Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
First off, I found the sticky thread in the FS 2004 forun describing how to make an ILS approach. I though I had done everything right, but if I had, I wouldn't be having to post here... Flying a CRJ-700 IFR from Princess Juliana (TNCM)to St. Thomas (T...
hey everyone. i was just wondereing what are your favorite aircraft to fly in fsx and what are your favorite missions. my favorite planes is the cessna 172 with the glass cockpit and a love the aleutian cargo run. thanks. 😀...
Hello all. I searched the archives as best I could and did not find this topic. I just installed FS X but my rudder pedals don't work. They work in Win XP. They are the gameport style, not USB. I have unselected auto rudder, recalibrated, installed...
hello all please i want to ask you how can i start on a gate (jet way) i know how to choose my position when choosing airport but can you give me a name of a parking that has a jet way in any of these airports: KLAX KORD KJFK EGLL thanks all by...
hi i was flying over bigben so i set the time to 23-59-50 2006 and saw fireworks over bigben cool just thought id tell you all 😀...
hi all whats the difference between flying nav or gps mode (i mean in regards to the knob above the PFD which can be switched to either) also, can you still fly using the heading button on the autopilot whilst in gps mode? thanks andy...
Is there a way to start a free flight or a flight planner flight with the engines off?...
I have a laptop that can handle flight sim X very well. But when branching it out across 3 19 inch moniters, understandbly i get a performance drop. What kind of set-up would wark best for me? Anyone else got any tip/tricks on how to get it working ra...
What does auto approach do and how do I engage the reverse thrusters?...
Can anyone tell me what the slats are and how do they work? Also how do I use them in FSX? Thanks...
Hi all, anyone know how to do that? Gerry...
I've been reading these forum toppice than FSX doesn't run on them or something? If i were to get a Quad Core Processor, would it run faster than an Intel Pentium 4 processor, the one i've got at the moment....
How do you check the percent of fuel you have left in your plane? I saw some pic where is showed a percent at the top... How do you do this! I think I'm running out lol so please answer ASAP...
I just got a Lenovo computer. It was $749 but after rebate it was only $549. I can run FSX on medium high settings with no lag. It has... 2.01ghz AMD Athalon 64 X2 3800+ 1 gig memory 250 gig hard drive NVidia GeForce 6100 This proves you don't have t...
When I am flying for a couple of minutes I cannot turn right. The problem seems to be confined to only the X version of the flight sim. I went to the Flight Sim calibration section and when I moved the joystick buttons were being pressed. When I moved...
In FS2004 I had completed about half of the Ground School Course. Having Purchased FSX, I decided to do a refresh. However on Lesson 3, Climbs and Decents, Following the instructions results at one point Rod "taking the airplane" and flying into a moun...
Ugg how do you connect to the gate? I parked and now I can''t connect to it...... It keeps saying "Flight Simulator has detected that one or more of your monitors is using 24-bit quality. Flight Simulator is incompatible with this display mode. Would you like to ch...
Oku know theres a code to un-lock the demo. i am useing the demo now and it is so stupid it will only let me take off from san fran. and i know thats all you can get from the demo but.... I used the unlocking code before but i never thought i would need ...
I have loaded lesson 3 Private pilot lesson VOR.I am set up with the plane flying at 4000ft. This is supposed to be a fifteen minute lesson. I am heading North 360. I am told to adjust direction to keep the needle on VOR1 in the middle. When I am handed...
Hi all fellow simmers! I wondered if someone could help me out. Everytime i go to fly on flight sim it crashes on l load up. Has this happened to any of you? Can anyone advise me on what to do? Thanks!!! 😀...
Was wondering if the F1 View utility will work for FSX....
OK I'm totally against software piracy, but it should be possible for me to use a game program on any machine I wish - as long as it is only one machine at a time. I have been flight simming for a long time. Of just the MS titles, I have owned FS3, FS...
Hey everyone.. a while back when I was initially setting up my FSX, I remember checking off an option called "show star constellations" because I was curious to see what it did. Now for the last month or so I have been annoyed with looking up in the sky w...
Please reply to this ONLY if you can run fsx on your computer at full potential SMOOTHLY. If you can, please provide me with the most features you can that you have. Please provide what type of..... Processor Operating System Memory Hard Drive Vi...
