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can anyone find me vehicles that move in fs9? (freeware)...
Hello everyone I have edited the airport layout in ade for Chennai (vomm) India but when I created custom buildings it doesn't show up and also the stock airport buildings were also present when I deleted it ...
when you download an afcad off avsim where do you put it in the addon scenery folder?...
I had a download that did an actual timeline of the events of the attack on Sept. 11th but lost it. Does anyone have this program that I could download or do know where I can find it? Thanks much......
I recently installed the addon scenery for Hong Kong Chek Lap Kok airport. Today when I started FS2004 the entire scenery is not there. The scenery folder in addon scenery is still there, but why the airport totally missing. I wanted to restore back the ...
Good morning I have a question : can someone help me how intercept the localizer in an airport afcad built ? Thanks at all Regards Andrea...
I am looking for someone who may be experienced in scenery design. I'm needing some buildings. I have pictures if you have the time. Please let me know if you may be able or know someone who can help. Thanks Lee...
Does anyone have upated scenery for Jackson County MI Reynolds field? I know there is one for FSX. Looking for MS 2004. Thanks...
I love flying VFR styles and would like to download some free mesh files, which enhance the scenery, in my opinion, way better than anything else. I already have some payware stuff, but was wondering if anyone could link me to what they think is some high...
I am running FS2004. Each time I start a flight at DFW, the FS loads the terrain to 55% and then shuts down. There are no issues with any other airports, just DFW. Any ideas? THX...
This scenery has been posted before,but just a reminder for it ➡ CanarySim from Avsim ➡ The reason I bring it up again is tonight I thought I would have a little run down to La Palma in a A321 and usi...
Hello, I have downloaded the IFSD Dublin Scenery into FS. For some reason the World of AI traffic isnt follwing the taxiways or parking on stands correctly. Is there a way to correct this?? Also, is there any freeware scenery that includes all 4 pie...
I have been "Editing" the textures in my fs textures folder and came across this.. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Texture\veh_air_fueltruck Why isn't this in the Main game? I have my scenery almost to the max......
Found this excellent freeware file on avsim:
Dear friends, after a lot of work, we are happy to introduce our new FS9 scenery: the egyptian "Marsa Alam International Airport" (Iata: RMF, Icao: HEMA) located on the Red Sea coast in Africa. Marsa Alam is one of the major holiday destinations on the R...
Can anyone provide me with a link to FS9's Howard's Mix scenery? Thanx!...
Can someone please provide me with a link to a very good London Scenery add-on, freeware. I would like if it included London City Airport. Thanks...
anyone know of a good scenery pack for london city like in this vid:
Hi all. Can anybody do me a favour and fly any plane from KAVC to KPTB? Did you experience weird altimeter readings and significant overspeed?...
i have looked for add-on scenery for this area, and have had no luck. fs9 and fsx have it all wrong. anyone out there know of a d/l out there? google the area, especially fundy bay. the only place in the world with a 48 ft tidal change, twice a day....
Hi, I had in my FS9 Howard Mix installed, which was great. I now did complete FS9 de-install and reinstall from the four discs and plan to add all my add-on airports and scenery (300 in total) to it and also add Howard Mix. Is it advisible to install H...
Ever been to Corfu? The approach from the north is great and then the landing on a short(ish) runway.Brakes and reversers on full. No ILS here matey Anyway heres some scenery that works for you to try
Can anyone tell me if FS2004 has any downloadable scenery for Richmond Virginia? I see in the game that it has downtown buildings but that is all. I do not see the RIR Racetrack or anything like that. Thanks....
I need help installing Real Environment Pro. I have installed it using the exe file, but now where do I put the individual folders? Can anyone walk me through the procedure? Thanks...
Hi all I am trying to down load UK 2000 scenery VHF Airfields Vol 1. I have also vol.2 & 3. The program tells me to down load file'' Scenery. cfg'. Where can I find it ? I am not very PC savey , Sorry.. Any help would be much appreciated. ...
Hello guy's deos any-one know any-good places to donloaed scenery FOR FREE, im trying to find loads of ruk such as: birmingham (realy needed) heathrow luton stansted edingborough dublin int ghatwick e.t.c.............................. Tn'x...
how can I addon air traffic for fsx?!...
I was on AlphaSim's website They have scenery for Andrews AFB, which includes Air Force One and the presidential limousine. Is there any freeware scenery available like this?...
