Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
I run FS2004 lately a problem, whilst the aircraft will load, run and perform, I seem to have a loss of visible texture and also, if changing aircraft, the programme locks up and "dies" System is a 6 month old new pc and cards, and the system is showi...
Hi.. I have both the PMDG 737-700 and the 747-400 aircraft. I now find that when creating a flight plan in the 737 and storing it in the PMDG Flight Plan folder, you cannot use this flight plan for the PMDG 747. Perhaps I didn't install the system corr...
The airplane always banks to the right. It starts as soon as you push the throttle in and starts moving to the right immediately. After lift off, it continues to bank to the right. You can bring it back straight normal but it will continue to bank to th...
Is there a No CD File CD4 doesn't have to be in drive?? Thnx, rob...
Hi.. I have been using FSNavigator 4.6 and ran into a strange problem. When I fly from Bogota Columbia SKBO to Cali Columbia SKOL, I never make it. No matter what route I use either automatic or manual, the aircraft never makes it to the assigned altit...
Can somebody please tell me how you open more tham one door ❓...
Hi all. I have just installed Wilco Airbus Vol. 1 onto my FS04 installation. However, I cannot seem to find any documentation whatsoever. 😞 As I am a newbie for this aircraft I really need these documents. (Tutorial, Checklist, Manual etc) ...
Whenever I make a selection in the ATC window I lose the ability to zoom my view with +/- keys. The dirty solution is that I have to click on the screen before i can zoom again--often inconvenient because both hands are busy. Is this an error? Is t...
Would appreciate if someone could give me a step by step procedure for installing freeware aircraft...
I'm having a problem w/ my Saitek Quad Throttle and FS9. Out of the blue, the throttle startes off on full. It doesn't stasy where I put it. When you go the the VC and observe the throttle, you can see the throttle sticks flucuating. In addition to all t...
Can't open FS9 - states the module has too many FSUIPC's. I looked in the module - I have FSUIPC dll (application); FSUIPC (config settings) and FSUIPC (log file). I can't do anything w/ these - a message comes on saying they are active in FS9. Yet I can'...
Hi guys, got a few questions regarding realism in FS9. At the moment Im using fs2004, prefer it to fsx right now. I am looking for free ways of making the whole thing a bit more realistic, because I dont think Im getting everything out of it that I ...
Hi. I am a newbie, or trainee I guess. I was reading up on one of the forums, they mentioned(I think it was an acive camera review), that FS 9 can have a version patch. Does anyone know about this, and could you poin t me in the right direction. I suppose...
Hi often when I am approaching a busy airport on IFR from oposite landing runway direction instead of asked to make a U turn to land and establish on localizer I am directed to continue away fro the airport and flight plan gets canceled by ATC radar...
Hi guys. Have been teaching myself as I go, granted alot are youtube vids which seem to stir up very heated debates about what is right and wrong; but all the FMC ILS landings I have seen are USA of some description. Each point on the localiser has a LEG ...
In Settings, ATC box is checked and volume is up... whenever I make a numeric selection in the ATC dialog, I hear nothing. Any suggestions? (this is just the out of box FS9 ATC)...
Fs9,when flying at day,and are low visibility weather conditions, my approach,runway lights, don't switch on,in rael life airport,when weather conditions are bad,lights are always on,why??? Strange thing.When i flying at day,and Active sky evoliuti...
Can anyone able to help me out. I cannot able to install scenery file from Disc 4 of FS2004 as it has corrupted. can anyone tells me were can i get the files so that i can able to install the same. sent me the details on below mentioned mail ID (Mustafa_s...
ive recently bought this graphics card, as im re-building my computer. any help? will this work well? full settings? weather? no lagging? ect ect thank you...
is this good anough for FS2004?...
😞 Have just joined and downloaded a couple of planes for my 12 year old budding pilot who has FS 2004. How do I get these into the simulator? Seem to have gone to the download area of the PC Help!...
hey, what specs would be perfect to run FS9? need help ASAP thank you...
Hello all, havnt posted in a while. Had kind of a break from FS2004, got back to my computer and decided its time to update it. i dont know my specs by heart as im away from it right now, would like some help on the perfect specs for FS2004. Ive ...
I am running FS9 on windows 7 and when starting up I get the orihinal Flight Simulator screen which quickly goes black and remains until the Create a Flight screen appears. Hoping someone can help regards Brian...
Hi How do I look around the virtual cockpit using the mouse?...
Hey everyone, It;s time to purchase a new flight controller, my x52 has completely broken, the rudder (x rotation) has malfunctioned, and from reading up about this I can see its not an uncommon problem. So I was wondering who could reccommend a suita...
