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I am in the market to purchase a new PC in the next month or so. I know it's recommended that we go with a large power supply to run video cards and was wondering what you ended up with? Seems like many new PC's out there are lacking wattage and wanted ...
I've seen on ebay a Intel Quad core processor, which is usually 4x2.66GHZ. But i noticed that it was overclocked and it was running at 4x3.25GHz! Can i do that with a Intel Core 2 Extreme (2x2.93GHz) and make that faster eg OVERCLOCKING?...
The Brakes behave fine start of the flight, by the time you takeoff, you later notice the brakes are on. I dont mean parking brakes but as if you've got your brake button pressed all the time. It wont disengage upon pressing the . button or joystick butto...
hey just wondered how you set up visual flight path...i cant find anything with like a visual tutorials..and the one on FSX is basic if you know where to look and how to tune a pretty new to it..about 2 weeks if anyone knows a FSX for du...
Hey everyone, Im just using my keyboard to play and sometimes my joystick. How do i ride in reverse (shift+p) but how do u turn left and ride... When i just push the left and right arrow key the flaps on the wings move up... But that isnt the right w...
I find it quite weird that when flying a jet in fsx (e.g the A321), if I turn the stick all the way to one side, it will barely turn, but when I am over the runway right before touch down the response increases dramatically and if I turn the stick all the...
The first person to go to my site will be the 100th visitor. While you are: sign your name in my guestbook vote in my polls view my ingame photos You can access these by clicking on them in the menu bar at the top
After I tried to install the game again, I got to Error 1722 and pressed cnt+alt+del and hope it would remove the files! I checked the files and only fonts, wheather and some other files there. None that is any good, not even scenery was there. I put d...
Hi I'm having problems taking off in the 747 and climbing. It seems to go into stall in takeoff, I know why becuase the plane pulls up itself and it doesn't get enough speed. I don't know how to stop it from going up. I'm using a program called FS2Crew...
Hey guys - I just wanted to post a little flight I took from Myrtle Beach,SC to Bermuda Island. I was flying a Embraer 120 (Delta Connection) that I download from FlyAway. I was descending out of 22,000 and was downwind crossing the south part of the i...
Does anyone know if the new PHYsics cards are supported or will help any at all with FSX performance? here is one am looking at buying....
I am using FS9 yet because I do not have money to buy HIGH END hardware. But I would like to know if Antarctic bases are included in FSX. Is it possible to change navigation to fly e.g. to Amundsen-Scott base (South Pole)? Using flat world map in FS9 it i...
Lots of useful information on this site as well as pilots with a great depth of knowledge. I wonder if you can help me, say we have an airport with one runway. On one end its marked 10 and the other is 23. ILS is available on runway 10 but there are no...
I was thinking about the Alphasim B1b however any aircraft military or not for fsx wll do. Thanks 🍻...
can someone please give me some info about the crj-700 like the ceiling, crusing speed,ext if someone could please take the time out to tell me this info it will be greatly appreciated....
Ok, i've managed to suss out Back Course ILS landings, now the runway i use doesn't have a glideslope to let me automatical glide down for a landing it must be done manually. Now i remember there used to be a formula for landings. But i cannot find the...
As we all know FSX needs some crazy hardware to run smoothly. So lets do a poll to see what we might need to run it on max or even close to. Put all your system specs in this forum.Then after a week or so we will see who has the best system and then...
is this the room of a crazy guy or a crzy guy with photoshop skills 😀
On October 19, 1989 ... ABC Sports’ Al Michaels was broadcasting the opening of the 1989 World Series when suddenly all hell broke loose. On the air, Michaels announced that San Francisco was experiencing a large earthquake. It turned out to measure 6.9...
I seem to be having problems with the 12v line on my PSU. About 18 months ago, I had a similar problem - and found changing the PSU sorted it - until now. I have a very power hungry graphics card, you see........... Anybody else have similar pr...
Hi, just a quick question whats the button so that an airport vehicle pushes the aircraft away from the terminal building....
just can,t seem to fly choppers got sim yoke help/commets...
Having used ONLY FSX, a question hit me that I'm sure can be answered here! If I install BOTH on my system, will there be any conflicks within the programing that would harm the programs or my rig? I have 94% free on a 120 MB HHD. Reading through...
i just bought FSX and the throttle for my Saitek x52 is not working right. if i have it at full throttle it acts like its at zero then if i pull it back a little the starts then stop again. its like i have to keep it moveing to work can anyone help?...
Just be aware (I saw some comment from someone saying that their new machine would arrive tomorrow and they would be re-installing FSX) that you can ONLY USE THE PRODUCT KEY TO ACTIVATE THIS TWICE using the Product Key that came in the DVD case. Activatio...
