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Hey peeps, quick question, I am trying to activate my flight director switch, but it keeps flicking back off whenever I put it on. Is there normally a reason for this? I am flying the PSS 757 and there are no error messages coming up on the flight d...
Ok, learning ILS approaches. Now you look up the runway frequency that your cleared for ILS. Now you put that frequency into your nav 1 radio, but do you turn on the nav 1 button too? If so is it normal for it to beep the whole time? Also, what positon do...
I was looking at "youtube" videos and came across this one It looked intresting so i played it. It says "A 747 jet Airliner taking off the shortest runway you've ever seen at Courchevel airport in France." So i ...
I down loaded the trail version of fs live traffic fo fs2004, the planes have no visual flaps and the atc does not work the planes are low res looking. is this becuase it is the trail version. or is fs live traffic made for the recycle bin?...
Ok I usually use autopilot during flight and follow ATC headings. When I put my heading into the Autopilot the plane turns to that direction (Stating the obvious I know). The plane always seems to turn steeply and just wondering if this is normal? or is ...
:twisted: Hi everybody ... i m a noob on FS2004 ... I install a back up with the NOCD crack and it's impossible to launch the game... i have the splashscreen and after ERROR on FS9.exe i have the last DIRECTX 9.0 driver ... please help me I have a...
Hello, I have downloaded Norton System Works 2006, i followed the instructions to install and it installed. I followed the instructions on how to do the serial, i typed in serial code and it said product was activated. I restarted my pc and a message c...
Hi, I am quite enthusiastic to share this video with you all...To be frank I haven't put any background music as such.. But i would still like your comments on it..After long hours of practise with the PMDG Type Rating Course 3 I was finally able to...
A lot of airports I seem to have landed at recently, once passing me over to ground, do not give me any directions to park at either gates or GA area's. The only option I get when transferring to ground is Taxi to Take Off options. It's not as if there...
I have tried and tried to install the carrier ops download without success. I can download it without trouble, but simply can't get it to work. I've tried all the usual methods and can see most of the files in the right place, but I can't see the carrier ...
Anyone know where I can find nuke and/or rocket mods for Fs2004? Links would be appreciated. Thanks...
The bottom box on the GPS is marked XTK. What does this represent?...
I usually fly in the Boeing 737-700 from PMDG and whenever I start to taxi to the runway, the throttle works perfectly fine. After take-off the throttle still works fine and I usually then switch to autothrottle to control the speed for the rest of the fl...
Hi there everyone, Is there any way in how you can decide what STAR to use on arrival to a particular airport? Do I need an approach chart for my arrival airport, and if so how do I determine which STAR I use from that, as my approaches seem to be g...
All those PMDG 747-400 owners, I am trying to set the ILS frequency in the comm nav1 radio.But i am not able to set it.I wanted to set the frequency to value lower than 110.10.But when i try to reduce the frequency after coming down to 118 it jumps bac...
Is there any program with moving road traffic(such as the one on FSX) available for FS9??????? Regards, A Zanette London - UK...
Anyone know of a live audio feed of Washington Center?? If so, can you post a link please? Thanks....
Hi Folks, It might sound a bit funny but I can't install the liveries for the Airbuses.I install the aircraft normally, but not the liveries. Anyone can help. Thanks, A Zanette London - UK...
Hi, Do Fs9 panels look good on a 17 inch W/S laptop monitor does it have those black spaces on the sides Thanks...
Hey guys i was interested in purchasing the 752 (for FS2004) from CS with all the VC and pssenger cabin views (including galley, bathrooms etc.) anyway in their preview they walk around the cabin and the cockpit. Do I need some sort of program to walkarou...
is area 51 in the game? In the FSX version there is a mission to fly a top secret flight to area 51. I really like these Missions and keep me hooked....
I've never attempted this kind of approach. Can anyone describe why a pilot would perform a backbeam approach and is it something that pilots would rather not do or plan for but in some circumstances thay have to? In simple terms its basically flying t...
HI and thank sin advance for the feedback. I have the old CH joke but the problem is that I bought a laptop and I want to sim in this pc since my older one doesnt support the new flight sim X, but m old CH joke doesnt have the USB, it has the old connecti...
Hi, I have a few questions about speed hold on heavy jet. I found that there are two ways to hold the speed - airspeed hold and march hold. What are the differences between them?...
Can someone recommend a "good" freeware flight planner?...
