Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.
Can anyone tell me if its possible to remove bridges from FSX. The reason I ask this is because on the River Thames next to the millennium dome in London there are a series of very low foot bridges crossing the river making it impossible for anthing but a...
Has anyone completed the Civil Air Patrol Mission in FSX? I cannot seem to get my aircraft (Maule) to climb to enough altitude to navigate around the mountains and valleys. I get to the first checkpoint (turn point 1) and after the other plane reports its...
How do I load a saved game? I have a saved game but I don't know how to load it. Also, I'm sort of stuck in the gliding mission, at the part I need to enter the second gate, where you have to glide along side the mountain, but I don't understand what t...
I have removed and reinstalled FSX and my product key will not activate program it is in Demo mode. Please help!...
So I wanted to change my FSX UI music for the startup to something custom, not just the FSX001 and all those. So I imported a .wav file into the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Sound\UIMusic folder, closed the folder, then op...
Hi everyone. I am having problems when flying plane in FSX. Before & after take off I am unable to change the setting the elevator trim. The result of this is that the aircraft points straight up to the sky and nothing I do will correct this which res...
I was just wondering. I got a Plane from the Steam store and i was wondering that other players can see it on online mode?...
About a week ago I bought the quality wings 757. I then realized that you needed to buy from navigraph or a similar site. Is there a free way to get fms data even if it's slightly outdated?...
Hello, Could someone tell me if there is a utility to convert .PLN routes to .RTE in FSX? I have the utility that does this or FS9 (pln2rte) but not in FSX. Also, I have a utility for FSX, but it only does .PLN to ,RT2. Thanks for your help!...
I am trying to reinstall FSX delux on Windows 10. I have restored the computer because of some other problems and now I need to start over with FSX. Getting error 1722 when it is almost done installing. I have deleted all FSX files twice and still getting...
The creator of the A330-300 for FSX Thomas Ruth, suggests to delete the two forward slashes (//) in the aircraft.cfg file to enable 'fly by wire' for this aircraft. I tried to do that, but was unable to as the required 'save as' did not allow the file to ...
Hallo I fly flight simulator for many years now, but still I have a small but important problem. You see, when I was taxiing in FS9 I could slowly turn the rudder to the left or right and then to break-even I could push the button which I've had ap...
I've had 2 aircraft fail to launch from a catapult in the last days. I'm setting the carrier from "aicar2r2" 10km off shore from Whidbey NAS, take off and land on the carrier. I take the aircraft to the catapult and everything works as it should in connec...
Hi all 😎 Just wondering whether you are able to bring stairs to your aircraft if the ATC has not directed you to a particular jetway? and also whether you are able to get a food truck because i have seen them driving around but haven't be a...
FS9 and previous allow one to lower or heighten the horizon above the combing of the intruments panel e.g. see the ground in a climb to flight level etc. Trying to do this in FSX produces no shift of screen and angle of cimb view at all. Tried it on thre...
I installed Horizon Central England VFR scenery , and Horizon Vol 2 Airfields . The Airfields were all surrounded by large areas of what looked like water . I , therefore , uninstalled the scenery , leaving the airfields installed , and installed Just Fl...
I have been playing around with FSX for years but only now that I have retired am I getting more serious about it. The result of this is that I find that I know so little it is amazing. I will probably have lots of questions but right now just trying t...
Hello All, I have Windows 7 Professional. I am trying to uninstall and reinstall the FSX software on my system (I just changed/ upgraded my graphics card). It looks like it may be a painstaking exercise. I am trying to uninstall my add ons first. What...
Well i got FSX-SE 5 days ago and had nothing but trouble with it.Most of which has now been sorted. But the major bug i have is when i launch the game into 5760x1080. The Virtual Cockpit shows a black screen.If i launch it in 1920x1080 its all fine. I ... this is my prblem ^...
I have used RWY 12 for many years with MS XP with no problems. I now have MS10 installed and now wish to use RWY12. Everything has been installed including FSUIPC,MSXML.MSI and Dotnetfx NET framework. The Object Placer's SYNC/FS Position Button does not ...
When starting the Slingload Tutorial mission in FSX on Windows 8, the mission ends before it begins: as soon as I switch my view to cockpit view (which I always do in every mission -- I use either the virtual cockpit or 2-D cockpit at all times, since I c...
Hello, I have a MADCATZ FLY 5 Joystick, with 2 throttle levers, and I want to make those 2 levers, control the 4 engines of the pmdg 747. I know I can do it with FSUIPC, but the problem is that the latest version of FSUIPC doesn´t record(if this is ...
Ok. So. I just downloaded the F/A-37 Talon from Simviation. And I also just watched the movie Stealth. I was wondering, how can I make my F-37 do a cobra like in the movie? I know it's a cfg file thing. Can someone post a cfg file that'll let me do a cobr...
HI, Just wondering if there are any actual bases for the float planes in FSX? I am currently flting into X44 and have flown around Seattle, but when landing on water, there doesn't seem to be a ramp or parking area to fuel, unload your cargo, or passenger...
