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Hi all, I like to photograph aircraft, normally at Auckland International Airport (NZAA), but today my photos are different from the rest. There are no heavy jets here. This time I went on a photo shoot at Ardmore Airport (NZAR), New Zealand’s busies...
Destination London City Airport, Descending to FL020 going over buckingham palace etc. and all of a sudden i have bullets shot at me and i am warned about flying ver a war zone??? WTF!? central london! Has this got something to do with terroism??...
Was wondering if anyone knows where to get apporach charts and an airport diagram for Paris CDG, thanks....
can anyone tell me if this is any good? it is a cheaper program then active sky 6, and i'm stuck between which one to purchase??...
Yo, I was wondering. Is using the ILS frequency in the Radio stack to autoland the plane fictional, or do real pilots actually use it. (I personally never use it, but want to know for trivial knowledge 😉 )...
Hi everyone Can anyone tell me what V1, V2, VR mean when applied to jet flying? I know they are something to do with speeds but can't figure out exactly what they refer to. And what does the abbreviation"V" mean anyway...? Is it velocity?...
Yo, another question. Whenever I set the weather to either cloudy or even a little foggy, the fog and sky turns yellow!? It's like I'm in a dust bowl instead of a white fog cloud. Any1 know how I could fix this TIA...
Hi everyone I finally got around to buying a powerful PC with a powerful processor and double graphics cards and memory etc. After loading FS2004 and all the terrain and environment enhancements, although much more realistic than before, it still doesn...
Hey Peeps, I am about 99% there when it comes to managing the FMC in my Precision Manuals 737, but there is just 1 thing that I cannot sort. I am unable to change the distance between the airport and the T/D sequence. and the distance that the FMC s...
do they really keep under 250kn nuder 10,000ft in both climb and descent? I was flying out of Houston the other day and the in-flight monitor said like 318MPH during climb, which even converted still more than 250kn. I alwasy keep under 250 on the fli...
High guys, I hope you can help. What speed should you be at as you touch down on the runway in a 737. I think I try and come in too slow and sometimes stall above the runway. Not good!!!!!!!!!! Thanks...
One of the requirements for ActiveCamera 2004's spot view is that the FS2004 spot view be disabled. This is done in the View Options page, which in turn can be accessed from the "alt" menu during a flight. The annoying thing is, I have to set this up E...
fell short of the runway at Auckland :oops:
I started of, and brought a a319 as my first aircraft. However my pilots points is -8000 (i used to be no good at flying) and my company has just gone bankrupt. So i feel that silkair no longer needs me as a pilot and i am resigning from my position as c...
Whats the best wheather download or add-on for fs2004? I want something with big storm clouds and some serious TURBULENCE! something for my FSpassengers to FEAR! other then little bumps now and agian when passing through a cloud! PLUS can i run ulti...
For about a half year my FS would not respond when I tried to enter the main menu, and kneeboard etc. I tried it all from reinstalling FS, getting the newest files and using the lowest graphics. Today I found the reason for the problem. Internet explor...
Hi, I hear you have to use the wheel on your mouse to use this utility. However I use a laptop..and therefore don#t have a mouse. How do I use it?...
Hi, my problem is sometimes when i am just flying around or doeing a long flight the screen just goes black. When it dose I can hear a sound that sounds like a error message but I cant see anything. And after that everythng comes back to normal but the sc...
It's that time again. That time when I realise, hey I haven’t been down the airport for a while... and so I pack my things and make my way down to NZAA with my scanner and camera ready to get some more photos to share with you guys on the forums ԅ...
Any one can help me to get FS2004 unlock Key? Thanks in advance...
Hello Is there any way to change the old Bay dep/app to the new NORCAL dep/app in the sfo bay area ❓ Graham...
Has Delta retired their 737-247/ADV? Brandon...
Hey everyone I was just wondering what are some of the largest airports in the US? and what is the largest airport in the west coast? and the east coast? ect.... thanks bb...
Well people may remember me as my computer kept on crashing and reebooting when running Fs2004. Well thanks to meylan, cheers pal, I have cured this fault. So if your computer reboots and windows says it's a driver problems reduce you hardware accelaratio...
FS 2004 always worked fine untill recently. All my aircraft lost their textures! The files are still there, so are the configuration files, but the aircraft (AI aircraft included) are all grey now. As far as I can tell it's the only thing that is wrong. ...
