Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
Can anyone tell me if there is or isn't a way to increase the size of the "Coordinate and Frame Rate" lines in the upper left of the FSX display? (The info you get when you press "Shift+Z".) Some of you know that I'm not as young as most here are. I ...
When ever I click on Free Flight in the FSX menu my PC shuts down as if i pulled out the plug. It's a fresh install, ran the SP1 update, then the SP2 update successfully. I can launch some missions, like the Hawaiian checkout but 20 mins into th...
Okay. I'm considering getting a new processor for FSX. I will plan to get Duo 2 Core E8400 3 GHz or Core 2 Quad Q8400 2.6 GHz400 I'm not sure which would be better for FSX. I also plan on bumping up raphics to Nvidia 9800GT. Which of the...
I tried out 9800 GTX+, it was pretty good, but at JFK or any of the busiest airports it can slow down to 9-10 fps (my settings are all at ultra-hi). So exchanged it for a supposedly faster card GeForce GTX275. But I checked the specs, actually 9800 core c...
I just chose out the Extra 300S, and started flying. This is what I saw.
Are you able to edit speed with the aircraft's cfg file? I have a Stearman that I'd like to seem like a Super Stearman. So, I'd have to edit the sounds, speed, acceleration, and roll capabilities. If you need to edit the AIR file to do so, where can I...
Hi all, I was recently informed that you need to turn ON DirectX 10 in FSX Acceleration :oops: ! I have acceleration and when I go to settings > Customize > Graphics, there is no DirectX checkbox. Below is a screenshot. https://forum.flyaways...
I've been having an issue with FSX crashing when it gets to 100 per cent for a couple of months. It'll load as fast as normal, but sometimes when it gets to 100 per cent is just crashes. The little blue circle comes up (hourglass for XP) and it just dies....
I know this forum isn't germane to this non-FSX query, but please indulge me just this time and I won't make a habit of it.. I'm hoping someone here has unbiased experience with this kind of flight sim. I'm on the verge of plunging deeply into Radio Co...
I used to use Ultimate Traffic with FS2004, now I know there's UT2007 updated for FSX, but I have to pay again full amount. I'd like to know if there's any similar traffic addon that is equal or better than UT2007.... Thanks.......
I know its sad to see FSX come to the end since Microsoft has dropped them. Too bad because i was hoping to see them changed some things like world ground textures which is the only thing lacking in the game today. The clouds and weather programs are to...
I believe that i have just been flying the greatest aircraft ever produced for FSX ! the RealAir spitfire ! the Rolls Royce merlin and griffon engine sounds perfectly awsome the texture detail unsurpassed the actual flight handling is so realisticly mind ...
I recently downloaded the ordnance package from Simviation, and I love it. But one question, how do you switch through the droppable objects? Is there even a way?...
- Programmed a flight from KSEA to KLAS for a V/A flight using the manual the best I could using the FMC - Take-off and activated the A/P @ 5000 feet The I noticed I was headed in the wrong direction! So I look at the PFD and looked into a spider's ...
Is the 757 for fsx a frame rate eater or does it run pretty well? The demo seems to run fairly smoothly on my system but the demo does not have any gauges. Regards 😀...
I know rudder is used on turns but I thought they might also be useful on final approach when attempting to line up with the runway. This appears not to be the case. Each time I have used the rudder to line up the aircraft moves significanly left or ri...
Hi All, As theis is the font of all knowledge I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem. I have just got a Saitek PRO Flight Yoke system (birthday pressie!). Now when I start up the FeelThere PIC 737, as soon as the engines start the FADEC...
I have gone to avsim and it keeps telling me that it cant find this download. is there somwehere else i can get it from beside that site? thanks...
A Video I made of the payware C-130E..
Who can Help. All my planes that are not native to fsx have lost their texture. -Inside and outside. I am just trying my FSX on a 64 bit windows Vista with 8 GB ram, and until now it has worked with no problems, (Its very fast!!!), but suddenly-----.Have ...
I am creating a flight simulator with cockpit, I want it as realistic as possible. Wich software is better FSX vs. X-Plane...
I have intalled the Harrier A/C and the readme file says 3.-Copy the Folders autosmoke and hja_jet contained in the Gauges folder to the Gauges folder of fsX.------ Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Gauges\Gauges This are Xmail gauges and...
Yo...i seen previous topics on this but they dont seem to help me. i downloaded this add on for airport (TNCM). they equipped an ILS on the airport and i did the landing a while ago and it worked! but now its not but heres what im doing. i fly n...
I want a new computer!! ...who doesn't. Can sombody please suggest what kind of new computer I should get next..thats out there. I'm running a compac Prissario with 2.9 ghz (i think) 4yrs old. It has only 2 slots...😞 I have maxed out 2g...
Man, I must be one lucky son of a gun. I see a lot of topics stating problems and glitches-I have had no problems,the sim runs at good speed, never had a plane not download. and if something is missing! I just add it(sound,panel,etc)(panel maker!-its cool...
