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O.K., I've seen pictures of people taking off carriers, but I can't find a carrier on FS2004, can someone help?...
Hey peeps, Has anyone got any good recommendations for any payware Airbus 320s? I have been looking at the Wilco website, but not 100% happy with that one. Also looked at the phoenix-simulation software website, but they don't let you purchase a dow...
hello from stoke, England is it possible to save when your in the air and then load and be right where you saved it when i come to load the flight im back on the departure airport in a cessna (different plane than what was in my saved flight ) ...
can i download my traffic for free???? I had it one time...
is it true that if a jet engine aircraft (e.g 747) sits on the runway with engines at full power for too long, they will tear up the tarmac?...
I have a question. I bought the Dreamfleet A36 about a month ago and have been having fun with it. The question is: Why is the aircraft often much slower than adertised? Right now it's flying down the California coast at 11,000 feet making 140 knots IAS. ...
Does anyone know how to add new features to joystick axis like reverse throttle, both breaks L&R on one axis, Zoom ect... Also can you add button assignments like Instant replay, restart flight and other menu functions? Is it possible to make a button ...
Hi guys, I know that during the cruise, pilots check their see if they've got a leake etc. I was just wondering what the equations for these calculations are so I can do them in my PMDG 737-600 😉 Also...what other checks shoul...
just wondering, is there any way to change the same old boring things that the hostess says on fs passengers? I know its not really important but it gets so boring 😕...
I have a question concerning Altitude Hold with autopilot on jet aircraft. I have noticed on some jets, like the iFDG A319 for example, once you have autopilot engaged with alt. hold engaged, you can press the "+" and "-" when hovering over the gauge w...
I was just doing a flight in the Beech 1900C and was having a problem with the throttles. The problem was that only one of them was responding to my commands via the joystick. The other one had to be moved manaully. Also Ctrl + Alt + F1 only shut one o...
Hello every1 im quite new to this so excuse me if this question sounds a bit stupid lol 😀 When i takeoff is there a way to keep the attidude indicator to stay at 10 untill i reach my crusing attidude 😀 Thanks in advance 😀...
FS9 won't switch into graphics mode, it just starts with the opening screen, then bounces me back to windows. Brand new install of a brand new (legal) fs9, on a clean freshly defraged hard drive. program installs without issues, but won't boot. same di...
When starting any plane with a trim tab, it immediately goes all the way down, causing the nose of the plane to constantly maintain an up attitude pitch. It will not allow me to change the trim tab in any way. I have tried changing assignments and makin...
Can someone please help me distinguish between CAT I, CAT II, and CAT III . . . As far as I know, they all require ILS, but I'm not sure what the differences are -- Also, how can I found out whether the r/w's are equipped with CAT I, CAT II, or CAT III. ...
In almost every aircraft I fly, I notice that the autothrottle is off by around 10 kts each way. This is most noticable during descent and climb, i.e. when I'm descending, if I set the speed to 260 kts, it will hold around 270 kts. I know, however that ...
Does anyone know where I can download (and name of file) a good Aircraft Carrier and Aircraft (F18 or F14) with tail hooks for doing takeoff and landings on the Aircraft Carrier. I am using FS 2004. Thanks.. 😀...
hey every one well I am having some trubles with my disc for flight simulation and was wondeirng if I used a NO CD crack would that effect the game at all? becaues well I dont know if its my CD or my CD drive I live in the middle of no where and dust ruin...
Hi I am having a hard time understanding the ADF intercept as described in the tutorial on this site. Does anyone have a formula or more detailed explenation on how to accomplish this. For example if I am flying 340 Heading and my RBI says 072 and I...
hey i have heard alot of talk about this update and what exactly does it do for me? ive never understood updates. what am i getting out of it?...
Hello, Can any1 tell me what this means and what can i do to prevent this from happening 😀 Thanks 😀...
I cannot disable the brakes....I went to "assignments" and changed that all around still with no luck....Can anyone help?...
Hello 😀 how do prevent a hard landing happening cos im making a lot of those lol 😀 😀...
OK I was on a flight from phenox to seattle in a boeing 737-800 I was at FL250 I had just crossed the california oregon border and a message comes up saying that microsoft flight simulator has incounterd a problem and needs to close this is the first time...
The reason you've been getting bad grades is because you havent been asking ME...😛 just kidding, I dont know how I'll do either The answers should all be there. when I took my exam there, i got a 85% If you are on approach for rwy 26L with an O...
