Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
Hi All, I have two screens connected to a graphic card with two outputs. When I run FSX it picks up both screen and I am able to use both. In MS2004 the second screen remains as Windows desktop and not available in the game. (can move mose there, but n...
Hello again all From my recent post you’ll remember that I’ve just bought FS9 but won’t have a PC to install it on until next week. I’ve been leafing through various posts here in the forums in the hopes of finding little nougats of wisdom t...
how do you make the fuel last longer? i have used the 787 and it struggles to get to even mach .60 when at around 37000ft other for instance the 747 i can get to around m.81 which is best?...
Has anybody seen a software program for the Salt Lake City International Airport. I know I have seen it, but forgot where it was. Thanks...
hi wondering if anyone can help me with my problem getting the visual flight path to work??Im currently practising on FS 2004 i do know how to access it on the menu and length but it seems never to be seen its worked once and never again.Does it have to b...
Hello I'm going to purchase Vista. I have a AMD Athlon 4800+ Processor. It's dual core. Does this mean that the processor is 64 bit or 32 bit? 32 bit, single core? 64 bit, dual core? Should i get Vista that supports 64 bit (if thats what my proc...
Is there any way to get the activation key for the Aircraft Container Manager? I have the Version 2.5 unregistered program and want to get it activated. They are no longer in business as far as I can see. Any help sure would be appreciated. Thanks, regard...
I'm not a whiz with computer like many on the forum, so I had to ask you an important question. When runnng speedup for fs9, how do I know which programs are safe to kill, and which one's I have to keep running? I'm afraid to kill and important program,...
Hi there, Whenever I fly aircraft such as the boeing 737, A330, 777 whenever I reach my peak altitude, above 30,000ft.... The aircraft will fly but will bounce up and down... this is not turbulance... its def something I am doing wrong.. If anyone ...
Okay...this is really weird. As I'm cruising down the runway during takeoff, everything looks ok as far as the IAS, flaps, and everything else. I can take off when the IAS reaches the necessary indicated speed, but the plane itself (what I actually se...
I lose the right engine upon landing the 737-all models I have. I also sometimes start the engines and the right engine will start, but will not throttle up properly when using the joystick. It will work if I use the throttle on the console. Any help? ...
and other warning as well....
I was just wondering what are the rules or guidelines for when to use the Nav, Strobe, Beacon, Landing, and Taxi lights. Thanks a bunch!...
as the title says...
I should recieve my new computer within the next month. As far as hardware is concerned I am very very happy with it - it is more than five times more powerful than my current pc, but I am not so sure about the software. It comes with windows xp media edi...
Can someone please give me the European tour hop list? You can either email me at or just post a reply here, thank you... check out my new video using the leveld 767 varig colors landing at Conhangas airport...with nice scenary and nice buildings!!!...
hi could some1 tell me how to get language.dll resource working please thankyou...
I've had this happen a few time now on ILS approaches into San Francisco. ATC gives me a heading and an altitude and tells me to hold both until I'm "established on the localizer". I break though the clouds only to find I'm nowhere near SFO. Once I ended ...
is there any free jeppensen charts on the net for use in FS?...
Hey guys, am having a huge dilemma with FS2004. Every time I exit flightsim it forgets my settings. Everything down to my new keyboard commands are lost and I have to go through the tedious process of re assigning everything once I restart. I’ve started...
How accurate is the flight time estimator in FS2004? In FS2002 if I select a 1000nm flight in Concorde it gives a flight duration of about 1 hour which must mean I fly at cruise speed (M2.04) from the departing runway to the destination runway. There...
Hi all After being without a PC for over a year now I am just about to get my paws on one again, donated by a good friend who has just upgraded. It has better specs than my ex machine which means the good news is that I finally get to try FS2004! I ...
hi guys wondering how you take pics in fs9? fsx is just pressing v thanks...
hello! I am looking for an effect where when flying low altitude, high speed above water, the water breaks apart... does anyone have it, does it exist? Thank you...
