Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
Will the FSX Service Pack 1 (SP1) have any changes for the Software development Kit (SDK)? I know there is already available a patch for the SDK and I've not seen anything that says further patches for SDK are bundled with SP1. Reason I ask is I've ...
Someone asked a while back what all the awards were for the missions in FSX. I found this site last night. Didn't know half of them existed. kind of makes you want to go back and try some of the earlier missions ...
Yeah, not sure why this happens but it seems that every time I change from one view and return to cockpit view, a strange thing happens. When I'm clicking on the buttons in cockpit view and just after the little description balloon appears above the parti...
so my pilot's log is no longer recording flights. what is the best way to reinstall this so it works - or can that even be done?...
Are there any free downlaodable aircraft carriers that you can land on for any FSX or any other version of flight simulator?...
Does anyone know how to cancel my account for this website? I cant find the option anywhere. I emailed the staff a couple weeks ago and I still have gotten nothing back. Thanks.... This was taken from the onboard camera after a test from groom lake Here is a few more https://forum....
Where do I go to uninstall FSX?...
any1 know where there is an oil rig in free flight ❓...
When i got my new addon to FSX, i thought it was going to be great. I downloaded the game as directed and started playing. I've noticed that there is NO air traffic, and i am the only one on the USS Ronald Reagan. I also am not able to fire the catapul...
during the daytime, the signs that designate the names of the runways show up just as white boxes with no writing in them. At night however, they are red with clearly visible names on them. Is this just part of the program ?...
Hi, I really enjoy reading all the posts and great advice on this forum, but I have a problem I seem to be unable to find a solution. I have had all the FS editions that came out, last one was FS 2004, where I was able to do ILS Landings without a...
Hello all, I'm not a very skilled FSX pilot but I tinker a little with FSX's Flight Planner. I am pretty good at getting an airliner off the ground using Autopilot, reaching cruising alt, with little or no problem. However, I can't seem to land the air...
How do u get smoke on other aircraft other than the extra 300s? and if so how do u get it in different colors? FSX...
I just downloaded the Antonov An-224 Mriya, the world's biggest airliner from Russia for those who are unfamiliar with the aircraft. I was wondering other than Edwards Airforce Base, what other airports are suitable for this plane, and what airports does ...
Well I have been searching for the payware scenery and loved what I looked at but I had a few questions on some. What is your favorite Payware scenery that you guys would want or have? This again might be a stupidi question but even if your computers skip...
hey, im pretty new to fsx and i was wondering how do i make the aircraft announce altitude like it does in real life at 500, 400, 300, etc when landing???...
Are any of these posible? My main computer runs all the graphics while 2-3 sub computers (connected via gigabit ethernet) display the gauges? I want to modify a keyboard by soldering wires and extending buttons and switches as external realistic con...
So. My video card and monitor are both capable of displaying 1400:900. This is what I have my Vista Desktop set to and it looks great. What do I set the game resolution to? IS there optimum setting or should I just set it to 1400:900 like my system set...
Which is better for playing FSX on windows XP: Core2 Duo 1.8Ghz or Pentium D 3Ghz? The computer will have 1 gig of RAM. And which is better: ATi or nVidia? I'm thinking of getting either a GeForce 7300GT or 7600GS. Which will be better? Thanks...
Please read the following Quote.... “The latest version of Microsoft Flight Simulator* X, Service Pack One (SP1), due out later this month, is a great match for the extreme multi-core processing delivered by the new Intel Core 2 Extreme quad-core pro...
I searched for and already found a thread on this topic but it didn't really help the problem I am experiencing. When I try to get to turnpoint two, the engine begins stalling as I get over 7k feet. The mountain you are required to cross is unfortunatel...
ok if anyone knows or works on or by the janet termianl I have a few questions 1. how old must you be to strat flying janet? 2. Can you fly janet for a couple of years then go to fly for airlines jumpstarting your flying career? 3. If you apply for janet...
Does anyone know all the hotkeys for FSX? If so could you please state them?...
Just a short video of the F-16 in Iraq... Someone thought my F14 video was an F16, so I decided to make a video for this aircraft as well... Its amazing how nimble it is!