When i take-off the plane in few meters goes left and all yaw,trims,ailreons etc. is centered so wtf? and i have to center the plane .. the other is when im landing i cant run the airstrip straight it just steers right or left and also i have to center ya...
Hey, this might kinda be off the flight simulator x topic but, I am looking into getting into real flight school, I'm not quite sure how old you have to be but, I was wondering if anyone really knew how they train you, how long, how old, and what kin...
I'm finished making my video with the trial version of Sony Vegas 7.0 but now I don't quite know how to compile the entire video into mpeg or avi format, can anyone help me please....
Whilst flying in FSX I had a blue windows screen come up saying begining memory dump please check memory and video card adaptors. I reset my computer everything is working as it should do, any ideas? Cheers Simon...
i have a pci express card slot available in my computer and i was looking for a decent video card, just wanted to get some feedback if this is a good card, or may be suggestion for a better one around the same price range. this is 199.99...
I'm new with FS and FSX and i wonder how to open cargobay, other doors than the main door and how to call for cargo!?!? PLZ help...
How can i possibly destroy the default propel Ai Traffic :twisted: ❓ ❗ Or disable because i want traffic but those little propel planes i want to execute immediately and take traffic with only big jets.. so pls mtv pimp.. oh wrong plac...
Where can I find alot of African animals migrating like on the back of the FSX Deluxe box? Please reply ASAP, you see why in about a day....
Hello, How do I save a mission-flight in mid-air. I tried to save the Amsterdam - London mission before landing, incase I would fail. I used the normal saving option, but I can't load it again. When I go to the Free Flight screen, as the instruc...
hi please can anyone tell me if they have had the same error as me.when the 2nd disk is all but finished loading it displays a message"the wizard was interupted before microsoft flight sim x could be completely installed.the system has not been modified" ...
OK, soon I will be upgrading my RAM to 2gb and my video card to the NVIDIA 7600 GT+. And my computer will be getting a general cleanout (unwanted and unneeded files deleted etc). I was just asking, is this a good upgrade and is there anything else I shoul...
Greetings All. I have a problem with re installing fsx. i get an error message that reads as follows. "Error 1612 The installation source for this product is not available. Verify that the source exists and that you can access it. The recommended fix ...
every time i try to install flight sim X around half way done this error comes up error 1309 reading error :d/program files/ Microsoft games/ flight simulator x/ ablscpt.dll...
FSX - Can anybody tell me which key does "Reverse Thrust" As the subject really. I have looked everywhere for a keyboard command for 'reverse thrust'. Can anybody help please!!...
So, I choose Free Flight, I landed on selected airport successfully and I taxi to the gate. What next? What is command for turning off the engines? I turned them off on Master switch below throttles. After that there is no message that I finished Free Fli...
Since I'm returning to flight simulator after having lost interest for a while (the last one I used was 2000) I was going through the lessons to brush up and see what I may have missed before. During the climbing/ascending lesson I followed all the ins...
Does anyone have a recommendation for a utility to clear unused memory prior to loading FSX?... ?? its 100 dollars cheaper than another one i saw. can this hear airplane/atc? thanks...
I must have been good because Santa brought me FSX for Christmas, but not so good as it was only the standard version. Is there any way I can upgrade my standard version to the Deluxe version? 😞...
I just had a strange problem with the demo. I just have a nice new computer (dualcore), so I decided to retry the flight simulator x demo. It ran damn fine with all settings on ultra, no problem....untill the demo time ran out. I was just trying out ...
I have enjoyed the real-time weather feature in both FS9 and FSX. Haven't seen any add-on for a weather radar panel to give the cockpit even more realism. Nothing in the Learning Center points to this for the G1000 MFD or any other panel. Anyone know o...
Hi guys, anyone got a problem with not being able to hear atc? voice volume and that is on high and cannot hear pilot voice or atc voice, all other sounds are good to go?...
I purchased FSX yesterday (standard version) and I can't get it to install. Everything goes fine until about the halfway point on the progress bar when I get asked to insert disk #2. I put in disk 2, and it starts to begin another installshield session ...
Hello, I am looking in to getting a microphone tonight, and I was wondering if it would be good to have in multi player, and is it more fun? thanks....
I've just tried re-insatlling FSX and this just came up Error 1722 : There is a problem with this windows installer package. A programme run as part of the setup did not finish properly. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Why is this ...