I see for the FreeMeshX it talks about having to use a vector update tool, however...
Can anyone let me know if there is a No CD file available for FSX please?...
I fly out of KSMO and would like a more accurate airport experience to complement my training. Basically, in 2017 KSMO shortened the runway to 3500' by turning 750' on either side into a blast pad. They also moved the windsock to the north side of the run...
Added several airports. All was well, then all of a sudden none of the terminals are there. ...
Has anyone found an accurate FSX scenery package which shows the Florida Atlantic and Gulf beaches? FSX stock Florida scenery was obviously composed by people who have never flown over and looked out their windows, or never been to Florida! There are NO ...
We bought a Microsoft Flight Simulator X in French. (We live in Geneva, Switzerland) Is there any way to switch the language of the game from French to English without buying another copy?...
Hi there my name is Hamish and I recently became a pro member. I have downloaded the F8A Sabre and it says for it to work you have to unzip the file and put it into the Aircraft Directory folder. The only problem is when I double-click on the flight simul...
That program that allows you set different keys to different functions. I have no idea where it came from only that the out come was my Scenery Library was deleted like others, only the activate box was left selected. That's the history, now the question,...
does some one have or can make a retro lan airlines livery for the default a320? image for reference:
Is there a way to download software to one computer (my laptop) and then transfer it to another (my main tower) for installation? My flight sim computer never goes on line. It's not set up to. Can I download additional aircraft to my laptop and then tr...