Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
hey guys, I have recently downloaded ftx Global and installed a trackir. my fsx now loads very very slowly, if at all/ when it does load there are no textures on most of my downloaded planes and the scenery is all farged up. I have a new top of the line c...
I installed Ray Smith's AFCAD of KJFK v2. Never before did it, just used the original one from the FSX Gold. It looks wonderfull, buildings and runways , but the all map of the runways just vanished from the Main Map and from the GPS devise. Any suges...
I would lke to dwn'ld files into proper folders. I understand the procedure. And I have "panel", "effects", etc. The QUESTION is - - I do not have a "Model" folder, but I do have a "Module" fldr. Is that the Model folder ?? Thanks, GQ...
When running FSCommander and using the SID/STAR for creating a flight plan in FSX, I have run into a recurring problem at various airports. When creating a flight plan and looking at the FSCommander map, airport KTPA shows several runways namely 18R, 18L...
hi folks, I'm back to simming after a few years off. Just got a big new honkin' rig with win 8.1. I go to download an airplane and nothing happens. Nothing. I am logged in so wassup? Am I missing a cookie button or what?...
I downloaded and installed tom7272 per instructions and the two repaints that came with that worked fine. I then downloaded and installed tr722sevenpaints because I wanted the Hughes Airwest repaint that came with it. I followed instructions, but when I g...
I'm looking for some decent UFOs/saucers or black project hypothetical craft for FSX. I've downloaded the Area-51 TR-3 triangle but the other ones I found were incompatible with FSX. Any help is always greatly appreciated! Thanks!...
Hi, I downloaded this FMC for the FSX 707 only, from Simviation's utils but it was the v1.0.1 which did not work. Brett Orsecky, the FMA maker, emailed me the version2 "". It is really impressive FMC for the FSX 707 only. A new ...
Where can I get the Acceleration add on. I got the deluxe back when it first came out so I paid 60 for that now that its 20 bucks haha. There are so many repaints I see that I want but they all say I need the Acceleration add on. So short of buying a new ...
I've downloaded a zip file from this website and I don't know where and how to save it....
I don't know how this happened BUT ,I now have no sound 737-800 all of them . I went in and copied and pasted the sound back into Sound still no sound . Geo, maybe its I am getting too old for this . ❓ ❓...
Ok Im looking in main menu FSX ,it has sounds ,Textures , effects etc. etc. When I download a plane that has all this in it , do I have to separately copy and paste every one of the attributes from that file into each and everyone of these ?? According to...
does it have GPS???...
Is the USS Nimitz supposed to be moving. Everything works great, but the carriers are stationary! Thanks Kloyce...
.... or anything like it that can let me call up airport maps showing the runways, taxiways, and gates? Its one of the things I miss most on FSX vs FS(...
I bouth last Sunday the FScene4X for FSX and It makes many good changes to the FSX Scenery, but the ground and water surfaces looks funny. I can't get any answer from the Producer , and I did changes on the Autogen and all the Graphics in my FSX Sett...
Yet,after succeding to ad new AFCADS and Addons Scennery ,I got trees and even Towers on the runnway..any help about?...
Now having a problem with sound. ATC are silent. Plane sounds are fine. I have tried all variations available to me. IFR is a Pain w/o ATC sound.
I am using an add-on from with microsoft x that adds the sr-71 blackbird to the program. However, when I increase the throttle to full, the afterburners do not work. Please help!...
This am in the process of educating myself on the FMC. I'm hoping there is a way to turn on Autopilot without it. I set my IRS, and I have somehow configured the IRS to actually let me turn on Speed Hold, Approach Hold, Altitude Hold, but not any of the A...
Does anyone know how to "Book" the "Specific 'VIP' animations", so when I get to the assigned parking the Red Carpet VIP/cars will be there? Here is a few links info on the plane: What doe...
when downloading and installing new aircraft and panels for fsx it will ofetn tell you to edit you aircraft config file..for example ... Edit your aircraft config(s) to reflect which of my two panels (VC complementary or NOVC custom panel) you wish you...
I've installed and have reinstalled this mission, when it loads the screen stays black for a couple of minutes then a fatal error message appears shut down the flight sim and then restarts the flight sim? Still working on the thumbnail thing haven't been ...
I'm technologically challenged, so I need some help. Can anyone tell me by looking at my computer specs below if Microsoft Flight Simulator X Deluxe Edition will work on this computer? If so, does anyone know how well it will work, or if the program wil...
I'm having trouble with a file designed by Melvin Rafi. File name is GV77FSX. Originally when loaded and run the main body was pure white! I've managed to solve that by tweaking gfx settings but the engines are missing (no turbine blades just casings) an...
