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I am Carl and new to this site. I am still using fs 2004. For the past couple of months, I have been unable to get real weather. Is this a server problem, or is it a problem on my end. If it is the latter, can you provide some help?...
I was wondering what the differences are between X-Plane and FS2004? Do more people use MS FS2004, or X-Plane? Which one is better? I have FS2004 and I am very pleased with it, but I hear alot of really good things about X-Plane too....
Hi. On FSX using the Learjet 45 I can use the glideslope fine but what are the 2 circles above and below the glidescope green triangle for? Thanks...
Good morning. My PC is working on Win.10 I have these add ons:>Steam Ed.-FTX Trees >Steam Ed.REX 4 Texture >Steam Ed.McDonnold Douglas DC10 >Steam Ed. Boeing 747 200/300 >Steam Ed. HD Airport Graphics After selecting the aircraft an...
Hi, I'm completely new to this so sorry in advance if this is the wrong place to ask this question. My new laptop (windows 10) does not have a cd/dvd drive so I've downloaded patch 9.1 from flyaway but I get the mfc70.dll error saying the file is missing...
Hi guys. How do I get the aircraft to turn to the left or right during pushback. Thanks, A zanette London - UK...
Hi, lately my FS opens as a small icon in Taskbar. Clicking it does not maximize it to the screen. I have to shut FS down, using the Task Manager and start it again. Usually on the first or second repeated attempt it opens correctly to the screen. This...
this is not 2013 you people havent even realized microsoft took down the games folder please anyone tell me wheres the actuall location i dont know what u talking bout its creates its own folder (NO IT DOSENT!) please fix this :evil:...
I've read several reviews of the Flight1 Aspen EFD1000 that say it works in both FSX and FS2004. But the product page says only FSX. Can anyone verify that it does or does not work in FS2004? I prefer that simulator, and the real life plane I'm flying ...
As some of you might guess, I'm always looking for some kind of inspiration on where to fly next.... or a particular flight challenge of which I've suggested several. CRJCapt got me to look right under my nose for a bunch to keep me busy for a bit, in hi...
Hi everyone Can anyone help me? I have suddenly started to get snow when I start a flight from the UK especially in the London area I am getting snow instead of the correct sunny weather we have been getting. I have tried almost everything to correc...
Help! I want to change the original fsx fasten seatbelt sign. Ive performed a youtube to mp3 and then mp3 to wav conversion but it doesnt work and when i press the fasten seatbelt sign button there is no sound what 2 do?...
Hello All. Pls i need help with my fsx acceleration. All aircrafts i have won't keep my settings for fuel and payload. Anytime i set a the payload or fuel it changes back automatically to its own settings. Passenger load reads zero except the Pilot weig...
I have bought Microsoft flight sim 2004. Tried installing it . When I m inserting cd 4,it doesn’t read .can anyone help me...
Umm wheres the folder because i cant install fs2004 without the folder...
I downloaded the OPSKY CRJ-200 into my FS2004. But, the virtual cockpit is not lit and has no functions. I did copy the panel file into the the aircraft panel but am not sure how to do it. I just signed up yesterday. can someone please help explain how...
Does anyone know of a gauge that will read the 2500ft, 1000ft, 500ft, approaching minimums, and minimums sound files that come with the '' from Jimmy Foong? The FPDA_Boeing_callout.gau reads the 400ft - 10ft but not the extra ...
How do I install this file properly to make carrier landings and catapults.....have several carrier files in FS9 installed.....have the Kingfisher SCO-03 model also....just cannot figure it out 😀...
Hey there fello simmers! I need some help. I am running FS9 on Windows 10. I have to say it has been frustrating. Loading and building now three times. The same is true with FSX, in fact I have given up on FSX. Ready to go bact to Windows 7 My issue ...
Hey guys... I was wondering if one of you could upload his english language.dll file for fs9? I would love it, thanks. 🙂...
seems like on all fs2004 addon and default aircraft when I set a/p the speed is set to like 345 kts or whatever but I'm only seeing 250 or so on my screen with heading bugs that are wrong you hit the b key and with altitude you hit the d key was wonder...
A quick question gents/ladies. I know the cowl flaps are opened when starting engines but at what point are they closed and when are the fuel booster pumps used?I've looked in my B-17 docs and can't seem to find any info on this subject.I recently had a...
Does anyone know if this is still active. I tried emailing to reactivate and I am getting a bounceback on the address....
NO Sound in FS2004 at all in ANY feature. FS on/off sound toggle has NO effect In order to avoid all "standard" remedy suggestions I have done the following: Confirmed all system / sound card / volumes / playback devices / are ON and functioning pr...