Ok I'm parked up when I start the sim, but how do I move backwards out of the parking gate to start a taxing? Thanks for any help 🙂...
I am flying Radar Contact now, but RC does not support progressive taxi, how can I find my taxiways to go to the runway? I tried to use top view of the airport Ctrl+S, but this vew usually doesnt cover the end of runways, so still dont know where the assi...
i'm looking for a gauge for the default 777. i'm looking for one that will work in the VC for the middle 2 screens that appear black. i was hoping for one that shows engine power and maybe gear and flaps. i.e something like the one in the 747....
I have 2 512mb RAM in my computer but when i right click on 'my computer' it only shows there being 768mb ram on the computer, where has the other 250mb gone?? 😕...
hey i was wondering what i could do to improve graphics and overall smoother running of FS9 (and i know that buying a graphix card is the best but i just wanna know what i can do without having to spend money). So if you could help that'd be great...
Hey all, hear 2004 is a hog. I'm runnin.... 2.53g P4 with 1G PC2700 ram, geforc3 ti500 (64mgcard). XP home with plenty of hard drive space. I can usually get around 35-50 frames out of 2002 with about a med- high set up on the graphics. Decent to... Check out this, it claims that this software can listen to your speech, so no more pressing 1234 multi-choice buttons, just listen and talk to the AI controlers... Sounds fantastic, anybody tried it? well, it does offer a trial ...
pokey, Help us out here. . . what plane and what are you controlling it with-- joy stick, keyboard, yoke?...
Hi Guys Ive got a relatively new PC but I'm not sure how to check what graphics card I have. What I do know is that I need to upgrade it so that I can run FS9 at its full potential. I'm asking two questions here: how do I find out what kind of graph...
hello people can anyone direct me to a good concorde add on for fs9. preferably with wing view 😉 thank you and happy flying...
Hey peeps, Just a quickie - I have just done a cold and dark start in my PSS 757, and I have got everything up and running apart from my flight direction and map. (see screenie). Can anyone shed any light on what I have missed? Thanks Leachu...
You'll have to download a first officers panel for your chosen aircraft!...
Didn't have this problem in FS2002 but in 2004 I am getting a constant pull to the right t on take off and a right bank after rotation. Can't seem to get it lt level without autopilot. Trim doesn't seem to help either. Any suggestions? Bud...
Hi everyone, I am a new player of FS 2004. I would like to ask where can I find the airport radio frequency information in FS? And where can I get ILS information (ILS frequency and runway direction)?...
HELLO Well, i started a nice flight from yssy - klax and about an hour into the flight i start to serve drinks and hot food to my pasengers. and for the THIRD time a notice comes up saying 'location change, fsp aborted' this has happened three times n...
I have been playing with flight simulator 2004 for some time know without ever taking any of the lessons, so I thought it's about time to actually learn to naviagte with my instruments rather that doing these direct GPS flights and visual manual landings....
I have installed AIRPACK4 - FS2004 PANEL for Airbus A320 A321 by G. Combattelli and R. Osto Italy for all my airbus panel. Why everytime I change my view from cockpit view to virtual view, it always creates very load and noisy sounds? sometimes when I ...
I was only able to find approach/departure charts, but no airport diagram. Please help me find it. Thank you!...
Someone is giving away the product key to fsx thats piracy isn't it isn't that illegal 😳...
Ok, I've read the sticky in this forum about approaches but I'm still a bit confused. From what I understand, once you set your nav1 to the ILS frequency and you hear the morse code, you can push the approach button and it flies the approach. This alw...
How do you increase the time compression rate in FS2004? The Learning Centre says go to 'options' but i can't find anything that has options on it...
Guys, I have a question. In FS9 do you need different landing setting (speed, flap and pitch) for different landing weight? I have tried to land at kennedy airport with 777-200 with fuel load above 80%. I set my APP on. ATC cleared my to land at 1900 f...
Hi, The checkride require us to land on boeing fleid by ILS appoach at the end. After passing the Seattle VOR (116.😎, which frequency should I turn? NOLLA (110.9)? And what about the OBS? I've tried to turn to NOLLA and set the OBS to 326 de...
Just wanted to mention a fun learning experience I had in a flight yesterday. In line with the Exciting Flight Simulator Flights Topic by CRJCapt (Kiosk group), I've also decided to do all the historic flights. Each one so far has supplied me with some ...