Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
hi, i have never played flight simulator before, but i am a avid aerospace fan and i was wondering how accurate the game is when it comes to high altitude flights like 100,000ft in something likea U2 or a F-104 starfighter or maybe a Mig. is there a ma...
i lost my disk and i want to know where u can find a no cd patch...
Airline: Kuwait Airlines Aircraft: a320 Route: Bahrain - Kuwait Comments: Departed on time, but very difficult initial climb. I was flying in very stormy weather, so the plane kept sinking, but soon enough, I got control of the aircraft, ...
Can FSPassengers be used in FS2002? Also, I would like to play online using FS2002, but when i try to find IP's, nothing comes up. Can Anyone help? Thanks...
Hi all, can you help me find an airbus A320 pilot in command review or some detailed info, im a big airbus fan and havnt found a good expansion for the A320?...
Hi airbus fans, I'm looking for a good Airbus add-on for FS2004, i really want to have an A320 if possible?...
Thinking of purchasing Surclaro Flight Simulator to FS 2004. Has anyone used this and your thoughts. Is it easy to download and access. Does it automatically install into the right folder? Is it worth the money? Thanks for you thoughts Marcodon...
Hello, I have three questions: 1. Is there an add-on for a radar? I keep hearing ATC talking to other planes, but cannot see them (I'm assuming they're more than 10 miles away.) Is there a radar add-on that would let me see where these other planes ...
I just brought The Flight Simulator add-on : Boeing 727-200, my question is, how do I open the pax door in the behind ? also how to open cargo DHL door ❓...
Seeing planes fly and being abord them always fascinated me, I have a question, Is it too late to take courses and become a commercial pilot at age 40? I would probably need the private pilot license first, any comments on costs and the time to invest to ...
While I still like an occasional joyride in some really bizarre aircraft, I've been settling down into my own charter operation off the beaten track and mostly cargo, but some passenger work. I can create and save flights and assign them flight numbers...
Any one from UK now where I can find terminal maps for Birmingham airport (BHX/EGBB)? Thanks 😀...
Hi all, just wandering can you use payware addon aircraft with FS Passengers or just the orginal FS2004 aircraft??...
Hi, I'm looking to get hold of a keygen for the fs nav 4.6 i tried searching around but cant find it i know there is one out there but so far no joy can anyone help please thanks killing uk...
Just wanted to give everyone info about the upcomin tutorials and more from .. The site has many projects, excellent atc, and many who love to fly everyday, as well as downloads and more! Thought I'd share ...
New to this site. Before I start downloading any add-ons, want to make sure I understand compatibility issues regarding FS2004. When I downloaded the latest FS2004 Update from Microsoft, it said it might not work right if one had installed add-ons. Wel...
after I opened additional windows the VC became zoom 0.5, too wide to be realistic.... how do I change back to 0.85?...
Hi. I used to have FS 2004 running on my computer but after I reformatted my computer the game will not install again. I did save all my downloaded planes and saved flights before the reformat and I have put them back on after the reformat. The instal...
does any1 know when fs2006 is coming out???????????????? and how it will differ from fs2004...
Ok??? I’m on final from KATL to KFLL. I’m 32 NM from the airport and my number 2 engine dies out due to fuel starvation. I turn cross feed on to try to savage some fuel. I wanted to make an Emergency Landing not knowing if my number 1 engine would ho...
FSPassengers web site. I tried to join their forum and while it says it is emailing my password it doesn't arrive. So, I used their contact form which returned this error: Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to in /home...
When i start FS2004 a box pops up saying "this version is not compatible this version is build 9.01.40901 and it should be 9.00.30612. It then Terminates the Programme. I have re-installed and deleted it several times but it still fails. Can Anyone H...
Hey all, took a short flight from KMIA to MYNN (Nassau Intl.) today in the ESDG Citation X. Have to visit the link because the images won't link outside of the forum, but there are 27 Pictures - all under 256kb. Enjoy...
I had a question about the pilot announcing crosscheck before takeoff. Before departure, don' they ensure the doors are locked, and the overhead bins are secure? Well, I don't think they'd push back with all this potentially destructive baggage floating...
