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help me everytime i open fs, before even getting to the main mane, it crashes...
When watching the a380's maiden flight, I noticed that for the first few minutes in the air, it was flying with gear down. I have also seen this in many other experimental flights. What is the reason for this? Is it for safety, or to actually receive r...
If you have no tried goggle your missing out. I have just found area 51 and you can zoom down and see planes and cars! Area 51 is difficult to find but you can see all of it. You can even pan down in a 3D format!! Peace out Jetman ԅ...
I have level-d 767, but when I goeing to start the FS9, it said that I had a bad license. I have the lvld67.lic too, but I dont know where can I put that. Thanks...
I was just looking at (and admiring) Pro Sim's set-up, in his sig photo-- just noticed that there is a calculator on the table, at the back right. I always have my trusty HP32 at hand when sim-flying, mostly for calculating fuel vs flight time on long ...
How do you start at the terminal....
I've been using ScreenHunter to do screenshots and have encountered a problem. Every so often, the resulting picture is missing all of part of the plane. Any way to fix this or is there a better program for taking screenshots?...
Is it possible to somehow change the settings in FS2004 to tell it that certain runways are not used for take off or landing? Currently, an airport I like to fly from is always using a certain runway for takeoff, but in real life, this runway is never us...
I just completed a flight from Denver, Colorado (KAPA) to Van Nuys, California (KVNY) I set up the route for multiple waypoints (not direct GPS) low altitude. The default rout FS9 provided called for an altitude of 13,500ft. That cleared the highest ...
This is like the 5th time something goes wrong in the instrument pilot checkride. I'm so tired of thinking I'm doing everything correctly until the stupid lady's voice comes on saying "I'm sorry, you did not pass the checkride." It's not my fault too. Las...
Hi all, ive got a problem, whenever i taxi a plane, it randomly steers off the taxi way, this happens with single and twin engine planes, and i dont have autopilot on?? any ideas anyone???...
I've heard alot about the 737 NG, but I'd like to know a little more. I saw it in the stores today for about $50. Now I'm not saying that I'm going to spend that kind of money on a panel - Anyways, I'm trying to get a VGA card right now, so thats not my...
if im sitting on runway ready to take-off then if a go outside to look at the aircraft it starts shaking i.e the ground and the aircraft ne one shed ne light on what this could be, my machine spec is amd 3200 64bit, 1024mb ram, 6600gt oc graphics card ...
hi, i am thinking of getting ultimate traffic and i have a few questions for you guys the have it. first, right now im just useing some ai things from project ai and i was wondering how ut compares to that. second does ut have every airline or do you have...
Hi all, i have a prob with the autopilot approach, when im in a 737 and established on the localizer when i click approach it doesnt seem to want to actually do the approach i seem to still have full control of the aircraft????...
Do i buy 2004 or wait for 2006? I just dont know how long the wait would be.thank...
Can you explain what slot times are and why how and when they are used....
How Do you open the cargo door on the c130? Witch button to press?...
I bought Traffic 2005 from Just Flight but it will not install. I tried everything including uninstalling Flight Simulator and all add ons then reinstalling just Flight Simulator plus the FS9.1 Patch, but it still wont install. I even disabled my Virus Pr...
Ok i just bought FS04 for my new pc and did a complete install. The very first time i started it up it worked fine, then i shut it down and came back 2 hours later and it wouldn't start up. The disk drive spins then it just stops spinning and wont start....
Do you guys know of any good condensation effects. I've been looking on avsim and other sites but don't seem to find anything Thanks...
You know at big international airports?!? do they only use one runway at a time or do they use severial at once? Andy...
i have heard of fs passengers and would like t know what they /or it is and what they /or it does. do you see them in the game or what? i guess what im trying to say is what is fs passengers?...
Hi, I just installed my new computer and i have this anoying problem, when i have fs9 in windowed mode and open another programme like ASV weather then the fs screen freezes, then when i minimize ASV FS continues where it is then, i have pause on task ...
Anyone know of any UK airports or internationals that have a VERY long runway? I am exceptionally bad at landings so I need the length!...
Hey guys. i was wondering, do i have to keep the add-on plane files or can i delete them to save room? THANKS AGAIN!! AJ...
During my last few flights FS has popped messages up asking say that my digalert.bmp iconinfo.bmp iconexcl.bmp files are missing. Does anyone know where i can download them?...
