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Hello all, I made a little page that you (I hope) will find interesting and even useful. On that page you can upload a FS2004 flight plan (extension .pln) and obtain a kml file that will show that flight plan on Google Earth. And you can download o...
hi does anyone out there know how to install ms2004 0n a Windows 11 laptop I have an Alienware R5 with window 11 no cd drive is there a copy to purchase online so I can download it any advice would be much appreciated ...
I hate Autoland it is so stupid. It takes all the fun away from flying....
Hi, I'm hoping someone can help me. I'm flying the boeing 737-400 and the radio stack has a few buttons that I cant understand the need for. I understand the necessiity to make the Nav 1 or Nav 2 live in order to intercept ILS. But what is the pur...
Ive been using fs2004 for about 10yrs and love it. Only problems when changing to win10. I want to try VFR photographic scenery fs2004 but am worried that all will go wrong. How easy is it to set up this add on. I am not very pc savvy and any advice welco...
Dear Flight Simulator Enthusiasts, Do you want to enhance your flight simulator experience? Do you want to learn how to fly those simulator aircrafts like real world pilots do? Do you want to learn how to fly VFR and IFR like the professionals do? D...
where do AI traffic files go ?...
I have purched the FS2004 and loaded it.. I have downloaded the no CD Patch several times. Cannot find an EXE fike. Just a FS file with the 3 others. Supper frustrated. Even had the wife help, this is getting very desperate. Help please....
Can't get MSFS 2004 to run on windows 11...
Hello, I can't seem to get the throttle on my joystick to work properly with FS2004. When doing the flight lessons it says to set my joystick throttle to 3/4 which I do, but when it's my turn to fly, I push my throttle all the way up but that doesnt ...
Lately I have been encountering an error upon closing FS2004 that says the logbook file is invalid and must be re-created. It lists a file name that is just lines and characters and such. Is there a way to recreate the Standard Pilot Logbook? Is anyone...
been a while since i played this. used to play this a lot in conjunction with FS98 some time ago. annoying thing was that it used to require a serial number, which unfortunately i have lost. dont ask how, its just not in the box anymore but everything ...
Hi everyone, As a blast from the past, I just got FS2004 up and running on my new laptop . I was just wondering whether any of the multiplayer servers left in existence. ...
Hey guys! The other day I was taking a look at my files in this computer and I've found that I still have the MRAI Flight Plans and the Installer. I've never installed those flight plans before but I did download them for further use. I remember that ...
Hi there Fellow Simmers!! I am looking to see if anybody here has the expertize of creating buildings to Places of interest. I have photos if you can possible do the job. Any help would be well appreiated. Thank you Lee...
Finally got a newer computer to be able to play FS04 which I purchased some 16 months ago. I played it on my old PC which wasn't powerful enough so having waited nearly a year to play you can imagine my excitement. Opened the game case..............disc 4...
I managed to install FS2004 on my Windows 11 laptop, but no matter what I do it won't launch. I've tried running it as administrator, in compatibility mode, but absolutely nothing happens. Does the installer also have to be run in compatibility mode?...
I have a problem that's driving me buggy. It feels like I'm only getting about half throttle. I have a new 3 Ghz Dell XPS, XP Pro, using a Radeon 9800 pro 128 mb card, and 2 Ghz of RAM. I had this problem with 2002 and 2004. I've tried two different j...
I was wondering if any knew if FS9 could be run on multiple monitors. I am not trying to run one display stretched on two monitors. I am trying to get different displays on multiple monitors. Like this: left wing, cockpit, right wing.
im flying for a virtual airline that allows me to fly the dc-3 but upon tryingto taxi in the dc-3 its very hard and impossible...ive used the differential brakes/ hard rudder, and everything else...but no avail...its very hard... anyone got any remedie...
hi I have updated my drivers on my sexy X800 Pro card and now i can get around 30fps with all settings maxed, traffic 2005 etc. I want the autogen to be drawn further away from me. Can someone tell me how this can be done? Something like this https...
Hello Can someone give me some help? I am trying to install the MS Traffic Toolbox SDK to my Flight Simulator 2004, but it doesn`t work anyway. On the MS homepage, it says to install this SDK: " The Tools->Traffic Toolbox menu is available ...
Hi OK. here is what happened. I found out about Voxatc. so I go to their website and it looks good. so I tried the demo but it said that you need a microphone and headphones or a headset for the demo to work. so go and order a headset for fs (AudioFX F...
In some airports like Aerosoft - London Heathrow 2008 v1.10, EPWA, and so on, runway approach lights are too bright, all lights are smudgy, as I know, they have their own approach lights, but how to reduce brightness lights???? In default fs9 airport, ...
