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I tried alot to make the stupid thing work :hack: but it says the same thing over and over again!!!!!!! :wall: Can't you get the plane back?...
Hi there! Is there anyway I can tweak up the contrast of the radio stack and the AP numbers? I mean I can barely see them - especially with the sun facing one. The LearJet 45 is the default model. BTW. Is it normal to get higher FPS in the VC tha...
Does any one know where i can get HALO aircraft downloads for Flight simulator with out being a member/free mebership website. i tried simviation they had a GMX HALO pakage but the download did not work. :cry: :cry: :cry: PLEASE HELP :cry: :cry: ...
if anyone can point me to the 400 model my ffx/kittyhawk/cantu then it would be much appreciated ;)...
What do you guys think is the best freeware CRJ out there with a VC? Thanks!...
Hello, why does the king air move automatically when I release the parking brakes? The speed increases and I have to break all the time 😕...
I am becoming increasingly annoyed with the difficulty of which I am having trying to download new freeware addons. I can downlaod a plane easy enough as well as a panel, but putting the two together never works. The panel is always screwed up when I star...
is ther a plane i can download with a banner...
Hi all great site GREAT sim I love to fly the beechcraft 350 however Im at a loss as to how to apply reverse thrust on Landing at the moment I approach as normal , then land , press pause then move the throttles to reverse, then un pause and its done but ...
Firstly, is it possible to have any panel on any aircraft? For example could I have a different panel for the default 737 purely by downloading a panel and putting it in the 737 folder? Secondly, I have just downloaded the A380, MD88 and the 737-700c. ...
Does anyone know where I can get an A340-600? Payware or freeware...
Hey guys wondering if you could help me figure out how to use the aircrafts on fs2004 after i download them. thanks...
When I downloaded an A380, the regular cockpit view is okay, but the other views are missing, as if i'm not in the cockpit anymore. The virtual one is worse-the front is completely missing. Is is possible to get all the views I downloaded from this site...
Hi people. I was wondering if any people here can help me find a Concorde which is detailed and offcourse for fs2004, also inc moveable parts like nose up and down and turning front wheels.? Any help would be appritiated very much =) Sinc... just saw this - the screenshots make it look pretty good......
Does anyone know where i can get some good wing views for fs2004 the default 737...
Hi! I did not have an MD11 in my collection (and since I am not buying the PMDG), I downloaded the iFDG. I'm quite happy with it (installed sounds and all, looking good!) but I don't have a good panel. I found one on AVSIM (actually textures for one, I...
Lancaster is getting ready for operations in Flight Simulator. This is without doubt the most detailed simulation of a WWII bomber ever developed and will be available on 25th August in boxed and download versions for just £29.99/€44.95/$49.99 The A...
I would like to know your best Freewear aircraft. VCs, panels, Effects, Even failures if possible. I already know of the Ifly so dont mention that 1. But any aircraft at all, i like them all mostly. But i would like them to be real and flying today not pr...
Does anyone know where to locate a Quicksilver MX2 for MSFS 2004? Thanks! Bill...
Hello everyone long time no see...anyway to the point... I havnt been flying for a while and I just started it up for an evening fly when i notcied...the doors wont open..... and the Tailhook and Wingfold assignments havnt been functioning so...i went ...
im looking for a good freeware 737 with good panels flexi wings wing views and cabin, you know all the good stuff, where can i get something like this....freeware please........if u know....777 to?????...
i need help with ils landing, when i fly and ifr flight plan the atc asks me if i want to do " ILS runway 28 left" and when i am on final i dont see anything in the panels...........i have also used the gps to get the ILS for me, the direciton of the runw...
Does Anybody now of a good payware Mustang, aside from Abscus's aircraft ( Which, suprisingly is almost decent 😳 ) ❓...
I trying to find a DC-9 Panel I couldnt find one on vatsim ive been lookiing anything you guys found??...
Hey Everyone DOes anyone know where i can find a british airways version of a dornier all help would be required for the following things aswel Panel Sounds and the aircraft itself cheers Cptford...
