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About a week ago i posted a post to ask for world tour stops. Since then i have made significant progress, and here are the stops i had (dont really make sense, i know) Frankfurt Munich Stughart Paris Newcastle Rejavik St Johns (CYYT) (Canada) ...
I was watching Seconds From Disaster, and i was watching "Crash of The Comet" I thought, Is there any DeHavidland Comet's out there?...
I was thinking of adding FS2004 to my Vista 64 machine in order to use the PMDG 737-800. Right now I am using FSX and the only add on is the 737PIC which is nice, but doesn't look like it can hold a candle to the PMDG. I will add the PMDG NG? to FSX whene...
I have recently re installed FSOO4. Now, most aircraft I download have no engine power. I use Control E and the engines begin to fire and then shut down. Can anyone help? Thanks....
After returning from vacation, I have run into a new problem. My Shift+E/2/3 ect. does not work! I have tried it on all of my aircraft to include the default ones. What could be the problem?...
Hey guys, I was wondering, with fsx, all my aircraft look smooth and really nice. But on fs2004, my aircraft look extremely jagged and ugly. I've put Anti-aliasing ON in flight simulator and I've put it to 16x on Nvia control panel but it doesn't seem to ...
Friends, when I install FS2004, the 4th CD is not able to copy due to some scratches. Is there any way I could get this CD4. Please help? Thanks....
Anyone else not satisfied with the lack of ai and paints in UT? Please say. Westernstyle 😂...
Greetings to you all, can somebody please tell me how to incorporate downloaded planes into FS2004 ? I have tried everything except the correct method. Any help greatly appreciated, Happichap 😕...
Well, since I've got my computer up and running thanks to some really good friends, I'm now going over the the FSX SIDE. FS2004 is awesome but I'm giving FSX a shot now and I will play FS2004 from time to time and try to enter as many screenshot comps as ...
Anyone 's got an idea to change the PMDG PFD flt director dislpay from a cross bar to a V- bar like in the lear jet? or better to switch over between the two? this will be a great help.......thanks...
The Electronic Kneeboard keeps popping up onscreen while in flight. I close it out and it pops up again. It will be gone for awhile and then it will start popping up again. Also, my joystick will stop working momentarily. Andy...
Hey! Where or in which file is the information of the radius of an FS9 aircraft, and, is it possible to set the radius if the designer forgot to set it? How should I set the radius? Greetz Jive1...
Hi... I have downloaded the above zip file and have had no problem installing the F14 but I have tried several times to load the carrier into the addon scenery in FS9 to no avail. I see extra files other than the Effects and Texture which most of the...
Hi.. Is there any way to add landing light to those aircraft that do not have them? Thanks P.S. Imagine what it would be like without this forum??...
i have been paying a monthly subscription for over a year and i didnt realize it, can someone help me to cancel my account please. Thank You!...
Is there any addon out there for us to use LORAN-C to cross the big ponds? why it's totally missing from FS9? I doubt its included in SFX. In real world I think its still being used extensively on trans-ocean flights...
While doing some adjustments with AirEd to some AI A/C, I see a line that reads "Land Me". I have done a cursury search and find no description of this line. Does anyone know what it could/would be used for? Thank...
i dont have a registered copy of fsuipc so i want to know if i can set a button on the ch flightsim yoke to use as a ptt. thanks, jim...
Is anyone familiar with the ATR 42-300 Denmark Package by Sánchez-Castañer. Its on AVSIM and seems a popular ATR model. If not, My question might be answerable anyway by someone knowledgeable. Which is definately not me!! lol. This model has a re...
how do you contact ATC in middle of pacific ocean?...
Hi, since 3 days I got a very strange problem. My panel looks all duff and is hard to read and when I hit ALT + ENTER to switch to a smaller screen. Then I open some applications. Fraps and AISmooth f.e, Then i want to switch back to full screen and th...
This crap is happening still. I switch views to spot and the computer tries to load the texture (This only happens around 70-80% of the time when I play FS) and it doesn't, leaving a part of the aircraft gray and I am forced to click "OK" on the the erro...
Hello, I have the Abacus EZ-GPS and CoPilot Pro and I was wondering how to use the automatic approach. I saw it in this one video on the Abacus website and just couldn't figure out how to do it if someone could please help. Here's the video link http:...
When I fly high like over 20000 feet I start to see squares unrendered on the horizon. As I get close to that patch it get replaced by regular terrain texture. Is there any setting in fs9.cfg file that I can adjust? Thanks...
