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Hey guys. Can the Rotatable Card on the ADF be assigned to a button in FSX? for example the rotatable card on either ADF or VOR on the standard C172? Or is there a hotkey for it? Thanks!...
Flying the 737 with FsPassenger, my fuel consumption is extremely high. The flight log says consumption from Sinapore to Phuket Thailand should be just over 7,800 lb, but when I arrive I've used over 18,000 lb. Plane is clean, (flaps up, spoilers retra...
Can anyone advise how to set a start up scenario. ie On the ramp All engines shut down Doors open I can save flights but when I load them they are with engines running and brakes off. I just like to add a bit more reality by starting from scratch w...
Hello Im running on a windows 7 lenovo and just as fsx is publishing product info in fsx installation i get error 1935 and it rollsback. What ive done is turn off my computer when i got the error and the files were there but id have to go into the folder ...
In 2D cockpit view, using the W key changes your cockpit view. when doing this, I cycle through till NO cockpit controls are showing. Then looking at outside views, I used to be able to see everything with no part of the aircraft exterior showing. Now my ...
Hi Guys. Is there a fix Memony errors thats works. I been flying about 10yrs only gone Virtual last 4months,running into Out of Memory crashes after about 1hr 30 min of flight time. Fsx Deluxe being used,I have just gone to Z97 Board anniversity +Inte...
Backing up the logbook Windows XP File name: Logbook.BIN Location: C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\My Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\ Windows Vista/7 File name: Logbook.BIN Location: C:\Users\%username%\Documents\Flight S...
I have FS X Deluxe installed on my laptop where it doesn't run very well. I want to uninstall it and reinstall it on a more powerful computer. I have read the knowledge base regarding activation. It states that a second activation is provided for this ...
Hello, I'm new to FSX and I've only just bought the game, though I've been watching it and playing other flight sims. I currently have a desktop PC running off of the CPU's integrated graphics (Intel HD 4600). I am wondering whether FSX will run at a d...
I have a frustrating problem with my game. When I'm playing and I press esc to bring up the menu, it doesn't come up and instead the screen stays black, the loading cursor is on and eventually the game crashes, with a message saying "A fatal error occured...
So, basically I have added in some Military AI Works traffic and this works in correlation with the fsx default traffic; how do I remove fsx default traffic without stopping the Military AI works traffic? WOAI doesn't work, and neither does removing the a...
I have ordered flight simulator x gold edition and am going to order the level d 767 for fsx online also,but do the fsx navaids(vors,waypoints,airways)and the airac that comes with the level d 767 for fsx have to be the same for the level d FMC to work? ...
On FSX, in the settings under "Graphics", I click the "User Aircraft" checkbox to view my aircrafts' labels (The colored text above a random airplane in flight), but no text appears above my aircraft! :umm...: How do I make it so that text appears above ...
Hi, I purchased FSX for my xp system, dual core, 32 bit, 2 mb ram. Simulator worked fine. Now I have an 8 core, 34 bit, 16mb ram, upgraded graphics card, game constantly freezes up or not enough virtual memory, etc.... I have graphics display on lo...
Hi guys, having just got myself up and running on FSX with my new system i have been sampling ORBX and too be honest im not that impressed I've had multiple issues with aircraft dissapearing, sky turning black and all sorts of rubbish. I've searched thro...
Ok. So iv'e been having this problem with FSX ever since I got it like 3 years ago. Whenever I fly jets, no matter which one, I can't get it to fly or accelerate at high altitudes nearly as fast as it does at low altitudes. I know it should be the opposit...
hi guys, i just installed fsx on my main computer and connected to the net to activate it. I am wondering, I also have a laptop, can i also install and use fsx on that or can you only activate it once? thanks Andy...
Hi all, I was wondering whether anyone knew how to contact the curator of the POSKY archive: Lorenzo Aiello? Anyway, whilst installing POSKY aircraft in FSX, do I have to install the base package and then any liveries that I want to install, or just...
Hi all, I know that British Airways operate a service from Gatwick (EGKK) to Edinburgh (EGPH) on their 737s. One plane goes from Gatwick to Edinburgh and back in one day. The flight numbers are different for each flight, obviosuly. So, I was wonderi...
FSX constantly crashes, every single day, it's either when I'm departing from an airport or when I'm ta cruising level. I've tried six flights in the past two days and ALL of them crashed whilst I was cruising. Here's the errors I got. fsx.exe ...
Could someone tell me what the ACL is for, and why when I click on it fsx freezes up and closes back to desktop. Anyone else encounter this. ❓
When i download the second service pack (SP2) -to start playing multiplayer-my computer shows me a messages(error) with a problem of the graphic card and exits fsx...what should i do?...
Ok let me explain myself with 4 examples, here are my waypoints: AGOPA: FL180 LORNI: FL220 MOPAR: FL240 BANOX: FL260 ORNIX: FL280 VADEK: FL320 (CRUISE ALTITUDE) MERUE: FL320 SOKMU: FL320 KEREX: FL320 ROUEN: FL320 1) Ok, so we are in an A320...
Hello everyone, I'm deciding to sell my flight simulator including the 3 monitors, PC and controls as well. I purchased it all just over a year ago and I never really got into it and have decided it's best to sell it now as it could be used a lot more ...
