Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
Hello fellow simmers - It's been so long (memory lag also) but I have forgotten how to change the camera defaults - as if in view mode, tail looks too long - looked at fsx hotkeys and for the life of me, can't find it. Know there was a thread last year ...
Anyone know how to edit the FSX Kneeboard?...
I have downloaded a soundset that I'm happy with. The problem is that there is a particular sound on this aircraft that I can't determine which file it is. When I change camera views, it's consistently sounding with all views except for interior/cabin vie...
I set up a flight in the flight planner of the FSX. Then I go into the FMC and try to "Route Request" and I get the message Cannot Import Flight Plan. What did I do wrong? Kareem...
I recently bought Aerosoft Flight Tales 1. On the very first beginners' mission you are supposed to land on an aircraft carrier then fly back to base. After landing on the carrier the mission compass doesn't register that I did and I do not know what to...
Hi there...I have a Dell XPS 200 (XPS/Dimension 200/5150C) and I am running FSX (without any upgrades to my system, specs are at the link below)...I know I need to upgrade but I don't know to what specific hardware exactly. I'm tired of my processor so...
hi everyone i had a question about the planes which us bitmaps for the paint jobs (or texture) i tried just taking it into paint and changing it but when i flew it the parts i edited where just white like it was a model whithout paint anyone know i did ro...
I recently installed Acceleration and reset my fsx.cfg file. I'm interested in links that may provide suggested settings for the graphics within the program and perhaps some suggested setting for my Nvidia card using nHancer... I remember a while back s...
Fellow Simmers, Is it possible to display weather or air traffic on the B-737-800 in FSX? Does anyone offer a 737 with operable radar (Wx or Traffic)? Thanx, Thunder...
Is it as simple as deleting the fsx.cfg folder and restarting FSX? I want to go back to the original settings since I downloaded Acceleration and start over....
Everyone has the same problem. After they cross PARKK intersection, they have trouble entering the holding pattern. I got loads of information from all around the forums here and every single solitary one is in some way somewhat different. I actually pass...
Ok so i've read what there is on here regarding FD but am still confused. I want to be set up the FD cross hair lines so i can follow them in terms of height/heading down to the runway. I dont want full AP control, I just want manual guidance from the ...
Hello Everybody, I am new to this site. And I am glad to see lots of people discussing about FSX to asist each other. I am considering an investment into building a PC targetted for FSX. After reading all the relevant posts here, I came to the fol...
Hi all, got some pics of me flying round in fs in my future lynx helicopter.
I'm familiar with the JustPlanes videos on "flights" to and from a particular point but I need a video something that covers the basic fundamentals of flying, perhaps starting with small aircraft and moving toward larger ones. In doing my own research on ...
I think there was a topic about this but I couldnt find it. If there is a way I can get fsx to know how much ram I have? I am not sure if it is actually performing the way it should....
I'm trying my best to get something, anything, exported from Gmax into a form that the FSX SDK can deal with. I don't care if it's just a simple red box. So far, the only export extension is .p3d which I know will not work. Somehow the file has to be expo...
I have Fsx on an acer T180 system with dual core AMD 2.20 ghz 3 gig ram and a Nvidia Geforce 8800 GTS graphics card. Vista Home premium I would of thought that this system would give me good frame rates but I only get between 11 and 18 fps when I have ...
I'm looking for some lighting that will wash an area, like a small parking lot, with light. Anyone know of such a thing for FSX? Freeware or payware, it doesn't make any difference. I need some lights. :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: Thank...
Years ago I used to tinker with 3D Studio MAX. I modeled this UFO (picture below) years ago using simple primitives. I have the software today but I don't have a clue how to go about creating the proper 3D model and then making it usable for myself and ot...
I flew a trip yesterday from airport A to B. Today I flew the return. Yesterday the flight was 2.9 hrs today it was 5.5 Both flights were in fair weather and the exact same distance flown? As I am keeping a log book this difference of 2.6 hours seems way ...
I installed a 2nd sound card, actually its a USB sound module. This 2nd sound card makes the Microphone work far better than the built-in sound card on the motherboard. Then in FSX Sound settings I separated Voice from Environment sounds. I put the v...
After takeoff do you pull back the throttle first and then the prop or vice versa? I know .... stupid question....
I have for some time tried to figure out how to start a flight with the engine off and all avionics shut off. Just like a real flight when you get in the plane and start up with a checklist. Is there any place in the setup where it is possible to chan...
For the defult 747 the wings are kina weird. they kinda break off of the wings. I'll try and get a screen shot of this....