Hey i'm looking for cool places in fsx to fly in/out of or to fly to. I will list some that i know of but i'm hoping that people will add some of their own. Also i am looking for add-on scenery that you think is worth downloading. *Also i'm still searchin...
This post was intended to be informative, not to cause controversy. Time and again people have asked questions about free AI traffic. I've spent more than 2 hours on this post trying to pack everything important into as few words as possible. Pearls...
Downloaded FSX Mesh for South Africa Scenery(All Parts) Zip file name is fsx-mesh-sa-update. When i extract i do not get, Create_FSXMesh0604upd1.exe. I have a file _MACOSX. All other extracted files are as per the install info. I lived in SA for 25ye...
I cant get cfg files to save once edited. I keep getting message that says You don't have permission to save in this location! contact the administrator for permission. If it means the administrator for my computer,that would be me 😀 ...
Downloaded this mission, every thing works fine, but I don't speak spanish, all the dialog is in spanish, anybody know where I can get an english version....
Hi guys. When flying the Port-Over DeHavilland Dash 7 (90.58 MB )on page one of the turbo prop download pages, the view out the cockpit goes to a weird light blueish grey color. It flashes on and off back and forth to the proper view and then back again ...
Does the FSX DeHavilland Dash 8-100 come with a 3D or virtual cockpit? I downloaded it but couldn't find it or it wouldn't work. Thanks. Les...
what is the difference between afcad and the scenery files and witch one should i be downloading to get the airports ❓...
hello maybe someone can help me here dose anyone knw how to fix this issue?
I am trying to get an add-on for the Boeing 747-400; the FMC (Flight Management Computer). If you give me a link, please make sure to tell me how to install it on the actual game. I have tried and had no luck so far; so lets hope you can help me 🙂...
I got a download to work! I downloaded this Piper Cherokee 180 several days ago, thought I was following the instructions correctly, but it wasn't showing up in my aircraft se...
Hello, I am new to Fly Away Simulation Forum and I wanted to check it out and ask a couple questions. My main question is for FDC Copilot live can anyone give me step by step, help or an article that really can help me fix my problem? My problem is whe...
I've just installed FDC Live Cockpit on my Vista PC (needed to turn off UAC to install correctly) and it runs fine except the Update function doesn't work and neither does connecting to FSX. I did a bit of digging around in the logs and found that the Upd...
I have downloaded the AI Traffic Editor for FSX, and when I try to run it, an error box comes up and says "can't find the required Microsoft Flight Simulator SDK, would you like to search for it?" I have installed the SDK off Disk 1 of FSX, but it is s...
Anyone know of a good Weather download, pay (other than REX) or free, for FSX? Thanx!...
I can't download SP2 in FSX. After downloading it, I get a message that the the SP requires an English version of FSX, which I obviously have. I have the baseline FSX, no Gold or Deluxe, et al. Any takers on this one?...
I am looking for a Boeing 767 to download. So far all I have seen is textures and repaints on "Fly Away"...
You know I have tried many downloads on here and have gotten 0 to work I have tried to follow instuctions to the best of my ability which is obviously sub par here. It is now 6am EDST and I have been up all night just trying to get a repaint on the X CRJ ...
Hi everyone, I'll keep it simple, just a livery for your carenado t210m. Matthew 😎 Download link:
Last night I was approaching Baltimore airport and I had a fatal error that crashed FSX. Recently I purchased Rex Essential Plus. This is the second time that this has happened after the installation. It happens near the end of the flight. Do I need to up...
I got the CLS 767 and I could never capture the localizer! I pressed the LOC button and made sure the NAV/GPS Switch was set to NAV. I also checked that the course heading and NAV Frequencies where correct. So it kept turning in the opposite direction of ...
I'm looking for some scenery add ons. Just about anywhere in the United States will do. I've searched through all of the usual sites, but was wondering if anyone has come upon any jems out there. Please let me know if you have and how to find the sites. F...
I cannot find the downloaded John Lennon Airport scenery in FSX, and wondered what I was doing wrong? I've been to settings/scenery library/area when running FSX, but cannot get the program to see the airport as add-on scenery. Any help would be very muc...
Hello, I've been searching for an addon for FSX that is similar to Airliner Pilot (for fs2004) and fsx passengers. I was going to buy fspassengers but the price seems a bit high for my liking. Does anyone know of an addon like this? Thanks, ...
The README file in the USS Nimitz download, step 1 states: 1-copy cvn_68_69.cfg into 'conf.d' folder inside your 'Aicarriers' installation folder. The problem is, I can't find the "AICarriers" installation folder anywhere, and by extension, I've a...