I have received quite a few emails and messages from simmers with landing gear problems (Contact points) . E.g. Wheels sinking in runway upon touchdown, aircraft leaning to one side, Wheel smoke, Appearance of wheels floating in the air, Lack of ...
I'm having difficulty with a couple of the flying lessons in FS2004, I'll explain 2 examples... 1) flying a checktest in the Cessna. I have to fly the approach keeping above minimum altitudes, perform a failed approach and climb back to altitude. Howe...
View keeps changing on its own...
I recently bought a new computer for flight simulation. In both FSX and FS 2004 when in the cockpit view I can only zoom out a short distance. My computer supplier told me how to correct this in FSX by altering the config file. I had to find 'wideviewaspe...
I have tried real-world calculations to find LAT/LON coordinates for scenery objects in FS using the scenery airport CP and a bearing and distance to the object based on the scenery units. The results are not close. Can anyone help with the FS Lat/L...
Hi I have a French version of FS 2004, is there any way I can change the language to English??? Many thanks, Tony....
Hey everyone. Need some help setting my NVidia Control panel up to work awesome with Flight Sim 9. I've taken some pics of the settings below. can anyone tell me what to change to get the best results for flight sim 2004? I.e. what are the best N...
I installed the FS2004 no CD patch in my FS 2004 in 2018. This worked fine up until April this year, but, now it no longer works. What is a possible solution to this problem?...
Hi Guys, I can't get either full throttle or idle throttle by using the throttle control on the yoke. I need to press F1 to get idle throttle and F4 for full throttle. The lever moves the throttle most of the way but not all the way. I have tried ca...
Hi, I get a little confused about how the rate of descent is calculated in the flying lessons it said that if you want to lose 10,000 feet of descent then 10,000*3=30,000 feet need to go (3:1 rule) BUT it said that 30,000 feet equals 30 nautical miles...
Hi guys, A quick question: in a Cessna 172, at what speed can I lower 10 degrees of flaps? And at what speed 20? And 30? Thanks in advance for the answer!...
Hello guys, new thread sorry for not reviving my old one but thought a new one was appropriate. So, I'm an ok flyer now in my old 737. I've read the stickie about ils, I set the little nav1 reading to it, select it...and...beep beep beep. It just beeps...
Hi I recently started using headphones with FS9 and had no problems. Simply plugged them into the available headphone socket and had exactly the same sounds in my headphones that would normally come out of the speakers. Now for some unknown reason, ...
....what does that mean?? And what should I do with that message from ATC?...
Hi I read on these boards and elsewhere that you have to set the nose up 10 degrees pitch before take-off on a Boeing 737-400. How do I know what is 10 degrees while I am waiting on the runway? The mouseover (tool tip)on the pitch wheel in the pa...
~S~all... Wondering if anyone else has had any problems in fs9 with being able to (after a clean initial install) change from windowed view to Full Screen Mode. I know, I know. I'm not a newbie already...I've been flying Microsoft right off the shel...
When engaged in Autopilot, it limits time acceleration to 16x. Is there any program out there that will let me accelerate time faster than that?...
Now I know there is an automatic brake, but someone in another post mentioned an automatic spoiler, if this is available would someone please tell me how to set it? Thanks....
Is anyone else having problems with "Overspeed" warnings with the Jet Aircraft? I am new to FS2004 and all the Jets are doing it at all altitudes...even up to 39,000 feet....
So... I'm 100nm out of Hawaii and as I'm about to start my descent this beeping sound starts and never stops. I even got to the gate and turned off the engines but it kept going. Speed: 300kts @ FL320 100nm out of Hawaii on a heading of 234 Comm 1 i...
No, this is not a religious post. I just watched the movie "The Gods Must Be Crazy II" on DVD and there is a really cool little ultralight aircraft in it which figures in the story quite a bit. It's a twin engine, high wing, two-seater with an exclose...
Dear Fellow Simmers, First post in a while. Touch wood I've had no probs for a while but there is something I thought forum members might be able to help with. Would anyone know the modification required to the Aircraft cfg to enable me to "Arm" m...
Hi I was wondering how I can speak to the VATSIM ATC using my mic. I have calibrated by microphone but how do I speak to them - and not using the text box?...
....what does that mean? I got that message from ATC, but have no clue what to do......
I have one question, please help me if possible I have bought FS2004 in Russian translation, but my computer doesn't have all the system fonts so Im having trouble understanding the jibberish text, does anyone know how to change the text back to English...
Quick question. In the 747, is the spoiler and the speed brake the same thing? How do you arm the spoilers in the 747?...