Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
I have done some investigation of the reports of the blurries. There is an article here, that discusses in detail one of the four types of blurries we believe people are seeing. This article serv...
I was reading the latest issue of Computer Shopper, and of course, there are Alienware ads all over it. My first real Gaming Rig was an Alienware Area-51 Aurora, and it did the job for about a year. I to this day still use an alienware Area-51 M5500 lapto...
Hi all, Some times I receive a instruction from ATC but I can not answer because no options apears in the menu. It occurs usually in IFR flight. Any one ?...
I want you fellow simmers to know that after several posts about "my" tweaking, forgetting what I did, losing my notes, nVidia "mis-understandings" - (PS - I "did" do backups, can't believe I remembered to do that) - Mr. "JLangevin" came to my rescue. "...
I am getting a new computer soon, I wonder what computer specs would meed the requirement of FSX to see moving cars on the road, animals in the woods, and birds in the sky, with at least 18 fps.... Thanks!...
i want to no cuz i might get linux...
does anybody know how to get the callout altitudes to start i watched a you tube video and a 737-800 the callout started at 500 feet and down to 10 feet my 737 800 does not call out the altitudes at all ..any help is appreciated...
Will there by some chance be a DX10 port for windows XP? I just saw a website in google ( that says that DirectX 9.L will be a DirectX 10 for XP. Is this true?...
Hi all. Can someone please tell me how to gget to Everest. I just can`t seem to find it. PLZ HELP...
Dear All, I have recently patched my copy of FSX deluxe with SP1. It all seems to work fine, loading a flight and flying it. However, when I leave full-screen mode, say to change aircraft, change settings, use the save dialog box, or view the map, i...
Ok guys, it's my first time posting and I looked everywhere in the forums to make sure I wasn't asking questions that have already been answered. So, if they're out there, my sincerest apologies for missing it and making the typical newbie mistake. ...
Hello, I have the PMDG 747 and often I watch all the controls moving in the cockpit, like rudder peddals, nose wheel steering, yoke and so on. But when I slam the brake I don't see anything moving. So what do jet pilot push or pull to engage brakes? I d...
question what is this SP1 and SP2 ive been seeing people talk about recently what is it what does it do?...
I was just wondering how to manually add AI flights to FSX. I already have all of World of AI's flight plans from but this obviously doesnt have all airliners especially local ones which fly from my local airport.l I have downl...
Spin recovery is a staple of flight lessons. Typicaly pull the yoke back, get into a stall and with a single engine, the plane falls off to the left and nose pitches down. Without any correction, the horizon comes up and you're watching the world cycle ro...
Hello all, I am trying to do the manual engine start on the FSX stock 737 - just don't want to press CTRL-E to start up the plane. So, I start battery power, get the APU running, and turn on the engine (move the cutoff level up) - then repeat for e...
Did i read somewhere that FSX dosen't support dual core and will only use 2GB of RAM no matter how much you have installed....
Need some advice on configuring my nVidia 8800GTS 640meg card - Do these look acceptable????? or are changes needed??? Thanks in advance as always. cthiggin Do these Look Correct? Nvidia 8800GTS 640 Meg GLOBAL SETTINGS: Feature Setti...
After I upgraded to FSX I never got fly using 2D cockpit because I can NOT see the ground. I can easely change the view angle using VC using keyboard or mouse. Any suguestion ?...
I made a folder to put it in called Boeing 707 AFO put the sundpanel model etc in and droped it into mysimobjects aircrasft folder and its in the aircraft menu hwever when I select it it say aircraft instillation failed and it just put me back with the de...
Hello Fellow Simmers - We have have read Phil's tweaks - other forum tweaks - of "their" FSX.cfg tweaks after installing SP1 - I really need to know - Installed TileProxy, and uninstalled - it was supposed to revert to the "previous" FSX.cfg that I ha...
HI simmers. Just wondering if any of you can suggest some neat places to fly and what plane would be best. I just want to see the FSX World. For example, does the Niagara Falls exist? How does it look? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Th...
Hello fellow simmers, I have really noticed the bad "blurries" after SP1 - How do "we" deal with those rascals? - I "know" not everyone is experiencing them, but a lot of folks are - especially if you attend other forums. Your help and expertise is alwa...
I seem to remember that sometime in the past there was a fix to improve the look of water against the shore line. I can't recall what the fix did, but I think it had to do with the water over-lapping the ground texture. does anyone remember this fix? If s...
I downloaded an Opensky 738, updated from a FS2004 to work in FSX. My problem is there is no Virtual Cockpit. How can I alias one from the FSX 738? Or what files do I need from the FSX 738 folder to place a VC in the OS 738? Thanks in advance....