Hello people, I was wondering if it would be possible on a FS9 flight plan to say take off heathrow, stop off at Charles de Gaul and fly onto Cairo (just as an example) so in-other words. You make multiple landings and take offs on one flight plan? ...
I need to uninstall the sim today, because I'll be leaving tommorow afternoon for good. Does anyone know of a quick way of uninstalling the sim without it, besides deleting everything....
could you guys please give me an example from taking off of an airport and landing to an airport with full detail of how to use VOR and ILS Instrument, because i've read several guide, but it seems very hard to understand. Note : I'm Flying Boeing 737-...
I decided to try out Simon Topmann's a310 panel (which has a patch) but I seem to have encountered a problem. At the gate, I went through start-up as required, but when was done, I found out that I couldn't activate the FD, my AP wasn't turning on, and ...
I have ordered a new dell computer, its a 2.6 ghz pentium 4 processor with Integrated Intel Extreme Graphics 2, just wondering is this enough to run fs2004 smoothly?...
Hello, Long time lurker first time poster. My question is, is Jeppesen actually that accurate? On Monday I thought it might be interesting to take a flight out of Gulfport Intl to Miami, to try and ride the hurricane. I downloaded the current weathe...
Im going to download the demo, but to be honest, i allready know im going to love it, so my Q is: Can you purchase it on disk? I have only seen the download option with an emailed unlock key, but i always prefer the "hard" copy! Answers on a postca...
I'm not sure if this can be done on FS2004 or FS2002 but my friend did it once. He tapped a key on keyboard and he was able to open and shut the doors of the plane he was taking off in....
did any of you go to the G3 covention? well according to this Microsoft was there with a booth for flight simulator 2006. according to them it will be out mid summer 2006. better to take longer than to have a crappy game! "Reports from JustFlight who h...
ATC doesnt work for me anymore. When i click the icon to open it in any plane it doesnt open. Also i tried pressing the short cut button which is , and it still doesnt open. I checked to see if i turned it off by accident but in the options but no i didn...
Can anyone give me a link to Any 767 made from anyone but IFDG, POSKY, and AIS-AI. In every 767 made from those company's, I found major problems without fixes, and that really bothers me. Thanks....
I left Miami (KMIA), Rwy 30 on an IFR to St Maarten. ATC had me fly runway heading straight out for approvimately 30 miles before intructing me to do almost 180° heading back over KMIA and on towards St Maarten. I was actually made it to FL270 before ATC...
Hi Guys and Girls, Im getting a new computer next month and its going to be mainly for Flight Sim 2004 use. I was wondering what sort of components other people had and how good the graphics were. If you have time i would love if you could post your syst...
Does anybody know of a decent freeware FMC add-on. If so, please give me a link. Thanks...
I recently downloaded the posky 767-300 so that I can fly for hawaiian virtual airlines. However, I have noticed that the autobrakes don't seem to work properly. They work for about a second after touchdown and then stop so I have to do it manually. It al...
I'm finding it very difficult to taxi the Posky 767's. They don't turn as hard as they should, and they are very slow to respond. I know it's nothing to do with rudder sensitivity, because I adjusted it, and it made no difference. To try it out, go to p...
I've been looking for a cargo plane and found a ProSky 757-200 in DHL livery. Flight dynamics and panel are great, but the GMAX model plays havoc with my MegaScenery 2004 Other GMAX planess cause the scenery to be slow getting in focus, but this one ne...
hey i got a c-5 galaxy and i couldn't find a soundpack for it do i got a soundpack for a 747, but when i tried out the plane it would show the cockpit and then the screen would go black. does that mean the sound is not compatible? if it is does anyone kno...
Hi!! Whe i finish installing the sim then i go and click the icon to start the simulator but this appers: couldnt find MSVCR70.dll. reinstaling the program may sove the problems?? What could be the problem. Thanks...
Hello, What exactly does a person have to do to become a 757 sized aircraft pilot. How long does it take. Around what ages should someone begin studying. I would like to know all of the steps involved. For example, I plan on going to university,...
Can the cool FS2004 models that are found on this site be imported into a tool such as GMAX or converted into formats such as md3?...
I am struggling to nail an approach using the APR button on the autopilot, which often wrestles the controls sending me left then right and all over the place finisihing on the grass, even then I sometimes have to setup the glideslope using the ALT autopi...
Hi Guys, just a quickie 😉 I have recently bought a 6800gt nvidia card, and want to know the answer to the following. i have a media centre pc, but do you think i would get a better driver for my new card if i downloaded the standard wind...