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Looking for an Airbus A340-600 download? I have been looking for some time now and tonite I downloaded, by mistake and unbeknownst to me, the listing shows it is for FS2004. I didn't pay much attention, I have FSX, and it downloaded fine! It is a multi-li...
Hi guys! I recently downloaded the FSX Buffalo Airways Basler BT64. I am always looking for prop planes with skis, so I thought i would give this one a try. The graphics are good as well as the flight dynamics. The problem I am having is with the effect...
I am not sure if this is the correct way to describe this, but I would like to learn more about scenery ad-ons and how they are executed. For example, if I have MegaEarth Texas scenery installed, and also have an add-on for Austin, Texas, loaded, when...
I recently downloaded Virtavia's F-22 Raptor, and what a sweet flying aircraft. My afterburner flames however, are not exiting the engine nozzles, but are coming off the fuselage about 3 - 4 feet higher , or way above the nozzles ? Any fix for t...
I have a question about Mel Mutter's MIG 15 which I had just downloaded from Military page 107. I have tried every way that I know to load the gauges, but I have failed. Is it not supposed to have gauges ? I like the plane and can fly it OK using t...
After Downloading and installing FSX Scruffyduck Software Scenery Design. Then clicking the SDETestApp.exe All that happens is. A messaage window opens for a few seconds stating. Test Test App not working. any help appriciated. I have the Following REQ...
Using Tom727 is very good but I have no sound - TOM 310 also has nothing showing on any clocks very good the Flight Simulator X - TOM 727 - SOUND TOM 310 - ? TOM 300-B4 AIRBUS 330- AIRBUS 340- REFENCE THANK YOU VERY MUCH IQBAL ...
I have installed and re-installed the Aerosoft Mega Airport EDDM. They have done a beautiful job on the airport scenery but they have also disabled one of the most important aspects of the airport, that is, when you install the Aerosoft program for EDDM ...
I'm new. I need to understand how to get aircraft into this world. I see pkgs and I installed the World of AI Installer but from there, I simply draw a blank at the instructions. Some say create a folder in FSX root titled ai and a subfolder titled air...
Downloaded the Piper Warrior II file but appears to have been corrupted ... half of the six pack dont show and some of the interior details as well. How to correct? Or just download again and try with a new file?...
How can I load service packs 1 & 2 without the CD. Downloaded same from Ocean of games using ultra iso. thank you for your time in advance. 😕...
Hi there! I found a download on another flightsim site, a Cessna 170B. I was looking forward to the download, as I used to fly Sky Divers years ago at drop zone down here in South Florida, flying the 170-B. Download went great, but when I went to fly it o...
Is there any aircraft carrier I could download for FSX that does not use JAVA? I am a little hesitant to install JAVA based on some of the information about it effecting other programs. I would like to find an aircraft carrier for FSX that does not use ...
Does anybody know of an Airwolf addon that will work on fsx? PLEASE HELP! 🙂...
When I downloaded the a319 thru it never created a fuel planner icon on my home screen. I have been trying to locate the file and creat a shortcut. Is it a zip file and how would I locate it. The install from steam went directly to an install a...
downloaded iFly747-400, can't get the FMC to read Nav data, updated from but still no data. Have tried to move the files around. Only help from iFly is that the folder should be in main FSX directory. Any advice wh...
I just downloaded the KPDX update, and it looks awesome, but there is one problem. the Stock AI do not park at the gates, all the stock traffic is on the cargo and GA ramps. I don't have a fancy AI pack and don't really care for one, so how do I reset i...
My Nemeth Bros AS 350 is fine in FSX but installed in P3d 3.4 all the cockpit glass is fogged. Everything else works fine. Any suggestions? Thanks...
Downloaded FSX Truck to my Airplane in my simobjects airplane folder and it doesn't display in Freeflight. The simple instructions simple state copy and past the FSX Truck folder to the Airplane folder. I am downloading to my FSX:Steam edition, which s...
After much searching on the internet and forums etc, I find I cannot solve this problem in FSBuild ver running FSX. The problem is this, when I generate a flight plan using FSBuild, the autogenerate works fine and gives me the sid and star rout...
1/6/11 Update: Here is a link to my website that has a more in-depth and up to date tutorial on how to install addon aircraft. There is also one for scenery here:
I just recently bought the IFly747V2 for FSX steam edition and the FMC says Airac cycle 1506. When i go to update to the newest Airac cycle to 1702 the FMC still says Airac 1506 and wont update. Anybody have any ideas on how to fix the problem. Heres a sc...
Just downloaded Lake Renegade. It runs on FSX but most parts of the plane are not visible. Help? Thanks, Gabe...
I am try to install the Mitsubishi Pajero file into FSX. I am almost there. I can see the thumbnail among my aircraf in the Select Aircraft window.. However when I click on the thumbnail ai get a message "Failed to startup the flight model PAJERO 10. ...
I have downloaded a Spitfire and loaded into the fsx files and it works.I then downloaded the Vulcan file,extracted all the files and loaded into the correct fsx files ie airplanes and effects.The 6 variants of the Vulcan are in the Airplane file but does...
Does anyone know if Addit!Pro works with FSX Steam Edition? I cannot seem to get a reply from the Mfr....