Skyline Alliance is having a fly-in in about 30 minutes from this post today (3:00pm CT) at KFSD in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Please fly default FS2004 planes!!! is our website. IP Address is Everyone is w...
Hey every1. 2 of my files crashed, and if you dont mind would you send these two files to me? They are both located in the modules folder of Flight Simulator. gps_export.dll FSsound.dll And just a question. In foggy weather, the fog is yellow (not ...
Would anyone recomend i get this plane does it have a gps? Thx again 😀 ...
Grrr, hey ppl i am realy angry because i was posting many topics how to make a video from FS9 format to Media and how to post them on websites, and still nobody answearred me, and i wanna know plz someone help me, and its pitty not to awtch my nive landin...
I want to buy this after having a look through the screenshots gallery and seeing what it does etc. but I have tried searching for it on and but to no result Anyone know where I can buy it or anyone willing to lend it to me? I a...
PLS URGENT!! Need the Uninstall.exe file. I can't remove FS2004, something is gone completely wrong....
I have recently bought a PMDG product, the B1900C and B1900D, and I want to buy the 737-NG, but the department store where I go to hasn't got it. I don't like the idea of purchasing goods over the Internet, as I don't feel to secure about it or have my ow...
ok heres what happened. My graphics on fs2004 were crap. Absolutely rubbish. Then after reading a topic in the screenshot forum about greekmans pictures, i read that he had his mip-mapping turned up to 8. So I tried this, and look at the result i got! ...
at 300p today there will be a mp session on ip use only default a/c check out for me details...
does anyone knowwhere i can buy RADAR CONTACT 4 from in the UK? I can't find it anywhere!?!? not even on ebay!...
Hey Peeps, I have just taken off in my PMDG 737 and as soon as I activated LNAV and VNAV this happened.... That climb rate looks too steep to me 😛 I have my climb speed set at 283knts, is this too fast? Anyone else had this problem...
Are there any sloped runways in FS?...
I have the 737 PMDG and am starting to get my head round the FMC. I programme in everything i need to like waypoints etc. When i take off, do i use the autopilot Lnav for it to follow the course planned by the FMC and do i still need to use the speed butt...
hi , i have recently started using mozilla firefox ,i have disabled internet explorer because of the constant infections my pc gets .Now when i try to download real world weather theres an error message and its unable to download. Is this because IE is di...
i'm flying along at 8,000 feet in my vans rv7 and suddenly my altimeter and IS go. that isn't good flying at night, but what is worse is that the rv is not equipped with pitot heat. ok lessons learnt. i was out today again while reviewing some scenery ...
I downloaded this one file (not from here, but somewher else) and in the file, it asked my to replace the traffic.dll file.....and i did! Now, whenever i try to start the game, it says that the file is missing or corrupt! I was wondering if there are any ...
What is the best exhaust smoke add-on?, as all the aircraft i have are very clean burning...too clean burning infact. :help!:...
What you guys think: I already have the CH yoke, I fly most GA aircrafts (182 and some T-props). I read some impressive reviews about TrackIR 4 Pro and I know CH Pedals are great either.. What should I buy? Is trackIR really impressive like th...
Guys, I need to breathe some life into my FS2004 as I've not flown for ages. The answer is a set of pedals. So, which USB rudder pedals are at the cheaper end of the market with a decent quality? Dave...
Hi you people here on flyawaysimulation. I'm a 22 year old kid from norway. I have download tons of planes and helicopters. But there is something I am wondering about! I have a cd back home with movies from a Lockheed C-130 Hercules plane and on th...
My Navlog started crashing recently and sent me hurtling back to my desktop. I searched these forums but did not find anyone else with similar issues. I knew that that Navlog is done in html format so I wondered if IE7 had anything to do with it. I was...
hi all, what do you think of captainsim 757? im considoring buying it and would like some idea of how good/bad it is. thnx joe slack (
Hello everyone! I've found this great download from Avsim. It's a tutorial flight from Frankfurt to San Francisco and it seems quite congrats to the guy who did it.But I'm having a little problem. In the tutorial, they say that you won´t ...
Normally, I fly air routes or VOR to VOR where necesary, so when I flew a fairly long (600NM) direct GPS flight, I wasn't expecting a drift off course of up to 30 degrees after 300 NM. I could switch from HDG to NAV and get back where I belonged, but I w...
Is Navarone a real place? I always thought it was, then I tried to fly there, and can't find it anywhere on the map, or Google, or anything...any help? Thanks!...