When i try to start FS9 i get the following message(s) Flight Simulator has detected potentially incompatible aircraft or software File: FSSound.dll Do you want to load this software? Click No to disable this software then... The version of FS2...
Is it normal in Fs (or for real) for two runways at an airport to have the same ILS/NAV frequency 😕...
For those interested in carriers/warships - folowing has just been uploaded to Avsim - "File Description: This scenery places the two Yorktown-class aircraft carriers of the pre-WW2 U.S. Navy with a screen of four cruisers at sea 100 miles due east of...
I see you guys talking about Power supplies and temperatures a lot!! There is a Free program on the net Called "Everest" .. I use the Free one!!! It is Great will flying if you are worried about heat and you want to know what that PC is doing. It gives Te...
Hi folks, I don't know whether this subject has been brought up before. What is the general opinion of FS Planet web site? In my opinion there appears to be something "dodgy" about it. 😳...
Hey all, I am back from a hectic summer of work... been gone since June 1'st. What did I miss? any new add-ons that you recommend? ❓...
What does the APP Hold button do?...
how do you find out how much fuel you used when a flight is over?...
Whoa i was amazed when i saw these looks like the first shots of SC : CT Any way here they are: 😀...
Hi all, my question is when you look in the game in your cockpit, can you see your wheel turning around when flying quez i dont like to see only the panel without the wheel. i hoep to geta quick answer soon...
whenever i go to fly at someplace that has a very high elevation, ATIS always says the altimeter setting is 29.92. how do iget that changed so that i dont take-off into a mountain? I would really like to have the right altimeter settings so that i can cal...
Ok, i jsut loded up FSP and it said taht my engins were out of gas and things, however on route from egph to eham were still going, on the flight report it also says im outta gass. it says that i have none left, but my fule consumption so far has been 422...
Does anyone know where I can find some detailed information about the fuel leak of Air Transat Flight 236. Just to let you know what happened on the flight........ Air Transat 236 was scheduled to go from Toronto to Lisbon (A330) Over the atlantic, ...
Any things you've seen that surprised you? Things you didn't think would be in the game? Here are two I found on my last flight from San Fran to Phoenix. There is a (very) small airfield in Oakland, Moffett I believe (KNUQ), with two MAMMOTH hangar...
Hi What’s the difference between the STAR and the RNAV STAR? 🙄 thanks...
Hi When I'm in APP, with VNAV mode on, I start lowering the flaps, but should I also slow my speed down? 😕 thanks...
When I land on FS I never use the ILS but I am completely dependent on the headings from ATC. BUT they are always incorrect I get to the airport alright but never do I land in line and I am always off the runway completely. Can someone help with this ...
How do you get those faboulusly good looking smoke trails like the ones from the 747 on the box cover? because my planes dont do it and im going to cry....
I hope somebody will end my frustration today! Pick up a cessna and plan a flight on FS9, you get the NAV log with way points and intersections (i.e IFR). I understand that waypoints and intersections are points where radials from two VOR's meet. No...
Ok when i land and i have flaps to full and the breaks are on and reverse thrust is on too. do i actually need to have spoilers deployed aswell if i know im going to stop before the end of the runway?...
I'm looking for some flights of about 500 miles in an area that is just hell to fly due to bad weather, hostile terrain, etc. Suggestions???...
hello, i got the pss a319 with america west and usiar liveries and there are no textures for the landing gear and engines. has this hapened to anyone else, or does anyone have an idea to fix it, i really like them but its anyoning not haveing grey engines...
Hi Guys, Long time since i first posted here. I am having so much fun landing my aircraft thanks to you guys. Anyway, I was trying to clear up my FS9 with all the messy add-ons that I had installed. I have now installed a clean version. I was about ...
I was just turning into the final leg of my approach to Eugene, Oregon. The weather was cloudy and I heard some thunder. There was a bit of turbulence, but not enough to worry about...or so I thought. All of a sudden, the plane went nose down and nothi...
Does anyone know when the Paris Airshow is this coming year (2006)?...
Hi, I recently installed several add-on aircraft into fs 2004. The problem is, that the jets all sound likes the default Cessna along with having the same panels. Please do not respond saying I installed it wrong, it came with out sound etc. because I tri...