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hi all i have a Bell 205A-1 STRATFORD heli V1 water tank and I whant to know how to suck the water up and then drop it this is where it is located... htttp:// if you can tell me it would be great ...
Can i fly directly to a begin of runway and to land safly with the gps system or the nav. radio's....
Hi all, im struggling with this ILS approach lesson on FS 2004. He says intercept the localizer at 130 heading, once ive intercepted, it keeps saying im too far left and right. Once ive intercepted the localizer, do i stay on the localizer heading to land... any plane bigger than a single engine prop (or helicopter) at airport AQY. It's an airstrip about 10-15 miles east of Anchorage enclosed by a 100 foot (or higher) rock wall on 3 sides! The biggest plane i could land was a mooney bravo. Let me know...
i just have to tell you flight simulator 2006 is going to be better that 2004 i dont work for mircosoft but i did go there to test some software and i got to see screen shots of fs 2006 and does it look real better than 2004 or 2002 i just think it will b...
Hi all, i just got FS 2004 from FS 2000 and its brill! I have a bit of a problem with the virtual cockpit views. When i change to virtual cockpit on a 737 for example i can only really see the window. Is there a way so i can see the instruments and contro...
some cabbin sounds and announcement effects? i noticed one on fs2004 but the link seems to be broked can somebody help?...
I was wondering how much of the time you guys make those perfect centre line landings. Quite often the back wheels aren't an equal distance from the line on touchdown but I still get the front wheel on the line. Occasisonally I get all back wheels equal d...
Is there a keyboard command to activate APU? If not, is there a way to set one? Thank you...
Hey all. I don't wanna sound desperate, but I am. I formatted my HD and when I went to re-install fs2004, I saw that my disc 2 was broke! It is the only one damaged, I don't know how it happened, it was in its case. I am willing to pay S/H, and even pay y...
When i disengage altitude hold, sometimes the plane pulls up really sharply into around 5-10 degrees of climb. It then takes me about 500-1000ft of climbing to recover the plane and bring it down again. would somebody be able to tell me why it does this? ...
Hi Which is the difference between missed approach and go around? thanks 😀...
please could somebody tell me what an ILS approach is and how to do it.dose it land the plane for you.also please could somebody tell me how to get myself lined up with the runway for landing.however i would also like to know what nav1 means aswell.pleas...
Hi all, what speed do you taxi at? Also, is there some kind of keystroke to give u a pre-designated taxi speed? Many thanks...
Since I lost most of my panels, and lately a large majority of my sound, I am going to remove FS2004 in anticipation of a reinstall. I have pulled a few of my favorite downloaded a/c into a seperate folder, but I figure I'll lose their guages and effec...
An easy one for you gurus 😉 Is it possible to lay in a flight plan, with fuel stops?.A to D with stops at B & C.If it is how do I refuel my aircraft without having to end the flight?....
for the last couple of days, i havent been able to login to It comes up with something about all nodes busy when i try to login. does anyone share my problem, or know what the problem is? Nero89 Fly's: ------------------------...
I have 4 case fans now, but the CPU temp is still around 60 degrees C, and it shuts down on itself..... is something wrong with the heatsink? but the heatsink fan is running.... what would be the reason? thanks...
Hi All, I wanted to write about this! Like many Flight Simmers I've always been led to believe that the higher the screen resolution the better FS2004 will look. I recently bought a larger monitor (17") and was glad that this increased my Screen R...
Hello, Recently, FS9 has been giving me some trouble. It's crashing very unexpectadely. For example, the other day, I opened up the flight planner, and it exitted itself. Right after that, I reopened the sim, went to flight planner and everything...
is it me or is DELTA seling ASA for 450 million bigones to stray out of dept.please tell me im not hearing this. this is like a worst nightmare for me. anyway bye if you have any comments fill free to posty them...
I bought a Cherokee 140. I'm looking specifically for a good cherokee 140 simulator. I've found the popular 180f but would prefer one that preformed a little closer to the 140 numbers. If I can't get a 140 how hard is it to modify the preformance ...
I've order a garmin 296 for my real flying. I was wondering how close the 295 GPS is in function the new 296? Also is there an add on available to turn the 295 into a 296 GPS?...
What are the reasons for Engine/Apu bleed - I mean what do they do, and when do you use them - Thanks...