How to add different Airlines trademark and logo in FS2004? I like to change trademark in 747...
Hi, I recently tried to update my SID/STARS for the PMDG 737 and now I cannot access certain airports. A particular one in question is KATL and when I try to set an arrival into KATL, I get an error message saying that there is a problem with runway 1...
Where can i get a .BGL editor programe? (Scenery Designers, you will know what i mean)...
Clicking noise in 747 after it reach speed above 370...
I have downloaded and installed an F14, I can only use it if I load and start flying a default plane then load the F14 or else if I choose the F14 and click the fly now button to start a flight, msfs 2004 shuts down, no error screen nothing, as if I had s...
I have deleted by accident the default cessna skyhawke and because of this I cannot initiate my FS9.Do you guys know how to solve this problem???? Thanks, A Zanette London - UK...
Hello I have recently purchased 737 pilot in command and I am having trouble with the autopilot. After take off I input the altitude and the heading the ATC has told me to put in and then click all the buttons the manual tells me to click and the ...
As of 2/1/07: Sometime around 1/19/07, I purchased the complete Legendary C-130 product line (5 downloads total) and I have not installed them correctly as of today. I am not satisfied with the Technical Support Group responses, they write back to me (in...
Adventuresky is a new site where you will find FS2004 Adventures with their own files for a great flight. We also fly these in groups from Fridays at 12:00 Noon EST to Sunday at midnight in our server and TS We have pilots from USA, Canada, Mexico, Pa...
i have a meljet 777-300 with virtual cabin. i have seen videos on websites showing the virtual cabin, i was wondering how i go about moving around the virtual cabin and even sitting in the seats there. Thanks for your help happy flying...
How can i add Airbus A380 in FS2004?...
Hi, ive just installed fs 2004 and it installs ok. When i select an aircraft and go to fly i get no gps or any icons to click on i mean for radio/gps/compass/atc/ the little icons on the panel are missing, ive tried reinstalling and no luck can anyone hel...
Is there any way to start FS9 without using Disk #4 ???...
The PVASI is a rare approach lighting aid that has been replaced at many airports. Houston West airport (KIWS) still has one on runway 15, it's interesting to use on a dark night. It's in FS, try it.🙂...
Unfortuantely I cannot use FS at the same time as using the internet so flying with Vatsim is out of the question. Is there an ATC addon that you can use offline? If so, how does it work? Cheers...
How do you move the starting postion with the VC? I know once you go into the VC you can go up/down left/right forwards/backwards by using different combinations of CTRL shift, enter and the bckspace buttons. But I want to be able to edit the starting ...
To any one out there who knows how to log the instrument filght time for fs9 please let me know...
cause i want to do a failed gear landing in fs ❓ ❓...
I recently cleand some file and old programs off my PC. Since then FS2004 wont start. It states my "Dem4Km.bgl" file is missing and I need to reinstall the program. I've been told that the file I need is on CD#3. If anyone would take a moment to help ...
Hi I have a abacus a380 speical edition. my problem is that how do I set the plane to follow the nav frequency 110.9 ( airport Id WSSS) ? I set the nav freq on the radio pannel but the plane does not follow ....
Hi guys...just found some neat video of the new Honda developed and powered light business jet. Pretty cool considering the all new Honda jet engines, and the fact that it was tested 20 miles from my house. I thought I saw it last year overhead...anyway...
Evening All, Dose anybody know how to make BOTH processors in my AMD Athlon 4800+ Processor work for fs2004 and fsx? My processor is dual core! Help would be greatful. Ta!...
I received this as I was attempting to open FS9 this AM and have not been able to launch it since. Tried everything I could think of. Anyone else experienced this or have any knowledge as to what the problem may be? Thanx in advance. "An unhandled win...
PMDG users. I am familiar with how to use the 737NG FDC. The problem is, every time I try to initialize with an airport id, I keep getting a not in database error message. I am using common airports like KBWI, KOMA, KSMP, KSTL, and none of these are re...