Hello, Does the free download of the FS9.1 NO CD patch does not work anymore? Or is it payware meanwhile? Best regards Jan...
Bit odd this In the create a flight screen you get a little 3d render of the aircraft you have chosen in the window below.. All i get is a black space with nothing inside... anyone ever had this and or know the resolution?...
Hi, I apologise if this has been already answers but I am yet to find a solution for my problem. I have fs2004 running on windows 10, it works perfectly except that when I am creating a flight the plane preview box in black and does not display the 3D...
When landing an A319 I use Auto Pilot to line up on final and manage the speed. Just prior to touchdown, I disengage the AP; draw throttles back to zero; have full flaps engaged, but my landing rate is always high--well over acceptable by Fight Simulator...
I have a joystick problem. I am trying to install it but the plane just goes to the left whenever i pull up the throt. Can someone please help! And also why do we have to pay just to download files? I think thats stupid....
will fs 2004 work on windows 10, and if not is there a method to get it to work in this version of windows...
What would be the highest Microsoft Operating System that still supports FS2004? Is there an operating system to absolutely stay away from? Currently operating on XP but may be forced to upgrade or replace this computer and keep this one strictly for the ...
Hi, I happens just randomly, usually when I approach add-on scenery airport when FS Shuts down: (Message: Microsoft Flight Simulator 9.0 has stopped working, Windows is checking for the solution.....) Interestingly, it does not happen all the time? ...
Can anyone tell me how to upload my freeware scenery in flyaway simulation website? Pls help....
I was flying toward north pole, then I coudn't get to the other area of the earth I mean after N90 degrees, I regardless didn't give up and after a while I got the word bingo in the middle of the screen...
I recently installed several aircraft on FS2004 and note that the instrument panel is displayed but the individual dials are blank. This appears to have affected other aircraft that I had already installed. There are still aircraft that display full pan...
Hi, Have loaded FS9 on my new W10 PC and it works great. BUT for some reason I am still experiencing ocassional skips at some locations (momentary screen freezing). Sometimes it goes on for about 1/2 minute with five freezes or so during this time. Then ...
I removed all the non supplied FS9 aircraft to another folder and with the no cd file in place the programme loaded - almost normally. I then re-loaded the aircraft with no problem. However, I am unable to trace the FS9.cfg file using all the links provid...
My copy of FS2004 had worked just fine as recently as last week, but it no longer works -- it starts up all right, but as soon as I load any flight at all it crashes for no apparent reason (sometimes while the flight is still loading, sometimes just after...
Hi all, I recently uninstalled my 737-800 PMDG as flight deck wasn't showing correctly. I have the link from PMDG to reinstall it but an error message pops up saying....... "FS9 version (FS9.1 at least) required. You only have FS9 Versio...
I was flying a 773 from DXB to LHR (filed an IFR flight plan), and I turned the simulation rate to 16x speed (middle of flight at cruise altitude, auto-pilot on) so as to finish the flight in a reasonable amount of time. But then, after resuming to norma...
After flying many hours in various Cessna planes, I have started moving to the big jets. I'm having lots of trouble landing a 747. Approaching Seattle from the north, I am at 5000 ft, 250 KIAS, about 20 miles from the runway. When I reduce the thrust t...
Hi all, I am using FS2004 and have a problem with the wind sound. In the sound.cfg file under the wind sound section I have specified the minimum speed as 300 and the maximum speed as 400 (I assume the mentioned speed is in KTAS). However when running ...
Hello, I am running Window 7 Professional and am having an issue with engine sounds in Flight Simulator 2004. When loading the default aircraft which is a Cessna 172, all sounds including engines are working properly. However when I choose any other aircr...
The Heads up display lets you fly without too much checking other instruments. The information lets you know at a glance as to what state the flight is in especially when speed, fuel, heading etc. I didn't realise how much I used it ...
When I first installed FS Global it installed a small folder in Program Files before installing the main files into FS9. I have searched for these files in FS9 but see no sign of them. In the start menu I clicked on uninstall FS Global but that only se...
I installed Flight Simulator 2004 on my new laptop, running Windows 10. However the program does not open if CD4 is in the drive (or not), not even if I try "Open as administrator". I installed the "nocd" fix downloaded from Flyawaysimulations, but st...
I have been working for some time on increasing the amount of trees in FS9 and also the amount of perceived trees a subject that has never been fully cracked before, I have finally succeeded in making a difference. Zip File link to Pic's of my early r...
Hi to everybody! I am facing matters to run FS9 with Windows 10 (I updated last end of December). Despite I run as Administrator, the program doesn't start (I had the same issue the last months I had Windows 7). I have no any error msg, simply the game...