Hi, I've read so many posts on this board and am not sure which way to turn as some people with relatively modest systems seem to have FS X working fine and others with great systems say it hardly runs well at all. I guess it all depends upon your ow...
Please help me to get the suitable graphic card especially to run FSX. Are Nvidia Geforce cards or PCI cards gives the best perfomance in FSX. Sametime how much difference does it make between Intel Pentium D 2.8mhz and Dual core Intel 1.86mhz. Thanks fri...
I was watching some neat clips on Youtube and there was a video where the pilot had the view from outside behind the plane. We all know that if you fly with that view and turn the plane goes off center. This pilot was able to change the view by dragging...
What are: Back course hold? Yaw Damper? Nav Hold? What are these switches on Autopilot? What do they do. Only switches I use in A/P are: Heading Hold Auto Thrusts Approach hold Altitude and Incline Level knob. Thanks in ...
Anyone else expieriencing problems with this mission? On final into naples the throttle opens up and jets spool up to 95% about 2 miles out. This has happened in both deluxe version and standard version FSX. I was coming in to low the first time and added...
"Could not load Direct3D device" While I was loading a mission, all of the sudden this message came!SOmeone help!...
Ok, i was just flying the other day in the DH Beaver Floatplane in FSX. When i touched down on the water, i got some wierd effects. The water was not in a spray form but realy wierd. Once i have found out how to post pictures on here, i will put one up. P...
My computer has started a new generation of framerates. Instead of fps, it has made it to fpm, frames per minute! WHo else has thisstoo?...
Hello everyone, just bought the game and am new to the forums here. I been itching to play FSX, but my current computer is causing some technical problems. I am able to install the game, but when I try and launch I receive an error message saying "Flig...
I may have asked this in another topic but not as a subject. I'm hoping to get help. FSX works fine except for the black plane. Any ideas? It does not do this when playing.... Weird.. right?...
I approach the runway normally at around 145 - 150kts. On ILS i get the autopilot level me out and bring me down on mt descent. By the time im 5NM out i have full flaps and travelling down at 145- 150 kts. At about 800ft i cut off the autopilot and the...
Hello everybody I would like to hear if anyone knows what the RAM does to FSX. Is there any difference between 1 gb and 2 gb RAM at all? Hope you can help me!...
I am thinking about getting this computer: HP Pavilion Media Center TV m7795 Intel® Core™2 Duo Prozessor E6400 (2.13 Ghz) Original Windows Vista™ Home Premium Intel® Viiv™ Technologie Intel® 945G Express Chipset 3 GB of Rame ...
Im getting antcey to make another video since I am slow at work right now and have some time... Im thinking of finding a cool Apache model and make a video with my Helicopter skills with both an Apache, and my Cobra.... but Im running out of other ideas.....
Hello. I have already installed fsx on 1 computer. If I use the same set of 2 cds on another computer with the same key, will the installation work?...
it was a blast !!! I downloaded a Jeep, and was driving it around Hawaii. It was FUN FUN FUN !!! in one down hill section, the Jeep was airborne for a second !!! but don't drive it too fast, you can overstress it easily....
Which Free Flight has the Aircraft Carrier I can practice landing on?...
does anybody know exactly what is transferable from FS2002 and FS2004 to FSX? is there a conversion program available?...
pretty nifty japanese site
What is the highest you have gone? I was able to get a little over 400,000 feet above earth and I was outside of the atmosphere....
Radarman and tailhook and a few othrs gave me some great advice o how to reinstall fsx but I recentley found the proble it wasn't fsuip but rather this ➡ I did what it said download the the the item I unzippe...
Im flying from coast to coast in a lear 45 and i was just wondering what would be a good general avation airport for a way point?...
my computer is running FSX on Windows home edition most of my settings on FSX are at meddium some one said that my computer is good but the ram isnt im willing to pay money to upgrade so will i need to ungrade anythoing else as well as my ram (or tell ...
When I've been inside the fuselage of a real commercial airliner, whenever the we're preparing to takeoff, I've always heard those flaps being extended or lowered. The sound is usually fairly loud but FSX doesn't include that. And landing gear is usually ...
In the A321 my auto break does not work and where are the HDG, NAV buttons to track a heading, vor or GPS flt. some things seem to be missing here. :cry:...