Hi folks Doco on tele last night about the worlds 10 most dangerous busy airports. Sure many of you have seen it. I did not record it but took notes. After searching on the internet I am pretty sure I have the correct list below. Welcome any feed-back or...
Hey guys... I'm having trouble figuring out how to install the FSX SDK Tools for my FSX Standard and I have the Deluxe CD. How do you install it??? I went to the "SDK" file and nothing came up like a sdk.exe or setup.exe. How do Install it and get this??...
My fsx does not load into the main screen. It stays at the microsoft flight simulator screen. It happened after I downloaded addon scenery...
When flying the F-18 that comes with the FSX acceleration package, how can one tell at a glance whether the afterburners are on or off? Can one tell by looking at the N1 or the ITT, or is there some kind of indicator for afterburner status?...
As the topic title suggests i am curious as to how all other users out there seperate their FSX setups, i currently have the following; Aerosoft Airbus X Extended/A320-21 REX4 Active Sky GEX various UK2000 airports GSX PFPX EFB *with mods from ...
Hello everyone Does anyone know a way to replace the default fsx airlines (Soar, Pacifica etc. ) with downloaded real world airline textures? Not just for the controlled aircraft, but for the CPU-controlled scenery air traffic. Would be nice to be surrou...
When I started Fsx, The game was loading in the main menu; (the first screen you see when you start the game.) After about 20 seconds the screen vanished and nothing happens Please help!!...
When I am in the 2D cockpit view I am missing the panel ! When I start up my flight I am in the virtual cockpit by default... when I switch to 2D I can still see the runway, but the instruments are gone (just a black rectangle there) and the cursor/mouse ...
HI: I have been getting error code 1722 and 1603 when I try to reinstall fsx on my computer window 7,what I would like to know is if I try installing fsx deluxe will I have the same problem??...
You may think this sounds ridiculously stupid but I can't find the on button for the Captain Sim 757's FMC. Where is it? Do I need to do something before it? ❓...
Good morning/ evening I just would like to know what is the difference between VOR 1 and VOR 2 on Airbus! Thank you for your answer....
Hi All, Wondered if anybody could advise me on an issue on FSX that i'm experiencing. I have detail maxed out and a few add ons on my version of FSX (FSX traffic, Active Sky). I used to be able to get the guidance arrows to the runway along the tax...
Hello I've just started with MS FSX and am working through the tutorial lessons. I'm finding that the aircraft will not fly straight and level. Even on full power, if I let go of the joystick then the aircraft will settle at an angle downwards, los...
Does anybody know how to make any aircraft able to be towed by a tow plane instead of just gliders?...
can anyone please help me. I have the Thrustmaster T Flight Hortas X joystick and when i try to use rudder to align for landings or anything i need rudder for the planes nose changes direction but the direction of flight stays the same. To make it cle...
Subject tells it all... So what is your favorite airport? I like EFHK and EFHF 😎 - If there's already topic about this, you can close this!...
Hello everyone, I have fsx and know that you can transfer fs2004 and fs2002 aircraft to fsx. I did this with a Mike Stone Beechcraft 1900D. I deleted the original panel and sound and replaced it with my own beechcraft king air panel and sound folders....
Um so I'm looking forward to getting the REX Extreme and GSX add-ons for FSX but both requires to have sp2 installed so I downloaded the SP2 from but after it finished it just says this: Microsoft Flight Simulator X Service Pack 2 req...
Okay, so I posted a while back about how my laptop wouldn't run certain add-ons for Fsx. I got an answer back on how to resolve these problems. So what I wanted to do is, write about how my laptop runs near enough everything with very low power compon...
Whenever I download a Boeing 777-300/200 etc. , I always get black panels and VC I've tried downloading files that sya that they will make it work but none of them did so I was wondering if you guys could help me out tnx Pls Help me guys coz' I really ...
So, I downloaded a Cathay Pacific 747-200 Jet and went out to test it out in Hong Kong Intl. (VHHH). When my FSX fully loaded, I was surprised to see the airport was just water and no runway,terminals,AI Aircraft and everything else Pls Help me wth thi...
hello so some times at the middle of the flight the fsx screen will go black ! the fsx is working fine and when i increase thrust i hear engine sound rising... i use fsx in window mode. specs: Samsung S20C150 LED 20" Intel Core I5 3470 Nvidia Ge...
Hi, Question above, where's the back course button on the 737-800 on FSX? Does it even exist? Thanks Pearlz...
Hello i just wanted to ask what gauges i should use on my cessna 172 simulator that i am building. I am planing on having 2 computers so all the stress is not on just one. I am building simsamurai's CS-1 and want to know some options for under $100 U...
after 7 years of running fsx with no issues i now receive a message thanking me for playing the demo version; there's no request for me to reactivate fsx to continue playing. does any 😕 one have any suggestions for reactivation? TIA...
Well, unsure if this is the appropriate forum but, I didn't see a "help" forum. Anywho, Last night, after installing a few addons(SquawkBox4, my Airbus package and CLS DC10 package, and a few freeware planes), I attempted to load up FSX and make sur...