I searched for this but found almost 2800 matches, far too many to wade thruough to find a direct answer. I would like my aircraft to always start from St. Louis, KSTL, Active Runway, or 12L or R, which allows me to see the arch as I take off over St. ...
I usually fly slower planes so I have time to do things, as I am a less experienced flyer, so I'm talking about the Baron, King Air, Lear etc.... I would like to hear warnings like PULL UP, TOO LOW TERRAIN, and especially when landing 100, 50, 40, 30, ...
I have 2.31GHz with 2.00 Gigs of RAM with a Quad Core Phenom 9600 processor from AMD and now I am getting a message that I do not have enough available memory to run FS9. What in the world is going on? I have run this program with lots more planes and h...
Hi all It is with great sadness that I shall be hanging up my wings and calling it a day with Flight Simulator. 😞 Recently I was running FS2004 on Windows7 and all seemed well. It took me 4 months to get two thirds of the way through the r...
Hi, I installed FS9 under Windows 7 but following another user's advice and creating a new directory called FS Games and installing it in there. Ditto for Real Environment Pro etc. My aircraft all work, REP works etc. My addon scenery doesn't. I ev...
Hello all, some of you might know that ive re-installed FS9, but im not tired of flying without and clouds, storms, winds ect.. When i set up a flight and select 'real world' the FPS drop, and the gauges (speed and alt) bounce around, while im sit...
before i post my message just be warned that this is not going to be a 1 or 2 liner....just so you know... hi guys, i may not have many post here but i have a problem with a certain area that i fly by alot in FS2004. I have installed and reinstalled FS...
Contact Point Settings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aircraft was modeled with FSDS for FS2004. When viewed in FS, The main gear was burried in the ground about 1/3 of the way to the axle. Nosegear...
which is better for downloading aircraft/repaints ect... at the moment i have Overland airbus and boeing package, but im having problems. The A380 struggles to climb The A340 struggles to Taxi and climb + the ILS autoland doesnt want to work.. B...
Hi guys does anybody know a web site were i can find B-747-400 fuel feed schematics and how much in each tank...
Hello.. im currently using ultimate weather, but i dislike it... + any reason why when i change the weather to 'cold fronts' my simulator lags, and messes up my gauges? id actually like to fly with clouds instead of an empty sky lol 😀...
Hi there, Recently I purchased FSD's Pilatus PC-6 Landplane/Amphibian/Skiplane bundle. I also have Flight1's ATR72. I've found some wonderful repaints for each aircraft of airplanes that fly around where I live. So I went ahead and pasted the files in a...
I purchased FS Navigator some time ago and unfortunately have lost my registration details. Does anyone know how I can retrieve them. regards Brian...
Is there any way I can run FS9 w/o having to always put the CD into the D Driver? Thanx!...
Ha, I'm just how to get some jetways and ramp vehicles, etc for fs2004. A reply from anybody with any download websites or ideas that would be great. Cheers....
Ahoy there folks, a big hello to all the guys that remember me from old. I retired from flight simming about 4 and half years ago as my wife was had become an "FS9 widow" and i couldn't even recognise my kids anymore :oops: Anyways, im back and it feel...
Anybody know how using this program you can create STAR's and SID's for airports not actually covered by the program?...
Ive been flying around in the freeware F-5A and have noticed that when i turn it wobbles alot, and im not sure that its supposed to do that or even just a really wobbles... so heres the for it title=F-5A sim=F-5A model= pan...
I get a message that says,try obtaining a new air file. what do I do?...
I deleted the original Sopwith Camel from my computer (only the gauges remain), and I want to recover it. I have explored the original FS disks, but I do not know how to find the plane (or any other plane for that matter). ¿Any ideas?....
Hi guys I have now installed Bangkok Suvarnabhumi (VTBS) airport and would like all my AI traffic to use this airport instead of Bangkok Intl (VTBD). All my AI traffic is provided by MyTraffic 2010 package. Can anyone tell me if there is any easy an...
Hi just had opportunity to edit panel.cfg file to add gauge to my B777.when opening file I was asked what application to use and I used Word - got Office 2007. All worked fine, I saved the file in Word and gauge is showing OK. After this all .cfg f...
My NVIDIA card says for me to use 1920X1200 screen resolution. I have a 25.5" Asuss video screen. Would it hinder/help my frame rates if I changed to a different resolution, say, 1280X760X32? Also, should I use the 16 instead of 32. I have Windows 7 64 bi...