I need to get the same textures exact on each set of runway texture here, all the way donw the line. Not just the first set. (hard to explain) i have searched all over the net for this but no help.
tried for the last 2 months to cancel, paypal wont do anything about it and the website never answers my emails..anybody? or i am doomed to stay...
Hi I am a new at FSX, its running all at ultra high, just finished mastering the planes now my issue is this. when I go to free flights and set a flight plan, the guy doesn't guide me like he would in missions like which way to turn, which heding, ...
Recently I unistalled and reinstalled Flight Sim X. Prior to the reinstall of Flight Sim X I was able to enter thermals around 500' altitude on the east end of the runway at Locarno, Switzerland (LSZA). Now after the reinstallation of Flight Sim X...
it realy makes a big diffrence using a hdmi cable rather than vga cable on fsx. now i can have the full resolution maximum one! ppl said it wont make a diffrence but when i was using vga cable to my hd tv maximum reso was 1280 but now damn.. i got l...
I have searched everywhere for really good runway textures but i have not been able to find any so i decided to make my own, but im stuck right here, see i have the runway texture done but they need to be the exact same on each runway thing on this pic no...
After a reinstall I loaded SP1, and got the "you have successfully installed ect" message, but when I try to install SP2 I get a message saying that SP1 is not installed.. any ideas would be appreciated.. Teecee....
I've finally mastered the ILS approach and landing, and have lately been trying my hand at IFR. So everything's fine until I get an instruction from ATC ... "expect vectors GPS to runway 7". I know why they would have me land on the non ILS runway, but I ...
Hi all, I have recorded a couple of my landings using the "Record A Flight" feature in FSX. However, when I go and try to watch the video, the spoilers don't deploy and neither does the reverse thrust; even though I used them in the initial recorded fl...
I ended up getting this particular processor with this motherboard but it's a 2.3 GHz, Quad. I've heard so much about how FSX is really cpu driven and so I thought about upgrading to a E8400 3.0GHz, Duo 2 Core but wasnt sure of this processor would be muc...
Ok so I installed some really cool scenery for FSX, and once I go fly, the whole world is black! Other than the buildings included in the scenery, the gorund is black, no trees, no ohter buildings... Help!...
I am new to flight sims and am absolutely addicted. I have FS X and the expansion pack. I did not buy the deluxe version and am regretting it now. I would like to know if there is a way to download more missions. I have succeeded in getting 2 aircraft but...
I am fairly new to Flight Simulation. When I trim the Piper Cub it is quick,easy and stays trimmed. However, when I trim the Cessna Skyhawk 172 SP it is difficult and tends to drift off even if I continue flying straight and level. Is this true of the re...
I just loaded FSX and have been using it for about a week geting used to the differeces. I pressed the "S" key to get the full outside view and did. Then I moved the Hat to left and right and what appeared were the sindows for the Pilot and Copilot. I ...
Hey, me and my friend from VMC want to make some F-18 addons. But, he says that you need to make a .AIR file? Whenever I go into aircraft files, I see these little ".AIR" files, but I have no idea what they are for. First, what are these air files for, an...
Please, all of you, sign this petition. We all plan to send the letter to Microsoft. Every signature matters. Not a spam link, no dubious sites, or anything, just a petition. Radarman, please sticky this?...
When I click on the PFD, MFD, and ECAMS I am able to un-cage them, but not move them without the entire display moving. Are they not able to move like in other A/C or am I missing something. ❓ Thanks...
I am encountering a persistent problem with the Level D 767 during engine start up in free flight dark and cold. I follow the instructions to the letter, however each engine only ever spins up to about 10% very slowly and then does not actually fire up...
Hey. I'm associated with a VA and we do these online flight with FS Flight Tracker and FS (either FS9 or FSX) and so I use FSX, and every once in a while FT shows me at an incorrect airport that I'm in FSX. So, I'm curious anyone have had these similar...
After removing FSX SP2 and installing FSX Acceleration Expansion Pack, I cannot launch FSX without the dialogue: "Visual model could not be displayed, Cessna Skyhawk 172SP Paint". Then, sometimes when I click "Close", FSX continues to load but shuts down...
Just wonderd if anyone could help when i install rex, i get to stage 3, backup files and restore, it searches it all dose it, then one side it says not complete and when i press save it saves it all again and dose the same thing, iv tryed reinstalling ...
I bought the new Eclipse yoke to replace my faulty CH Yoke which had given me good service. The yoke works fine except with VOX ATC. My computer runs Vista 64bit. When I try to Set Up the Joystick for VOX ATC the screen that appears has options to assign...
I want to test FSX on my new hardware but I don't have a joystick yet. Is it possible to run it with a /switch or a hack or something?...
Anyone up for a race? to make it intresting the aircraft cant be any older than 1950 Must be prop. No more than 2 props on the aircraft Race Infomation (EGLC - London city / Calais - LFAC) 80NM Objective :: First person to fly across...
Can someone please send me a copy of there Fsx.cfg, as my config isnt layed out propley and fsx isnt working proply....