Hi, After flying for about 2 and a half hours the fs2004 has the following problem. Suddenly the uper button bar disappears and at the bottom a black strip appear. After some minutes the fs2004 close without even any warning window to appear. Also when I...
Hi everyone 🙂 Im getting bored of flying thai airways, so i think im going to make a fspax company for indian airlines! Anyone know where do get some light and heavy aircraft painted in the indian airlines livery? cheers...
Rare Flight Simulations Just realeased The Dornier Do335!!! It's to be downloaded shortly on avsim and on our website. Features include: High-detail model Animated landing gear and Slots Animated Wheels Animated Propellors Animated Flaps, Elevato...
I downloaded the Dash 8 Q400 and installed it - after I realised that it was Bombadier not de Havilland I found it and flew it ok. Like the Grumman "Tracker" it has a tendency on takeoff to climb rather sharply, stall and plunge backwards back to earth. H...
I have downloaded quite a number of aircraft without any difficulty and now none that I transfer from either my download folder or from a cd such as those with "PC Pilot" to Programs>Microsoft Games>FS9>Aircraft will work. I have a DC4 Skymast...
Does this plane have a gps or fmc or what here is a link and on flight do you here a voice since it has a cockpit training whatever? thanks
Hi all! I want to merge the ifdg A3xx series with the pss panel, I have read every merge method I found but always I have the same problem. Fist the opt climb rate is very slow, it seems like the engines don' t have enough power. But the serius problem ...
Any ideas how I can get the nose-wheel on the plane going like 90 degree, because sometimes you have to go on the runway and taxiing to the end of it, and then you have to make a 180 on the runway.. Thanks in advance...
Hi, I have looked at various reviews of different Boeing 777 for FS2004 but I'm still not sure which one I want. I am looking for a payware 777. Is there one you can recommend? Thank You 🙂...
I've just started flying my PMDG 747-400 again, and bought the PMDG 747-400F. Now I do think they are one of the best add-ons for FS9, only there is a problem. When I press ctrl+e to open the main door, I can see that in the top of my screen (sayi...
can anyone find a good czech airlines boeing 737? I have been on the czech virtual airlines website but you neeed a ffx 737? where can i get that? Help much apreciated...
I heard that when flying the Concord at cruising altitude you could see the curvature of the earth, is this true? How high dose the concord fly? If you could see the curvature of the earth, could you see it on FS? Thanks....
Iv´e bought this Airbus package, and when I´ve taked-off and later on turned on my autopilot.. The plane dives really fast man... Plz... can anybody tell me how to solve this techical problem Thanks in advance:-)...
here is the panel cfg How do i add a gps Window00=Tu-154B-2 Main Instrument Panel Window01=Checklist Panel Window02=Throttle Window03=NVU Window04=High Window05=PNP Right Window06=KM-5 Window07=JoyService Window08=SPU Window09=VirtNav ...
have a read of this:...
I find it odd but for sure a very nice craft. ❗...
Hi everyone anyone know any good places where i can perfect md 80 sounds the ones i download are absolute crap! please reply cheer Cptford...
I cant find the las button and right now i am flying please tell me were it is thanks 🙂...
The POSKY B739 is ready for download. I hope to see some pics of the aircraft soon!
i happened to accidently install a custom 777 panel with a plane and it was messed up, is there anyway i can restore the default 777 panel without reinstalling the whole game? maybe there is a site that has it. if not does anyone know of any sites with so...
Hi All, Some of the A/C i've d/l from FlyAway come way over weight. When I try to unload the stations my game crashes. Any help is greatly appreciated....
Although I don't fly "big iron" this looks quite nice. FS2004 Air Scheffel Boeing 737-800w. This package includes high-res panels, photorealistic cockpit-/cabin-/wing-views, unique (auto) checklist with speech, nearly 200 sounds, working APU, fuel dump...
Everytime I export to make MDL I get a error message in the export log file stating Error invalid xfile. Can anybody explain this or tell me how to correct it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. J.Abbott...
this will be for my posky 757 and a panel for my default 747...