I downloaded the New York and New England LOD 10 terrain mesh by JHB Aerospace. The readme tells me to modify the "fs9.cfg" file. I can't find that file anywhere. I'm supposed to look at "C:\Documents and Settings\ ... " and so forth but that location ...
Just curious if anything happened to the real weather server. Used to work perfectly and now (mainly in Europe) it is always clear?...
Hi, Have just obtained some Ortophoto Scenery for Czech Republic. It works great except sometimes the whole scenery gets suddenly blurry, sometimes it clears up, sometimes unfortunately not. Any idea if there is any trick in adjusting the scenery in FS...
ScruffyDuck Software and the ADE Development Team are delighted to announce the availability of Airport Design Editor version 1.55. There are a number of new features including direct support for Prepar3D; night lighting mode; improved issue manager to...
Hello everyone, im looking for information for this. I want to locate an object, a crashed aircraft for example, and create a rescue mission for it. I've been look a mission with a crahed chopper and a smoke column next to it, does anyone know how i can ...
Ok, I know this, but to me it should have been unrelated. I hand remover a old version of Traffic 2004 that had updates. I got tired of the poor looking AI Aircraft. In the process I had to delete the AI craft from the aircraft folders-all were named My**...
Hi, Have noted freezes at some add-on airports and suspect that this is due to the TEXTURE files duplication. Looks like often the add-on airport designers use the same texture files, which I already have in one of the libraries. Fo example the lates Isl...
Hi, Have just downloaded the new Atlantic City airport which required some RWY12 and ez objects. Unfortunately the airport, and all the surrounding scenery gets hazed out when approaching airport. There was a moment when all cleared up, but got hazy agai...
How can I tweak sea-level to stop it climbing up cliffs? I have tried the alteration to fs9.cfg and have tried tweaking display settings, but nothing seems to work....
Hi, Have recently noted that my scenery area SQUARE approx 150x150 miles is sunk down to only few feet (surrounding area altitude is over 1000ft. Does anyone know, how I could identify the bgl (probably) which causes this? I have number of add-o...
Hi, For some reason I cannot open SEA airport anymore. When going to KSEA the FS gets stuck in 'Loading scenery 0%' and stays there. I need to do CTL+ALT+delete to end the task through the task manager. If I fly to SEA for example from Everett, the FS fr...
Hi, I have attached structure all of a sudden appearing at Meigs Field airport (KCGX). I must say I have lots of add-on airports installed but none in vicinity of KCGX! KCGX it self is a stock airport. So bit puzzled. Any help would be much appreciated....
Hi, I have almost 100 ad-on airports and other sceneries. All activated in FS2004 and all work OK. BUT: Can anyone let me know why some ad-on files are instructed to be installed in: FS2004 root directory, or in FS2004/Addon Scenery dorectory, or in...
is their any moscow domodedovo scenery for FS2004 ive looked several times but cant find anything....
anybody know why FS2004 wont load all the scenery files? Mine keeps missing from 12. to 33 so just wont work, I got airliner pilot and that just loads up to map in office which it shows then i press OK and it goes to the next set of maps then goes on...
Hey everyone I am from Ireland and was just wondering if my local airport, Dublin Intl Airport has any proper scenery for it?? I mean at the moment its very bad because Dublin Airport has the airbridges in the B and C Piers but in Flight Simulator t...
Is the Groom Lake Area 51 Base included in FS 2004. If so,. what are the cocrdinates? Also, if you fly into restricted airspace, does the tower call? Thanks, Don...
can anyone assist need to get the upgrade for this software only got 3.30 need 3.6 anybody know if i can down load this and which site? 😞...
Hey hey, I've noticed that in some cities they have their football stadiums and others don't. I was wondering if I can get a stadium made of Ralph Wilson Stadium for Buffalo or coaching on how to make this and add it in. Thanks...
Windows XP (fully up to date with service packs etc) Dell dimension PC Flight Sim FS2004 COF I have installed JUST FLIGHTS British Airports Scenery vols 1-5 and have noticed that their files are AFCAD files. As I regularly use AFCAD v2.210 to modify st...
Its a simple scenery for a location that have never had an addon made for it in FS9--Nothing fancy-but is there a way to convert the FSX BGL files so that they if nothing else can be read so I can see the basics of the scenery-and from that maybe hand mod...
I am an FS9 relative beginner with marginal computer skills. Why is it that whenever I download or purchase add-on scenery it looks great from on high, but upon flying low level it appears unfocused and spotty?? - or am I purchasing bad products. Secondl...