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Can anyone tell what the wing smoke beam is called, the one that comes out at the edge of the when flaps are down, and where can I download it?? Thanks in Advance...
Hey all Anyone kno a good aircraft to download what has good wingview on it Thx 🙂...
After a few good results with my last video i desided to make another 2 min video link = tell me wat u think 🙂...
How do you add extrta voices and get them to work? for instance i have added a voice when i land for the passengers to clap but it doesnt work when i land on fs9....
hey all Im 15 years old and over the last week i have been putting togever my flight sim video. Mainly it has landings ..... buts worth the download. the download link = Please comment , i would love to kno if...
I stopped playing FS for about 2 months, then when I tried loading it up again, I got this message: As I felt helpless, I decided to re-install FS9...and what do I get when I load the game? The same error... 🙄...
Hello, when I plan a flight, from lets say Heathrow to Kennedy Intl, the route goes all the way to alaska and then it turns towards New York. Whats wrong? I can´t fly all the way to alaska from london and then turn back towards new york? Thats ridiculous...
What is an ONS on the super 80 from flight one please explain Thanks you very much 🙂...
I have read a few manuals from PMDG and online manuals and I still don't understand totally how to actually operate the FMC. One online manual showed the FMC operation for a Danish Airport, but now I usually would like to fly using a Spanish Airport to se...
This is regarding the Flight ! Wrapper system to install and purchase the airplane with. My FS computer doesn't have an active internet connection on it so doesn't F1 have the license transfer system allowing you to transfer the license file to the FS9 co...
Hey Peeps, I have just made this video of what I think is one of my best landings - just wondered what everyone thinks: I am in an Easyjet A319 - interior view
OK i dont know how to use bolth of them i cant find any ofthe frequinceys for any airports on my chart well i can but like three is there anyway you could help...
Try the ILS approach at Portland (KPDX) on runway 28L. It is slightly off. The visibility there is 1/2 mile today (I always fly with realworld weather) so I had to use the ILS approach. I was right on. No doubt about it. Still I landed on the taxiway and ...
What is the best aircraft yo have ever downloaded or bought? Also what is the best panel you downloaded or bought? Last one - best scenery you downloaded or bought? Aircraft for me is probably the POSKY 737-700 in Continental textures. POSKY Scenery i...
Hey guys, Like the amount of spam you have been getting (that being zero) makes the forums a better place to be. Anyway onto my question. How do I get the links to an avsim page? I see in the forums people post links to go to a direct page, but whe...
It's not loading... it crashes out and says it's a "g3d.dll" error. ??? Can someone help? The only things I installed just today before I booted up FlightSim were some new planes (United A320 and Frontier A31😎. Please help!...
Ok, When I am approaching rwy and about 800AGL - 400AGL I usually shut off AP and bring engines to idle, i then flare 5 degrees and try to land, however quite often i seem to glide and start to slightly climb taking me way above the runway thresholdand us...
Anyone know where the money and ranking is stored in fspax??...
My CD-Rom of the fs 2004 is a bit damaged, I fear. So the problem is, xwright_rpm.wav cannot be installed on the hard disk because the file on the disk is damaged. If this happens, I see an error message and I'm just able to chose between "retry" and "ca...
I loaded the TCAS gauge into the King Air. Flight Sim Crashes as soon as I select the airplane. I even used a guage editor. Same result. Any help is much appreciated....
how do i make it go down? does it work on all airplanes? im tying to make it go down on an F-14...i can see it(its white and black) but i dont know how to make it go is appriciated, thanks...
Hi, Had a major problem with the old PC last week and am now backup and running with a clean install of FS. I had several add-ons installed on my previous version before my little incident and was just wondering what other people would recommend ins...
Hi everyone Another video I made of a 737-700 taking off from Seattle Tacoma (KSEA) on runway 34L You can view it here Sorry for the sound, I was trying to give the impression of loudness ...
I've completed a couple of flights using fspax. On occasion, in the flight report, I've had the comment 'Passangers were scared by the excess G-Force'. I don't fly at any particularly fast pace only going up to around 300KIAS after ten thousand feet. What...
I am logged into administrator but I still get the error, "Not logged into administrator". New guest -Nick- I even logged into the main administrator account....
