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i get a problem every time i use it where it says problem with aloft server. try again later. this happens all the time. for about hour then it will work. any 1 else have prob?...
Can anyone give me a simple explanation about the acronyms FMS (Flight Management System) and FMC (Flight Management Computer)? Are they the same thing? Am I right in thinking that a FMS/FMC is a tool which gives you an indication about navigation and ...
Still a student pilot here. Flying with no ILS, on to a grass runway. I was a little high to land. I asked to go around again. How far in nm, and altitude do i need to be at for my approach on my second attempt? Thanks, stocz2...
I have the PSS Boeing 777 and its hard for me to take off in it. I have used plently of flaps and I full throttle this sucker but its like I get to the end of runway and I reach 170 knots and I think I need like 215 or something like that and its like I c...
I believe the hardest airort to fly into is Paro airport in Bhutan. I flew a Learjet from Kathmandu in Nepal To Paro in Bhutan. It is an extremely fast descent into the airport and almost didn't make it. It is in the bottom of a valley. Check it out and s...
Can anyone please tell me where i can get a repaint, textures, etc for a boeing 747-400 British Airways. oh and what you think of FSPASSENGERS, I THINK THIS ROCKS !!!!...
FS9 / FSX Anti Aliasing Problems no longer. Are you getting problems with jaggeredy edges in FSX or FS9 with a Nvidia Graphics Crad? If so read on. 1) Uninstall old graphics card driver (Control Panel -> Add / Remove Hardware -> "Nvidia Driver...
Having a problem when I engage AP in my 737-800. I'll take off and will be flying and climing runway heading,While climbing AP is off, I do have my desired altitude plugged in and the ALT Hold switch engaged. Say I have it set for 14000 feet, I'll climb u...
Hi all, SO glad to have found your forum and website, done a little bit of searching and so far I know for sure this is a great place to be. I wonder if anyone has had any sudden system crashes on flight sim 2004 within 10 seconds of taxiing, but no...
Hi, I recently installed FS9 on my newer system, and can't seem to adjust my display settings. Everything runs fine until I go to change all of my graphic options. Mainly, the only tab that shows is the scenery, and then, none of the bars even move. I've ...
Any of you guys think you can navigate using a pencil, compass and a stopwatch alone?. If you can't and you wanna learn how to, check out the Flight Diversion Handbook at Its a got some pretty awesome stuff....
I've always played this game without problems. Today when I loaded up FS2K4, chose the Cessna, choose Heathrow and choose weather as real-world weather it showed the progress bar form jepessen but when it reaches 22% FS2K4 just quits automatically :S T...
For anyone who can hep me! hey pilots i have a huge problem lining up the aircraft to the runway and also directing the airplane into the correct positioning to land 100 nm away! i just need someone to tell me which is the best way to do this and how t...
Hi, Can someone tell me where i can download the fs2004 update. I have looked on Microsoft Website but the FS2004 site no longer exists. I'll be greatful. Thanks...
Hi, Just wondering, are you using auto rudder or not? What are the benefits you get from not using it? Are there any? Cheers 🍻 NSX...
Hi, Did a crosswind landing without knowing it would happen, replayed it on fraps, please have a looky, and tell me what you think 😀
My FS2004 runs normally on my desktop machine and completes a long flight without problem - running on XP. However, on my laptop - also running XP - the flight periodically minimizes itself and goes into 'pause' mode leaving me with my normal desktop. Ma...
hello people i got a new computer yesterday and installed fs9 and fsp. i put in my unlock codes for fsp however half way through my flight it aborted it and said i need to unlock it. and whenever i start fs9 it is telling me its unlocked. is this a vis...
Downloaded a Cessna ?, the other day. I had myself (pilot) 255 lbs. A pessenger 260 lbs. And about 45 lbs of other weight. Click ok, a red message said over weight. Had to get rid of my passenger. Lower my other weight. And was only able to get about 20% ...
my mouse is all glitchy when ever i move it. It 's hard to tell what I'm clicking when I move it around and it is just plain annoying. Anybody know what i can do to fix this. Thanks in advanced. 😀...
Greetings to all. I just had one questions for you: I own the PMDG 737 and the GF-MCP Advanced Autopilot and each time I load my PMDG and try to control the autopilot from my module it disconnects. I heard that PMDG has a fix for the GF-MCP pro but I am n...
Hi everyone, Does somebody on the forum use the Logitech 3D Force Joystick? If so, what kind of sensitivity settings do you use? I've been trying to fine tune the settings, but the stick makes the plane way to shaky. What's the catch?...
When i 1st got FS9 (a while ago), i was just stuffing around hitting random keys to see what they do!! Somehow i managed to move my camera from one plane to another. IE. i was flying around, and i hit some bottons, then the next thing i knew the camera mo...