Better Crashes etc.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Hi I am new to FS2004 and enjoying it a great deal apart from one really annoying thing. The PC randomly reboots itself, it seems to be when I move the mouse, either in the menus when selecting the flight/aircraft or when in-flight and moving mouse t...
| | | Inbox Hi Before I post I just want to say that ive read the several guides posted on these forums on how to carry out an ILS landing. Whenever I attempt an ILS landing at heathrow at runway 9R, the aircraft always turns around to t...
What is your favorite type of route to fly in FS9?...
Since I've been landing airliners recently in FS2004, I've been noticing more and more that I am coming in at idle. I know this is not the way they do it in real life, for safety's sake. I'm not sure what I'm missing on my approaches to keep the plane...
Are there any aircraft carriers in FS 2004 and if so where are they and can you land on them? Any help given would be appreciated....
Hi, I was flying the Posky a340 Lufthansa, from Frankfurt/Main to Hong Kong. I took off, and began climbing and everything was going nicely. When I was comfortable enough, I switched to spot plane to take a look at the bird, and saw red sparks flyi...
Does anyone know of an add-on that displays the gate number of every gate on the building? It's really annoying using progressive taxi every time. I can navigate through the taxiways using the taxiway signs, but when I get to the gate area, I have a lot...
I have downloaded a plane and i'm sure the sensitivites are wrong (its a seeking that is more sensitive that a r22). I figure I should be able to adjust this within the aircraft.cfg byut coulds someone tell me what I should be changing in the .cfg. ( i ...
Whenever i use the approach hold to turn onto my final approach, it usually does not turn hard enough and i end up miles off course and having to pull around really sharp. Is there a way to fix this or is the approach hold not really meant to line you up ...
I'm currently in-flight from Geneva to Gatwick, and a Swissair a321-111 by IFDG. I just wanted to ask, is there an ATC add-on that makes communications with ATC a little more realistic, eg. pushback clearence, startup clearence, etc. I know that there ...
How do u use the airbrakes to slow down??...
Hello there. I know this is a long shot but i thought id have a try. Im pretty new to Flight Simulator and have just learned the basics of VOR approaches. I was wondering if anyone had any idea where i could get my hands of some free VOR approach chart...
I recently camped on the Swiss shore of lake Gene've, and up until 10:00 pm, there was a steady stream of airliners flying straight down the center of the lake. I finally remembered that I wanted to try it while playing FS9. ATC absolutely would not c...
I downloaded the a320 panel from - but I have a problem which I'm not able to fix, and is not available in any of the docs folders. I cant alter my course. There is a switch to alternate between selecting heading and course, bu...
Hi guys, quick question, what is a glidescope and where can i find it on a 747 pannel...
Hi guys I just got this new scenery of EDDW And i dont understand some things that probably you smart people think are really easy... :oops: Well basicly i dont understand what COM NAV are and how to use them??? If anyone has this add on: how do i...
Hi, can anyone please tell me some routes UPS uses the MD-11 for. These are some that I know already. SDF-ANC CDG-PHL ANC-HKG SYD-HKG...
With Autopilot, how do I follow the "Pink Line" to my destination? I seem to have forgotten how to do it :oops:...
Hello Everyone, I was wondering, what aircraft is capable of going accross country on a single tank of fuel? any aircraft, addon or default. I'm planing on going from New York to California. Anyone have any ideas on whitch aircraft can handle th...
Hello again... Following posts on new add on software has thrown up another quesion in my mind which Im wondering if someone can answer. I have bought FSPassengers but am now really tempted to get flightdeck companion. The only problem being as I c...
Hi there. I got FS2004 recently, and spent a lot of the first few hours pootling around in my Cessna, blissfully unaware of the sound problems I would encounter. It was only when I flew the Learjet, with no sounds I realised something was wrong. I get ...
Hey all! I am new to the FS world, and I want to purchase 2004 version. My system specs are as follows: AMD Duron 1.8 GHz 256MB PC2700 RAM 128MB PNY GeForce 5200X I know there is no definite answer. If it will run, what should I have the display s...
I was wondering if one of you guys could tell me what the point of the course selector actually is? I mean from what I understand it rotates your compass but you can work out whether your in line with a runway etc if the big purple line lines up perfectl...
Hello, Everytime i try to use the default 737-400 jet in fs2004, when im coming in for a ILS Approach using autopilot, the jet seems to bounce up and down too much on the gludesloap. Why is this? Does anyone else have this issue? It seems to chase ...
Don't know iof any one here has played flying club by just flight yet. (I live over in England in Shoreham, where the scenery is based) and i have to say its stunning to see how close it is the the actual airport. Ive lived in shoreham all my life and eve...