I tend to use Martha's Vineyard (KMVY) more often than not, as I'm originally from Massachusetts, and I know the island in real life. I like it as my pattern practice base and the short hop over to Nantucket (KACK) makes for a nice trip for practicing na...
While at a particular airport, Boston Logan, after I land , right in front of the aircraft, the runway, taxiway etc, flashes black. It never happens before takeoff, only after landing. Not all the time. The Boston Logan scenery is not the default airport...
For the longest time, I have used the flight level shown on the Create Flight screen, that uses 3000, 4000, 5000, ect. I know this is not acurate, and would like to find some help on setting the Flight Level at a more realistic altitude....
While brousing the great screenshots on here, I came across a guy that had a family photo placed on his panel. How did he do that? Thanks...
Just a question, do any of you have only AI traffic and no default traffic? I know I do. Also, do any of you find that the AI Traffic is more frame rate friendly than default? Thanks for any replies!...
I've been having this problem ever since I installed FS9. The first picture is what appears when I start FS9 in "full screen" mode. ...
Ok, the scene. 747-400 (default) at 2,500ft, 170kts approx, using IFR flight plan, being guided around by ATC. Then on the last part I fail to "catch" the ILS....for Approach. Report missed approach, told to increase height, change course etc. I dial...
Just recently whenever I select an aircraft the engines are always shut down and I have to start them using Control E. All aircraft are the same. Sometimes they will start using Control E sometimes not. I must have ticked/junticked a box somehow. An...
every one says to hit shift E and 2 but this doesnt work or shift E and 3. what am i doing wrong. please help...
Just some help please. my fs2004 Ultimate traffic has now decreased in the amount of traffic at the airportss. it started off fine, now there is little. please help. :oops: 😀...
It seems that FS9 dispays in different 'layers'. The background keeps turning 'grey' no details when in spot plane mode. The detail disappears - must be a graphics issue. Can anyone help to tell me how to config. display settings. Of course it just might ...
I'm trying to create a weather theme with clear on top/ solid white cloud floor below and having no luck. I can never seem to completely obscure my view of the ground while maintaining clear conditions on top. I only get my ground view down to "murky...
without the wheels pointing at the clouds when i come to a stop??? I need some tips. I've figured out that the plane is still flying even with its wheels on the ground. I need to rudder-left to counter its natural pull to the right...pull back on th...
Hello This panel is useful for the training. after unziping correct file for my FS2004 and changing the path to extract the files, a new c182 nav trainer plane has been addded to my aircraft list. But I have some missing gauges as Digital Trim, dig...
i was watching something earlier that was saying in emergencies aircraft can drop thousands of feet in a matter of minutes... how does it do this without doing a nose dive???? even by sowing the plane right down your at risk of stalling surely!...
well normal would be C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9 or it could start with D:\, ect hope that helps emerald...
Does anyone know of a way to add an intersection to FS2004? Thanks in advance ... Art...
Im not sure about the protocol here but,,,, Can anyone check out a download site for me I have been trying to download the TU 154 with no luck. I even bought a download but still cant start the engines. I am wondering if it might be my computer. ...
Hey my joystick has started to go all crazy all of a sudden like i would be taking off then would do a sharp turn to the right, with out me doing anything! the throttle wont work and however many times i calibrate it, it just doesn't stay centered. I've u...
I just picked up another monitor...Need some help getting the cockpit view to span across both monitors for a wider view..i am running the 8800 GT OC thanks for any help...
Does anyone know the IG FLY payware site? I am just wondering if it is reputable Any information would be appreciated....
Hi, Like probably many of you, my aircraft folder is massive with add-on's and AI aircraft. But, recently I had a problem with my computer which required a complete reinstallation of windows xp. With this I lost all of my meticulous fs work. I'm pa...
I'm choosing a new computer between two, both very similar specs (dual-core 5,200 mhz, 4 GB DDR2, 300GB+), however, one has an ATI HD 2400 1GB, the other a nVidia 8600 GT. I don't know much about graphics cards (or computers), but both are Direct X10. I'm...
I was watching some youtube videos to get some ideas for aircraft to get when I started to wounder. Most of these videos utilize the camera in ways I've never seen. They look like they are doing a walk around and then hop into the cockpit. Here is a vi...
I have often wondered if I have enough hardware for FS9 Windows XP AMD Athlon 64 Processor 2800+ 1.80 Ghz, 1.00GB RAM NVIDIA Ge Force 7300 GT Can I improve? Thanks in advance...