My 2D Cockpit flickers. It has a this Horizontal flicker that wont go away, and it is ONLY in 2D Cockpit mode. 3D and Spot Views have no flicker. What is causing this? It seems to happen on most of my aircraft... Please advise......
I dont quite understand when you have to fly IAP. In FS9 and Radar contact, you automatically get the vector service all the way to the localizer. But STAR and IAP sound like a great deal in real-world flying. So my question is: in the real world aviation...
hi everyone i need the fs2004 patch 9.1 but i can't find'it... someone can tell me where to download the patch, i search in microsoft but is not there anymore another question: i have the aibus vol1 from wilco publishing and when i start the simula...
hei,, can anyone direct me to a website, that lists almost all 737-500 destinations in the world?...
Hi everyone! So, I've been flying fs9 for a while now but the one thing ive never seemed to figure out was how to stop the plane from chasing the correct course in autopilot....for example, if im set to a VOR going to it at 120 degrees, even if im far out...
Is there any utility like Active camera (not freeware) that i can look for?...
Why is Malaga Airport ILS Runways showing up as Runway 14 and Runway 32 on fs2004?? I flew to malaga (real life) and back for a week and the runways are infact 13 and 31 any chance of a fix??...
I recently purchased the Abacus Airbus Fleet and am having problems landing. Thus far I have only used the A319 but everytime I try to land it will bounce wildly. No matter how smooth an angle I land at and no matter at what speed i land it is a bi...
I have been looking/experimenting with adding an autothrottle to the Mike Stone C130. I have added the proper lines, switch and readout window to the .cfg and panel. When I engage the AP and AT, and set the proper IAS, everything works fine until I reac...
Hey.. Can anyone tell me all the speeds, for take-off, climb, cruise, decent, landing, for B737-500?...
Lets say I want to take off in my Cessna 172, departe to the north, flying VFR at an altitude of 2000 feet. I contact ATC and they direct me to runway 24. So now I taxi to runway 24, take off, and then what? Should I fly the traffic pattern departur...
I've had an account here for a couple of years but have only recently started reading the forums. So I'm a bit of a newbie here myself. I just read the Favorite Airports Topic by Phoebe and I've found a number that I want to mention in a reply ther...
I got the just flight boeing 777 professional by the I use plenty of flaps but its like I am not going fast enough - not getting enough thrust. I get up to around 120 knots and I still cant lift off. Any ideas?...
What is carb heat and what should I do with it while flying vfr? In none of the lessons in FS2004 I found out anything about it... Thanks!...
Hi all, Having recently installed FS9 onto my computer, downloading and installing the 9.1 patch, I am having one problem with FS9. This problem pertains to the kneeboard. I can open the kneebaord, however, when I click on "Checklist", and click on t...
I've seen other people with this problem but i have not seen how others have solved it... I install FS2004 and it seems to install just fine but when i start the program I get an alert that about 17 .DLLs are missing or corupt, then it closes... I've uni...
Is it possible to freelook (ie, with the mouse) while in the cockpit view? I know I can push shift+numpad to look directly left, right, forward, backwards etc, but I would prefer to smoothly look around in all directions. Is this possible?...
any way we can get it in FS?...
I just installed PMDG 747 yesterday, and today when i started doing the practice flight (KLAX to KEDW) with FSpassengers on, I randomly lost the toolbar (I AM NOT IN FULL SCREEN). I right click to show/hide toolbar, the menu wont come up... I press alt...
Hi, Just a quick question: On the Cessna 172 SP cockpit panel in the middle on top you have 3 lights with 'O M I' written on them. What are they?...
Hey, I purchased few days ago the PMDG 747-400 and now I try to use it, but for some reason, when I am starting my flight, the gauges shut down, after few seconds, and you cant see nothing no engine controls, not attitude indicater... you know what i am t...
Well my other planes sound like the jet engines and when I load these aircrafts they sound like a prop plane and they never used to be like this....
Hey, I'm missing some scenery files in my scenery folder for FS2004 and that is why my scenery is acting up and it looks very bad,you can look in your scenery folder and compare to the pic and see which ones I'm missing,if you know which ones I'm missing...
Where can I find traffic and moving gate (jetway) that goes on the plane after I land...
I get "PANEL" lights ok in the Baron-58, but not "NAV" lights (nice red glow on the individual instruments). Is this normal? Kevin...
I've had the IFLY 747-400 for a while now, but not spent much time with it. I'd installed it, got sick of poor fps, uninstalled it, reinstalled get the idea. Anyway, I've just reinstalled it and I'm actually really starting to enjoy it.... B...
Anyone try the new Nvidia graphics drivers? I have the 8800GTX SLI cards and am curious as to how the new drivers work with fs2004? Is there a way to enable SLI with fs2004?...