❓ can anyone out there help me i can't seem to figure out how to download with windows 10 all the descriptions i've read about are for windows xp and 7...
I have updated or created a number of small airports in ADE (Airport Design Editor) and need to know how to get FSX GA-Traffic to recognize them. Like this add-on, just need to be able to update airports to show all parking spots. Thanks, Fred Zealor...
Installation fails. Says my E-mail or serial key is not OK. Over 20 times tried and i'm sure there is not fail in those. Or maybe Serial Number Simshack (where i bought this) send me is nor alright. What can i do?...
On a new Windows 10 PC I have loaded FSX plus Accelerator and several aircraft, airport and scenery DVDs. I can fly around without a problem except the scenery is default. I know I successfully loaded scenery as when I go to Scenery Library I see 156 ar...
I added steam fsx to my computer, and download plenty of files with new planes, some of them unzipped correctly into the airplanes folder and some didn't, some without panels, some no sound, blah blah. i would move those files from the airplanes for to th...
Is there any way to program the aircraft.cfg file in the Tracker aircraft to have it work with the rudder/nose wheel when taxiing this aircraft rather than using the F11 and F12 key for turning. The aircraft texture is as good as anything out there but w...
In the mission "77th Gamblers -- Intruder" from the "F-16X Adventures" add-on mission pack, why do I get multiple radar lock-ons over the target area despite complying perfectly with the 500-foot AGL altitude restriction? Is it a bug in the mission itsel...
does anyone have or know where i can get kemble airfield download to ? the airfield code is EGBP i fly from there most weeks as i'm a qualified pilot and i'm now putting a sim together to help other pilots train and get used to the airfield and radio plus...
I downloaded PAX from this website and I can't get it to install. After clicking the setup file I get these error messages: Windows cannot find C:\users\Jamie\appdata\local\temp\temp1_pax(1).zip\setup.exe. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and ...
I've installed a few FlyAway SIM aircraft downloads where once installed I cannot see anything but the runway ahead of the aircraft in the VC view. No dash or instrumentation at all. I'd like to resolve what is causing this! Most recently downloaded ...
I am just starting my REAL pilots licence training on a Diamond Katana DA-20. At home I am running FS X and am wondering if anyone knows if there is a download for a Diamond Katana DA-20 for FSX. I see that there is a download for FS9, but do not know if...
When I fly the BeaverX Homeland Security mission, after I pass Waypoint 2 they give me intercept vectors to the suspicious aircraft -- first "heading 075, 20 miles", then "heading 065, 10 miles" -- but after I turn to a heading of 065 to follow the second...
First of all would like to thank Barry Blaisdell, Jean-Pierre Brisard, Bob May, Kevin Pardy and Danny Crance Premier Aircraft Design for an excellent package {}. I was wondering if anyone had some info on the expected range of a ...
I have downloaded the BN2 Trans Anguilla. All seems ok except that the colour is black. Is there a way I can correct this? I can see much effort has been put into this project and would love to fly this plane! I am using MFSX / Acceleration Expansion Pack...
I've downloaded many aircraft over the years. I've returned to working FSX sim. I had to get a new computer running Win 10. loaded FSX onto new machine, now that I am adding add-on acft. there is a problem with texture(s) showing up. when I go into the te...
Have FSX Concorde loaded into FSX & all 8 paint schemes load ok with VC & popup panels. Only problem I have now is when ever I load an aircraft ( all 8 of them) each time I get about 17 error messages informing me that this guage was created in win 98 ...
I have downloaded & installed ok the FSX Concorde to my win10 x 64 FSX but I don't seem to be able to find a VC, always starts with no cockpit & can only find 2D cockpit using keyboard shift + 1 keys. Can anybody help me ?...
I have downloaded using 2 different browsers but every time I get the error code 0x80004005 When I try to google it I get obscure results about update problems. Any ideas as to what the problem is ? I am running FSX on a win10 computer....
I have installed FSX Boeing PW-9 and all is working including the canon almost. I have the tracer showing and the shells ejecting, but no sound. The sound file 20can.wav is there and I have pretty much put it in practically every folder. I have also ad...
When flying the PMDG MD-11 using the FMC, I find that the MD-11 FMC requests lowering the landing gear when you at 10 to 20 miles from the airport. I wonder if they are using the landing gear as a spoiler type tool or is there some other reason I am not...
I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, or if it should be considered a graphics issue, but here it it... I recently installed the Alabeo's Diamond DA42 'Twin Star' for FSX. All went well (I thought) until I loaded the aircraft for a flight....
Okay so I own both PMDG's for P3D, but when I try to install it doesn't install because I get this stupid msg saying "Installation cannot continue. Your registry does not show a valid Prepar3D(tm) installation location."...
Hi everyone, Recently I downloaded an add on - the TU154B2 from the official website. I installed it using the .exe file, but i can't load it. On the preview, only thing I can see is 3 pilots, and when I press the load button fsx crashes. Please hel...
Hi, I downloaded this free version, installed the package as described, but when I loaded the plane into FSX all I can see is a white plane with no paintwork. Also, there is no way of connecting the GPS to the Auto Pilot in the plane. Can anyone explain ...