I heard someone downloaded a car into FSX and was driving it around the airport. How is that done?...
I allways have probs landing at Heathrow Runway 9L using the ILS. I got 110.30 for Runway 9L at Heathrow. Altitude 2500, Flaps 30, Speed 157 Knts. When I click on approach switch, the 737 goes up and the Altitude goes above 2500 What am I doin...
Hey everyone.... how can i get wing view of the default CRJ like the 737 and A321? plz help thnx...
Can anyone tell me if there are any radio altimeters fitted to the boeing 737-800. If so how do you activate them. It would be helpful on landing to have the last 1000ft called out. i had a concorde add on in flight sim 2002 and when you were coming in to...
Would this be a good computer to run FSX? (getting this staright from the magazine) Intel Quad Core Qx6700 2gb geil pc6400 RAM Gigabyte 965dq6 board nvidia 8800gtx sli graphics card with 768M onboard well? thanks...
When flying into Jersey airport UK on the ILS runway the plane touches down about 200 yards shorts of the runway. The approach path seems to be wrong, can anyone else fly ILS into Jersey and tell post if they have the same problem. Cheers Si...
While approaching Hilo in the A321, I suddenly noticed on the MFD that the TOGA function had been engaged, along with something called "AFLOOR." What the heck happened, and how do I prevent it and/or fix it? I don't see "AFLOOR" anywhere in any document...
Does anyone know how to get the runways to be shiny when they are wet? Maybe my computer's not goog enough!...
Ok guys, I've been wondering how to do this properly since I can't find any info on it in the learning center apart from how to fuel the plane. How do you calculate how much fuel you will need for a flight? See the thing apart from obvious reasons of it b...
Will the 3D Glasses work with X?...
Hi, I have been looking at some pictures on some web sites, and I have seen that the heat comes from the engine, and makes some of the image blurry!!! THAT IS SOOO REALISTIC. What do I ha...
Hi everyone. I am having issues with adding missions in Vista. If I download a mission, such as Argentine Ski Trip, I can't get it to come up in Vista if I put in wither the missions or main folder. Anyone else having this problem? I am much happier w...
All of a sudden my Wings Of Power WWll Fighters box set airplanes wont display in the image box of the main screen. The default aircraft still display. Any ideas?...
I seem to be having a problem installing the SDK in FSX. I get the following error message when I start the install file. "1607. Unable to install Install Shield Scripting Runtime" Any ideas out there? Thanks, 😀...
Hello all, This is a really stupid question and I don't know how I don't know the answer but, what's APU and what does it do? I see APU Gen and APU start stuff and I think 😳 Thanks in advance, ~Sno0ze...
Hi fellow simmers. Every airport i fly too and request a fuel truck when parked up correctly at the relevant gate or parking (boeing 737), the fuel truck starts to arrive, but then just as its almost at my gate, it slows down and stops, waits afew mins...
How could you ADD music to the default list? I'm thinking George Thorouhgoods "Bad To The Bone', or some CCR! The default tunes make me want to go watch "The Sound Of Music", or something!...
Well, I finally tried a free flight in a place other than the U.S. It was Heathrow airport. I just wanted to fly a traffic pattern, so that I could fly some and test to see if the gate services work, instead of just backing out and going to another gate. ...
I've ran flight sim X on my computer and it has worked long enough to complete all but 2 missions. For some reason lately it won't get past the initial loading screen without freezing. I haven't changed any hardware in my comp or any settings that I kno...
do you need to get a joystick with a rudder function to play this game...
I am halfway into the mission list and have flown everything from Ultralights to Gliders to Jumbo Jets. My frame rate is sometimes slow, but the overall gameplay, graphics, and cleverness of the people who put this game together get a X out of X from me! ...
Naturally enough, one of the skills I need to practice, is landing. Sometimes, when I fly airliners, I wish to use auto-pilot to land - primarily so I can watch and improve my manual technique, which, frankly, is pretty hit and miss at the moment. I...
I have my screen resolution in the game set at 1600x1200x32. What does the 32 mean? I could also set my resolution to 1600x1200x16. What would the difference be?...
i played fsx demo. there are outside, spot, tower, fly by..etc camera options. i try to install full version but i have 1935 error. than i solve this in this topic " ...
I have a P4 - 3.06 . 1.5 GB, 256MB Nvidea Video Card and the best frame rate I am getting is 10 is medium low.. I am working with Windows Vista and for me, this is a nightmare.. Do you know what I can do to I improve this..??...