Good Afternoon All, I've been putting up with this glitch for quite some time but now I'm wondering if there's a way to fix it. After I installed FSX Acceleration (FSX Gold Edition) I noticed a slight distortion of my default gauges and panels. It's...
I just bought the game and on very first install i got an error 1305 message saying a certain texture file is missing. Can anyone help me with this...
Hi! So i've put my route into the fmc, put all the airways etc in. I've decided which runway and ILS i want to land on, the problem is how do i find out/know which approach to make? i've tried looking online for charts but i can't work out what means wha...
Hi I was wondering if there is an addon to call stairs and buses to aircraft in fsx...
I am not having any success online addressing this issue. I installed FSX Gold Edition, which came with 2 CDs for FSX Deluxe and 1 CD for FSX Acceleration. The 2 CDs for FSX Deluxe were installed successfully (I was able to put in the product key to acti...
Ho trovato su internet un nuovo sito, che nei prossimi giorni dovrebbe caricare lo scenario di Comiso, io sono molto interessato visto che a me servirebbe uno scenario per fsx di Comiso se qualcun altro e' interessato questo e' il link: http://italyscener...
Long time lurker first time poster. Hey all 😀 I'll freely admit that I am a bit of a badge collector. I've been trying for ever to get the 'Best Club Time' trophy in the Swedish Championship Soaring Course. I have the 'Best Course Time' bu...
I just recently purchased a new pc with windows 10 and my FSX deluxe edition will not load or run, is there anything I can do to fix this problem...
May I ask our esteemed a/c designers if they know of any Britannia 312 a/c for free down load ? The icing on the cake if there is one wouldbe having it in British Eagle livery. I flew G-AOVT (now at Duxford) as Chief Steward back in the 60s. As...
Hi everyone. I am new to FSX and have continued to get the OOM error. I have no add-ons and have reduced my sliders. I am currently at work so I do not have my specs handy. I know I have a 3.5 Ghz processor, 8Gb of RAM and a Radeon R9 graphics card. An...
Hi there, There seems to be a problem in the FSX when you fly in the weather mode-"heavy snows". After you take off and reach the cruise altitude, the airspeed indicator on the primary flight display stops functioning and is back at 000. And u really ...
When I select either of these a get a click sound but no display. How do you activate them ?...
😞 Fsx real weather not updating for about a week now. As of 11/26/15. Was working for several months. Does it still work with Jeppsen?...
i am sure i read a post about a fix to make the 747-400 included plane fly at a level angle at crusing speed & altitude, it always seems to sit at least 5 degrees nose up. is the a cfg file out there to fix this, and is there any for the other stock plane...
Hello flight simmers, i Need immediate assistance, been facing so much fps drop and joystick disconnection while playing, i even added the highfixme and bufferpool to the cfg folder still no use, these are my hardware specs: Processor AMD FX(tm)...
Hello all, Before I get into my question, here is some information on my PC. My PC specs are as follows: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4690K CPU @ 3.5GHz AMD Radeon (TM) R9 390 Series 16 Gigs of ram (4 sticks of 4) Can anyone tell my why I can play any ...
i have installed the pmdg 737 ngx and the 8900 update but when i load up the aircraft none of the buttons in the cockpit are clickable and nothing will work. very annoying and disappointing but is there anything i can do?...
hello to everyone, I just downloaded FSX and I have the following problems. I hear either the control tower repeating the same sentence two and three times over , the same with co-pilot. I also dont have the upper frame t...
Hi, Ive been having problems with my PDMG 777 textures and other 777 textures. My textures are all grey. When i first got the PDMG 777 pack no textures were showing. after 4 months of re search nothing has come up. even on forums nothing helps. i hope i...
Every time I start fsx It loads for a few secs then a window pops up saying a fatal error has occurred and it shuts down. Is there anything I can do without uninstalling it. Or is there a fsx log that I can look at to see what occurred? Thanks...
Hi all! Here at Editors Keys, we specialise in creating fully dedicated pro standard PC and Mac keyboards for specific software from video editing to audio production - the good news for you lucky lot is that we are now branching out into the gaming u...
I'm running FSX on Windows 7, 64 bit Alienware computer. At exactly "08" past each hour, FSX minimizes. I don't have a screen saver or instant messenger and I'm kind of puzzled and can't figure if it's my Epson printer checking the network, or maybe Malwa...
Hi, I was just wondering about the Catalina Day Spa mission, if you actually get to the island or if the mission consists of an engine failure and landing on the Aircraft carrier. Not too sure. My engine failed, and being smack in the middle between the t...
Hi there Looking for some help with an error message that occurs when I try to install FSX. Message is : 1608 Unable to create installdriver instance.......Return code 2147024894. Have copied DVD's 1 & 2 to a folder on my HDD in attempt to run setup.ex...
I like some input from those who have experience with ICE AI Version 5. I do not have FEX/ Steam which I understand is required for V 6?? Please let me know why you like 5, or dislike it? Q- Does it place traffic at ALL airports? or, just select loc...