Flight SLK720 End of flight report Date 13 June 2006 Flight ID: SLK720 Pilot: Kuljeet Singh Company: SilkAir Aircraft: A319-132 SilkAir Flight Date: 13 June 2006 Departure: 20h28 (14h28 GMT) Arrival: 04h18 (21h19 GMT) F...
I was looking at the TrackIR 3 Pro Head Tracker the other day. Has anybody used or got this, and what is your opinion ❓ Rich...
Hi What is the best weather add-on?? I would like to know what the best free one is and also what the best payware one is I would like one that would make clouds look more realistic Thanks...
I have noticed this both in real life and on the sim. Can anyone tell me what the code on the wheel cover of aircraft mean? 😕 Thanks....
I am on a flight from EIDW to LERS and there is a crosswind and heavy turbulence. The passengers are not happy about this. How do I solve this so they can have a comfortable flight. Should I go to a higher altitude?? It has been like this since takeoff...
Does any one know some routes that will take me around the world (preferably starting in the UK) I would like at most 4 hour legs (give or take)...
hi all is there a way i can reset fsp so i am at the sitart again with no flight log and the generous amount of money to buy planes? i have looked but couldnt find anything. please help thanks...
hi all can anyone offer any good long haul flights for me to do. i like the good 12 or 13 hour ones. so far i have done heathrow - kuala lumpur Heathrow - Changi Heathrow - Hong Kong any other ideas for me, they dont have to be from heathro...
Hey everyone I have FSP and love it lol almost the rank of C1 lol. anyways I mostly fly the 737-800 its not to large and I have practice with it lol, so when you start a flight in FSP it lets you enter the Vspeeds for takeoff I dont know what theas are fo...
Hi, Today, I took the Overland MD11 for a test flight. However, when I began my descent at 25,000 feet, the nose seemed to be at about 5 degrees nose up????!!!! And when I decreased speed to about 190 knots at 10,000 feet it started to stall and t...
Hello. can anyone tell me whats the easiest way to make my own plane for FS2004 having a autocad model made of the plane??? i also have to make a panel with the gadgets needed for that type of plane....
Hi, i got this game today, installed it etc, ran it, ran fine, exept that I cant manage to change the display settings, i goto: Settings --> Display and the little "Drag Bars" dont drag, they just stay still, and when i use my scroll wheel to mov...
hey 😀 im all new to fs, when do i have to set flaps to when taking off, crusing, landing on a A321- 211 😀...
Check this out, a brave pilot....
HI everyone, I've been looking for some repaints for my PIC ERJ 145 but have only found a BA one and a few others on avsim. Am I missing something?? The PIC 737 has LOADS of extra liveries available....but for the ERJ there seems to be very few?? Th...
I was rolling down runway 1 at Washington National Airport (KDCA) and as soon I started climbing, I turned right a little and was being shot at on ground and who ever it was shot my fuel tank, hydrolics system, gears, and my right engine. I tried to turn ...
I was coming in to land at EGNS earlier today. There was a pretty severe crosswind so I decided to fly the final approach manually. I dont have rudder pedals so I have to use the keyboard. Problem is forgot to straighten the rudder before touchdown so ...
I've never heard of a pilot talking about this...but I wonder if it happens. At the equator on the Summer/Winter Solstice, the earth is spinning at 1,083 miles per hour. It decreases as you approach the poles, until you get to the exact pole, where th...
hey there i jst brought it lol, im know im late, i just installed it now, so can i sell it, cos i wouldnt need the disc anymore would i , would it work some1 com if i got it on mine 😀...
Hi Anyone know of a way to remove your own plane from the default map in fs9?? Im planning to fly some old style dead reckoning, but each time i look at my map i see exactly where my plane is , and i feel its kinda cheating. I need the map to naviga...
Hi i would just like to know if it is possible to have ground moving traffic like moving cars on highways in flight simulator 2004?...
Does anyone have any idea how to get ATC to say what I want them to say? I have a British Airways BAe 146-300 which ATC call me "Speed Bird" and then the flight number. I am trying to get them to say "British Airways" and flight number "BA8704". I a...
Hi everyone, I have the WILCO PIC 737-300, 400, 500, I however don't have the liveries for the Continental 737-500, if someone has the continental livery for 737-500 and would like to trade, I would really appreciate it, I have a lot o...
Sometime back, I used to get a ATIS report scrolling on the top of my screen. But to make it more realitic, I somehow disabled it. Now I dont know how to get it back on. Does anyone know what setting I have to change to get the ATIS to scroll again? ...
Hey everyone, I'm new to Flight Simulator 9. I installed it and it works great, but whn I open the Learning Center it crashes the game up and then I have to restart it. I would appreciate any help of any kind concerning this problem. Thanks in a...