Hello fellow simmers, After many of your great replies on my two previous posts on "shimmers & blurries", mine has settled down pretty good. Like a lot of you folks, the "tweaking" is fairly new for me in FSX and especially SP1 - I've read "Phil's Pos...
So I upgraded to Vista Premium on my AMD 5000 dual core w/ GeForce 7950 GT graphics card. Using latest release of NVIDIA graphics drivers. FS X didn't work at all so I uninstalled and re-installed. When I fly, my screen flashes, and I only see a br... Nvidia slashes 8800 Ultra price Computex 007 Partners get updated pricing By Theo Valich in Old Taipei: Wednesday 06 June 2007, 23:49 Click here to find out more! GRAPHZILLA was recently c...
Intel Core 2 Duo E6700 2.67GHz ATI Radeon X1950 Pro 512MB (maybe 2 in crossfire) GeIL 2GB (2x1GB) 800MHz Ultra Low Latency DDR2 x2 Abit Fatal1ty FP-IN9 SLi nForce 650 PCI-Express DDR2 Motherboar stuck with power supply, what power supply would yo...
I just bought me a joystick , saitek cyborg force something ( ) And my advice to all of you playing with the keybord is, buy one aswell. I had insane difficulties with flying a helicopter, now its 10x ...
Hey I have been looking for a new computer and was wondering if this computer will run FSX well. (Writing this straight from a magazine) Intel Quad Core (Q6600) 4G DDR2-800 RAM 2x320G Hard Drives Centurion t05 Case 18x Dual Layer DVD burner Al...
wouldnt it be great if when you are flying around the world and you talk to the atc they had the accents of where you are flying around so for example if you are in australia they had an australian accent, in india they had an indian accent it would make ...
Hello I am new to flight sim x and any other for that matter. I am getting a few add on programs for the game and I saw My Traffic which I thought looked really good cause ive always wanted traffic on the runways, My qustion is basiclly is it good? like a...
I just wanted to see if anyone has used any good tutorials for configuring the MCDU in the A300 series. It's required in order to fly this particular model of jet the right way. If you know of any good sources, please squeak... - K a r e e m...
A FS Radio Show is going to be online shortly, and it is going to be the first run by Clayton Locher. It is a test for the new radio show, but you call in and you can talk about Flight Simulator, and advertise for your virtual Airlines! Here is the link.....
i hope one day somebody will get an online virtual airports with arrivals and departures on a tight schedule and it being for all the virtual airlines except the numbwers might be a bit big except for that this would be much more realistic...
Hey guys, as you know I joined Virtual Airlines called "Toronto Pearson ATC" its really fun there and we got many aircrafts with different liveries. This one is 757 TPATC airlines. I was taking off at evening from vancuver international, and just somethin...
The topic of the much acclaimed Flight Simulator X is now mainstream news, and most of us have had time to obtain a copy or at least get a glimpse at what FSX really looks like. However, there is one FUNDAMENTAL problem: how come no-one can run FSX pro...
MustI go to the true spped of 17,500 m.p.h to maintain space flight otherwise I always fall back to earth no matter what the altitude???...
The little research I have dicovered in the last 24 hours is that FSX may not play better with dual core than a good single core. I think I agree as I have upgraded to dual core. I upgraded from a 7600 NVidia to a 7950 at the same time as cpu upgrade. Gam...
does anybody know about a repaint for a mooney bravo for fsx besides the bare metal one?...
Please specify from whom...
Multiplayer Server for FS8 & FF9 (Free) :radar:...
Can anyone explain what these functions are and how they are used in the FSX model airplanes (not PMDG). Also, is there a way to change the HSI display on the 747 to a more detailed display with your flight plan on it?...
I plan on buying a new pc soon. The only game I want to play is MFSX. I want to be able to play it in high quality. I realize that the system requirements on the box are far less than what I really need. My question, what is the weakest processor and ...
before SP1, when I click on the F12 key, I get an overview of the terrain. If I press the minus key (-), I can zoom out until I see the earth as a globe. however, after I installed SP1, when I press the minus key (-), the scenary will zoom out a b...
My computer for games does not have the minimum system requirements for FSX. Would FSX work on a laptop?...
I posted here before about my aircraft constantly deflecting to the left a bit and the problem hasn't changed. Instead it became a very serious annoyance. I have tracked the problem to the rudder. As soon as I choose "autorudder" the plane no longer de...
Hi I have a question about the G1000: Is there an ADF, and if so how do you plug the frequency in and how do you see it on the PFD, and identify it(you can't selsct the ADF radio selector, does this mean no ADF) O, don't tell me to plug it into the GPS...
I am considering getting FSX, but only if it will run without the need of having a CD in the drive the same as FS2007 does. Can someone tell me if it needs one or not....