It involves the fuel quantity
How do I get my plane to line up on the purple line on the gps automaticly I am flying the meljet 777 I have my altimiter set my speedometer then I click nav and nothing happens thanks...
I never use ATC when I'm flying but I now want to incorporate it for the obvious reasons. The trouble is I fly with the INS engaged and always make the last waypoint the outer marker. This means I can leave the INS autopilot switch engaged and the aircraf...
I am a complete newbie really and just got back into flight sims although I was naff before. Anyway I'm using MS FS 98, yep 98 🙂 I'm on one of the lessons: Introductory Flight: Cessna Skylane RG at Meigs field. It's a short flight and I'...
Are you one of those people that just can’t quite master the technique of landing? Well you may want to try out the visual flight path. If you have taken the Flying Lessons on Flight Simulator 2004, then you’ll know what I’m talking about. Try this ...
Hi everyone I made a video of me landing an Alpha Blue VA 737-800W at Rome Leonardo da Vinci Fiumicino Airport (LIRF). And this time its not a wingview landing You can view it here Now I do rea...
Ok i want to now how navagate somwhere with the piper cub panel i will be doing this route in a super cub wich has a heading indacator airsped altitude just like thats stuff no auto pilot how would i navagate with that i have all the maps and charts if ...
i have noticed that a lot of aircraft especially the Phoenix Sim A320 i bought have the Autoland or ILS landing feature where the plane basically lands itself perfecly. i was just wondering if real pilots have this and use it. if so how often is it used?...
The direction from my last waypoint (Battleground) to the IAF for Portland RWY 10R is almost 180 degrees opposed to the landing direction. Is a course reversal on the IAF the right procedure? See link for ILS chart at Thank you!...
737 pilot is command is a brilliant add-on and is defiently worth buying. But the one thing I need help with is how to use the autopilot. I dont know how to use the new panels and the manual does nothing for me. the main things are I dont know h...
well, I always see people posting something about how they left their autopilot to follow the gps while they went away. Someone tell me what it is and how to use it please 😎 (sorry if its a plain stupid question :oops: )...
i want good quality, no flimsy model and panel.... any help??...
Hey, I am fed up with some thing or another going wrong while I programme the FMC of my PMDG 737 or PSS a320. I was wondering if there was a program that will allow me to load a FS flight plan onto the FMC. Its more of a time saver than a cheat. ...
I was wondering if anyone here has a Flytampa? my frien has a midway fly tampa + a 737 PMDG. great combo 😀
I am a student pilot, just bought FS2004 to use for practice. I'm flying the C172, but the red word "BRAKES" is constantly in the lower left corner (other planes, too, by the way). Settings says the period key should release them, but it does nothing. ...
In zero zero conditions when is the best time to lower the landing gear? Would it be as late as the runway threashold?...
Ok my problem is hopefully simple, when i log on to SquawkBox and pick my server there is only (for USA) south 3, south, and west. Does that mean if i'm taking off from LGA or BOS that no one will listen to me? And if so were can i download "East" or "Nor...
Ok im new to FS... and i tried FS X first. Then i got FS2004 but i noticed that the camera does not act like it does in Flight Simulator X. In FS X, when you press space and move around your mouse, the camera turns around, staying in place, as if you're t...
I'm looking at a cockpit picture on (B767) KIAS: 274 (on both indicators) Ground speed: 367 MACH: .812 The speed of sound (standard atmosphere) is 643.9, so MACH .812 would be around 522 knots. Where is the difference coming from? ...
I like the look but not the feel of the DC-3 in FS9. I cannot get this beautiful aircraft to taxi. I have no control on the ground. I use a joystick. Any other aircraft I have full control. Any suggestions are welcome.. Thank you in advance. :...
Hi guys, How do I look around the virtual cockpit? I know + and - controls the zoom, and the number pads look left and right etc, but I want to get views like these on Wings of Power, where you can see the side door etc:
anyone know where the FS9.CFG file is located? for the life of me i can't fine it! lol...
Ok, another stupid question....which is better-1024x768x16 or 1024x768x32.....what are the differences? Thanks! 😀...
Hi all. I am having trouble getting my tracker IR to work. It moves the mouse fine and is all working properly i am just not sure how to get it to move the view in the cockpit. Can anyone please help. Thanks alot 😀...
If 5 of your primary flight display instruments were to fail, which one would you want to be the one that does not fail?...