Hello everbody, This is a matter of oppinoun. I'm planning on buying an Abacus carrier program and I'm in debate between Flight Deck 5 and Carrier Strike Force. Any suggestions would be nice. They both look extremly nice. Sorry for my terrible spel...
Hi all, Great forum you have. I've been a lurker around here for while. I've recently purchased FSX Deluxe and installed it. But when I run the game I only have the South America available. I don't have the option to fly from London Heathrow or JFK ...
Ok so I am realativly new to this, But I figure let me try the seaplane in free flight, the problem is that I start off on a runway and the plane only has pontoons. How do I start off in the water or harbour? Plus are there any must have mods...
I purchased the Saitek X52 joystick, and I'm not sure exactly how to calibrate it. I've have the latest drivers, and used the included software to 'Calibrate', but to tell you the truth, it appears that it is calibrated already. My problem is (I'm usin...
In the stock FSX, is there any interactive voice? I can hear the appropriate aircraft and facilities on specified frequencies. What I need to know is, without VOX ATC or a similar product, can you get a reply from a facility if you transmit to them w...
Hi all , iv got GMAX , off my fs2004 disc 1, how do you use it to repaint aircrafts ?...
Hey all, greetings from about 35 miles north of SFO. I have a question regarding the ILS of an Airbus 320 or 300-ish airliner. I often wondered how to determine whether I was being captured on the ILS with the Localizer and Glidescope. Which display do...
As I'm typing I'm flying a Hornet from Southern England to Northern Spain and my frame rate just hit the high 200s! 😳 Not constant, but surprised the hell out of me. It looks like I'm watching a movie! I've got a Dell XPS720H2C quad core syst...
Hi Can anyone tell me how in fsx one can call mayday or able to contact ATC if I need to make an emergency landing....
I can open every door on the meljet 777 any model however when I try open up the main door by the tail hook it opens and closes the first time but the second it slowley openes then stopps completly becomming completly inactive. Please help 😕...
Hi there im new here, and i have one quetion. Is it possible to make the rudder automatically return to the center when i yaw either left or right. thanks peter...
Is anyone using this keybaord for FSx? It has an LCD screen which can display game info. I was wondering if anyone has made an LCD app for fSx. Kev...
Hi all. Just reinstalled WinXP after my system was unstable due to a faulty PSU. I also installed a nice 8800GTS graphics card. Anyway, I'm having issues with FSX, three main ones are; 1) My TrackIR Pro 3 (Vector Expansion) is buggy in FSX. In the ...
I have posted these on a few other sites and thought it would be a good idea to post it here as well. These files pertain specifically to DX9/10 Gaming, Performance, SLI Issues, multiple GPU/CPU issues and Memory Issues. A few of them directly pertain to ...
Hey, this has only just happened and it happens to every plane and any airport, Say im sitting in the cockpit and im looking at the end of the rwy top of my screen area once i go outside to look my entire sky is replaced with the end of the rwy or whateve...
Hi folks, Does anyone know of a sure fire uninstall/reinstall procedure for fsx? Have you actually done it? Any pitfalls about reregistering (same computer)? I will need something like a step by step tutorial. The last time I did any programming was asse...
The 'Q' key on your keyboard toggles the sound on or off. Try that, I had the same problem once Paul...
i've learnd how to land with ILS everything works fine just wondering if there is any way to know what is the rate of the descend for the final approach untill touch down ? from the localizer till the begining of the runway ?...
Hey guys, I was trying a couple of the VOR lessons and noticed something odd. Once I am cleared for take-off, I raise the throttle to full and it automatically goes back to no throttle a second later. The lessons are in a Cessna and my brakes are off....
Hi guys...& girls! 😀 I've done some checking around and haven't found anyone complaining about this particular problem so I hope I'm not doing a repeat here. Using "FSX Deluxe", every time I do an instant replay, the replay is slow and very...
does anyone know how to get the Concorde gauges to work or how do i switch a panel out of a plane? Copy the gauges out of the Concorde .zip file to the Gauges folder of FSX. Move these gauges only to the FSX\gauges directory. 737-400.omi.gau, Aut...
What must I edit and where in the cfg file should I look to get the jetways to dock to lets say a posky 737 originally made for fs9?...
Hi guys cheak out my new vid ( Sorry bout wingview gose on for sometime i got bord my self , if u want fastforword abit) thanks please comment and rate xD...
I have installed a new sound card (the old one my motherboard crashed). Now I can get all of the sounds in FSX and FS9 but cannot get any of the conversations with ATC. Do any of you out there have any ideas of what I can try? My new PCI sound card i...
FSX or FS2004. Which is better? I reckon i would really enjoy FSX if i had a really good comp. But i don't so.... I think FS2004 wins. For me that is. What about you?...